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Adam Lambert Takes Boxers from Fan and Wipes Sweat

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 11, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fast forward to 2:20 to see.

Thanks to tantun!


Anonymous said...

Yes, he is a supernova!

Anonymous said...

Haha, we were all laughing our asses off when he did that :)

Anonymous said...

i wish i could have that <3

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I can'r stop laugh!

The Dark Side said...

Saw this yesterday, but wasn't sure what it was. Thought it might be some granny pants. Boxer's you say--no wonder Adam got close and personal. A hoot to watch any which way.

Anonymous said...

He is looking beautiful & so happy in this video.

Anonymous said...

dayum - the wiping of the sweat was the tamest of things in this vid - so sexy, I Love it, it's entertaining, it's erotic, IT'S FUN!

Adam is Adam and sexy is sexy and vocals to die for

Anonymous said...

Yes 1:32, Adam does look so happy in this video, good for him, I'm glad.

Anonymous said...

My Auntie there and said whole show best ever. I told her how good it was going to be.

Anonymous said...

I soooo happy to see Adam that happy, love him.

laurieb said...

OT: heres a link to muchmusic for the top 50 videos.. adam is in the list.. you have to vote for 10 artists and can only vote once every hr..

This video with the boxers is too funny.. gotta love Adam

Anonymous said...

Twentieth Century Boy ...... Twenty First Century MAN!!

Our Toy

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy????????????????

Anonymous said...

back to the thread "hands in pants", anon spoke of Adam being frisky and another anon was looking for his "friskyer" vid. Here is the vid the van was talking about. Yes, he was quiet
frisky here!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love SUZ526's seat here in the balchony. Boy, she is an expert on zooming in with Rolando. She targets the spot and goes for it. Thank you Suz, You are the greatest!!
I love this vid. Adam is very funny. Not only did he wipe with the boxers, he made a motion of running them through is crotch area. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Wow for a change, i can see that there will be a consensus that in the Copenhagen GNT, Adam was exquisitely glowing with so much happiness. There was something that night that made him look EXTRAORDINARILY BEAUTIFUL. Of course he always gives more than 100% even when under the weather but the way he does it is simply incredible. He makes the stage look like a big playground where he is just enjoying his time. He is a natural entertainer which is what his mom has always been saying. I can now understand why i never get offended with his risque moves. It is because he does it with no malice at all, with no intention to offend and because he has the right orientation about sex contrary to what was taught us by old school folks. I am reminded of HK fan's perspective when she mentioned about such actions being obscene seeing DOMs do it. It is just a matter of orientation and his parents were so smart in raising Adam. It makes me understand more why these Lambert boys are so unique in every way and lovable. How i'd love to be a member of the Lambert household :D

Adam is just finding ways to have fun in his GNTs because if he won't be that creative things will get boring. I always envy people whose work is related to their passion in life. Others are not that blessed and just work for survival.

If we are decided to follow Adam's career then we must be ready for a roller coaster ride. Remember what he said, he easily gets bored and he loves changing up things. He never even sings a song the same way twice. He loves to improvise maybe because of his jazz background in high school and his penchant for New Orleans. What Adam is showing all of us is just the surface and we ain't seen nothing yet.

Love what he did with the boxer shorts. Noticed that he didn't sniff it this time ha ha ha. Another great TCB. Thanks BB for the joy and laughter. And many thanks to Suz526 and Rolando :)


Cheril said...

Sounds like they love him. He is such a great entertainer. His smile lights up the room.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a refreshing change from the other night when all the naysayers were out in force over the "pant search" move. Predicting the end of Adam's career because of that ?? WTF ?? Maybe we can be ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 again. Thanks, everyone for your support of the fabulous, and unpredicatable Adam F Lambert!!!! What a ride he has us on.. Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Elizabth, thanks TO all the fans who "get" Adam (I was shocked by the homphobia displayed here, actually) and the message that he is trying to project. To the otheR so-called fans, tickets to the concerts of the many WGWG are a dime a dozen. Tasha, also from Canada


Anonymous said...

Adam is totally free and happy up there without any eyes judging him. Love him. Best of GNC.
Another fan from Canada.

Anonymous said...

Muy interesante y real la exposición de BING
sobre ADAM LAMBERT. Me encanto !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ Bing

Translation: @ HH just saied: Very interesting and real the Bing's exposition about Adam Lambert. I'm smitten! HH»

Well, Bing, what can I say? I'm smitten too!!!

@ HH: Algunas Glamberts están my gratas por mi traducción de sus muy amables comentários sobre dulce Adam y le mandan saludos, es decir, eres muy bienvenida a nuestro site. Te lo digo por mi misma y por las muchAs y los pocOs Glamberts que aqui comentan.

Anonymous said...

@HH - se puede saber de que pais eres? Estoy feliz de ver que despues 24/7 :D


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - wow thanks so much that was fast. Please don't get me wrong i just have a Spanish dictionary with me and so trying hard here but i'm not really conversant in Spanish. I only understand un poco :D


Left you a post in the Camila Grey thread. I really wish you well. From now on i promise to include you in my daily prayers. And i know it's easier said than done, but let's do our best to avoid stress because a lot of our ailments are attributed to it. Be safe and well Fan4fun.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, what are we being "forgiven" for?

BTW, I'm a fan of the Canadian Fans! (like Elizabeth). I agree with you gals, and want to say thank you for being "just the way you are".

Love the sweaty boxers incident!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam and I was very glad to see him happy and playful. You know he has to be under a lot of stress with soo many concerts. He really doesn't get much "down time" to relax. Plus, who knows what else is going on in Adam's life that we don't know about. Another thing --I am soo glad that I do not have to live my life in fear of having to be "forgiven" My concience and common sense is all I need.

Anonymous said...

Errrr... forgiven for what? What «incident»??? Oh, you mean some «another» blessing! Sure... a blessed underware piece that came to his sweet hands and sweaty relief... Oh, Yeah... I WAS BLIND BUT BUT NOW I SEE... OH, AMAZIBNG GRACE !!!

Anonymous said...

oooops! Typo mistake, I meant AMAZING grace.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Serena. I am committed to our HBIC unconditionally. Never seen anyone like him. Can't predict what Adam will do next, but it sure is a hella lot of fun, isn't it.

Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

@ Elizabeth from Canada
Why the glamhell I have this feeling that I do like you????

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun acabo de entrar en la página de Camila,
leí tu mensaje y desde este momento estás en mis oraciones diarias, pidiendo por tu recuperación.
Te envío un gran abrazo de fuerza, de alegría,de
energías positivas y mucho amor. Eres una persona muy especial y de gran humanidad. gracias por tu generosidad al apoyarme y espero estar presente en el círculo acompañándote en el
Hospital. Toma el amor y las energías positivas
de ADAM que te ayudaran en tu recuperación.
La música es curativa.DIOS TE BENDIGA Y TE CUIDE
(Este mensaje, también está en la Camila)

Anonymous said...

Dude is freak, you all are Freaks and I love you all. I am So relaxed ZENNNNNNN tonigh,no work 2morrow so it is BOOZ night <:o) WOOT WOOT
Hmmm, I can't decide b/n Heineken and Bluemoon. Of course I am gonna drink them all but can't decide with which to start. Maybe Bluemoon, so that it won't ruin my last Heinken taste....GENIUSSSS . If you are wondering what that was all, It is "TRIVIA" time.
sweet dreams peeps


Anonymous said...

before I go... this is for fan4fun, so that you feel better


Anonymous said...

@bing - sorry, what was my perpestive re something obscene, and what are DOM's?

HK fan

Anonymous said...

oops - perspective

judys dancin said...

Just got done ordering 3 FYE Cd's. Sent them to the Sister Soldier Project! Might order 3 more for the Music Can Cure Project! Might have to do that tomorrow, getting too tired. It's only $30.00 and no shipping charges!

Anonymous said...

Laurieb,how can we vote for Adam when there's no box to check for IIHY??I see the video is @ the top...but HOW do we get it down to where we can vote for it?Maybe I'm dumb,but this is a strange voting sheet.Tell me,& I'll vote for him & 9 more( as required)thanks

Anonymous said...

anon 10:40 pm - click this arrow ► to find Adam, I believe he is on the 3rd page and yes you have to pick 9 more artists to be able to vote.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan - hi sorry just saw your post. DOM stands for Dirty old men ha ha. I must have misread your comment re porn with the hundreds of post there. You know i shouldn't have trusted my impaired memory. Thought that what you said was something to that effect. I'm really sorry HK fan & should be very careful next time. My mistake :(


Anonymous said...

Geezus this performance is hot... but always the vocals to back up the sensuality and showmanship, ALWAYS, dude never disappoints!

Anonymous said...

Off subject but today I brought Adam Lambert Tour edition. It has a stripped DVD which includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Just wondering is this on sale worldwide or just selected countries? I brought mine in Brisbane it was #18. Have watched it a couple of times it is really, really, the bestest thing ever. I can watch Adam as much as I want now! It was a early xmas pressie to myself!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning from Sweden.
Now I found a very nice interview with Isaac and TommyJoe made by three swedish girls. They have just written down every word from the audio so there´s a lot of "Like" and "you know" but it´s a warm and happy feeling to it.
I don´t know where to post this so I put it in the first recent post for to day.


Anonymous said...

Very, very OT, but some of you might be interested in this...

Just skip.. me if you took enough of real-life showers for today and care only to have fun with the boxers! I'm so serious because I'm working on something about corporate identity but, hey, 'you are always on my mind'... :-)


Anonymous said...

That was one happy Adam and another perfectly sang TCB!

Anonymous said...

@Eva Nov 12 3:53AM -
Thanks so much for that link! That was very interesting. I hope the 24/7 admins make it a seperate thread actually, so that it has a better chance of getting read.

And I had to laugh at your mention of the "like" and "ya know" thing - actually, I felt right at home :), trying desperately to break one of my kids of that right now, lol!

Also, I wonder if the "Amelie" who is asking the questions is the Amelie who posts here??

Thanks again Eva,

Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope they make a seperate thread of it. It´s hard to know where to put things you find and want to share. Often I post it in the top recent post and then suddenly 20 new posts pops up and my super important news is buried deep down the rabbit hole.
The "like" and "ya know" we have here too. It´s "typ" and "liksom". How annoying is it? LOL
I want to beat the crap out of my younger cousins :-)


Anonymous said...

So funny Eva! And I know what you mean about "buried deep down the rabbit hole..." I wanted to post this vid link near the top of a new thread to improve its chances of being seen, but I gotta get out the door now so I'm just going to drop it here

It's an FYE vid from Denmark by " themiamalene " and themiamalene has several good vids of the Denmark GNT show... they are not great, but what I love about them is that they are mostly closeups, so for me personally it helps me tear my eyes away from AFL's physique (my fault, not Adam's!) and appreciate the stunning vocals of this concert, and also AL's face/facial expression - jeezus, the facial expressions alone could melt the polar ice caps, sometimes I watch vids and think - who needs visuals of below the neck (well, okay, that was taking it too far, lol, but you know what I mean, ha). But seriously, this FYE vid I've linked just strikes me as - IDK, Adam being Adam and everything the FYE song was supposed to be about to him... IDK, what do I know, I just think there's something special coming through in this vid (and some hot visuals w/ dancers and enthusiastic crowd cheering/singing)... and he is just so happy in these Denmark concert vids, good for him! I'm totally rushing, hope that all made sense ??, check out the vids from - themiamalene - on YT if you have time, they're interesting and enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

Excelente enlace FMG. Gracias!!!

WOW!!! Que miradas.......


Anonymous said...


YES! Thank you! I watched Fever too. He looks straight into the camera for a second there and the facial expressions are priceless.


Anonymous said...

@MGF thanks so much for the link. Great video :)


Anonymous said...

I asked the girls on the swedish fan site about Adam (because I didn´t have the chance to see him in Stockholm *crying again*)Those who met him at M&G said he was taller and much thinner than expected and had huge hands. And he was also as nice, friendly, laid back and easy to talk to as they expected. But they were to nervous to smell him. Damn!


Anonymous said...

Doble perfección, por dentro y por fuera.
"Que bello es nuestro querido ADAM "

Anonymous said...

BING, mi país es Venezuela,sigo a ADAM desde Idol
MIEDO!!!si no fuera por Internet, no sabría nada de su carrera. GRACIAS a 24/7 tengo una fabulosa información, 24/7 tiene un sistema de traducción excelente y yo al abrir este blog, marco el idioma español y tengo toda la información de comentarios y enlaces.Les doy las GRACIAS a ustedes, por sus atenciones es fantástico después de ver Adam en acción poder expresar con otros fans lo que sentimos e intercambiar opiniones, acerca de cualquier situación de ADAM. GRACIAS

Anonymous said...

@ Bing
Re. HH comments in this thread/translation

HH 8:37AM: «Doble perfection, inside and outside. What a beautiful is our dear Adam. HH»

HH 9:27AM: «Bing, my country is Venezuela, I follow Adam since Idol. FEAR!!! If it wasn't the Internet, I wouldn't know anything about his career. THANKS to 24/7 I have a fabulous information, 24/7 has an excellent system for traduction and when I open this blog, I set the Spanish language and I get all the information of comments and links. I thank you for your attention, it is fantastic after seeing Adam in action to be able to express with other fans what we feel and interchange opinions about any situation for Adam. THANK YOU. HH»

(from the hospital. Internet works here!!! I'm so happy). Thank you all for your attention at me. Now I feel everything will be OK. Glamily doesn't let me down! I'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

Viva, Fan4fun que grato saber que estás feliz con INTERNET siguiendo los pasos de ADAM.
Por favor guarda tu reposo, NO te canses por ahora con las traducciones, guarda toda esa
energía para que sigas recorriendo Europa con ADAM y tus comentarios, yo me contento con saber que estás bien positiva y cuidándote, sin stres.
Dios te Bendiga "todo va a estar BIEN"

Anonymous said...

@HH Nov. 12 at 9:27AM - it is nice to know that you are from Venezuela where most of the beauty queens come from. You must be pretty yourself :) The music of Adam knows no boundaries and Mr. Simon Cowell was so damn right when he said to Adam in American Idol that what they found instead was a GLOBAL STAR, INDEED!

HH la bienvenida a 24/7, muchas gracias y un saludo amable. Hope i got that right this time. The Philippines where i come from was under the Spanish rule for more than 300 years so we are familiar with the language. Enjoy the ride with us.


Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun - hurray you can access from there! Thanks for your time and effort & hope it is not too bothersome for you because i would rather that you sit back and relax if you can. Please forget about the translations for now so that you will have more time to rest Fan4fun. We would prefer it that way for the time being ok.

Muchas gracias, amor y luz