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Adam Lambert Talks About Losing His Virginity

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Here are some sneak peek quotes from Adam's episode! (from tvbythenumbers)


Pop-glam superstar Adam Lambert shares his unique Hollywood story exclusively with E!. Adam’s parents, brother and closest friends – plus American Idol judge Randy Jackson -all reveal their personal experiences with the musical prodigy in this one hour THS.

“I lost my virginity at 21 years old.and it was to a man, not a woman.uh, and it wasn’t very good. Sometimes it takes a little while to learn how to do that correctly.”- Adam Lambert

“He was probably one of the more evil infants. He cried a lot!”- Eber Lambert, Father

“Still, to a lot of people, Adam Lambert not winning ‘Idol’ – they still can’t believe it was even possible.”- American Idol Judge, Randy Jackson

“It’s kind of weird that he is now a sex symbol.” – Neil Lambert, Brother



Anonymous said...

I hope Neil gets over his jealousy and says something positive.

Anonymous said...

That´s why I love Adam so much. He's so authentic. Nobody ever talked about things of life so openly. He is the real deal. The best.

Anonymous said...


If you know Neil well enough, you would know he's just joking. Neil LOVES Adam and supports him a lot.

Anonymous said...

I don´t think Neil said something negative. I'd said the same if Adam were my brother. It´s just that he never saw him like that.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't sound like a slam from Neil to me, sounds like he is sort of bragging. They seem very close to me and I am sure Neil will have a great career someday.

Anonymous said...

Awww! Adam, you're soooo candid about almost everything!... such an open book‼ ☺

Neil is just being Neil. You know how we all grow up as siblings & we don't really look at our brother that way and now his bro Adam is being viewed as such that's why he said what he said. No jealously or rivalry.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh leave Neil alone. Jeez.

Dis is gonna be a gooooooood show!!!!


Anonymous said...

Who can ever look at a family member as a sex symbol.. come on guys lighten up. Neil is totally protective of Adam and I believe he's proud and amazed at his brother's success. He watched Adam struggle to make it!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I love him! SOO OpEN and Honest and true! Will Always support you Adam! :) 100% of the way! :)im just curios does anyone know if Adam has ever tried having sex with a women? Katie

Urethra_Franklin said...

2:46 EXACTLY!!!

If anyone asked me about any of my brothers being a sex symbol, I would fall out of my chair laughing.

Anonymous said...

How can you not love this boy!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Gee, I lost my virginity at 21, too. And it wasn't very good, either!

The Dark Side said...

Well at least Adam is honest. Losing one's virginity is not always a fun thing, regardless if you are gay or straight. Since I am a female, cannot speak to the male gender. And it is a time in one's life you tend to remember. Not least bit surprised that E will be going for the sensationalized type of story. My daughter was a model in her twenties, and there were times her brother never told anyone he even knew her. Family dynamics are strange at best.

Lolita said...

Yeah, baby! Practice makes PERFECT! Look at what it's done for his...ahem...singing....

Anonymous said...

I would think it was weird if my brother was considered a sex symbol, too. He's in the choir at his high school (and my former high school) and plays the guitar and mandolin and there are some girls that we jokingly say are his "groupies", but that's as far as it goes. As far as the virginity thing, I am still a virgin and I would rather stay a virgin than have terrible sex!

coloforadam said...

As Adam said in interview, that's why he keeps Neil around, to keep him humble and remind him where he came from. Nothing like a brother to fulfill that role. (or a sister for that matter). I think it's amazing that they can travel this long together and not strangle each other ..... so normal-typical-adorable!

Anonymous said...

EXACTLY‼... how can you not LOVE Adam! I love how he even said this - "Sometimes it takes a little while to learn how to do that correctly". ☺

Anonymous said...

@Lolita - hahahaha couldn't say it any better.

He is so candid that's why most interviewers seem to have a lot of fun working with him. And i simply adore this family.


Anonymous said...

Neil should run for office

Anonymous said...

Neil loves and admires his brother , i red somewhere that he said at the begining of AI8 , if Adam is in the contest all the others must go home and he was right , no jalousy just the brothers dont feel the sex appeal between them , i know bc i have a tween sister ... similar things

Anonymous said...

vote 4 Adam
hottest celebrity

Anonymous said...

that's why media are freaking crazy to follow our Adams life bec. hes is very intelligent and blunt.

Love it!!!!! and for Neil he is the best brother to protect his own and laughing about it ha!ha!ha!.

Good work Neil.................

LP said...

In answer to a question above, Adam said that he has never had sex with a female, but he would like to try sometime. He also said he was going to have sex with a female, but he was turned off, because she did't seem very clean. So who knows what might happen. Yes Neil is acting like a typical brother, although I was wondering what Neil will do this year after they come back from the next tour overseas. He is on the payroll now, but can Adam keep him employed when he is working on his new album.

Anonymous said...

Wow love Adam's openess in sharing something so personal

Adam <3

Anonymous said...

Just don't understand why US has such obessesion about sex all times. I am sure Adam was asked and then answered. Sometimes I wonder that the media was so concentrate on his sexuality and made him into this sex symbol. He has so much more to offer for his music to the world. I hope E make a good show base more on his music and his talent. And I hope US are ready this time for whatever he'll say about his sexuality on TV. Always love his openness and honesty.

Anonymous said...

Like someone upthread said "Neil will have a good career..." yeah if he keeps shining Adam's boots, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Neil just graduatred from UCAL and had just moved to Brooklyn. He will be most capable of getting a job and providing for himself. Thing is, will he make what his brother is paying him? That is anothr question. Heck, maybe Adam will always have him employed in some capacity like he does his Mom. It takes a lot of people to run a small empire like ADAM LAMBERT is building for himself. :)

Anonymous said...

I just found out another connection between sweet Adam and ME: I, too, lost my virginity at 21 years old (of course he wasn't born at that time yet) and it was to a man, not to a woman, and ah... it was not very good... Sometimes it takes a little while to learn how to do it correctly!!!
PS: I don't have a brother, but I'm pretty sure that if I had one he would love me as much as Neil loves his... I would work it out!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, Well, well we are giving out info. today! I dont think there are many straight guys who are still virgins at 21! I do hope that at some time in the near future, Adam wiLL look directly at the interviewer and with a smile on his face respond to a personal question with, "it's none of your f*cking business". I know he cant say the "f" word but the other 5 words would get the message across. He doesnt need to answer every question thrown at him. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

'Ya know Adamluv, brilliant point.

Anonymous said...

To understand his brother's comments...look at the following link: at 0.45 seconds...
Adam says that he used to be fat, about 250 pounds in highschool !!

Anonymous said...

Agree with Ano November 3, 2010 2:46 PM !!

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is our business if Adam is paying for Neil expenses or not! They are family, we don't need to know about their relatioship. In jewish famlies relationship means a lot. And nobody counts money or care or time they spend for their relatives. It will take long time to explain. I am not Jewish butI know how much these people take care about everybody who close to them. Also, why we pay attention on this part of Adam bio when he lost his virginity? He mentioned it in one of his interviews. Lets talk about something else in Adam bio!
Sorry, but I don't care when and how somebody lost virginity. I thought this blog about Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv: No, he doesn't have to answer every question put to him.

But, he is so honest and upfront doubled with a 100% niceness aura that he will always tell it like it is. And congrats to him for that. The more GLBT talk openly about sex, as do straight people all the time, the less people will make a big deal everytime they see them holding hands or kissing in public. People need to realize that GLBT fall in love like everyone else and must be allowed to demonstrate their love like everyone else.

By being such an open book, Adam Lambert is showing once again that he is comfortable in his own skin and is fostering dialogue. It's up to the rest of us to not just watch him but to continue this dialogue in our daily lives with our families, friends and colleagues.

Anonymous said...

You know Adam's honest answers will, guaranteed, help a young gay teen who is struggling with questions and worry about his sexuality. Adam is doing more for gay youth than many give him credit for.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Neil are brothers. You wouldn't see your own brother as a sex symbol. Honesty runs in the family.

Anonymous said...

I knew it..a sensationalized TV show E
THS where sex issues wOULD be a big part of the interview of course taking advantage of the honesty of Adam, I hope I'm wrong, but it is easy to think that because
all that Adam had to deal with US media last year even until now,Cross fingers the show willbe a big publicity for him but the good one if it is focused in his huge talent.

Josh said...

@November 3, 2010 2:16 PM


Last time I checked NORMAL PEOPLE don't think of their siblings as sexy! Adam and Neil were raised in California not "Hillbilly sibling screwing arkansas!"

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam.. the things we are going to hear from you!! LOL. I really hope Adam is enjoying doing the interview as much as we are going to enjoy watching it :D

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:03, Neil also went to UC Santa Cruz. Where is UCAL?

Adamluv, you said exactly what I was thinking. Did anyone see the Robin Roberts interview tonight of Ricky Martin? She asked him that very question about his first sexual experience. He answered her. I can't believe the gall of the media these days. Is anything sacred?


Anonymous said...

Whatever personal info Adam answers in an interview about his past is one less item that can't be dug up by someone else. There just isn't anything left to sensationalize. He also knows who to trust in the future and will probably keep more to himself. I'm sure in his early 20's he did what most at that age do, experiment and learn about life with little censoring. If he shares, he keeps the control.He didn't go into details, just a simple human rite of passage statement that most are curious about like every other detail about him, right or wrong. What you see is what you get, endearing and honest... Neil loves his brother and this whole fame thing has to be surreal. To him, he's not a superstar, Adam is just his brother and always will be. Neil is also a super smart guy that will be successful whether he works for Adam or not. He could have a challenging career if he stayed with Adam and I believe would be his own man with much to offer. Adam needs someone close that he can trust and Neil would certainly look out for Adam's interests. funbunn 40

Anonymous said...


If Adam really wants to bang a girl, he would have done that by now. He is a 28 year old man who lived for 8years in LA in the theater community, went to trashy bars and clubs and burning man where tons of slutty girls are partying and he never had sex with one. I just don't think he is capable of having an affair with a woman.

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv
Living in Brazil, year 1974, being a straight young 21 years old VIRGIN woman, well... it meant «too much» to me at that time. I was kind of a joke among my highschool and early years of College classmates... I felt sort of «pushed» and the final result was not good at all... fashion sometimes doesn't match our spiritual level of reality. But as you have said, it's not anyone fucking business (and I'm glad I'm not famous, I'm not being interviewed and I'm just sharing a feeling with my glamsistas, including you who I love!). Perhaps sweet Adam enjoyed to share that info with all his fans and not fans, as well... It's part of his sweetness. Isn't it?

Anonymous said...

It's understandable that Neil could feel betrayed by life because his gay brother got the super-sexy IT which makes gurls go crazy! If Neil is really negative, that's a drawback to the attractive-factor but the poor guy may just be wired to be a cynical grouch naturally.

No one but Adam's friends and family know the Real Adam L. but by all accounts, he seems to be an incredible person besides having this huge talent. Hopefully, Neil will find his niche too and shine.

Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn40
May I dare to change the expression (I don't know if you say like this in English)
«Behind a great man there is always a great woman»
«Behind a great star there is always a great brother»?
Just asking... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Some fans (including myself) tend to do too much overanalyzing, belaboring or taking very seriously each and every statement from Adam, and his friends' and family's about him. We should not lose sight of the fact that Adam is there to entertain us primarily.

Anonymous said...

Eber Lambert told Adam after he came out to him and the mother "don't tell your brother he has enough ammunition against you". The boys did not get along. Remember, there is a five year age difference and Adam left home at 18 and never went back. I am not a fan of Neil I find him the exact opposite of Adam. I find him very abrasive, and yes, I do think he is negative. If you read his twitter he is a big "know it all" for a kid just out of college.
I am sure this will kick up some comments.

Anonymous said...

Such a sex drive nation! Adam should do a prime time talk show to describe his sex experience BIG and BOLD all in one time. He must getting sick of being asked over and over again.

glitzylady said...

Re the comment by Neil:

I just think he finds it amusing that his brother is considered a sex symbol...having grown up with him and all, I'm sure it would seem quite funny to him even if he wasn't known as Negative Neil...and I am sure that his association with Adam has its advantages as I doubt that he is really complaining too much...They seem to have a very close and loving relationship as brothers...

As far as Adam's seemingly total honesty about everything... so much of his life is already out there in some interview or another, he probably figures that if he has already stated something publicly, there is no reason to try to hide it now...I know that I had already heard him talk about the losing his virginity thing elsewhere ( in the almost beyond painfully honest "Out" magazine interview I think)...I'm sure someday he will steer the questions in other directions or decline to answer but for now he just answers honestly...He is just that way...I probably know more about him than many of my closest friends when it comes to things like that, another reason why we feel we know him personally even though we don't, and what endears him to us, even if once in awhile it is possibly just a little bit too much information!!!...I would guess that there are things he does not answer at times, especially if they are questions about other people or past relationships..He seems to keep those things private as well he should, being the true friend he is to his long term relationships with others..We just don't hear those questions and/or answers...I am looking forward to this interview...Love his family and it will give us a whole hour with Adam..Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

To Katie,

Adam once said that he did perform oral sex with a girl....


Anonymous said...

oops, clarification: on a girl
(I first said he had oral sex with a girl, then realized that wasn't clear, but then forgot to change the "with" to "on".)

Anonymous said...

"I lost my virginity at 21 years wasn't very good"

What a guy to share this most personal experience with us, what a sweetheart... =)...

Quick 2 reactions...

1. How many of us stuck out our bottom lip in an understanding pout and said.. "awwww Adam..."

2. How many said "DAMN, I wish it was ME with you"!!!

(raising hand on both counts...)

Anonymous said...

I AGREE with Ricky Martin ... 'the gall of today's media ... is nothing sacred'? ADAM is just TOO open & honest to say so but I'll bet ADAM 'agrees' with Ricky Martin as well!!

As for Neil ... I can understand his being 'surprised' that ADAM is a sex symbol. Don't forget ... Neil has seen a lot of different 'ADAMS' through the years. Maybe ADAM was timid & shy at one point in his life & Neil saw the way ADAM had to deal with it. Besides ... brothers don't think of one another as 'sex symbols' ... JMO


Anonymous said...

I think only the US media will be so disrespectful and intrusive. It's as if they do not know what else to ask! If you might have already discovered, none of the media in the Asian countries that he visited have asked such intrusive questions. They also focused on his music and fans. As Adam had said, the US media should learn from Asian media who are so respectful to him.

Anonymous said...

I lost my virginity at 20 to a man and it was damn good.

DavidqsHw said...

Neil should run for office