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'For Your Entertainment' Tracks Sung by Original Writers

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Music Again






Thanks to aligning_stars!


Anonymous said...

Yay to Muse and Justin Hawkins.
..UK's comment towards pink
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Love Tedder's Sleepwalker version but Adam's voice is incredible on this track. I don't mind buying Tedder's version or mash-up of Adam and Tedder. Love the music arrangement of Soaked by Muse. But Adam sings it very dramatic and real. Everytime I listen to it I cry like a baby. For all other ones I love Adam's versions. Even Pink. I love Pink but again I personally think Adam made it a big hit not Pink. Loved her performance on AMA. I watched it on youtube. She was by far the best performer of AMA. Thank goodness for youtube since we all boycotted AMA on T.V.

LP said...

I would have loved every song if I had heard them first. BUT now I have heard Adam singing them, they do not compare to his lovely voice.

Anonymous said...

My 16 year old son just glanced over my shoulder as this thread came up, obviously he realised I was looking at an Adam Lambert site (aren't I always!), and suddenly said "whats Justin Hawkins doing on there?". I showed him the headline and said he wrote music again. he was really schocked and said "no way, he's a legend". I think he was quite impressed...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Muse doesn't have such a pipes, it is not enough energy in Lady GaGa version of Fever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds funny but Adam' version of Fever as the fireworks!!!. WWFM is Adam song. Pink wrote but doesn't suposed to sing it as single. So, I even didn't listen it. You will hate me but I am not big fan of Music Again and Sleepwaker. But Adam version of Music Again much different and I like it more. But Sleepwaker never was my favorite song, however I think that Ryan Tedder version of this song very different and slightly better. Sorry, again, just don't call me troll. You know how much I love Adam<3

Anonymous said...

I liked Justin Hawkins' and Ryan Tedder's versions of their songs the best. I'm a Muse fan, but am not all that impressed with Matthew Bellamy's singing of Soaked. Adam puts so much emotion into the song that he elevates it into something extraordinary every time he sings it, but in comparison with Adam, Bellamy sounds like he's half asleep. Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I voted today. never heard about this poll before, just read some news about Adam and found it. It was not suprised for me how many people think that Adam such a sexy boy, but his votes over 67% compare with other participants with highest vote ratio 17-19%. Go, Adam.LOL

Anonymous said...

Would you add the original demo version of Time for Miracles by Natasha Shneider and Alain Johannes

Anonymous said...

Is this an Adam Lambert site?? Why would I want to hear the originals.

Not sure I understand this posting.I must say i'm a bit peeved.. please return to Adam's renditions.

Anonymous said...

always a moaner on board,getting boring now,if you have nothing nice to say,then save yourself some time and don't even bother leaving a comment

Rebecca said...

that was really good and you can definitely tell where adam put his touches on each song thank you

Anonymous said...

Adam surpasses them all. I worried about these demos getting out and making Adam look bad. Now that I've heard them there is nothing to be concerned about. Adam's voice has a healthy timber and great character.

Anonymous said...

The main difference I notice with the demos (besides a much more narrow vocal range) is that after Adam's they all sound like they have no emotion in their song. It's like they are singing the words without feeling the meaning.

Anonymous said...

I really, really like Ryan Tedders version of Sleepwalker. The others are not as good as Adam's.

Anonymous said...

ummm i pass on all of them!! ADAM just DOes IT Better :) :)Katie

Anonymous said...

just needed to say...with these original writers version's ( except pink ) ...I think they were sang before Adam recorded them so they were not trying to be like Adam,s... unlike pink who outrightly COPIED ADAM'S Version and is just cashing in on ADAM'S HIT SINGLE.. (she really didn't need to do that)and PLEASE don't tell me she gave WWFM to Adam cause she did not....the song was up for grabs by any artist!!!!! as we all know these songs are ADAM's Songs....Adam made them HIS!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

I have to say that when I first heard these songs from Adam, there's no comparison at all. He delivers beautifully and it's really good in his voice.

Anonymous said...

If you listen to or watch him singing these songs in his live concerts, none of these originals would come close. The power, emotion, vocal range, intensity.. just drag you out of your current stance and transport you to a different world. None of these artists can do that though they have done a good job. It's just Adam has done better

coloforadam said...

Thanks Gaga - Thanks Tedder-Bear - Graditude to the Muse - Hawk - ur the DUDE - Pink - sharing feels good, huh? Adam did your songs proud - keep 'um coming. Genius songs given to an oh so genius singer!! You are high on the list of things to be Thankful, 11-23-09 to 11-23-10!! A beautiful year of Adam's voice set to your amazing songs!! Here's to ya!!

Anonymous said...

Adam totally changed the latter part of sleepwalker which is my most favorite one. But Ryan Tedder original is good too. Adam could just make another new song using the latter part of sleepwalker and that would be interesting. Of course, Adam sing it better.

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary For Your Entertainment Album!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

mmm, Gagas Fever sounded pretty awful. And I actually quite like Muse (2 of my sons are fans so we listen to them in the car quite a bit), and I saw them live earlier this year, but they really did not do a very good job on this one. And Pinks - won't listen to out of principle!!!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - very interesting! Thanks for posting these. The one that surprised me the most was was so melodic, and reminded me of The Beatles!

Nobody, however - and I mean NObody - can hold a candle to Adam's vocal abilities. And I'm not just saying that 'cause I'm an Adam-freak-aholic! As you've all said...he puts so much power and emotion into his rendition of a song. I love that man, all over again!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Okay! Each original song by the artist who wrote it except for Pink becuz this is her recent WWFM I assume since I couldn't listen to her here & don't have the time nor the desire to look her up on Ytube ... but based on what is posted here ... they all sound like demos that were submitted for ADAM's consideration to be used on his FYE album. They just sounded like the basic song ... IMO .. and ADAM gave them ALL life & substance. I wouldn't have even considered them in these versions. Face it .. even the originals can't measure up to ADAM's renditions! Where was the SEXY in FEVER ... the ANGST in SOAKED ... the FIERCENESS in SLEEPWALKER ... the PLAYFULNESS in MUSIC AGAIN? They were ALL missing one important factor ... ADAM LAMBERT FINESSE!! All of them fell short ... JMO


Anonymous said...

This was very interesting. This just proves that these other singers cannot match Adam's talent. I mean, the others are ok, but Adam is just unbelievable!!! Adam definitely sounds way better. Ryan Tedder came close, but I think that Adam's Sleepwalker was still better.

Still cannot believe the comparisons. Thank you for posting this.

Anonymous said...

24/7 thank you so much for letting us hear these original versions from the writers themselves. All of them must be more than satisfied with Adam's excellent interpretation of their songs. After following Adam for more than two years i already got spoiled with his enchanting voice that i can no longer appreciate just any other singer at the moment, unless he/she has been my favorite before Adam but i don't even have time for them. Adam is one of the best song stylists that i've encountered in a very long time. Whenever he would put his own twist to songs he covers, it would always sound way better than the original. And i'm so impressed that his improvisations in the FYE materials would always work wonders. There is just no limit to what this man can do to a song to make it sound exceptionally beautiful and fresh. Adam is simply unbelievable and unstoppable.

Congratulations on the first year of FYE and to all your accomplishments.


Anonymous said...

Time for Mircles by Alain Johannes and Natasha Shneider was hyped up for the movie...and Adam just off AI was excited to sing the song...but I think the song was written when Natasha was dying of cancer and when I hear Adam sing it..I
think of the real meaning behind the song..go to utube to hear original...I like both versions

Anonymous said...

Loved hearing the original versions. Gotta say that even though, with the exception of Tedder, none comes close to Adam's versions, they are fun to listen to knowing how Adam changed them up to make them his own. Adding my thanks to 24/7

Anonymous said...

Much prefer Adam's version of WWFM than P!nk's.

Anonymous said...

P!nk's arrangement of WWFM is exactly the same as Adam's, and his album version and his acoustic version are far better than hers. Think she wants to take the glory away from Adam's success with this song.

Anonymous said...

These are fascinating to listen to (exception = Pink - the reason has already been stated well by others).

I agree 100% with Tess4ADAM + I loved Gaga's version of Fever when I heard it a year ago because of exactly what AdamFix says. It actually took me awhile to like Adam's version better (hard to imagine now), though Fever LIVE knocked (still knocks) my socks off.

Now that we all have Adam's every nuance memorized on these songs, it's really just mindblowing to listen to these nearly-lifeless-in-comparison versions! Boy, have we all gotten spoiled by our beloved genius singing man!

Still, just like ColoforAdam says, THANK YOU to all of them for giving Adam these songs to do that genius with!


Anonymous said...

Adam really brings life to those songs.

Anonymous said...

Great songs....Adam's interpretations of the songs he sings always blow me away. It even happens with songs that are classics that he sang on Idol. I was listening to "One" on the radio the other day and was thinking that I liked another version better....OMG! I realised I like Adam's version of "One" better than Bono's! It is the same with Sam Cook's A Change is Gonna Come. Must be the Sleepwalker syndrome. I am under his spell with my eyes wide open...thud. Not ready to wake up just yet, though...


Anonymous said...

lmb, so happy to see you posting again. I miss your astute observations. I know the feeling - there's a new movie promo with Smokey Robinsons Tracks of my Tears and when I hear it, immediately remember Adams version on AI. That song has always been a favorite of mine so couldnt believe it when Adam performed it and IMO, it was his best performance ever. Loved seeing the fabulous Mr. Robinson give our boy a standing ovation.( btw. always thought he had the most beautiful eyes!). Adamluv

Anonymous said...

EVERY ONE of these songs is better for Adam singing them. Thanks writers and composers but once Lambert has sung belongs to HIM! Even Led Zep's Whole Lotta Love has been made his! As well as Mad World (Gary Jules version of Tears for Fears song)
Face it, Adam is a vocal master. No one does it better, period.(Queenrosered) ;D

Anonymous said...

As far as I am concerned this is all history now. A year has gone by and these artist saw something in Adam and wanted to hear his powerful voice compliment their songs. As far as Pink I think to many are to hard on her about this song and why she sang it. Adam ownes it vocally and Pinks fans demanded she sing it. They love her like we love Adam. No harm done. Adams version of this song is what put it on the map, she knows that we know that enough said. We should feel blessed so many wanted to invest in Adams talent; it is dog eat dog out there and bashing other artist to "defend" Adam just doesn't seem like the direction we should be going. I bet Adam would not like to hear neagative things about others like us who believed in him. I thought Ryan Tedder Sleep Walker was the best one. Ofcourse Adams sings it with such command it really is not a contest.

Anonymous said...

Woot!! Love me some Tedder!! I'd like to hear
Adam sing "Sexy Baby." Yea,,,,