Glam Nation Tour in Berlin, Germany
Filed Under (performances,tour news,video ) by Admin on Monday, November 15, 2010
Posted at : Monday, November 15, 2010

Music Again
20th Century Boy
Video Credits: suz526
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I feel let down now. On the previous thread Anon said Fever was the raunchest EVER!!!!! I was looking for some real different and good stuff and actually there was not so much raunch at all. I am an Adam Raunch Loving Bitch!! I love anything he does. Oh how I would love to bite and nibble his ass cheeks!! Christ, makes me hawt just to think about it. Lord, off for a cold shower!! THUD!
His dancers did a great job of handling Strut without him. Good save!
Love that he takes the piss out of himself.
I was able to attend a show but, I could not see anything as good as Suz526 brings to the big screen. Without her I would still be wondering what he did half the time. I don't know how you have managed to pull alllll this off Suz but I and all the other Suz and Adam fans are endebted to you Forever!!!
Fever in Berlin was ORGASMIC‼... there were some really sexxxy hot moves‼ Then STRUT was a real surprise... Adam choked... ah poor bb & had to get off the stage. Must say the Band & the Dancers were such PROS‼ Went ahead with their number till it's done... Adam should be so proud of them‼ ☺
K, to be continued till all of the videos are uploaded... so far the show has been MAGNIF‼
Thank you so much Suz for your amazing work & 24/7‼
Wow, I think Adams tongue should be exhausted by the end of the night ;)
For some of you who doesn't know, if you like, one way of thanking Suz is by donating some $$ to help cover her expenses in Europe. Every little bit counts. I already have. ☺ Sorry I don't have the link.
Sorry anon 5:06...I thought that the 3:00-3:10 display of goodies was way more than his usual. Never seen him do that "type" of movement. I'm actually still giddy, so I guess my comment misled you.
I think that sweet Adam should have performed «Strut» again after the incident. Re-start the whole thing and give his 200% as always. The audience would have been dazzled (a bit more).
Wow, he really need a tongue and hand and ..... message after tonight for recovery. Don't even know where to start!!! HaHa!
@ 5:46 please give him a break he always give his best on the show but he is only human for god sake. You really not a fan don't you? People who were watching in that concert didn't mind at all and they were happy because he was okay after the choking incident. Just shut your computer if you are not satisfied. We don't need you here...........
A good thing is that the dancers also have a "dance" interlude in another part of the concert without Adam... but it is more slower music..
So it did not feel too awkward to see them dance without Adam in Strut.
To fan4fun: What? you want him to open a vein for you, too? Another example of thinking it's more about you than it is about him.
to fan4fun : give adam a break! all the people at the concert was really happy!
Ow, that concert was kind of different. Tongue-and-finger action in Fever and mic-into-the-mouth-action in TCB. Plus "coughing" in Strut. Something to talk about and enjoy, mainly enjoy.
geezus, I'm on fire, everywhere
101 performances and that's the first time he has ever even slightly missed a beat! He was really into the dance part of the song, the STRUT and hair flips were extra energetic and he was so cute when he came out next song and sweetly apologized. That's the beauty of these small venues - so personal and connected! I think the whole audience would have come rushing up on stage with water bottles and tissues of they could. Notice how Monte headed right off the stage before the music had totally stopped to check on him. They are such a loving, caring team/family led by a great person in Adam. Knowing how we all feel about him, imagine how they must feel.
@Anon 5:32pm. Please, find the link we can send some donations for Suz. She's doing amazing videios. I realy want to know the link to send her some money!
@fan4fun Sweety, I can belive you that you want Adam to sing "Strut" again!
Honestly, when I look at calendar I think, just 4 more weeks Adam and you can take a rest for few weeks.
Adam is hilarious....he reminds me of when a little baby "finds his feet" and then can't stop trying to grab them.
It's as if Adam has found his tongue and his "bulge", and for the love of god, he can't stop touching / using / displaying / wiggling them.
God I love the Euro way of thinking and...
Thank You Adam Lambert for "finding" yourself in Berlin!
That wasn't raunchy - he just wanted everyone to know just where the FEVER was supposed to be happening .... just a little anatomy lesson. Know what you mean delilah5 - I can picture him in about 4 weeks... sleep, sleep, get up and write, sleep, have a drink, sleep, sleep, write a line or two and sleep some more. (Sigh!)
Holy smokes Batman‼ Quick take out your fire extinguishers‼... Adam was indeed on FIRE! ♫♪♪♫ The tongue, & the *ahem* other asset... tease & more teases... We ♥ it‼ ☺ Even Soaked was again a bit different tonight... very good different‼ ☺
Overall another epic GNT tonight & Adam seemed really happy‼ ☺
No IIHY yet probably tomorrow, it's too late for poor Suz.
@delilah5 - here's the link ☺
If Adam truly does what he says, that being to absorb and reflect the atmosphere of each audience, makes you wonder what those people were doing out there last night!!!! They must have been putting out sexual energy that he was not about to resist!! BUUUUUTIFUL!!!!
Adam is such a sweetheart. I admire his work ethics and how close he is with his band and dancers. I hope he is okay. Rest up Adam. It is so cold there and him being california boy and all, must be hard to be out of your element and remain so poised all the time. Take care Adam......indigo.
@anon 9:09 PM Thank you a lot:)
@anon 9:03 PM Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!'Soaked was amazingly different. Adam sings this song ( as all of this songs) differet way. But Soaked in Berlin was fantastic!
Do not have time to watch any of these tonight. So will tomorrow and comment. BTW when you do 100 flawless shows without incident, makes us think Adam is some kind of super human performer instead of just human.
Loved the shirt hem blowing up in Fever (but sersiously, does he have it taped to his abdomen? never saw any skin!), loved Suz526's angle (crotch cam - HELLO!), loved the finger suck during Fever (oh my!) and the mic blow job in TCB (thank you!).
Noticed he didn't sing many high notes in TCB, and wasn't writhing around as much. Maybe the Strut/choking incident threw him for a loop and he didn't have his usual energy by the end of the show...?
Always a stellar performance tho, no matter what.
- Adam Fix
I LOVED this Fever ! Instead of just being intense we got them being playful, loving and just HAPPY with each other . When Adam said "time to MOOCH you up" then proceeded to devour Tommy's face I bout died laughing ! Tommy was having fun too .They're so comfortable with each other . I thought hey we got foreplay here and it was really great 1 I'd like to see more flirting CUTE
Major kudos to the GlamTroupe for their professionalism in an awkward situation! Not one of the dancers or band members skipped a beat! They must have been real worried about what happened to Adam! Kudos, also, to the fans who kept right on singing the song after Adam left the stage. Fans showed great loyalty to Adam I thought. His apology so unbelievably sweet and sincere! Great recovery on Adam's part! Love you Adam! Please get some rest as soon as possible!
Perhaps this is too much raunchyness so beware! It is dirty.
I couldn´t fint IIHY here, so I give you that link right now. Have you ever seen such energy? When he said jump he JUMPS. Oh my God allmighty!! He jumps!
Love this new way of singing RoF. So powerful.
Fan4fun YOU have a right to your opinion. There are ALWAYS some BULLIES on this playground. Thanks for the updates 24/7
Don't think I see Berlin's SFW posted here, I just plucked it off of twitter
Sorry for redundancy if it's here already
And here's Suz's Opening Medley from Berlin...niiiicccee
Again, sorry if it's been linked here on 24/7 already in comments section, don't see it above, but maybe there's a link pasted in comments section???
Sleepwalker isn´t here either, but I think it will pop up when US wakes up. What time is it over there?
Sleepwalker was different and fabulous. He was down on his knees.
Suz's Berlin Sleepwalker
(I'm sure 24/7 will put these up momentarily, but I don't think I see these last few songs I've linked here on 24/7 yet, and it only takes me a second to paste the links in, so...)
Ok! I put it in here anyway.
Haha! You´re too fast, girl!
Hey Eva gurl - ask and you shall receive :)...
9:33am EST btw. I'm rushing as per usual, but I've just plucked these few links off twitter... they're probably already up on MJ'sBB too.
Gotta leave myself a little time to go check out your "Dirty" vid :).
Oops... Eva and I are doing the cyberspace equivalent of talking over each other, lol! MGF
it took Suz many hours to upload all of the songs because her hotel internet connection was extremely slow, I noticed that it was probably almost 9:00 am in Germany before she finished...I keep track of her on Twitter..What an amazing lady she is to be so dedicated to Adam, to stay up all night to do this for him and for us, his fans..and then she was off to the next tour stop. But wow!! She did have a great view of Adam in these! And speaking of Adam..Excellent as always, and ever the professional when something goes slightly wrong! And I suppose if there was a "right" song for him to have to excuse himself, Strut was the one, because the dancers just took over, along with the fans who sang the song! Only in Adam-land!!
What did you think of his jumping frenzy on IIHY?
Gotta go watch it now Eva
IIHY Berlin
Hey there glitzylady! Was Twitter also saying Adam's sick?????? Hate to spread rumors - can't trust twitter!!! Just askin' you?
Oh, oops again, sorry Eva, you posted IIHY (and I guess you had all the remaining other vids too hours ago :))... well anyway, re IIHY Jump, gah, can't even...
So much good band, & fan!!, interaction in this IIHY (and whole show actually)... and I love when, after Brooke's intro and then dance, Adam says "Yes Please", cuz that's what I think in my head about him constantly - just simply "Yes Please"!! So when he said it to Brooke I was thinking - Welcome to our world BB... LOL. Okay, Imma watch your link from your 2:47 comments and then I gotta frickin' get to my day!! As Adam Fix would say - Damn you Adam Lambert.
There are so many things I want to say about this show.... MGF thank you for all the links.
All I can put here right now...with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes...
. . . S O A K E D . . .
sh sh h h . . h u s h . . . . w h i s p e r s. . .
...of an angel's wings have just fluttered into our hearts...
what a gentle, glorius moment. . .
I am wondering if Adam still has the residuals of whatever bug he got when he first arrived in Europe. Strut was off from the very beginning when he wasn't even on the same key as the band. It was obvious something was very wrong. I've only heard him sing that way one other time, the AMA's. I have noticed on this leg of the trip he isn't doing as many of the high notes which would indicate that he is still not over whatever flu he had. I hope when this tour is over, Adam gives those precious vocal cords a time to heal from over use. This schedule must be grueling.
Here's my take on the Strut situation: If you look at his facial expressions and his gestures, I believe that his monitors (ear pieces) were not working and he couldn't hear so he was off-key. Then when he began to "cough" I think he left so he could handle BOTH issues (the cough and the sound).
Just my guess.
PRS thank you very much Suz526
Over at MJ's Big Blog there is much discussion about Adam's being under the weather a bit, which is not to say that this is true, but just reporting that. Also, if you listen to Suz's Sleepwalker, at the very end you can hear a fan, quite well actually, say something like "oh, he's cross... " and something about the sound, using the word "again". I think PRS is correct, seems like a dual thing going on with Strut, and as for the overall show, I do wonder if there were some sound issues running throughout, combined with not feeling 101% maybe. But having said all that, just for FYI purposes because I know you folks love your BB, this show ROCKED, it was awesome, so damn good on so many levels.
EXTRAORDINARIA interpretación de Mojado ,
te estoy aplaudiendo aquà frente al computador.
Oh, DIOS es estremecedor tu canto !!!
Yes, it sure looks that way to me too. I noticed right away he was trying to fiddle with the earpiece... He did seem to notice right away something was up, (turned right then to Monte) but carried on the showmanship till he could exit gracefully.
What a pro crew though carried on the rest so beautifully.. The dancers were awesome... When Adam is on the stage he's about all I can look at.
Without him there for those moments =(.. you could actually see the choreography.
As someone else above stated, IMAGINE how concerned they all must have been =( and carried on perfectly. The show must go on...
Bravo all
I hope you'll come back and read my post!
I'm sorry that you've tasted the sourness that glamfans are sometimes so quick in splashing on others... Just put it like this: you are now closer to your sweet boy who is receiving that sort of 'treatment' on daily basis.. even from people who say they love him. We talk about acceptance but we do not practice it as much as we should.
You do have friends here who know your heart is in the right place! Don't take those words to our heart, dear. Listen to the advice of your 'son' and focus only on positive things...
GLb :-)
I meant, of course, " YOUR heart" GLb
Don't know why I can't get Suz's video of Strut? I keep getting a message when I try to click on it that it is a private video? It's one of Suz's that she uploaded along with all the other vids of the Berlin concert. Is anyone else having that problem?
Suz took back that video, as she saw rumors on twitter and didn´t want anyone to use the video the wrong way until she figured out what was going on.
Thanks, Eva, for the explanation! Smart Suz, always protecting our Adam!
The concert in Stuttgart went without drama, I think. This is one twat:
engelani84 O M F G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG BEST SHOW SO FAAR!!! HOTTEST ENCOOREEEEEEEE EVEEER!! I cant eveen..... *DEAD*
Lots of singing from crowd....What great fans!!!!
Anon 5:38, this is anon 5:06, You are exactly right about that Fever in Munich. I don't know how in the heck I missed the action at 3:00-3:10 but yes indeedy it is hawt!! What's with the finger sucking and finger action to the audience? Lordy, I think he saw something in the audience that heated his go button. No harm intended. I wish I had paid closer attention the first time around. :)
Yea, how many TCB's has Germany got for encore? Good for Germany, I'm not mad at them, but I'm disappointed for Adam that he didn't perform it in Finland, his only concert here. Felt that he was arrogant.
Come on Finland! Wasn´t that a family friendly show with kids in the audience? Or did I get that wrong? I don´t think it´s right to call Adam arrogant at any case. That he is certainly not.
There is no pretty way to say this - I’m so totally ¤%&#”!! pissed of !!!
I have been WITHOUT ADAM & GNT show vids for 8 days, my internet connection is torturing me!!! So HAAARDD to stay positive right now!!! Maybe universe decided that experiencing Adam LIVE ONCE was enough for me… have been on OVERDRIVE ever since… (my computer has been on ADAM overdrive since AI8!)
Have been able to READ most of the posts & comments, but that is just like POURING OIL ON MY ADAM BONFIRE, gggrrrhhhh and a bundle of c-words AGAIN…Missing a few days of Adam news and vids is still somehow bearable (although getting back on track is tough & time consuming, it’s mostly, oh such a delightful and satisfying experience…), but TO HAVE MISSED vids, pics and gifs from 6 shows ALREADY, that is just too much to bear… Universe, HELP!!!
Sorry for this outburst, but not being able to HAVE MY DAILY DOSE of Adam’s beautiful eyes, nose, mouth, ”le package”…not being able to enjoy his extraordinary and always fresh & surprising performances, makes my Glam and Glitter Disease so much worse…
Shame on the people attacking Fan4fun, she is one of the most positive, funniest and loyal Adam fans on this site!
Greetings all you lucky peeps with reliable and functioning internet connections - and please, let’s try and be kind & civil, even when views and opinions differ.
GGD Gal, still trying to stay positive (getting IT-help 2morrow, I hope)
Stupid or arrogant, whatever.
If i may, I will have to go with PRS. I would have wanted to watch Strut again because i could somehow pinpoint the problem but it's no longer available. I could be wrong but i do remember hearing 2 different keys last night, one from the band and another from the accompanying music. If i am right, then it would be impossible for Adam to continue singing because they were off-key. Adam and his Glamily once again earned our utmost respect for handling the situation so well. And i admire Adam for saying that he was choking because from experience i can more or less say that he was not. It had something to do with adjustments in the keys resulting in the sound issues. Just my honest observation but i could still be wrong.
Bravo to all of them for a job well done in another fantastic GNT! Cheers!
I cannot open Strut on this site. Says it is a private video. I thought Fever about 110 on the hot meter, laughed when he tried to put the mic in Tommy mouth. Loves his girls, but likes to see the cute boys in the audience. Loved how the confused band and dancers played on like true professionals they are. Could see the confusion on their faces. Wonder how many children conceived after this concert??? Just askin.
20th Century Boy is family friendly song.
@Fan4fun - donde esta ni amiga? HH is posting and i can't understand her comments. You spoiled us with your translations and now we don't know what to do without your help. Be back pronto :) our Diamond Girl!
@Bing. I also think it was sound issues. There were problems all through the show. He was signing to the sound guy. He was out of tune because he couldn´t hear and that´s a nightmare (and if they played in two different keys, even worse). The best thing was to get off the stage and the dancers and band handled it perfectly.
Suz doesn´t want this video to be used in the wrong way.
@Anon 4:25PM The Hamburgers didn´t get ANY encore and they don´t keep complaining an sulking for days. I guess you´re just a troll.
Let's be honest for once, Hamburg show was one of the best, yet Americans ignored it because of the location I guess and the other 4 German venues did get TCB.
There are always people who are complaining, no matter what Adam does or doesn’t do!
Eva, you are right, there were a lot of young children and teens (people under the age of 18) in the Helsinki concert, Finland Nov6. I think Adam did a fantastic job taking that into account. Hence a very benign kiss with Tommy (not in Fever) and “Mad Wolrd” as encore.
Or maybe he just wasn’t feeling well and wanted to save his voice. IMHO he had some sort of cold. At some points it sounded like he had trouble breathing through his nose,,,or maybe it was the sound system doing tricks, IDK (but I was rather close).
I’m very happy with the Helsinki concert. And as much as I cherish EVERYTHING Adam has to offer (the raunchier the better, LOL), I prefer watching “the more vivid scenes” in a concert with no small children!
Were the concerts in Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Munich, Berlin and Stuttgart in places with age limit (people are > 18 years of age)?
And TCB most definitely is NOT a family friendly song (not for children!), if Adam is on FIRE, like he most often is, if and when everything is ok.
GGD Gal, not a bitter-bert
@Eva - i was trying to singalong with the band in Strut last night but i got so confused with the keys as well. If i only had the luxury of time i would have listened to it again. Agree with you that it's a nightmare for singers. Getting the right key is never a problem with professional performers like Adam because it's a mortal sin if u can't unless there are real sound issues, then that is another story. Adam was very smart in doing what he did and like Cindy said went on with the show. Hats off to our boy and of course to the entire Glamily.
Thanks to you Eva and MGF for your dedication to 24/7 ;-)
I suppose they never asked Lambert in the American Idol the most important question: is this what you really want to do.
I hope Adam will rest after the Glamnation Tour. So that he will regain his strength after the long journey around the world. We love u and please take care of your awesome voice.
Your next B-day is around the corner and we wish you all the best especially for the next album.
Oh well, here I am, back from a very, very, very long and complicated day in Hell's Kitchen, after 6 days out of there... and just found in this thread some really tough comments in response to my humble opinion (but I also found some support, thanks GLb!). I see I've steped on some toes here when yesterday there above I said that «sweet Adam should have re-started the whole thing and re-performed «Strut» after the choking incident». Well, well, well, I've been definitely misunderstood, haven't I?
Some Anonymous (of course!) people can be very mean, sometimes... one told me to shut my computer because I'm not needed here. Another one(worse) asked me if I want sweet Adam TO OPEN A VEIN FOR ME (WTF, for God's sake?)!!!! After over 5 months posting here, I bet PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME would totally support me when I say that I myself would gladly bleed to death for sweet Adam with a big smile on my lips! Glamshit! This young man gave me back my life in a way much better than it used to be!!! I owe him my soul (well, not anymore, I've given it to him already)! How can some of you tell me I'm not a fan????????????????? who the fuck are you, Anonymous?
Now, if you all please have some mercy, please try to follow my thoughts and let me explain more clearly my point:
1) we all know so very well how much the XXXXXL unique multi talented artist sweet Adam is.
2) we all know that there are out there so many crap people who insist in denying to sweet Adam most of the credits he so much deserves for multiple anoying reasons (reasons?).
3) we all know so very well that sweet Adam comes from theater, where the main slogan and the #1 rule is «THE SHOW MUST GO ON», no matter what the fuck shit happen on stage (or on audience).
4) we all agree that the band and dancers did amazingly perfectly their job playing on during sweet Adam's absence, even worried about him.
5) we all know that the audience reacted amazingly well, keeping on singing + dancing with the band + dancers during sweet Adam's absence, even worried about him.
6) we all accepted the sweet way which the very sweet Adam came after the incident to apologize and explain what happened.
7) we all know that the audience enjoyed at the most the concert as well as we did, as we regularly do.
8) We all remember the incident in the audience (it was in Texas, I think) when sweet Adam stoped his performance at the begining of WLL to ask what was going on with that fan who was not feeling well at all, and gave her a bottle of water...
9)... we all know that no one else in music bizz would be capable of this kind of amazing behavior, except sweet Adam.
If you are following me so far, you will agree with me that it was perfectly fair for me TO THINK that this has been the perfect opportunity for sweet Adam to shut up all those many fucking mouths, all those crap people who don't give him a fuck for his so deserved credits as the unique XXXXXL multi talented artist who he indeed is!!!.... but that IF (and ONLY IF) he had felt well enough to re-start the whole thing again, giving his usual 200%, and also dazzling a bit more the audience (and us). Who else in the music bizz would act like that except sweet Adam???? Hummmm?????
So... please understand you all, I didn't mean at all that I am not satisfied with the venue, or sweet Adam's behavior, or... or... and... or... and... Glamshit! Ok, I should have kept this thought to myself only! And OK, I should have listened to my mother when so many times she told me «not to mess the shit or it would smell worse»...
And I tell you what: I'll just live the judgement of this «case» (and by this I mean my comment) to the Universe. In the mean while,
GOD BLESS sweet Adam every single day of his long life!
... and, CHEERS!!!!... if you are get my point.
@ Bing ... (and others concerned about):
Sorry, I was out for more than 24 hours.
HH's comment above is : «(It is) EXTRAORDINARY the interpretation of 'Soaked', I'm applauding you in front of the computer. OH, GOD, the way you sing is shaking! Thank you, Adam. HH»
I loved Longineau and hated to see him go...but...Isaac is da bomb! Never thought I'd say that.
@Fan4fun - \o/ \o/ \o/ muchas gracias and we're so glad you are resurrected :)
@HH - yes i agree with you 100% that the rendition of Soaked was truly manificent. It is a happy day with all the great news in 24/7. There is a lot of reasons to celebrate. Cheers :)
OMG - FEVER!! I just came back and watched it - ASTOUNDING! That was the most amazing performance I have ever seen! Wow - the energy and intensity just blow me away. How, oh how, does he have the energy to perform this show with so much passion night after night? (ummm, that made my mind wander. ahem!) Wow. What a star!
Fan4fun - don't worry, girlfriend, we've got your back! You just got out of the hospital...don't let ppl's comments on here get you all riled up. You need to rest. Take care.
- Adam Fix
Jeez - Adam scrambles my brain so bad I just can't think straight! I meant Ring of Fire - not Fever - in my above post!!! Adam - you're killin' me...I MEAN it!!! And than you for doing it, by the way. xxoo
- Adam Fix
Just saw the snarky remarks Fan4fun. Was saving Berlin for when I had time. Don't let the turkeys get you down. We know your Diamond heart and how dedicated you are to Adam. Remember, "Who matters don't mind and who minds don't matter." Think it was more a case of misunderstanding your meaning and being too quick to jump the gun and unecessesarily attack. Chill people! You don't have to go for the jugular and get personally insulting. Kiss your Diamond pic of Adam , keep healing and don't give it another thought. funbunn40
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