Glam Nation Tour in Munich, Germany 11-12
Filed Under (performances,pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Friday, November 12, 2010
Posted at : Friday, November 12, 2010
Video Credit: Suz528
20th Century Boy
If I Had You
Sure Fire Winners
Opening Medley
Whataya Want From Me
Music Again

Photo Credits: CharlySas
20th Century Boy
If I Had You
Sure Fire Winners
Opening Medley
Whataya Want From Me
Music Again

Photo Credits: CharlySas
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Great pic with the lasers. Crowd looks good, band looks happy, Adam gorgeous.
I see on twitter that Suz is very excited. She says TCB is Providence multiplied by 10. BB was on fire again!! Videos coming soon.
I also saw that filming was forbidden, just stills. How does Suz escape the security?
However she does it, we are indebted to her.
OMG! Take care people! Rolando got a lens meltdown.
OMG....TCB is unbelievable, especially the end!
And Fever.....holy shit.
What a kiss! Oh mama!!
@ Eva
How Suz526 scapes the security? Oh well, she is an agel, a Master Angel... and angels fly!
"Doctor, the patient is coding...."
"I need a crash cart in here...STAT"
Everybody breathe, people, just breathe.
He has a shirt with long sleeves. Guess the old one is in the laundry.
Internet is a bitch tonight. The vid stoppes every 3 seconds.
@ HH
@ Bing
I Just left another translation (HH comments) on the thread «TCB in Stocolm»... I gues it was Stocolm. Well, that thread where we 3 commented yesterday.
HH busca otra traduccion en aquella pagina de hayer donde me avisas que dejo mensage para mi en la de Camila, creo que es TCB en Estocolmo
Quite possibly the best Brooke/Adam IIHY dance ever!
And, Adam was on fire with amazing little dance moves throughout.
Really makes me want to find a way to get to the LA shows!
They say on twitter that these German fans discovered Adam on the radio, not AI8. That´s fantastic. They must have played his songs more than once then.
So Adam is back alive again, because here in Finland he was like a zombie.
He was sick in Finland, wasn´t he?
you people managed to upset me...Where are the videos? Where the heck are they? LOL...kidding, brb for videos later. Thanks for the good news though peeps. Finding out Suz attended the concert is a thril by itself :)
Ring of Fire!!! You have to see it. Suz is already uploading videos to YT. New rule, Adam has to be standing while singing Ring of Fire. That was incredible!!!!!!!!
I don't know if he was sick here in Finland, because he never said that. Would have been better if he had said it during the concert. I remember once watching Robbie Williams performing live on TV for some 200 million people and he said in the beginning of the concert that he was feeling like shit. It was a nice thing to do from Robbie, although I couldn't relax until he was singing the last song. xD
Yes, he had to walk to the front of the stage at the middle of RoF. I guess he couldn't hear himself or the music because people were really loud this time. But it came out well for him.
I loved the original TCB by T.Rex. Thank god I didn't travel 6 hours by train to Helsinki + the queueing. To me it would be more uplifting if he showed the middle finger rather than sing Mad World.
November 12, 2010 4:29 PM
Sorry I lost you? WTF are you talking about?
Well Fever was just that fever!!! This man with the million dollar smile just keeps knocking it out of the park. New Long sleeves, kissed Tommy senseless, danced Brooke senseless, TCB ending sensualness, trying to rhyme here and keep my wits about me. This crowd according to my earphones was off the wall from hello. And if they didn't see Idol, OMG what a surprise they received.
Fan4fun Tienes un mensaje "HD video of Adam Lamber
perfoming FEVER in Denmark"
I think they are complaining in Finland. Adam was a zombie there.
Eva, it's only me here complaining and I wasn't even at the concert. I'm very strict about what is the Glam genre and what isn't.
Someone said he was a zombie and didn´t say he was sick at the concert. I think he sounded as if he had a cold, but reached those glory notes anyway.
OMFG! To the Finnish person above: And what about having a very minor offish night after almost 5 months straight of incredible shows? That's more than 80 shows in Do you realize that Adam has given over 80 shows across the whole USA and in Canada, Australia, Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, Malaysia, etc. And now, he's touring in 11 or 12 countries in Europe. Kudos to Adam f..king Lambert for being a human and not a machine. This guy is so amazing. IF and I say IF it's true for Finland, that's unfortunate for you. There are current top charters that give AWFUL concert live shows every other night on their tours. We are really fortunate to be Adam's fans.
The best EVER Adam and Brooke dance!!!!! They were hot! Everyone looked like they were haveing a blast!
Adam is loosing himself in a whole new level, the best still yet to come. HeHe!
That was a great FEVER!! Great kiss, several xtra moves throughout, and the xtra bells and whistles Rope with a fether at the end hanging from his right rear hip!!! Getting it on to the drums!! I think I had a G SPOT in the middle of it all! UNF!!!!!
Anonymous 3:51, Adam seemed far for a zombie in Finland, but several posters said that the audience contained the very young and children. Perhaps, as usual, he was playing to his audience.
Ok, if that's the case that Adam wants his audience older than in Finland, no need to bother come here again.
don't believe you are from Finland, they have more manners. Go back in your hole, and stop complaining. You are obviously not a fan.
Anon from Finland are you speaking for the entire Country? Just asking. Because this is the first that I heard the show wasn't his usual 110%. If you were disappointed that all you heard was Mad World, then sorry. Don't buy any more tickets, others will. We still love all Adam's Fans from Finland--you too cookie.
These vids are good. Kinda too much sing-a-long for my taste, and it looked as though he was a bit frustrated by it (at least during Soaked). Maybe he was just having sound issues.
Sorry to Finland fans if they were disappointed, and sorry for others attitudes towards you on this thread.
Let's be kind ladies.
I'll say one more thing. I don't know if this Munich venue was a sold out, but I've heard that the German venues are selling very slowly. Don't be too easy for Adam..
I'm sort of getting a vibe there were some sound issues too, and the lighting seemed a little off too, was that just me?, just saying, not complaining, hell no, really just mentioned it to illustrate what a pro BB is in dealing w/ little issues and still delivering a f*cking concert like this. Gawd I love him.
geezus frick
just finished vids
I want to be entertained by him over and over and over and over again... forever... so satisfying, every sight, every sound, EVERY SONG
and if I smoked, I'd be having a cigarette right now
Adam is looking very very very happy in these videos. It seems it was very difficult for him to stop smiling even in Soaked! Adam looks amazing, I guess it was one of the best performances of "Fever"! What about zombie in Finland? If somebody doesnt' like Adam performance just write the article or whatever, instead of share their negative comments on this blog.
Again, attn:Suz526! Your videoes are fantasitc!
Wish I can buy these videos from you.LOL
oh, and Suz526, to quote someone/something we all might remember "... I think words are unnecessary but I want to give you a standing ovation..."
Really Suz, I'm standing in my bedroom right now staring at my laptop and giving you a standing ovation ;), thank you.
Check out Robbie Williams Live in Leeds 2006 - Let me entertain you. I fucking love that performance. That's the concert he wasn't feeling well.
who's robbie williams?
anon 3:51PM
Adam might not have been feeling 100% as we can recall. There were some write ups about it. He could very well be not feeling 100% from what we saw from the limited videos & yet his performance was still incredible despite that supposedly he was a bit under the weather.
Absolutely loved ROF! Adam's gotta do the "standing up" version more often! What a professional he is! Seems like there was definitely a sound problem throughout the show but he outperforms himself every time no matter what!
Double WOW for Fever and Adam and Brooke dancing! Loved it! Adam looks gorgeous and happy!
Damn, damn, DAMN you Adam Lambert!!!! You outdid yourself at this show, and killed me 100x over, in the process. Death by Adam is happening here in our house tonight! How do I know? Because at the end of Fever...which it was all I could do to sit through (oh, the KISS! Man, Tommy just WANTED it)...I saw this bright, white light! I was blinded by looking directly into the brilliance of Adam Lambert! My heart stopped for a moment and I saw this bright light, a cone of light, and felt warmth flood through me...felt jubilation and joy, a flood of endorphins and had the sense that all would be o.k. on the other side. Then, suddenly - I realized that those were the flood lights shining directly into Glorious Suz526's camera, and I had SURVIVED the most blistering rendition of Fever that Adam had ever done! OMG - I had to use all my stength to make it through that performance alive - but I did it, and came out the other side!! Adam, seriously, you nearly did me in.
But Adam wasn't done yet. No. Then, he had to go and smile that wicked, crooked smile and writhe, in ecstasy, on the floor during TCB! Good god, man!! OK, I give up, you've officially turned me gay! Oh wait, I'm a chick. DAMN.
AND...? Ring of Fire. My all-time favorite Adam song. He totally blistered my eyeballs tonight, people! The undulating! The simulated mastrubation (or maybe that was TCB...or maybe it was brain is so scrambled right now I've lost track)! The hips! The high notes!
Adam is my undoing. I am gasping for breath.
MGF - give me one of those cigarettes! I don't smoke, either!!!!
Thank you, Adam, for mercilessly slaying me tonight. Thank you for going over the top and not holding back. Please save a little of your "juice" for the show in LA, so I can die in your presence. I am ready.
- Adam Fix
No, No, No, NO - I was so overwhelmed, I got it wrong!!!! The blinding light was at the end of TCB - as well it should have been! After Adam threw himself down on the ground and had a make-out session with the floor...??? Hell yeah - I was blinded! Couldn't even type straight. Jesus.
AND - I just couldn't even take anymore. After watching the above-mentioned videos, I just had to sit and catch my breath. So it wasn't until now that I even saw the dance with Brooke! OMG. OMG! OMG!!!! Adam was at this show! And spent lots of time on the floor. Me like.
Thank you, Munich, for whatever you did to our boy - he was ON FIRE!!
- Adam Fix
it's only 14 days till i meet adam...*\0/*
i thought i would save any video watching now till after the concert....but damn it, i'm going to have to watch these now after all these fab comments...i must resist temptation....NOPE I CAN'T ha ha....
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
@Fan4fun - i just saw your post, muchas gracias. Will go look for it. Take it easy our Diamond Girl! :D
@Adam Fix - OMG you are also On FIRE GIRL! Just came back from RL and haven't seen any vid yet. Now i just couldn't wait anymore whew!
There is NEVER a boring Glam Nation concert. Adam gives a thousand per cent to all his performances. Nevertheless, if there are adults with young children in the audience, he tones down his risqué movements which is very respectful of him. There’s almost always the Adommy kiss so I don’t think anyone has anything to complain about. There’s not another artist on the planet who performs as fantastically as Adam and remember, Adam started the Glam Nation tour back in June with very little down time and yet he manages to keep his performances breathtakingly brilliant night after night.
Maybe Adam wasn’t feeling well in Helinski but all the videos I’ve seen have captured him performing to the max, ill or not.
why do some people assumed he was sick when they thought he wasn't performing 100%. In my eyes, for someone who has been doing over 100s concerts between June and now (oh and don't forget all the shows prior to the first GNT concert), Adam has been doing superbly in every concert. Now, those who whinge, who just couldn't be satisfied enough, get off the Adam's wagon! I'm serious! If you love Adam, then love him, don't whinge! Know that Adam will surprise you all the time.. he doesn't have to do the same in every concert. Grrrr... i'm just annoyed. You are the kind of people who would never feel satisfied in your day to day life.. the kind of ppl who whinge, whinge, whinge... I hope you take time to re-evaluate yourself, what kind of person you are.
When Adam kisses Tommy, there'll be someone who complains its getting old. When Adam doesn't kiss Tommy, someone will say 'oh may Adam's sick'. Pls!!!!!!! Stop it people, can't you just enjoy the show?? OMG, I'm so effin' frustrated! No wonder Adam just doesn't care because he can't satisfy everyone, so he does what he does! Good on you, Adam!!!! Am pissed off with whingers! Now am going to watch some more cool vids of Adam.
I know Adam was really looking forward to performing in Finland so......he really DID give 110% considering he was under the weather with a cold,but he still sounded incredible. In the States and Canada we too really LOVE TCB and Whole Lotta Love for encores,but WE didn't always get our way no matter how enthusiastice the fans were. I also like the AI version of Mad World better,but Adam has sooo many concerts that he has to take care of his voice so I am Sure that is how it goes. He will be back to Finland,and you can be sure he is ALWAYS a performer to go see. He in simply IRRESISTABLE!
Adam is a human being, not a robot!
Moving right along, it's a shame people talk when Adam is singing Soaked. It's very disrespectful and yet people keep doing it. :( There were times during Munich's Soaked that Adam was barely audible in this clip and it's a very good clip by Suz526. Sure, it was nice that some people sang along with him but please, talking is a big no no!!
I think everyone agrees that Adam is a fantastic performer . Some fans are so enchanted by him they somehow think that they must protect him against any critical remarks re his performances or behavior , Pls , everyone has a right to comment .Just chill! Hes not some delicate flower. Hes been around- not sheltered def not innocent - One does not have to accept him and everything he does to be considered a fan !
Ok, now that I picked myself up off the floor...
We can all go back up and read Adam Fix's post and insert it here.... ditto... I'm DEAD!
Adam Fix... girl, Adam killed me and you burried me with your spot on and hilarious recap... LMAO for real.
And how appropriate was that blinding white light at the end... your description nailed it!
That kiss (Holy #$@$!!!) about fried my brain.
2 things I did notice, I loved the sleeves all the way down, (not cuffed up as they usually are) Looked dark and smooth and finished... he even looked taller--all one dark unbroken color
I agree with the standing ROF.
I need to pass out now, well, wait--after I watch one more time =)
I'm bored with the Adommy kiss. At this point it's only bringing new fans for Tommy, which is a good thing though.
anon @ 8:04
Bored? Really? THIS one ABOVE, THIS kiss bored you?? Oh my gosh, you better check your pulse?
Bored? Really???? You always have the option to skip over that part but if you do, I feel sorry for your life. Besides, whose looking at Tommy anyway? There is meltdown material each time I imagine what it would be like to be kissssssssed like that by Adam so that moment in Fever is wonderous fuel for the fire!!
That was kinda cute - Adam could just rest his voice and let the audience go to it .... they sounded so fired up and sang with such spirit and knew every word and inflection. That had to be so gratifying!!
AWWWWW... I didn't watch AFTERAMATH till just now... (sniffles) What a beautiful moment from Monte at the end!
Some things I've never seen before in all the Adam shows we've seen thru video (thank ALLL the wonderful videographers for sharing, especially Suz) or live. I notice Adam always gives direction etc.(usually before Fever) But I have NEVER seen him give SO many signals as he did during this show. AND WHAT a show it was!
Despite all the crazy on fire sexy enhancements he throws in along the way, this man is an incredible entertainer, able to adapt immedeiately to any situation. Not only is he gorgeous with the most magnificent voice, he is a TRUE professional.
After watching the whole show seems there were CLEARLY sound issues which he reacted to very calmly all night, seemed not happy with the mic at times -even slid it smoothly away at the end of TCB, and *STILL gave the most amazing, exciting show and outstanding vocal performance.
What a true professional. Indeed a legendary Superstar in the making. I'm so glad I'm getting to witness his rise to stardom in my lifetime.
I think Adam will love to live in Europe,he look so happy here.Adam is doing what he loves HIS way and he can be himself.We are not small minded people and we care less if he is gay or not.And he has Norwegian blood after his grand-grand father and Norwegian eyes;)I hear him on radio every day.Adam-the viking!
Love and peace from Norway
Adam-the-Viking... shit, hey Adam Fix, here I go again... took me weeks to get those images of Adam-in-Spartacus-Garb out of my head... now I'm having visions of Adam-the-Viking :).
And I must be really really losing it - because I see Adam in the clouds that are behind the Flag at the beginning of Suz's videos... seriously, go look, his face/head in the clouds in the upper left hand corner of the frame, sort of to the side of and behind a little the flagpole. Crap, I need another stint to rehab!! I can't even believe I'm admitting that and posting that, lol! Well, whatevs, most importantly, this concert was amazi, oops, forget that, uuhhmm, how 'bout wicked cool (wicked cool, an homage to my state, right Cindy ;)!!)
W W I I C K I I D COOL!!!!! lol
MGF, Yeeeah baby, I'm with ya..!!!! Good chuckle on that one ;)
OH... speaking of, I just saw "Wicked" in Boston
few weeks back.. and it WAS!! Awesome show. Of course I kept imagining ADAM as Fyero =)
( I gotta go look at these clouds now...)
@nov 13th 4.36
people haven't assumed he was sick, there was reports all over twitter, here. Mj's all saying that, and that was why he cancelled all interviews in Finland, but he still gave 100%.
Adam said he didn't feel well at the airport to fans and he still gave a heartfelt performance. Cut him some slack please.Think it's a little difficult to sing and dance your heart out when you're sick and need to rest.
Shit...I burned my caught up in the videos....BB had his GROOVE ON
LOVE the glitter on Issac
GREAT SHOW !!!!!!!
Saw the white light at the end of TCB.......said that's it...must of had the "big one" watching Adam...died and gone to Heaven
with my angel singing....
You r my hero suz when Monte gave Adam a kiss....I think Monte knows what Adam goes thru
and what a great talent he is......Adam never fails to thank the people around him....Beautiful person!!!
After reading the posts of @MGF, @Adam Fix and @Cindy and many more i can't think of anything else to add. Had to find time to view all the vids and i just finished.
Adam is one hardworking artist. I'm tempted to say that he is sort of a perfectionist but i think it's more of his earnest desire to always give a stellar performance all the time and he must be assured that he simply does, that he delivers as always. Kudos to you AFL!
THNX Bing! =)
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