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Glam Nation Tour in Vienna, Austria 11-22

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, November 22, 2010

Posted at : Monday, November 22, 2010



Whataya Want From Me


Opening Medley


20th Century Boy

Sure Fire Winners


Music Again

If I Had You

Thanks to suz526 for the videos!


Anonymous said...

Vienna show for all Adams ex fans. Nice and family friendly.
Another version of Soaked. Lot of close ups and you can see Adam smile at the screamer

from twitter:
"Just some notes on screamer - she was about 13, front row Tommy side not far from me. Veeerry loud during soaked but I didn't notice her for rest of show. Adam kept looking over at her w amused look on his face during soaked. If he was pissed, he hid it well lol. She wasn't kicked out afaik."

Neils twitter about this:
"Dear girl screaming 30dB & 3 octaves above everyone else: you are not helping anyone make this show better. Stop."


Anonymous said...

@Eva - hahahaha thanks for the advance notice ;-) and of course for the link. He surely knows his audience doesn't he, very smart indeed. Having a difficult time catching up :(


The Dark Side said...

This had to be one of the loudest audiences in the universe. Screams throughout Soaked, but also very long applause. Expected a more subdued audience--this is where they have the Vienna Boys Choir. Well at least they appreciate what is before them. Adam being a good boy tonight--maybe some of the choir in the audience. Thank you Suz526 and Rolando. Hope your have a grand time also.

Anonymous said...

WTF poor Adam! Adam is ADAM and that's why we all fell in love with him I wouldn't want him any other way. I can't believe all the SHIT he has got for the Amsterdam show GGGGGRRRR it makes me so angry. You guys that have decided you aren't fans no more you really never got it's your loss. He sure as hell made me start listening to music again!! Mo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Vienna sure has a screamer... lol
K, Adam forgets sex-u-al and then grabs Taylor's "j--k"... LOL Hey Adam! I can recite your messages cuz they're tattooed in my mind already‼ :) And yet I still want to hear them from you over and over again‼ :) Great show as always... loved it bb‼
Thanks Suz for making us feel like we were there and of course 24/7 for posting‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

To Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert

Oh, my God, sweet Adam!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT VOCAL around 3:55 on TCB???? Your fucking high note scared the shit off my cat Icon... the poor little thing is now meawing over there, under my bed and doesn't want to come out no more!!! Glamshit! @ The Dark Side commented that you played the «good boy» at this venue and I believed it!!! Well, well... I have another problem to solve out: it is to decide who of you two will receive my doctor's bill to pay, after I recover the 40% of audition on my left ear which I've just lost!

PS: Come on, Icon, don't be scared baby, it is just sweet Adam, the Diamond Boy, our sexotic singing bird! come to mama, baby Icon... let's watch him singing Soaked, you like it so much... come to mama, baby Icon, came on, play a «good boy» to me!


Anonymous said...

All I have to say is everyone has a right an opinion without being trashed and called names. You can like a performance or dislike a performance without being ripped to shreds by some cyber bully. Not necessarily speaking about this thread, but about others mentioned here.

Anonymous said...

I mean «vocals around 2:05(not 3:55) on TCB». Besides audition I guess I've lost some eye sight too...

Anonymous said...

thanks suz

Anonymous said...

fan4fun, You sure have a marvelous way of expressing yourself and I love it! Both hearing and sight lost due to Mr. Lambert! Cant watch videos yet but happy to know they're performing TCB again! Wish they'd do Enter Sandman again. Fond memory of Vienna - sitting in an outdoor restaurant on a Sat. nite in July watching the Austrian diners dance the Viennese waltz. They werent professionals, just everyday folks, and it was magic. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but being warned in advance about the 13 year old screamer, I listened for her and cracked up laughing at her. I noticed Adam grinning when she would scream and then he looked at her pretty intently at one point. I know Soaked deserves more reverence, but couldn't help but laugh.

Anonymous said...

Where is WLL?

fever :43 Nice crotch rub he did on Taylor. Wonder if he will plant a nice kiss on Taylor before the show comes to an end. By the way, he only has a small hand full of shows

Anonymous said...

Little Screamer - maybe she just couldn't help it!! Adam does that to people you know and I think he LOVES it!! Hey, does anybody else watch those amazing leather pants and wonder when they are going to cause a wonderful wardrobe malfunction!! GOD he is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

What? What, what???
A young screamer in the audience?.. and screaming many times during «Soaked»???!!!
Come on, guys, big mistake... just think again?! I know, I know, it was Austria but... WTF, don't you get it? The audience... THEY WERE ALL CANADIANS!!!!! (lol)


Anonymous said...

Haven't got time to watch the vids yet, just wanted to say I'm glad to see TCB back, will quietly admit I don't really like Purple Haze...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Don't ya'll remember 13-year-old love? There is no containing it. You eat, sleep, breathe it. Your heart rules everything. Now imagine the object of your total adoration..your reason for three feet in front of you, sparkling like a god, singing like an angel, and looking at you. OMG...SCREEEEEEEEAMMMM!!! I think he noticed her.


Anonymous said...

Screaming during Soaked ? What?

Anonymous said...

@Eva 3:58pm Does Adam have ex-fans? This is not possible! Boy is talented as nobody else in a world. And we got great prove of this yesterday! All Adam fans love him may be different way. Be honest, I know few ladies in my office who said that after AMA 2009 they can't see Adam performances but he is still on of their favorite singers! If you heard Adam just once you will be addict forever!

Anonymous said...

Amsterdam Pure rock and roll raunchy sex Tonite all cute flirty funny ! Love the way he mixes it up ! As much as I liked the other night , seeing him and tommy Joe laughing and just being silly with each other had me smiling and going awww . I just LOVE them . Theyre absolutely the cutest (couple) in the universe . I know-not real- its Show Biz but I can dream cant I?

Anonymous said...

OMG - the Soaked screamer made me bust up and laugh out loud!! Put a smile on my face, and had to rewind it a few times for the priceless look Adam shot her!

TXSparkler - you are exactly right! The poor girl probably didn't even realize that sound was even coming out of HER own mouth! I had the same experience when I saw Adam live, and I am not 13!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Finland is the only country he didn't do TCB. Thanks a lot Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Totally OT - the Amsterdam post just got too long to add my comment, but I loved how that thread ended up being about animals. :)

GIOW/UK, you are too fuckin' cool - you feed foxes and raccoons off your back porch? I love it! Can I move in? Me and my son? He actually, in his head, thinks he's a wolverine (HA HA HA! he's obsessed with those fierce little creatures - go figure!).

Adamluv - you sound like a super interesting person, what wiht all your travels around the world and your love of animals. Can't wait to meet you in person, down in LA!

fan4fun - Icon is lucky to have you as a mama. <3

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous Nov. 22, 2010 10:08PM

That's not true. Adam sang Mad World and/or Whole Lotta Love before he introduced Twentieth Century Boy to his encore/s and he doesn't sing Twentieth Century Boy at ALL his concerts.

Anonymous said...

Soaked is such a beautiful song - stupid screamers!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam and the aaaggghhh screamers!!

Hope the screamers lost their voices albeit temporarily, but they'd probably say it was worth it!

Anonymous said...

Another GLAMFABULOUS concert!!! :-)

Concerts don't come as good as or better than Adam's concerts. :-)

mikoraul said...

I was there :) It was glamazing!!! thx

Anonymous said...

TXSparkler, you're sweet, reminding us + helping us take it easier....


Anonymous said...

Yes, I was there yesterday. These young teenager fucked up the show. They really just came for Adam's pretty face... And there were more than one, at least two dozens of 14-15 year olds. And also a lot of pushing was going on.
By the way, check out the videos here:
Best quality ever.

Let's make all the concerts open for 18+ like in Zurich.

Anonymous said...

Siempre presente y emocionada siguiendo todas la actualizaciones y he dejado algunos comentarios.
Dia de mucha emoción,sigamos positivas, sumergidas el la música de ADAM POR SIEMPRE.....
Saludos cordiales para ustedes.
Fan4fun está bien tu salud ? Cuídate mucho ?

Anonymous said...

I was there and I could punch that screamer in the face!!! I was so annoyed.
But hungarian fans were amaziiing.

Rebecca said...

great post

Anonymous said...

MSR4ever, what do you mean by hungarian fans? Did a lot of them travel from Hungary for the concert? Adamluv

The Dark Side just being blunt said...

Long thread. Fan4fun hope Icon back on track after TCB. Has similar affect on me as I listen with earphones and some of Adam's outworldly sounds rips holes in them, not to mention my eardrums. Got a laugh at Neil's tweet to teen girls--good luck with that. They scream because that's what they do. No pill for it yet. And probably would be a law if someone tried to muzzle them. Adam cool with it--let's Neil be the bad guy. Wonder who the x-fans are? If this is because of Amsterdam, then I say these ppl need something to mellow them out. Any ideas here?

Anonymous said...

Good times. Who knows how soon the screaming will stop.

Anonymous said...

The Look Adam gave the *SCREAMER* was Priceless..... this year has been full of alsorts of Wonderful Excitement and its all THANKS to

Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun....sending hugs to little *ICON*.....

@darkside good comments...

Hi Former Adam Fans...i know you are out there..geeeeeeez guys..please lighten up...because you really are MISSING OUT BIGTIME on ADAM FUN
Loving the Lambert til the day i die...just sayin
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Whoa must be the loudest crowd ever haha and the applauses were equally deafening. Another stellar performance for a very enthusiastic audience, congrats Adam ;-)
