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Glam Nation Tour in Zurich 11-23-10

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, November 23, 2010




Sure Fire Winners


Music Again

If I Had You

Mad World


Anonymous said...

Great job Suz. Thanks for all of your hard work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks..Suz..U R so lucky to be at so many concerts....hope you are keeping notes for full summary after......

Anonymous said...

wowow Suz thanks 4 keeping all us who r sitting at the end of seats until we c ur vids up 2 date. Loveeeee all ur hard work!! Dana

Anonymous said...

Music again...nice shots..glambulge

seriously...voice still amazing..wish I could be in Calif. for last two he blows the roof off the place

Anonymous said...

A SB ad right next to Adam??? ...... PULLLEEEEZ!!

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary For Your Entertainment Album!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Suz! Amazing shots cuz you're right there at the... *bulge eye* I mean bull's eye‼ ☺ Another fantastic show‼

Happy 1 year Anniversary FYE Album and congrats Adam‼
I can't believe it's only been a year‼ ☺

Anonymous said...

Spellbinding as usual. But I'm going to make my 1st criticism: Isaac's good and all but his drums are so loud I can barely hear Adam or the rest of the group. Maybe it's my speakers. Has anyone else noticed it or is it just me?


Anonymous said...

Suz you are one very lucky woman. You get to go to so many concerts and get to met Adam. You have a amazing life. Getting to work with Sonny must help to go to the concerts and getting the good seats. What a life!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes - Music Again. Think he was going commando again!

glam4lamb, I HAVE noticed the drums seem very predominant in a lot of these concert clips...I thought it was something about where Suz was standing at the shows...but I don't remember the drums being so loud when it was Longineau. Hmmm. How come Isaac has been drumming in a plexi enclosure?

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I guess in the Vienna and Zurich concerts there were not many locals in the audience, but mostly foreign fans who attend to many concerts. Suppose Adam likes to see the familiar faces in a small crowd.

glitzylady said...

@ anon 9:03 pm

Suz526 does not work for or with Sony..She does this out of love and admiration for Adam and feels it is her way of helping him to become better known and to support him in his career...In the US, she has shouldered the cost of the trips and tickets herself and is now in Europe due to the generosity of fans who set up a fund to send her there....She is working very hard, following the Glamily from concert to concert and often stays up late into the night to upload her vids to You Tube..She is currently just finishing up her video uploads for this concert because she was having difficulty getting them to upload to You Tube for some reason..Which means that it is already 7 or 8 am in Zurich..after staying up all night to get these all up for us..and the reason they are not all up here on this website yet as I write soon as she finishes, she will be off to Italy..I don't know when she sleeps!! A truly dedicated and lovely lady who I had the honor of meeting in Hawaii...

Anonymous said...

Bigger venues, professional camera crews. This reminds me, isn't USA a civil society now? It's no longer a capitalist nation.

glitzylady said...

And for those who want to contribute to Suz526 so that she may continue to follow Adam and the Glamily on their tour (only a few more stops now...) here is the link to the website that you may donate to help defray expenses..This fund was not set up by Suz but as a surprise for her by fans who appreciate what she does for Adam..and love seeing these videos..I have seen it posted here before but thought I'd post it again in case any here had not heard of it..the last that I heard, funds were still needed to complete the European concert dates... and anything in excess, if there is any, will go to Donors Choose, Adam's favorite project for the promotion of Arts in Education in Classrooms that need help in funding projects that would not happen otherwise..something that is very near and dear to his heart..

cherch said...

Go to and show Suz your appreciation by donating a small amount to keep her over there. She's hardly had any sleep between vidding concerts, uploading them on youtube for our entertainment and then getting to the next city. She does this out of love for Adam and us, his fans. She's an amazing lady.

glitzylady said...

Gosh...we're on a Suz526 roll tonight!! For those interested in hearing an interview with Suz on Juneau and Xena's radio show (they wrote the book
"On the Meaning Of Adam Lambert") a few weeks ago, before she left for Europe, here is the link for that...She talked about why she does what she does..etc...and you can hear her voice!!

glitzylady said...

What the heck..he's one more Suz525 interview, this time in print..This was posted here on 24/7 at the beginning of Oct..but if anyone didn't see it then, or would like to it is...And I'm done now!! (promise...) LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Adam, on your One Year Anniversary of your debut album, For Your Entertainment! What a ride it's been and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but on it with you! I'm your fan forever!


Anonymous said...

Yes! Suz has done a great job and I'm sure will appreciate any help given. OT..Has anyone noticed that Adam has had his arms covered in Vienna and Zurich? He's wearing the Strut jacket even through the encores. Hope he didn't get the sleeve tatt. Don't think he's cold. Must be another reason. Just wondering...It's 4AM and have to get cooking for Thanksgiving in a few hours. Have to watch these vids later. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Here's a pic of Sasha and Neil:


Anonymous said...

Music again....EYE CANDY...almost poked me in the eye..he he.....
those pants are getting pretty worn out from it almost 100 shows..lost count....
looking GOOD

Anonymous said...

All Hail Suz


Anonymous said...

Adam Fix @ 10:48....bear with me as I'm gonna do my best to explain what can be a complex issue.

Each instrument on stage has a microphone capturing it's sound that is projected over an individual PA system. If you're close to the stage you're hearing Isaac's drums "live" while those that are further back hear his drums via his PA. Because of sound delay, if you didn't have them attached to a PA, his moves would not match the sound; they would be off by a fraction of a second. Sometimes in smaller venues, the drums can be too loud for the layout of the room, and also they can be too loud for Adam to be able to do his job, so they put them behind the plexi-glass.

As for the monitors (ear pieces) in every-ones ears, each one is generally mixed individually by the sound engineer. For instance, because Adam sings to a "backing track", his monitor likely combines that track with one or more of the instruments for him to follow (probably Monte's guitar). All of their monitors have the backing track, likely mixed with Adams voice so they can be sure they're staying on beat with the backing track.

Hope this helps, and answers some questions.

Anonymous said...

Thanks PRS for explanation. I brought the subject up yesterday but I had been noticing it for several shows now.
This does answer some questions and I appreciate your help. That does make sense. However, like AdamFix, I wonder why we never noticed the overpowering drums with Longineau.


glitzylady said...

Just a the concerts in Honolulu, I didn't notice the drums to be overpowering "Live"...everything seemed quite in just in videos I think (?)...I'll have to give a listen to my own vids (amateurish as they are..) to see what I notice in them...In my live experiences I mostly notice Adam and his voice but also Monte and his guitar..because he is so amazingly good...Everything else music-wise is just part of the background..Thanks for the explanation expert in our midst: who knew!!!!

mikoraul said...

thank you glitzylady and PRS and suz of course :) luv yall guyz <3 GLAMILY <3


Anonymous said...

Expert ? not yet, but thanks for the kind remark. It just so happens my son is a drummer in a progressive rock band. When he was younger he was in a Christian Rock band for 2 years, and had to play many of their gigs behind plexi-glass.

Anonymous said...

AWWW, Sleepwalker, so LOVE this song and at the end, around 5:45 - Adam singing so beautifully, standing his hand erect and he has MY HEART coiled up around his GB...

GGD Gal - so lost, NOT lonely...

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary For Your Entertainment Album =D

Can U People Who Have Twitter Tweet That So We Can Make For Your Entertainment Trending

AThe Dark Side said...

Isaac gives the band a more rock sound. I like it, and it does get a little loud at times. This is why it is harder to hear Adam's voice during rock numbers, the more rock, the more band. We are also hearing the audience a lot more if the venue smaller. Course, I could be wrong, often am.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we noticed the drums are overwhelming the band, and worse still, obscuring Adam's voice. Plexiglass actually amplifies sound, reflects it, much like a boom box -- shield needs to be covered with sound-wave absorbing material (not reflecting) material. Feeling sad because the GNT is almost over, but glad for Mr. Lambert and crew who will soon enjoy a well-earned R & R. Thank you Suz, whoever you are, for giving us a peek at this gloriously sexy, talented, life-force: Adam Lambert.

glitzylady said...

Suz just tweeted that there were "sound issues" at the Milan Venue and that the drums were overwhelming the rest of the perfomance...not sure if she meant in the venue or on the vids...or both...It was a small many questions.. : ) ..hmmm...inquiring minds.....

Anonymous said...

The sound crew should tell the drummer to adjust his volume if necessary. This is normally what happens. That's one reason they do the sound check previous to the concert! (I'm a sound tech)
Great drummers are very tasteful, however, most drummers tend to lay it down way too loud.
Plus a really good sound tech is hard to find!

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks all y'all, for the sound and drum lessons! That was interesting.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thanks PRS and anon 5:47! Such great information!
