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New Picture Of Adam Lambert in Stockholm!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, November 12, 2010

Posted at : Friday, November 12, 2010

"Adam holding my pen after signing my picture I made outside DeBaser Stockholm, Sweden November 09 2010"

Photo credit: Anetteswe


Anonymous said...

Don't forget Operation Platinum. If we all buy just ONE FYE, Adam will reach Platinuma and we will make someone HAPPY>
Please. $10 on Amazon.
Adam is sooo cute and COOOOLD!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam, honey, do you wanna play my pillow?

Mo said...

Adam Lambert Tour Edition is for sale in Australia. It is a DVD/CD combo. It has a stripped DVD this includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Is it on sale worldwide or just selected countries? HAS ANYONE ELSE GOT A COPY?

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam sweetie, how can I not love you!!

Anonymous said...

Stunning picture! Stunning!

LP said...

Great picture, he may change his mind about living overseas, he is not used to 32 degrees.
I appreciate sunny California, even in winter. I am waiting to see him wear warm gloves, not half gloves, when he is outside. No wonder he was asking about some good books to read, he probably will only do a little shopping and more reading.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 8:52, it's not possible, I tried, no luck! ;)

Anonymous said...

Now you can see what kind of life I´m living. No wonder I´m crabby and bitchy all the time.


Anonymous said...

Yes. Absolutely stunning!!

Anonymous said...

He looks cute :)
Oh, I see Pizza Hut in the background ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Eva

The Dark Side said...

When in Sweden do as the Swedes do--eat at Pizza Hut. Are we sure Adam didn't take a detour to the South Pole, in that parka/hat. Looks colder than a witches ____! I'm complaining because the temp has dropped to the 60s where I live. Very happy today with all the good Adam news. Is he in Germany already?

Anonymous said...

@ ZZ
When you gave me this link yesterday (it was late night here) and I saw this pic, I grabbed my cat Icon to weare him as a hat and look like sweet Adam. But all I got was a lot of scratches around my shoulders and neck... Hahahahahahah! After that my hat (or shall I say my CAT?) went and stayed meawing for quite a while under my bed.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Wolfy!! Wanna howl???

Anonymous said...

Just picturing Adam in an upcoming Bear-Man movie, haha

Anonymous said...

Looks like a werewolf. A handsome, beautiful, colddd.. werewolf. I wanna meet a werewolf like that!

Anonymous said...

He looks like a big, fuzzy plush toy! Or a big lion with icey blue eyes. I want to cuddle with him! So cute.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Mo @8:33am I have a copy and got it from Amazon,I don't know where Amazon gets them though.I have enjoyed it so much, I am buying one for my cousin for Christmas,she is going to be so surprized.Can't wait.Eva you made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

How ironic is it that E is featuring a special program on Adam at the same time as the American Music Awards. Guess which one I'll be watching!!!!