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Operation Platinum - Getting FYE to Platinum

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 12, 2010

Posted at : Friday, November 12, 2010

A special birthday present to Adam, read more about it here.

(Pic credits to Adam Lambert's fans in Hongkong @AdamLambertHK2)

Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network.


Mo said...

Adam Lambert Tour Edition is for sale in Australia. It is a DVD/CD combo. It has a stripped DVD this includes his videos FYE, IIHY & WYWM also has the making of IIHY. The CD has 5 bonus tracks. Is it on sale worldwide or just selected countries? HAS ANYONE ELSE GOT A COPY?

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea and I've been advocating it myself for a while, "I've bought mine!" is the motto to put online when you've gone out and bought the FYE album for family and friends just to spread the word to folks that might not know what a great artist Adam is. I hope everyone catches the "fever" and goes out to make this album platinum!

Anonymous said...

I think we should all buy as many CDs of Adam's we can afford and give them to people who don't have them and people who can't afford them. This is the best way to spread JOY this Holiday season.

LP said...

Just sent off 5 FYE cd's to Sister Soldier Project

P.O. Box 1311
Grover Beach, CA 93483
Att. Myraline Whitaker

Hope this helps Adam to reach platinum

Anonymous said...

OMG this is the lamest thing ever. This kinda obsessive craziness is what turns a lot of people off Adam Official and indeed off Idol artists like Adam in general. I'm sure he'd like his album to do well by being enjoyed by a wide variety of people, not just being bought repeatedly by the same crazies.
Sales are not everything, credibility is equally important and by pulling this kinda stunt you are denying Adam that.

LP said...

I hope what I did isn't lame. It was a donation, so that more people can enjoy Adam.There are still a lot of people who don't know who he is, and might never hear his great voice.Sorry if I offended anyone , didn't mean to deny Adam anything.

Anonymous said...

Just read that FYE became Gold in Malaysia. Congrads, Adam!!!!!!! Also, I found that FYE is PLatinum in New Zealand and Canada. Do you know how many sold albums makes Platinum in NZ and Canada? Same as in US 1,000,000?

LP said...

Its, only 100,000 in Canada, and 1,000,000 in USA

Anonymous said...

Does it mean Gold -50,000 for these countries?

Anonymous said...

Hey LP, what you did was wonderful!! Im sorry but people like anon 12:11 shouldnt even visit this site. Adam fans are amazing loyal and will support him in any way! Im so thankful to sites like this that start the ball rolling with things like this. Adam will never sell albums like say a Katy Perry , the amount of small minded people in this country will make sure of that. So if it takes his fans buying more than one cd to get him where he belongs, i say go Glamily he deserves it!!!! Rema

Anonymous said...

I wish we didn't have to resort to something like this, though it IS a good cause.

I've said something like this before, and I'm not agreeing with the reasons he has to do this. Hear me? They're wrong, wrong, wrong. But
here goes: If Adam wants to make it now, after all the damage done, he will have to have a megahit song off the next album. He will have to stop kissing men in public - anywhere! Goodbye Tommy - sorry. He will have to stop talking about being gay. If another interviewer mentions "gay" again, Adam needs to tell them that it's already been covered and refuse to discuss it. If asked about the AMA's, he will have to say that he was wrong and in hindsight, it was a mistake. Maybe, maybe then he will get some TV appearances, and may have a successful career. America is very forgiving it is allowed to forget.
Will Adam do any of this? no
Should Adam do any of this for any reason, other than to save his career? no
Will he be dropped from his label after this next record if things don't immediately improve? yes
I expect outrage from my fellow fans for this post. I hope not. Because I just see this as reality. It is sad that Adam has not been more successful. I hope I have to eat my words.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:02pm. You absolutely right! Why people as 12:11 even visit this blog. Don't they have anything else to do in Friday afternoon? As a visit JB blog or Usher or ..... and make the comments about these "Talents":(
I bought one more CD for my mom for Christmas! Last year I bought Susan Boyle for mom. She called me in Christmas afternoon and asked why I bought her such a sh............. for Christmas!!!!!!!!!! I know mom adores Adam and I know she will love her gift on this Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Sh*t, Damn, F*ck, I think Anon 12:11 has a little bit of a point :(, I do. The charity element is wonderful of course, but there's a shred of validity to the rest IMO, I'm sorry to say.

Anonymous said...

Well 12:11, you've identifed yourself, haven't you? Lump everyone in who is a fan of Adam and call them crazy. Why are you on this site. Oh, nevermind, I know--to spread hate.

I think it's a great idea because I can't seem to find Adam's CD in the stores. I even see a slot for Gokey but not Adam. Wonder why? AND DAMN STRAIGHT, I do blame this on homophobic creeps. There's no other plausible explanation.

So, I'll take advantage of this opportunity and purchase several of these CDs to donate.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 1:56, no validity. It's fans being fans. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan, I love Adam, and I agree with 12:11.
Why do you assume 12:11 is not a fan?

The Dark Side said...

Adam's albums are available in the No. Calif town I live, and as I visit these stores every week or so, they also sell. I disagree that Adam has to have a huge second success or his record co. will drop him. They can't be that big of fools, as there are others out there who will grab him up. As for changing who and what he is, I say an emphatic NO. To be other than who he actually is would be a sell out. He is a little left of Center, and he will remain a little left of center where many of us want him to be. I speak for no one but myself. I bought an extra copy last week, but intend to keep it. If it helps sales, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse Adam's record sales to that of Carrie or Taylor Swift. Country music people buy albums, they not big free down loaders.

Anonymous said...

I'm 2:11 and of course I'm a huge fan or i wouldnt be on here. Not everyone who offers a different opinion is a troll you know. And anyway I'm not criticizing Adam, i'm criticizing this fan idea.
Successful, credible bands don't need to have their fans resort to this kinda behavior and neither should we if we want Adam to be taken seriously and become the global superstar we all know he can be.
Its just an opinion, no need to get mad if you dont agree.

Lolita said...

Adam is going to be fine. More than fine. He will be great. Just relax and enjoy the creation of this amazing artist as he continues to evolve.

LP said...

You are right,2:46. But you have to realise that millions of people haven't seen or heard of him while he has been on his tour. He cannot put himself out there, and do a tour, the way he has. Its a catch 22, I also agree that he had better come up with a sensational album, with at least 2 or 4 hits on it.He has worked very hard this year, with not much time left over to promote himself on TV. But he shouldn't have to, a good album sells itself.hopefully he will be heard more on radio.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell is wrong with you so-called Adam fans!! Don't you see what you're doing? With fans like these, Adam doesn't need enemies.

You want Adam to not be Gay, to stop kissing men, to stop performing, to stop being sexual, to apologize for kissing a man and simulating male oral sex!!! Does that cover it.

Don't you see what he is doing. The roads he is travelling, the paths he is carving out for others. Don't you see the goodness, honesty and generousity of this man?

You want Adam to fit in your narrow perception of the world. You want him to lie, to live in misery like other closeted stars have. You want him to be Ricky Martin, Barry Manilow, Bruno Mars, Elton John (and too many more to count) who are living or lived lies most of their lives. You wish him the ultimate unhappiness, to live life dishonesly.

Instead of trying to change Adam, you should change yourself and help change this country's attitude toward homosexuals. Watch Glee from this week. See how tragic it is to live openly as a gay man, and how Adam is showing such courage in being a role model for these kids. Be yourself. Be proud of yourself. You are more than your sexuality.

Shame on you for abandoning Adam.

Anonymous said...

This is 1:56, not that it matters, but I actually do NOT agree with Anon 1:29, I DO agree with Lolita/4:14, but I also, as I said, think there is some merit to 12:11's position. One last thing, just FYI, I am a huge and hopelessly devoted Adam Lambert fan... devoted enough to think of what might be best for his career when I blog.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong with spreading good music, especially sending great tunes to charity causes or soldiers overseas who might not have access to it and/or be in the loop. Adam's beautiful voice and music spread joy and peace. What the heck could be wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

@5:41, I just posted at 5:45 without having the benefit of first reading your comments. I want to tell you, with glam-friendship and sincerity, that my feeling that 12:11's position has merit does in no way commit me to the kind of beliefs you speak of in your 5:41 post. I am fiercely liberal/progressive (and politically active), I am fierecely and wildly in love with every DNA strand Lambert possesses and would never seek to change one cell in his body, I am a fierce defender of and staunch believer in Lambert's brand of showmanship, I am one of those fans who verges on thinking he can never do any wrong, which probably isn't good actually, but still I feel there is some merit in 12:11's/2:46's position. I guess I really should stick around and explain further why, but I think I'll head over to the new Germany videos and enjoy those instead. It sometimes bums me out how threads that take a negative turn garner many more comments than threads that report positive news, like the recent thread about Cam Grey's wonderful interview, so I guess I shouldn't be contributing further here; I like good disucssion and debate, I respect that, but sometimes these threads turn so ugly. Oh well. BTW, another good point made in this thread - the one made by anon 2:16.

Anonymous said...

Why should threads turn ugly when people state their opinions? If it's ugly, it's ugly. If it's sexy, it's sexy.

This is an ugly issue. To go away and abandon discussion is no solution. Adam is having a fantastic world tour. If his fans want to buy additional CDs, what's the big fu*king deal. Why should they be called lame and crazies. Is that dealing with the issue of homophobia.

Confront it people. YOU don't like seeing Adam kiss Tommy. YOU don't like Adam's style. YOU want him to stand there like a statue and just sing. YOU don't like to see him simulate masturbation. If is offensive to YOU.

Anonymous said...

@1:29PM WTF "damage" are you talking about?!!! What you call damage is what has me hooked on this boy. Who are you to tell anyone, let alone Adam Lambert, how to think or what to do?

Adam captured my attention and devotion for all the very same things you seem to hate about him. It was his out-of-the-box performances on AI that even caused me to watch that insipid show. What finally broke AI was that there will never be another Adam. That's the elephant in the room nobody in the TV industry wants to talk about.

It is an awfully big country, the USA--and an even bigger planet. We don't all think like you. If we all thought like you, we'd be content to live under tyrannical rule and there would never be any innovation for fear of rocking the boat. One of the things that excites me most about Adam Lambert is that he has all the makings of a super nova and international culture changer (like the Beatles). He's brave and fierce and magnificently talented. And, his heart's in the right place. I WANT somebody like Adam in the world to shake things up. He is a hero to me on so many levels. I don't want this fabulous human being to dummy down. I want us to adapt to HIM. We'll all be a lot better off for it.

What I'd like to see are major innovations in the music industry to fit the 21st Century and which restore genuine, intelligent music to us once again. If we can't hear what we want on the radio, we will leave radio behind, finding other ways. Same with TV. (Oh, I think we've already done that, selling out his GNT concerts everywhere.)I want us out from under this suffocating conservative, coformity-bound, money-driven strangle hold on our country! It's about time the pendulum swung back the other direction, before it's too late, just for some balance!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness 6:09, you had such good points in your first two paragraphs, and then you went there with your third, and diminished your argument IMHO. Did you really listen and not just read the words when you read the comments of some of the posters you're debating with?? I think there are people on this site that fall into that 3rd paragraph's category, but they weren't necessarily speaking out in this particular thread. LISTEN to the posts, don't just read the words... or don't, whatever, but don't be surprised when posters, to quote you, "go away and abandon discussion". You don't have to agree with some of these posters' concerns about many-multiple-purchases not reflecting reality or potentially negatively impacting how Lambert is received in the industry in some way, but these posters, some anyway, have not left any evidence with their words in their comments that lead me to immediately jump to the conclusions you did in your 3rd paragraph. I definitely support your first few sentences 'though.

Anonymous said...

Adam wants to sell albums because he is popular. Selling a million albums because each person bought 5 is like selling to 200,000 people, not the same thing. I agree that the next album needs a big hit, something pop and catchy to guarantee future success.
I think this will decide his future, right now it could go either way.
12:11 does make a point. It's kind of like buying your own child's girl guide cookies so they can get more sales, or like preaching to the choir. Adam's management needs to figure out a way to make him in demand to millions of people..

Anonymous said...

Too bad that Adam has to go pop. I know he personally likes pop music, and as 8:06 says, this is what is selling. I believe it's not about music. If it were, management would be releasing more music as singles and would be supporting Adam more in the U.S.

It is still about Adam being "the first openly gay performer to sign with a major label." They simply don't know what to do with this guy, so they're keeping him out of the U.S. South Africa is next.

Pop and Catchy, right? What kind of sales would Adam have putting out a CD with movie song covers, or broadway covers. With that voice that certainly competes with SuBo, would it sell? Or, x-mas songs Adam style? You don't think those would sell?

Pop star. Nope. He sings too well. He has way too much talent, and that's not necessary in the pop world. The big sellers are young, way younger than Adam. I don't think Barry Manilow, Josh Groban, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand, David Archuelta are hurtly too badly in records sales. They certainly aren't pop, so there's more to this story than record sales.

Anonymous said...

Right on 8:06

Anonymous said...

Adam would sound great doing movie covers or Christmas songs, but I think pop is the route he wants to go.
I know the openly gay part has something to do with it, but not everything. If Kesha were gay, I think those pop songs would still sell. Same with Elton John being popular.
Adam IS still young, not the same as Manilow or Streisand. I think the next song just needs to be really strong. The reality is that it`s more about money than talent unfortunately

Anonymous said...

@8.06 and all the others against this.
I don't get what is so wrong with this. These fans aren't buying the extra copies for themselves, they are buying them to donate to charities, to people who have probably never heard of Adam, but hopefully who on hearing his album will become fans. So surely its a win win situation, Adam sells more albums, and more people get to hear this amazing singer.
and kentucky Fan, agree with everything you said (as usual)...

HK fan

Anonymous said...

I'm an Indiana fan and believe it or not I agree with a Kentucky fan (6:56). And have you noticed Ricky Martin is now trying to copy Adams openess and he's getting all kinds of TV show interviews and articles. All of a sudden it seems like since Adam is openly gay some other stars are admitting it too. Or telling how miserable they were trying to deny it. If you fans love Adam like you say, you surely wouldn't want him to live that near-suicidal kind of existance. Wanting that for him wouldn't be any better than buying a lot of his CDs to give to charity, friends, etc. In fact that would be a lot worse.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan - Amen. You go, sister!

10:16 - yes, I want Adam just the way he is. Brave enough to break down boundries because he's just too smart and confident to live his life any other way! It never occured to him to live a lie in the public eye and that is part of the reason I love him so much! If he's giving other performers the strength to be who they are, then my hat's off to him. I just wish he'd get more credit for it.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I am totally in support of 5:41. God bless five forty one. You are absolutely right.

Anonymous said...

Hurray for 6:56! You go 6:56!

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned, it is clear that Adam's album FYE (and by the way I am anonymous 4:53 and 4:56 is not going to tap into any additional wave of purchasing through an expansion of interest in him. We've had a year with the album and it has clearly peaked. But the fact that there is a loyal fan base out there, that there are folks willing to invest not just with words, but with money, will make corporate executives think twice before dropping Adam because he doesn't sell. It's just a practical consideration. We are guaranteeing he sells to the point of platinum--we are floating him a bit until he can float on his own. Once the album hits Platinum, no matter how he got there, every news outlet, every bit of media will talk of him as having a platinum album, and they won't care how it got there, and most people won't know how it got there because they aren't reading this website and they don't care. This is how minorities get their perspective heard, by using the power of their minority perspective to the best of their ability. That is why, in this country the majority doesn't always win, and that makes sense when the majority isn't right or using common sense. What we are doing by helping Adam buy to platinum is we are giving him some breathing room. Plus, it isn't always about popularity in terms of numbers. After all, how much fame and fortune does Adam truly need. But Adam's presence on the cultural landscape either as a small part of the landscape or the large will have a deep, profound and lasting cultural impact--do not doubt that. Also, whether that impact occurs right away or through the passage of time through the process of our culture absorbing the shock waves of what Adam has brought to the forefront, this can't be determined in advance. What we are doing is buffering the potentially negative consequences of Adam's stumbling at the starting gate, if it was a stumbling, if it is merely the cultural incapacity to grasp him on the part of his audience here in America, or media resistance as the consequence of prejudice, whatever it is, we, as fans, are able to lessen the impact and I think as fans we should do the very best we can at doing so. On another note, I can see that everywhere Adam goes he is selling out, he is creating waves, he is gaining new fans, he is selling more products. It may not be a route we are used to, but it seems to be working, so before we say Adam isn't making it the way we expect, perhaps we need to put our ears closer to the ground and listen to the pounding of oncoming hooves, because my guess is Adam is making a much greater impact than we imagine, or than we can conceive of since Adam is out of the country and not in the public eye as often as he once was.

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam and went to 3 GN's. But I also think that after this GN tour is over that he needs to drop the kissing of Tommy as entertainment. It's very clear to the whole world now that Adam is gay but it (the kiss) may diminish his validity as an artist to put the focus on that in the future, rather than his huge talent. Reviews should be about his voice and not about pucker-up Tommy. I'm sure Tommy would enjoy reviews on his bass playing over his kissing ability as well.

The focus should be on Adam's Voice, dancing,etc. because THAT is really what is his Talent and his gift to the world. His orientation demonstration should never eclipse the show he puts on or stop people from hiring him to do movies, or people to buy tickets to see him in something or be what ends up in articles about him.

There is a big entertainment world out there and Adam has a lot to offer in the way of expanding his talent into more areas. I wouldn't want him to be limited to being a Cult performer if anything but his mega talented voice blocks the limelight.

Anonymous said...

Oh, for Pete's sake, this is anon 1:29. Read my post again. I DID NOT say I thought Adam should have to do those things to be a success. As a matter of fact, I said the opposite. I think Adam should do exactly what he wants to do! It was just my opinion.
And the "damage" I was referring to was all the TV cancellations after The AMA's. Also, have you noticed he was ignored during this TV music award show season? WWFM and the video for it SHOULD have warranted a VMA nomination, at least. Your're right about all those artist living a lie. It's sad. I'm glad Adam isn't doing that. It is just my opinion that he would be more accepted and successful if he had not been so open about his personal business. I'm not saying it is right. I think the Tommy kiss is hot. But I'm not everybody. That's all I'm saying.

Anonymous said...

This is 1:29 again. Very interesting point anon @ Nov. 13, 5:11.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, 5:11 am !!

Anonymous said...

Tommy is an average bass player. He is gaining attention only because of the kiss!

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is a great idea for us to help Adam get to platinum, it's a win-win.

However, the issue of why he didn't skyrocket to platinum right away still needs to be addressed. I think the songs just didn't suit the younger crowd or what's on the radio right now and his management needs to take a close look at this for future releases. Some of them do sound like cruise-boat show tunes, even tho I love that, it's not working for the current pop trends. He's still popular because of his charisma, but the future could be so much more.
I live in Canada, where no one could care less if you're gay, but my kids just don't like most of the songs.

Anonymous said...

10:04am I like Tommy because he seems like a genuine nice person.Hope you get to listen to some of his interviews sometime. The kiss is show biz and he does get alot of attention over it, from me

glitzylady said...

Oh....Here we go again..The debate as to what Adam "should" do....I am just sitting here with tears of frustration in my eyes..Somehow I missed this thread..I glanced at it when it came out, but have been busy so have not had time to come back to it..I thought at the time "Good idea..a win-win situation", simple as that.. and now it has once again turned into a debate over whether Adam will be successful, if he should stop being gay (!), if he should stop kissing Tommy, if he should stop trying to produce pop music...and also addressing how his fans should buy his music, how many CD's each fan should be allowed to buy or donate to a cause, if it is helping or hurting him, if he should apologize for the AMA's...the list goes on...

Again, my opinion for the record, is this...Adam is doing what he loves, his way, and I seriously doubt that he is going to change it just for the sake of being like all of the other artists out there..The fact that he is gay probably lost him the AI season (sad but reality..), the fact that he is gay automatically brings the negativity out from many directions, the fact that he is gay could also limit his popularity among the younger music buyers because the young girls have a hard time fantasizing about him becoming their boyfriend, ala Justin Beiber (you rarely see him in any of the US teen fan mags..), the fact that he is gay brought down protests of "shock and outrage" after his AMA performance, by those who do not want to acknowledge the fact that gay is a reality in this world (he has said he realizes it was a little too much, he got a little carried away, but still does not feel it was wrong..) , , and the fact that he is gay and he is "theatrical" in his performance style somehow makes it okay for many columnists, commenters, reviewers, etc. to ridicule him and/or dismiss him, and totally forget to actually listen to his voice, the message of his music, the media rarely shows Adam except when something like the "paparazzi incident" occurs, ... the list goes on..He is still unknown to many, and then only to those who watched him on Idol or those who saw the AMA's, and perhaps who have caught him on Oprah, Leno, Ellen, etc.., which not everyone watches..Very limited exposure beyond Idol..And of course his fabulous sold out Glam Nation tour has brought him some new fans, I would bet..

Those of us who have come to "know" Adam through his Idol performances, through all of his extensive and and often painfully honest interviews, through all of the posts of 24/7, and also who have been to his concerts, both Glam Nation and non, have come to admire him for his honesty, his courage to present himself as he truly is, without resorting to trying to hide his sexuality,and I support his vision for himself as an entertainer who knows what he wants to do and how he wants to do it.

glitzylady said...

continued from 10:59 am. (sorry...)

Top 40 Radio today is obviously a very formulaic institution these days that is tightly controlled by a few mega-stations and corporations who seem to allow only certain types of music and performers to actually be played, based on who they feel is going to bring in the biggest number of listeners..Adam doesn't necessarily fit into that category just yet..and maybe never will..but he does have a very devoted fan base that he seems to appreciate and also inspire his performances..It makes me sad to see all of the bickering amongst Adam's fans and it also frustrates me to know that some of his fans seemingly want him to change himself into something that he is not...and I do get the reasons why some feel that way..I do agree with the logic that if he was straight, if he did not kiss Tommy and other men, if he was a little less "sexual" in some of his performances, if he were to become more like Michael Buble (for instance...) for the sake of hearing his voice, or perhaps if he branched out into hip-hop or rap, if he didn't wear make-up, etc., etc., then maybe he might get less criticism and maybe he would be a little more "popular", but then he wouldn't be Adam Lambert...and maybe we wouldn't all be so passionate about him as an artist..I have a feeling that I would not..He does have that incredible VOICE, that is true, but the rest of his total personae is what makes him unique and special as well..I guess it is ultimately up to him what he does in the future, and I seriously doubt that his #1 priority is to somehow change himself into something that he is not just to sell records..I pretty much leave it up to him as to how he presents himself to the world in the future..I would also guess that he and his record company have a little bit of an idea of what is coming next for him and I would also guess that next year is going to be the year we see Adam gain in popularity out there in the "Real World". I just wish him all the best and send him my love, admiration, and support. I am not saying that I have never cringed just a little at some of the things he has said or done because I know that is what gets picked up by the media, the controversial things..(the AMA's scared the crap out of me because he didn't sound so great and I knew he was in for a lot of major criticism for some of the rest of it...) but I still support his right to be different..and I still like the Tommy kiss...and I also feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion, and as I said at the beginning, this is mine and mine alone...I am going to the LA concerts next month and I am going to once again support Adam with my presence and my cheers of acceptance and love for his music and for him as the special soul that he is..I also don't disagree with anyone who says they want Adam to be wildly successful, I just don't think we should tell him how to do it..myself included...And I do think that almost everything said in this thread is said out of caring and concern for Adam, by the way..Rock on Adam!!

Anonymous said...

off topic but I just got my Adam lambert ROCKSTAR WEEKLY TOUR EDITION #1 magazine in the mail. It looks pretty good.I am going to go enjoy it and come back to this thread and see how it all panned out. later!

glitzylady said...

Sorry about my long post above..Adam just inspires me : ), as you can tell....Just skip over it if you wish...

@ anon 11:21 am

thanks for reminding me that I need to order that...Its a great memento of the Glam Nation tour, especially with all of the great photos..Mine tended not to turn out so well, when I remembered to take any at all..

Anonymous said...

Your long post was great, glitzlady!
I do agree that most of the writers here truly want the best of success for Adam

glitzylady said...

Okay, I can't resist one more comment!!! @anon 10:04 am..

Tommy is a self-taught guitar player, and plays bass because Monte is the lead guitarist...Adam wanted Tommy to be in his band so Tommy learned Bass...and I don't think Tommy is only popular because of The Kiss..he is a cutie pie and a great part of Adam's own BFF since the age of 4 (!), when she went to the Glam Nation tour gig with me in Seattle told me she thought he was quite cute and, of course, being BFF's and all, we had a friendly discussion about who is cuter...Adam or Tommy...LOL!!! Which is pretty hilarious because we aren't exactly teenagers, and haven't been for quite some time!! She can have Tommy if she wants, I'm still on Team Adam!! And we are still BFF's BTW! As Adam likes to say "It's not that deep!"...Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Ok Glitzy Lady, you take the trophy for the longest post, YAY? =) Chuckles. I would cringe looking at my own & say holy Crap that's long... =0 This was VERRY heartfelt we realize, and nicely done.

Going back to my own very first, or one of my first posts on this site...
**This WHOLE platinum thing could be SOLVED very easily... without any of this bickering over buying cds.
I'm NOT even going to comment at ALL on how I feel about this campaign, except to say that it would totally NOT even exist if RCA would have just kept Adam's name and voice ON the radio and Friggin released
*S L E E P W A L K E R*

We as fans could have requested the living blazing bejeezuz out of it and got it on the power-play radio lists.
WITH airplay and support people who DONT know much about the album or didn't THINK they would like it would become more aware. Adam would have a HUGE hit, MORE people would hear his name and voice & and this awesome song ON the RADIO and get interested in the album which would have a better natural chance at going platinum with more exposure of the GREAT songs on it.

DONE... no need for this whole discussion.
All of this just breaks my heart. There's more I didn't add about top 10s etc... but you get the drift. I better stop now.

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan, @HK Fan, @Anon 5:41PM - thank you so much for sharing your great viewpoints.

@glitzylady - thank you too for your highly inspired comments.

Does anybody have one bright idea on how to best introduce Adam's brand of music to the public when most of the American radio stations continue to deny the talent? Because if there is none so far, maybe it would be wiser to support this campaign that aims to promote his songs which should have done much better given a fair treatment. More than getting the platinum, this is one clever move for many more to discover the wonders of Adam Mitchel Lambert. IMHO this is a smart strategy for more people to at least give FYE a chance because personally i think the album has more than 10 great materials that need to be heard!

Is it still any wonder why his songs are being used in big events, dance competitions, TV promos & ads etc etc when there are a thousand others to choose from. It is the best nod that an artist can get & even Pink wasn't spared and succumbed to it which btw is another story in itself.

We are all seriously concerned for Adam's longevity in an environment that tends to be cruel to him & yet AFL thrives. What an HONORABLE PRO & SUCH A GENUINE PERFORMANCE ARTIST. If there is an award befitting Adam, it should be a salute to his ARTISTIC INTEGRITY that is inherent in artists who are in a league of their own. It is a trait basic amongst respectable talents in the music industry who stood their ground & never compromised artistry for commercialism. Adam is rebel with a very good cause. And I am glad that his orientation in life is so cool, truly refreshing.

@Lolita Nov. 12 at 4:14PM - said it perfectly.

Fan4fun (light & love to you) has always been saying that Adam is a catalyst and i believe her 100%. I also remember a post by Serena when she said something like being the change you want to be, I love that, and it is so appropriate for Adam.

At the rate Adam is being embraced and supported by his global fans it would be suicidal for him to regress and live in a lie. I am guessing that Adam has already found his niche in the music business but that is not for me to say.


coloforadam said...

When Adam feels it is time to adjust his content, he will do it. If he wants us to stop buying FYE, he will tell us.


glitzylady said...

@ Cindy Thanks, its nice to win a trophy..LOL!!! It WAS a bit long!

@ Bing As I said, Adam inspires me...sometimes a little too much!

@ coloforadam Absolutely!!

See....I can be brief!!!

Anonymous said...


I'm with you. RCA should have released SLEEPWALKER (this Fall), followed by FEVER. If they had, I,too, think the FYE album would have gone Platinum already all by itself. (And, it still might one of these days.) Adam's performance of Sleepwalker on Leno was stunning. Heard everybody in that audience was on their feet for him. Even Leno said it should be his next single. Did you see Aimee Mayo's tweet re: how excited she got when it was released in Canada, crossing her fingers it would be released in USA next?

If RCA were to release FEVER it would be a pretty nice way to show the 1st openly gay artist ever signed to a major record label (something RCA should be proud of) that they have his back. If the radio stations balk at playing it, kids (generally a lot less hung up on gay issues than adults and rebellious) may demand it--or go out of their way to download it or buy the album to hear it.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

read all the comments and decided I am going to buy another cd. I don't think it will really get him up to platinum but it will just be a fun thing to.My neighbor doesn't drive but everytime he gets in my car he puts on FYI and is too cheap to buy any cds so he is getting the extra. had to lol @ comment 1:29pm have read his similar comment on other sites,yes he is a troll from the getgo.

Anonymous said...

Nov. 14 @8:31, you are so wrong. I'm not a troll. I love Adam. Went to 2 Glamnation shows. And even went to an AI show and suffered through the other idols' performances just to see Adam. I've never posted on other sites. Don't know what you're talking about. I simply said that it is sad that Adam would be more successful if he had not been so open. I was trying to highlight that fact. How in the world could you read my posts and assume I'm not a fan?
Also, the things I posted were just my opinion.
Maybe YOU need to be more accepting of others' different opinions.
I shouldn't have to defend how much of a fan I am to you. Nobody should.

Anonymous said...

Oh, @8:31, I'm not a "he" either.

Anonymous said...

Thank you glitzylady for recognizing the fact that most people here really want success for Adam. Thank you for not calling people "trolls" just because they might have a different opinion.