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Venue Change: Stuttgart, Germany

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 11, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, November 11, 2010

This is from the Official Fan Club website:

Hey Everyone:

Please note, there is a venue change for the November 16th show in Stuttgart.

The show will now be at Theaterhaus. Details for the venue can be found on the events page.




Anonymous said...

I am hoping they are changing to a bigger venue!

Anonymous said...

Me too! Or changing to another more comfortable place, maybe? BTW, is this venue sold out already??? Anybody... do I deserve an answer? A good one, please?

cherch said...
Larger venue, very nice. 1800 capacity. Don't think the previous venue was sold out before, but was very close to full.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, cherch. I tried to find capacity of this venue on line but only information I got it was in German. They mention the number 1800, but I didn't know what is this. This is great, because this place much bigger than it was choosen before.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with change of venue. I still reckon they were short sighted because everyone could have told them Adam would rule the world
and need larger venues. This guy is a Superstar!