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Adam Lambert after show in London

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, December 07, 2010

From maggy97:

"Adam leaving the venue after the last GNT show in London. He came over very briefly to sign and then he left.

It's not much and most of it kinda far away, but since I had it I thought I could show it to all of you. He looked so fine in this long coat and the hat.

With special appearances of Sasha and Neil."

Thanks to maggy97!


Anonymous said...

I was there in freezing cold waiting for ADAM, the fire! There were so many of us. A few lucky fans have got Adam's autograph. Adam looked so classy!

Anonymous said...

Ok, did I blink cuz I only saw Neil and Sasha and no Adam‼... lol Thanks for sharing though.

Anonymous said...

I was there, too! I got an autograph, though 'autograph' is probably too big a word for it, since you can't make out any letters in it haha (:

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous mega babe he is! Just elegantly towers over everyone and is still so humble and fun.
GOD he is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and brilliantly talented and sexy and smart and kind and there is just no one like him on this planet!

Anonymous said...

I Was there in the FREEEEEEZING COLD...but too many fans all wanted a bit of Adam....then sadly i had to dash to get train....BRILLIANT GIG with an AWESOME ADAM LAMBERT...I will Never Ever Forget that Night:)
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

You can tell who's the STAR in that crowd!!