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Adam Lambert answers YOUR questions

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 20, 2010

Posted at : Monday, December 20, 2010

Adam Lambert answers video questions from fans across the globe with Byron Cooke for Australia's


Anonymous said...

Lucky kid to have Adam for a dad!
Though I have to say that most of us weren't able to put our "career" on hold for several years when we had children unfortunately. (It's called no free time and no sleep...) Smart of Adam to realize that kids take a lot of energy and committment. Some high-profile people just let the nanny give most of that..

Anonymous said...

Ok, this was already posted earlier but thanks for posting it again though... cuz we like the hard hitting questions... lol

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Adam keeps having to answer the SAME questions over and over many times. Some NEW questions would be great!

Anonymous said...

The way that interviews work is that the artist or their handler sets the rules for what questions are asked and so the interviewer has to go along with those quidelines . We all know this so I have to think that in most cases its Adam who decides what questions will be asked . If He allows more interesting questions we will get better interviews .

Anonymous said...

The person who asked the question in "the woods" was probably giving a wink to the video of Adam Lambert's song "If I had you".

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Adam decides what questions will be asked? In the past he has stated that he is tired of answering certain questions, e.g. about meeting GaGa, Madonna, etc. In an interview with Billie from Virgin Radio in Canada he responded to one of her questions with a very firm but good spirited "None of your business." In one of his recent interviews (in Paris, I think) he actually told an interviewer that he was annoyed by his question.

coloforadam said...

My question..... How DO you do it, stay witty and patient and smart and sweet, when all around you have brains of noodles???????

The Dark Side said...

I can't for the life of me think Adam should be worrying about having kids, especially at this time in his life. He's making music now--not babies.

Anonymous said...

LOL good point @colorfadam! I guess there is nothing much i could say about this interview except that it's pretty obvious that should Adam decide to have kids someday, he will definitely be an amazing father. He has his parents as role models.
