Adam Lambert is AfterElton's Favorite Musician!
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Monday, December 20, 2010
Posted at : Monday, December 20, 2010
Adam Lambert has won Afterelton's 'Favorite Musician' award!

And he also won 'Favorite Music Video'


And he also won 'Favorite Music Video'

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Yaaay! CONGRATS ADAM‼ fav gay musician & fav music video... sweet‼ :) *love those eyes-sexy!*
Hurray for Adam! Finally getting all the recognition he deserves!!!!!!!!Bring in on - Adam should win every award - HE'S MARVELOUS!!!!!!!!!
LOL - bring IT ON
getting too excited!
Congrats, Adam! So excited for you! You deserve it all and more!!! Miss you so much!!
I think the gay community has a better understanding of Adam's gay and lesbian's rights support now. I think some thought he wasn't doing enough, or vocal enough. He has in his fashion sent a very strong message, just by being himself and being vocal when the issue arises. He's never shirked that part of his life, the key word being "part of his life". He was trying to establish himself as an entertainer first in the public eye, as it is his dream and livelihood. I think the gay community gets that now and realizes his allegiance to their united cause. His talent and cd, What Do You Want From Me? speaks for itself.So happy for him! funbunn40
Absolutely agree with all you said,funbunn40.
Adams straight female fans voted for him not the gay community. :D
He is not their staff picks though
For all those people who do not get Adam, please watch his encore of A Change Is Gona Come on the 12/l5. He says it all. Congratulations Adam.
it seems like AfterElton is demeaning Adam's win by saying they wouldn't have picked him.They just have to ruin some of the fun.What kind of site is AfterElton anyways,I never heard of them.
Congrats Adam! You deserve this and more. Amazing talent.
That's my sweet Adam, my Sexotic Singing Bird, my Diamond Boy!!!
I'm so happy for him, for us, for every true fan, so proud to be a Glambert, sooooooo glad he's doing GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Stay the course, baby, stay the course, Glamily is your compass... stay the course!!!! The best is yet to come!
Voting for THE BEST was soooooooo worth it for ADAM. The "staff pick" had nothing to do with it.
Well, I think more and more people are "getting Adam" in the gay community. I think he and his family have done PLENTY! He stirs things up, shows his love for life and appeals to a wide fan base in my opinion. He has such a great work ethic, sense of humor....and of course lots of other things going for him... :)
I was watching TV late last night and saw a promo for AI. Of course it showed all the ones who "won". But after that, an ad for a show about the most influential people of 2010 was also advertised and Adam's picture was shown along with others! Did I dream this or what?
I think they said the show will be on Friday night...but I don't know what channel and I can't find it anywhere. Hope I wasn't dreaming!
I can always count on this site to bring the show here! It will be Christmas Eve...
anon2:06pm.your post is so true.Next year let Chris Colfer and Scissor Sisters fans give them all there hits,or just let AfterElton pick their own top man (pun intended).
As i've said before Adam's visibility in polls like this is all good because it is free publicity for him.
Take it all in Adam because you truly are most deserving. People are beginning to accept things they can no longer change. It is apparent now that you are here to stay so might as well enjoy the ride with you. It would really be futile resisting huge talent and extraordinary artistry coupled with such intelligence, pleasing personality & gorgeous looks. What a total package we have here.
Congrats again Adam! I will never get tired saying this to you ;-)
@lmb - thanks for the information about that THE MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE OF 2010. Yes 24/7 please update us on this one ;-)
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