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Adam Lambert Meet and Greet at Jingle Ball

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 11, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 11, 2010



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the latest posts... love them all & great pics‼ :) And it's bedy byes pretty soon cuz I'm sipping on my spiked hot chocolate... light weight = zzzzzzzzzz :) *goodnight & sweet dreams*

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to say... ADAM...sooo GORGEOUS bb‼ :)

Anonymous said...

OT but....Congrats to Adam for Flecking's "Entertainer of the Year" poll win!

Anonymous said...

Cute guy with Adam in photo 4. :D

Anonymous said...

Hey @ V, really? He WON??? Good news in my morning!
Hey Glambrit IOW/UK, Cheeza-Sherbert and HK Fan... V is telling us that sweet Adam WON, did you know that?!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeh saw it this morning, great news, but was there ever any doubt? Its always good to read the comments on that site.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

OT: Z100 has a poll about the best pop stars/music for 2010.. Adam is in 2 polls but is not even close in votes both Rihanna and "UGH" Chris Brown are way ahead of him. VOTE people

Anonymous said...

I found this fan video on another site in case you haven't seen this. ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprise he wins another title again guys. He is very talented and real to his fans so he deserves any awards he'll get more in the future. Love u Adam

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:40am FYI: All Jingle Balls artists been choiced by voting. Z100 never had any voting. So, I am not suprised that Adam was not included in the Z100 list. However, I guess a lot of thinks will change for Adam since Grammy's nom, even he will not win (lets pray). So, don't send us info wich we knew about two months ago.
By the way, greetings to Adam. Lets wait for Young and Wild results. I guess they will announce winners in few hours.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the entertainer of the year this year, last year and all future years IMHO. Thanks for the video,6:50AM! What a great start to my day! "Can't Let You Go" totally affects my mood and feeds my soul. Saw Adam at Jingle Ball last night. As always he put on a great show, starting with Fever,then WWFM, Sleepwalker and ending with IIHY. He wore a black fitted blazer, Black shirt and Silver zebra pants that shimmered like they were dipped in glitter! The crowd was receptive and got into him, but not as wildly adoring as at GNT concerts. Train and Katy Perry also put on a good show. She was dressed in a Mrs. Claus outfit that was really something and looked stunning. The crowd was primarily from Miami where Enrique Iglesias lives and he actually stole the show with a very romantic interaction with a fan brought on stage.[Didn't think I could ever say that, as I'm so crazy over Adam] Y-100 put on a great show, have to give them credit. There were about 1400 people in the stadium. I'm so used to watching the GNT videos and seeing Adam live, that I really wanted it to be all about him. It felt a little strange. It was shorter than Jingle Ball Wed. and less Adam banter. Maybe because of so many other artists. The M&G was also very rushed, so quick it seemed like it never happened. No autographs allowed, conversation, etc. We stood in line, Adam standing with arm outstretched towards each fan, prof. photographer said face forward, click, then you were given a presigned small pic of Adam on the way out. It took seconds. I had brought Adam a coffee table book [even tho' he technically is still homeless]of David Bowie and a funny book of tweets by Denis Leary called "Suck on this Year"[really funny!]for Neil that wasn't there.{Neil tweeted that he has a one way ticket to South Korea, is a unprof. unemployed photographer looking for a job!]When it was my turn I said, "So nice to meet you Adam, I have something for you and Neil". He said ,"Awe, thankyou, You're so sweet." Hotog. said "Face forward" and that was it. Lane, his asst. was by the door and took the gifts. I spoke a few words with her. She said, "Adam will love the book." My daughter, Lynne was behind me. She told Adam that "The lady in front of me adores you. She's my mom." Adam said,"She's so sweet" Photog said, "Face forward", click, that was it. Adam looked tired and very thin, stiil charming and smiling to all, but spark didn't seem there like other times seeing him up close. My daughter also noticed it. He always looks trim and fit, but he just looked worn down. He has a few days until LA. I think his glamberts will restore his soul and renew his energy. He has a few days hopefully to rest. He's such a beautiful soul and generates such love.Hope he can lay in the sun somewhere after LA and just do nothing. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post funbunn40 - back to real life but I appreciate your posting so soon. Have questions 'though, but will have to come back later to ask :).

Anonymous said...

Jingle Ball, FL. cont.[ more useless info] Before the concert,tents were set up outside of the Bank Atlantic Center. Kim Kardashian was promoting fragrance line, there was live music and an Adam impersonater from LA. He's been on youtube several times and was taking pics with Adam fans. The card I was given said to become a Navarro FB fan [Navarro is a pharmacy]to download photos. Haven't done it yet to get the guys name. He's about 6'4 very thin and wore turquoise contacts, was very nice and friendly. Adam had called him backstage at other concerts and you could win a backstage pass with him seeing Adam tonight also.I met a few glamberts walking around with my "Spread the Lambert Love" sign. Fun way to meet other glamberts that are always friendly and love Adam as much as we all do. I also promote this site when speaking with them. I heard from Cheril who primarily is on MJBB's site that visits here frequently. She is a major fan from Miami that has been to more Adam concerts than I can count. Didn't get to see her and her friends, due to size of venue and time, but so glad to speak by phone. Adam fans are the absolute nicest and best!! Sorry for going on so long. I write like I speak, going on and on like an open faucet when it's about Adam. Can't help myself. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

We all understand funbunn40! And thanks for all that info.

I love the photos of Adam with children....they look so happy with him.

Plus....THE PANTS!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

@ Funbunn(Hic!)40

So... Was that all? One, two, three and (Hic!) out? I mean... no time to taste the same air, breathing with (Hic!) him? No time to feel his hotness coming through his glove (did you (Hic!) at least touch his hand????!)? How does he smell? No time to (Hic!) feel it either? Oh, Lord! That is to die in the bus stop to (Hic!) Heaven!
Do you want a glass of wine?


Anonymous said...

I'm on my third glass of wine!! It was so fast I didn't even feel his touch or smell any cologne. They really pushed you on like policemen. I think Adam's VIP M&G gives more time for at least a little interaction, but I'm glad for any time with him. It seems like a very fast dream, just was able to only look into that beautiful face for a few seconds. He barely moved, having to face forward towards cameraman that was urging us quickly on. Didn't even have time to shake his hand. Just go into his open arm, click and move on. To be fair, with so many other entertainers they have to accommodate many diverse fans in a short amount of time while other artists are performing. Wish I would have been able to give him a hug and sniff his neck! I was # 35 out of maybe 65.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 6:29PM

I thought you were the 4o... Funbunn40 (Hic!). WTF? I am the (Hic!) drunk here and YOU for(Hic!)get to sign your comment?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Were you able, in those few seconds funbunn40, to really take in at least his eyes? Or not really?

Anonymous said...

Awwww funbunn40, thanks so much for the post! Glad you got to languish in Adam's aura for a few seconds, anyway. Gosh - I hope he gets some rest before his LA performance, and then a LOT of rest afterwards. Jeez, I can only imagine how exhausted and jet lagged he must be! Don't know how he got up on stage and performed. Maybe the pants infused him with enough energy to get through the show...I know they did that for me, and I'm just here, sittin' on my butt, on a chair. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thanks again funbunn40. MGF

Anonymous said...

I actually finished [hic] a very good bottle of Merlot and did [hic] forget my tag, Fan4fun. I did in fact look into those incredible eyes in those few seconds,10:13. He looks dead on into yours, making great eye contact. They're a greyish blue,dramatic,soft and kind, and he did look tired to my daughter and I. Maybe not to a casual observer that hasn't scrutinized every inch of that magnificent face over these many months. He had a warm, beautiful smile with perfect teeth! I never made it to the glambulge, but I didn't really notice anything standing out[excuse the pun] when he was walking towards us before entering the room. When given a pair of tights in Australia by a dj who asked if he would try them on, he said that he would have to have some coverage underneath. I think he wore them a few days later in Japan on the earlier promo tour and wore a cup. I would guess he did the same with the zebra pants. They really picked up the light and looked like a brilliant silvery light clinging to those long lean legs. His foundation makeup seemed a pale shade and on the heavy side, but the lights in the room were bright and theatrical makeup is exaggerated for performing. Seeing him in Raleigh up close after the show he wore less makeup and was more animated. He also was very fit and trim, but didn't appear as thin. He's so beautiful and calm. He has such a powerful effect on your senses. I don't think I've ever felt such a powerful attraction to another human being in my entire life. I've been married twice and have had some very exceptional men in my life and have known explosive physical attraction, but he evokes such a strong magnetic force that is totally irrational and unexplainable. I think he connects with some primal instinct that has no rational reason, sex or age descrimination. Logically you wouldn't even imagine anyone so removed in age and sexual preference to have any effect on you. It's useless to analyze,as it shouldn't be that deep. Maybe I'm on the path to dementia, should go with the flow and just enjoy this break with reality! Good wine really gets me going. I'll be sorry tomorrow, oops today. Adamfix he is so infused with energy on that stage you can almost feel the surge of adrenaline, I think he is really going to crash and sleep for a week if he can when the LA concerts are over. I think this will be the concert of all concerts. Have to believe he'll have some surprise up his sleeve. Guess he may stay at his mom's until he decides on a place to buy or rent. Seems strange to have the glamily all scattered and looking for employment now. It must be an adjustment for all of them. Adam chose them well. It's now 3 AM. Time flies when thinking about our rockgod! Nite, y'all! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Your welcome MGF! As usual too long and detailed getting to the bottom line. If I had the mentality to write War and Peace it would take ten years to get thru' it! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

The world is so much smaller, thanks to Internet and other technical developments…However, time difference is sometimes a bitch!

Read the first part of this thread (up to funbunn40’s Jingle Ball, FL. report, both parts) yesterday evening/very early this morning. And finished reading the latter part of this thread just a few minutes ago, including the hilarious “conversation” between Fan4(Hic!)Fun and Funbunn(Hic!)40!!! Thank you both, you really made my evening!

Fan4Fun - thanking U for asking all the Q’s I wanted to ask and more…
Funbunn40 - thank you for sharing all the factual information from your encounter with and re Adam, but especially I enjoyed your candid & delightful thoughts on Adam’s powerful effect on our senses. Been thinking along the same lines so many, many times… You wrote about it so perfectly!

Maybe all you lovely, verbally and otherwise talented ladies going to LA could write about your experiences & feelings pre/during/after those concerts, gather the writings together and publish them? Would surely be more heartfelt and to the point versus some uninitiated, ”must-write-about-this” so called journalist, who does not get Adam & his talent…

GGD Gal, with love & without vin blanc…

Anonymous said...



Wow, your 10:49 post was amazing! I absolutely loved your description of Adam - both physically and...spiritually? Would that be the right word to describe his "presence" and effect on people? Don't know, but your description was amazing!

Too tired to write more right now...will just sigh myself to sleep now. Thanks for the dream kindling, funbunn40.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

(write more)

I know how to spell...most of the time, jeez!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Want to win a brand new Adam Lambert Ipad??? All you have to do it “Like” the radio station Mix 106.1 on Facebook at for the special link to win.

Anonymous said...

Awww funbunn40 i finally got to read your wonderfully written posts. Thank you so much for finding time to share all the interesting details about your precious moments with Adam no matter how short. It is a lot better than nothing. And seeing him perform live again is worth all the effort one puts in attending his events. I will definitely go back to this thread to read them over and over. Thanks again funbunn40 ;-)
