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Adam Lambert Playing Ball with A Kid!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 9, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 09, 2010

Cute gif!


Anonymous said...

OMG! stop being so adorable already‼ you're killin' me‼... Ok, I wanna have babies with you! Hurry up my clock is ticking‼ :))

Julia said...

This is one of the most adorable things I have seen!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert, you are the one and only!!!

coloforadam said...

The razor cuts are BACK!! SOOOOOOO COOL!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet, Adam!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is SO CUTE, I can't stop watching it!

Adam is getting good at bringing up the smile in time for the photo - lots of practice

I'm thinking this is not taken today and it's an old razor cut

Anonymous said...

Aww, what a sweetheart! Adam will be such a great Dad one day. he has such a loving spirit! This is an older pic. 2 more days until Fl. Jingle Ball and M&G!! Will anyone else on 24/7 also be going? I'll have my lucky, dog-eared "Spread the Lambert Love 24/7" sign and would love to see anyone from this site!

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine when that kid grows up? He'll see this video of him and Adam and maybe not even remember it. Little does he know now that he was in the presence of a STAR!

Anonymous said...

omg! that's soooo cute! he'll be such an awesome dad!

Anonymous said...

oooooh so Delightfully CUTE....Love ADAM
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Did you see the look on that kids face when Adam took his basketball? He was like"hey".

Anonymous said...

awww, he'd be such a good dad!!!

Anonymous said...

@11:47, is that you funnbunn40? If not, then there are 2 peeps going to Miami to bring back details to 24/7. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam simply glows around children and one can easily tell that he has the ability to deal with them. The fact that he is so gentle with kids already says a lot. Whenever i feel down one of the things i'd watch is his old feel good video with kids wherein the background music is Bless the Beast and the Children. It never fails to lift me up. Thanks so much for this 24/7 ;-)

LOL @Anon at 4:53PM i also noticed that reaction from the little boy.


Anonymous said...

I've always felt those adults who instinctively bend down to the level of of a child are the most sensitive and kindest people.

That precious tiny boy was befuddled by Adam taking his basketball away tho. He isn't use to seeing a Glam God borrowing his toys,lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, you mean Adam is child friendly? LOL!
He is amazing with kids!

Anonymous said...

Oh, sweet Adam, I want to be that ball rolling in your hands... you can hold me, hit me, throw me to the ground or against a wall, you can kick me if you prefer, it's all right, I don't mind, my love for you is UNCONDITIONAL! Sigh!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adamluv that was me above going to JingleBall. Forgot tag.Hope to see other 24/7 peeps! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

adam was trying to get the boy in place for his dad to take a pic with the basketball, how neat. adam you are one of a kind. sweet!!!