Adam Lambert Rocks the Q102 Jingle Ball
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, December 9, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, December 09, 2010
He’s never been one to disappoint his fans, and last night (December 8) Adam Lambert was in top form at the 2010 Q102 Jingle Ball.
The “American Idol” stud looked to be in great spirits as he took the stage at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey for his concert.
Adam was joined on the roster by the likes of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Train, Charice, and Jesse McCartney.

The “American Idol” stud looked to be in great spirits as he took the stage at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden, New Jersey for his concert.
Adam was joined on the roster by the likes of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Train, Charice, and Jesse McCartney.

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Hello! STUD‼ :) I like that! & Jingle Ball Rock Star‼ Dressed up for the occasion... love your entire ensemble you gorgeous STUD‼ :)
What a Rock God! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...oh, did I say you look gorgeous? Well, you do!!!!
Rock Star worthy! Yeah Hope some videos are coming our way. Boy looked rockin hot--he knows how to pull it all together. That hair is just plain f**king crazy great!
Dying to find out what he sang! Hope he did Fever and someone got videos! I'll be too far away Sat. and don't know what kind of rules they have for M&G. funbunn40
Just saw the videos. They were fabulous! He toned down the physical performance a bit because of the young (Bieber) crowd, but his vocals were as strong as I've ever heard them, and he was as sexy as ever. Anybody there who was not already a fan could not help but be amazed at this gorgeous man and his unbelievable voice! I know it was a Bieber crowd, but Adam was definately the STAR.
Adam was a vision of relaxed perfection!!! It will be laughable if he doesn't win a Grammy. He should have his own category.
Best Adam Lambert Vocals-Even that would be difficult to decide on.
He sang to perfection and that outfit, the pants oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a hunk of burnin' love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love the Messy hair with the leather! Love to touch the Leather!
I love the shoes that now fits his feet. I´m not that keen on the elf skies. It makes him look shorter. Those boots are great.
What a man!! He is such a macho alpha male without all the dumb baggage that usually goes along with those terms.
@4:22, so agree with you about the macho alpha male crap! He's looks gorgeous and especially like the first photo of Adam and Tommy. First time checking in today and what a way to start. Adamluv
@ Anon. 12:37PM
Hey, I like that: sweet Adam's BEST VOCALS, his own Grammy category... Hummmm, I really like it!
The Delectable and Delicious Adam Lambert..mmm Very Tasty
@ 1.17pm....just the leather:)
Glambrit IOW UK
Yup another stellar performance from this superb vocal genius. Adam is already living his dream being a rock star now and he just nails it each time he gets on the stage like no other. Thanks Adam cuz we are having one hell of a ride with you ;-)
If the shopping trip in Paris yielded that outfit, it was worth every frickin' penny - ABSOLUTE PERFECTION from the wild, spiked hair to the scuff-chunk boots. That jacket has to be one of a kind - like it was made for his body and personality!! WOWWWW!
Great performance, look fantastic, crazy about shoes. But Adam needed as less 3-4 days rest before he took a stage at Q102. His vocals absolutely fantastic but what's happened with Fever. Okay, call me troll, but I guess Adam missed few frases on the begining of the song.
Gurls, he deff needs some sleep and relax. Wish he will take anough rest before Y100 Jingle Ball on Saturday.
That jacket is "one of a kind, indeedee it is!!
ADAM IS SEXUAL NAPALM, and you need NO foreplay from him, JUST OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT THAT HUNK IN THOSE CLOTHES!!! That is all the foreplay that is necessary!! You are almost melted before he gets to you!!!!!! HAWT!! (I sure hope he saves all his costumes for his Glambert Gallery which He Will Have in the future along with all his gold and platinum records!!! Long Live Our King Glambert
OH, by the way, look at the texture the pants have!!!! Lordy!! And that jacket has layer after layer of pure style!! YUMMY DAMN!!!! Love ALLLL his outfits. Every thread he wears!!!
'Sexual napalm" - now that's saying it all!!!! Adamluv
another cute Adam pic:
@ Adamluv(Dec.9, 10:29PM)
Yeah! And I like «King Glambert» too...
Good comments, better pics!
I was there! My 6th concert. These gorgeous pics don't do justice to his out of this world outfit! My jaw dropped when he came onstage. You are correct, whatever he bought in Paris was worth every penny! That jacket!! OMFG! There were leather ribbons down the back of it (oh run my fingers through them.....) which I thought were part of the jacket but they may have been part of the scarf. Long, lean legs in those crazyass pants, scuffed boots, just-got-outta-bed ROCK STAR hair, no gloves, just rings. I was looking for an adjective to describe the look, and "posh" came to me. GQ's Posh Rock God! While he was singing, I actually looked to the rafters of the venue and imagined his soaring notes at the top of the roof. His voice never sounded better. He had appropriate moves for the "Bieber Kids" audience, but the vocals, the vocals! If he does not win the Grammy, there is a serious problem with this award system. No one, and I mean NO ONE who also performed on the stage could hold a candle to him. Can we say auto-tune, lipsynch? The 40 minutes flew by in an instant. Loved his little "brag" comment about the Grammy. Sweet and humble. The young crowd responded well to him (led by we Glamberts, of course!) and IIHU had everyone jumping and rocking together! I truly believe his fans are ageless...we all connect so well, no matter how old we are.
After his set, a lot of us fans met in the lobby for our "group sex cooldown"! WHEW! Where are the cold showers when you need one?
It was wonderful meeting fan friends there and making some new ones. Being a part of Adam's community has been one of the most extraordinary journeys of my life! I feel so blessed.
Damn, I'd give anything to be able to attend those LA shows and after parties!!! To those lucky enough to be going, rock it for us and we'll look forward to Suz's videos.
Peace and love
Aquarian Glitz
@ Aquarian Glitz
Thank you so much for sharing! You have no idea how important this kind of report is for me, a poor GNT virgin, living «castaway» in the middle of the Atlantic, so much in love with sweet Adam. Thanks a lot, again!!!
Ditto Fan4fun (except I don't live in the middle of the Atlantic) about Aquarian Glitz - who I'm so glad to hear from again!
That was wonderful to read.
And these photos.....OOOOOOOOhhhhhhhh!!!!
aquarian glitz, What a wonderful review. Thank you so much! how lucky of you to be there in person looking at this glamgod and hearing him sing. Hope a lot of young new fans came over to the glam side of life! They'll never be the same! And your "groupsex cooldown" is da bomb!!!!!!! Adamluv
Aquarian Glitz - I second everything you said as I was there as well. He walked out and I almost passed out. From the moment he took the stage, the band hit the first note and Adam sang the first line, they took the whole concert up several notches. You could see it, feel it and hear it! That man is a force to be reckoned with. He did tailor the whole perfomance to suit the young crowd and did it perfectly. His leather outfit was done by Skingraft, his buddies :-) Found out the next day that Adam and Co was staying at the Hyatt in Philly where a bunch of us Glamberts met in the afternoon. I had 5 girls (13-14) 4 rows behind me and when I turned to figure out what they were screaming about (it was just before Adam came out), all I saw was ADAM T-SHIRTS!!! They were huge fans and proceeded to tell me how much they love him :-)
That was a fantastic concert and Adam was beyond incredible (my 8th concert). I loved how he connected with the audience, talked to them like they were friends.....about his grammy nom, the bullying video, Aftermath and being different, having fun! Loved how he said he appreciated the nomination and was honored. Sure hope the Grammy peeps saw all the vids because his voice was outstanding to say the least and he sure showed his appreciation for the grammy nod!
**** In an interview, Adam said that he had a week in Paris and went to museums and did some shopping and had a blast. Sounds like he had a much deserved vacation :-)
Aquarian Glitz and 7:03 PM thanks for your posts! Nothing like getting the real scoop from those that are there. Love that the young teens are discovering Adam too! He really showed his vocal chops and why he deserves that Grammy!! funbunn40
Yes, thanks
AMAZING!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Adam you are awesome.
Aquarian Glitz and Anon 7:03 - thank you for the great reviews! Almost felt like I was there in person. If I had more time on my hands, I'd go dredge up some of the other performances from this Jingle Ball, just for comparison...but I don't need to...I already know Adam blew them all out of the water with his (grammy nominated) performance! Boo-yah!
Loved the comment about the row of teenage girls. YES!
- Adam Fix
ADAM LOVE...I can feel it!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock Star...Rock Star..someone made the comment.".Oh yea he is such a bad ass rock star" (sarcastic)
No Adam is a Rock Star in his own way and own style....he is an original HE'S THE BEST THING WE HAD IN YEARS FOR ENTERTAINMENT.
Love the outfit......could have his own line of clothing...
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