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Jingle Bell Performances

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 9, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, December 09, 2010

Music Again





Sure Fire Winners


If I Had You


Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! Just loved it all, including the interview and Christmas gifts!
Everything so beautiful, sweet Adam sooo gourgeous, the band sooo comfortable... like during GNT. Indeed, sweet Adam made on that stage HIS OWN SHOW, just missed the dancers! But everything was in the right place, except some lyrics at the begining of Fever (???), the messing up with Tommy and sweet Adam's «left hand» (oh-oh, careful, baby, you are back to America). I'm so glad to see glamberts all over the audience, singing out and loud with him...

Way to go, Diamond Boy! (or should I say way to STAY IN AMERICA for a while?). Welcome back to your nest, Sexotic Singing Bird! Enjoy your family and friends, they certainly missed you!

PS: I'll never miss you, sweet Adam, I've got you under my skin!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey,... I forgot to say about his VOICE???
Oh, never mind, no words to describe the marvelous sounds he gave to us AGAIN, anyway...


Anonymous said...

Great Entertainment and great voice and wonderful crowd. Adam you are the best---Please keep singing.

Anonymous said...

Loved the audience singing along with IIHY and moving along with the song. And it was fun to watch Monte and Tommy grooving in the background too. It seemed like Adam had lots of fun as did the audience especially as they all sang together in the end. Adam Lambert is one talented, charismatic, edgy, sexy entertainer and it's great to hear that he received that Grammy nomination. Let's hope he wins it. That would be the icing on the cake as they say.

Anonymous said...

Adam sounding excellent....looking sexy in those tight pants, boots and leather, love the hair too! I know he had to tone it down...but next time maybe the ninja roll and the shoulder won't hurt anybody....Band sounding good also

judys dancin said...

Thank you 24/7 for the videos! And...thank you Adam, you Rock God!!

Anonymous said...

I liked the tone down version of his perfomance for a variety of reasons. I want Adam to attract more fans and gain the trust of them so they look at his music. In the end his music will trump everything else and validate him as a perfomer. He can still have fun and be himself and gain so many fans in the mean time. I am not against his "kisses" etc one bit however I want him to have the largest fan base possible to buy his CD for years to come. He sounded great on these videos and was having alot of fun too. The crowd will go crazy for him because of his obvious charisma and voice and did I mention he has a natural sexiness about him as well. The grammy I feel is his...the song speaks volumes about what he has been through as if "Pink" knew what was in the future for him. The dust has settled and people are coming around little by little and thanks to his truly outstanding fan base who stood by him no matter what he has risen about all the fire. Now Adam it is your turn! Enjoy I know we will!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The cougar fans were not there :D

Anonymous said...

Loved the clothes and the toned-down version.
Rock Gawd!!!

Anonymous said...

Always love the tight ass pants on Adam cuz he got the perfect butt, long stems & those tone thighs‼ :) Yeah, no hip shaking or thrusting or any Adam gestures (if you know what I mean)! :) Jingle Ball was mostly his wonderful voice, which was amazing‼ See, Adam can do a clean & family friendly performance & still can be so entertaining that most of us have forgotten. I think he was the best performer last night... bar none‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, no doubt he had them in the palm of his hand.
Loved him, they were great performances.

Anonymous said...

They really were some of the best performances i've seen as he seemed SOOOO relaxed and like he was just having fun. No pressure. He can do it all, the sexy stuff but got to say he doesn't have to do any thrusting or grinding to be sexy. He just breathes and oooozes sexiness. The singing was unreal!!!! Perfection and those legs, eyes, the whole package is the one and only ADAM!
What a treasure!!!

The Dark Side said...

Anyone else having problems with the videos stalling constantly? I've reset my computer three times. What I could see was stellar. Some guy named Moser trashed Adam in a review. Of course, he was hit hard by fans. He also didn't like his rocker star hair. Well guess you can't please everybody--too bad he couldn't keep his opinions to himself; must love autotunes.

Anonymous said...

What a shot of adrenaline and awe Adam gives! I'm even more star struck! Loved every performance, so focused on his voice and talent. Loved the friskyness in Europe where he can let it all outout, but glad he showcased the voice, which needs the radio play,cd sales and will include younger teen fans that loved him on Idol. Smart move on his part and he still looked like he was having a great time and the audience loved him! Love the tight ass pants too! He looked every inch the rock star!! Monte and the band phenomenal as always! Missed the dancers, but this wasn't the right type of venue. Adam did it perfectly! @ 11:02 AM, I'm over 50 and a great- grandma. Does that mean I'm a cougar and should stay home? Not a chance! Going to Fl. Jingle Ball and dance my ass off!! Peace! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any reviews of this show. This Moser guy I can live without, but are there not any positive reviews out there?


Anonymous said...

Awesome performances! I agree with an earlier commenter, these are some of Adam's best performances and I've seen nearly all of them. I hope he does a concert on New Year's Eve like he did last year which was excellent.

Anonymous said...

I cant watch them either since video stops every second - will try again later as the comments all seem very positive. Have teenage girls changed so much since I was their age? I would think they'd take one look at Adam and be falling at his feet in adoration! I certainly would have at that age. Hell, I'm doing that now and at my age! And if not Adam (due to his unavailability), at least Tommy! I guess times have changed? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

...........Brilliant Performances of Adam and Band.....Adam's Voice was Outta this World..Spot On... Adam sure has the *LONDON LOOK*..took me slap bang back to the Early 80s Punk Days..and Rocking with Early Robert Smith Hair.....LOVE this Adam Look...sure hope more people got to see and hear Adam..are there any reviews of this Concert in American News???????.....if not the the American Media are just Nasty
it was great to see the Audience totally Rockin with Adam...
just a little dig at the moaners who were dissing the UK Fans at the Birmingham Gig in UK who said it was disrepectful to sing along to Adam's songs! was wondering if you had even been to a Adam Gig or even a Gig at all....its called Having a Good Time!!
Thanks to whoever made these videos as you have made my Day x
Really Really enjoyed them....
Love that Lambert very Much Indeed
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

Some are able to see the videos, there were already thousands of views, when I watched them.

Anonymous said...

I can see these videos just UK
spare 35 seconds the watch will love it

for Adamluv and anyone else who wants to see this Adorable Little Dancing Salsa guys have got to see...its Cuteness Overload...Enjoy..its so Sweet..its an Internet Sensation...just like Adam is

Glambrit IOW UK

coloforadam said...

Look out 10:52Am - Jingle Ball is one thing but he's headed for LA and those will be the hottest performances yet. I just don't think Adam performs for possible record sales - he performs for the crowd in front of him and LA will be climbin' on the stage!! Wish I could be front row center but I know 24/7 will deliver every lovely, sexy, out of control moment!! Please Santa - you KNOW what we want!!

Anonymous said...

very fun and tasteful performance :) he looked & sounded great. I hope he garnered some new fans...
and yeah those LA shows are gonna be a riot.
They film those for the DVD! LOL

Anonymous said...

LA shows not so rock, but more acoustic, because of the "special fans"?

Anonymous said...

Coloforadam, will certainly try and not disappoint you on the 15th and 16th! Less than a week to go! Excitement reigns supreme in LA right now! Spent last Sat. walking around Hollywood by the Music Box (15th show) and Bardot's (where the after party will be). My friend kept telling me to stop looking at the stars names on the sidewalk and look at the passing peeps since one might be Adam! Didnt know he was still in Europe. Cant wait!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

re 6.56pm...back again to have snipes at Adam's music and fans..get a life you fucking moaner!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 6.56 ADAM performs both rock and acoustic,deal with it! troll

coloforadam said...

Adamluv - you get to BE there? Lucky Puckster!! He's gonna tear it up and leave us weeping! When the DVD comes out, I want to hear you screaming from the LA crowd!! Funny that you have already scoped out the theater - I did that in Denver about a week before he came here in July. Now I CAN'T walk by that theater (The Paramount) again cuz it's just too emotional. I'm-crazy-and-I-just-don't-care!!

Anonymous said...

Who has hair like that!!! and sing like that!!! God might make him struggle for couple years but those talents are untouchable.

The Dark Side said...

Finally got to see most of the videos without all the stalling. Probably too many people like me missing our daily dose of glam. Adam's vocal were tops, his look over the top. While he was definitely behaving himself, he put in a FM move or two. Fever was a hoot, it was like not kissing Tommy messed with his head. Ha! Loved it, and he recovers so nicely. Hope his new album comes out soon--I'm dying here.

Anonymous said...

Que impresionante ver de nuevo a ADAM , derrochando arte con su voz vibrante,emotiva y deliciosa... además de su Belleza!!!! Con está presentación nadie puede poner en duda el potencial inagotable de este joven,en escena. Impresionante, caudal de voz, estilo y carisma, con la capacidad de ajustar sus movimientos coreográficos según el lugar que se presente sin perder el brillo de sus impresionantes actuaciones. ADAM es el artista más completo, brillante y único del Mundo de la música actual.

Anonymous said...

Hello Adam Scissorhands! Heh, heh! Loved the rockin' 80's, Loverboy look. Thought you were wearing a headband, with all that stuff cascading down your back!

Adam - you are a magnificent creature, although I wish you would've busted a few moves. Poor guy looked like he was trying to keep it all bottled up inside! Except for THE VOICE!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

HH's Dec.9, 8:59PM

«HOLLY MOTHER OF TALENT!So impressive to see again ADAM squandering artistry with his vibrant, moving, delicious voice... besides his Beauty!!! Face this presentation, nobody can doubt that it is inexhaustible the potential of this young man in scene. Impressive torrential voice, style and charisma, with the ability of adjusting his choreographyc moves according to the place he is performing, without losing the brilliance of his amazing performances. ADAM is the most complete, shining and unique artist in the current world of music. HH»

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

loved his clothes:) thats the adam i love

Anonymous said...

I was there! My 6th concert. These gorgeous pics don't do justice to his out of this world outfit! My jaw dropped when he came onstage. You are correct, whatever he bought in Paris was worth every penny! That jacket!! OMFG! There were leather ribbons down the back of it (oh run my fingers through them.....) which I thought were part of the jacket but they may have been part of the scarf. Long, lean legs in those crazyass pants, scuffed boots, just-got-outta-bed ROCK STAR hair, no gloves, just rings. I was looking for an adjective to describe the look, and "posh" came to me. GQ's Posh Rock God! While he was singing, I actually looked to the rafters of the venue and imagined his soaring notes at the top of the roof. His voice never sounded better. He had appropriate moves for the "Bieber Kids" audience, but the vocals, the vocals! If he does not win the Grammy, there is a serious problem with this award system. No one, and I mean NO ONE who also performed on the stage could hold a candle to him. Can we say auto-tune, lipsynch? The 40 minutes flew by in an instant. Loved his little "brag" comment about the Grammy. Sweet and humble. The young crowd responded well to him (led by we Glamberts, of course!) and IIHU had everyone jumping and rocking together! I truly believe his fans are ageless...we all connect so well, no matter how old we are.

After his set, a lot of us fans met in the lobby for our "group sex cooldown"! WHEW! Where are the cold showers when you need one?

It was wonderful meeting fan friends there and making some new ones. Being a part of Adam's community has been one of the most extraordinary journeys of my life! I feel so blessed.

Damn, I'd give anything to be able to attend those LA shows and after parties!!! To those lucky enough to be going, rock it for us and we'll look forward to Suz's videos.

Peace and love

Aquarian Glitz

Anonymous said...

I hope the next album mix pop and rock better than the first one making more justice to his VOICE not hidding this, his acoustic LP is really amazing and prove of his greatness as artist, I hope he keeps this look maybe he wants to proyect this for his next album.

Totally agree for his Grammy nomination, he is really a winner.