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New Suz526 HD Videos

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, December 25, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, December 25, 2010

HD version of "Purple Haze/Whole Lotta Love" from Los Angeles 12-16

HD version of "Fever" from London 11-29

HD version of "Fever" from Glasgow 11-28

HD version of "Fever" from Manchester 11-27

HD version of "Fever" from Birmingham 11-26

Thanks to Suz526!


Anonymous said...

Oh! This brings back great memories!!! Thanks, Suz, for keeping the memories alive!!!!

Happy Holidays to you Suz! Love you for all that you've done for the Glamily!


Anonymous said...

Me too. Thanks Suz for everything. We can have Adam anytime we want (at least musically) because of you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much. It's fantastic.

Anonymous said...

A collection of interviews.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva! You are becoming one of the great vid posters here! Much appreciated!

Merry Christmas everyone! By the way, did anyone catch Saturday Night Live tonight? They did a skit, part of which had 2 guys making out. Looked exactly like the kisses Adam and Tommy did on stage! I didn't catch the lead up to comments to see what was said though!


Anonymous said...

LA video....bit of a zipper problem....I bet those pants are all stretched out by now !!!!