Nominate Adam Lambert as Best Dressed Male of 2010
Filed Under (Others ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, December 14, 2010

From fleckingrecords:
We need your nominations for the best dressed male and female celebrity of 2010.
So far we’ve covered the sexiest celebs, the most entertaining and we’ll also be brining you the most controversial stars, the best music videos and the top reality stars of the year.
Adam Lambert topped both public votes thanks to his fans, bagging him the title of sexiest and most entertaining.
Now we need you help to find the best dressed.
Leave your nominations below as usual, and we’ll put the most nominated into the public vote.
Please note, we will only be counting nominations that include BOTH a male and a female nomination.
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I just voted and all of the male votes I saw were for Adam!! Of course!!
Ok, I can't seem to find where to vote. I see peoples comments & stuff but nowhere I can find the vote section‼ :( *Im lost*
I think Adam has great style and not afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion. I always look at his jewelry.
I also can't place to vote. I saw a lot of comments where people mention Adam as best dressing man and I didn't se any other male celebrity!
Can you give I the link or direction where we have to vote, please.
we are not meant to vote, we nominate first by filling the comment box. also, please nominate both male and female otherwise your nomination will be invalid if you only nominate adam. thanks
Hi Delilah & 11:43
I think just leave it in the comment space... I believe those are what gets counted?? All that's there are votes...
Looks like Adam is WAAAAY in the lead since it looks like he's the only male mentioned... Go Adam! =)
Thank you, Cindy. I don't think somebody even mention anybody else as best male dressed. I saw only Adam's name in these comments!!!!!!!!
@Cindy. Also, I hope Adam didn't change his gauge earrings size. Because big holes in his ears will not match with any of his outfits! What do you think? May be this is my imagination that Adam gauge earrings became bigger. What do you think about it?
be sure and write a females name down as well or your vote wont be counted! saw a couple with only adams name. Adamluv
OK, I get it how to «vote» or at least how to nominate sweet Adam «The Best Dressed Male». Now... can anyone tell me how to vote for sweet Adam «The Best Naked Male»????
@Fan4fun You just have to add the comment with best dressed male (undressed male- Adam:) and any best dressed female. This is only way to vote on this poll. By the way, you are hilarious, darling! Best Naked Male!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
That fan4fun - I agree, delilah5 - she is on FIRE today with the hilarious comments!!
- Adam Fix
Yay! He won!!!!
Adam is definitely the best dressed male but this photo of him is extremely unflattering.
H E L L O! A win hands down!
I like this photo, I thought it was one of the best of the photo shoot, although agree it definitely wasn't the best shoot...
HK fan
I nominate Adam (male) and Charlize Theron (female). Now, about the naked nominations. I'm going to have to think "long and hard" about that one.
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