TheFABLife’s 50 Hottest Fashion Moments Of 2010
Filed Under (Others,pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"No hot list for the year would be complete without a little Adam Lambert, who hit the perfect balance of masculine and glam in the all-black suit he wore G-Star Raw show on February, 17, 2010."
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Aww! FAB looking Adam‼... STUNNING... GORGEOUS... SEX-SY... HOOOT‼ :) I'm crazy about those sexxxy bright eyes‼ :) *ice bb eyes*
Love how he looks in this stylish and cool suit. His fav color for clothes is black. He certainly knows what "suits" him. The man is a fashion icon among his other admirable attributes.
He is struting his stuff. Knows the game.
Yes, masculine and glam. That says it perfectly. No one rocks a suit like Adam. Hope to see this look at the Grammys. Between the fashion, clothes and hair, this look can't be beat.
WOW! Can't look any better than this. Absolutely gorgeous and well put together.
absolutely stunning young man. My gosh I wish I'm his mom ha!ha!ha!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Oh, my angelic sweet little devil... I can't stop loving you dressed like this!!!! Please, take this suit off, underware too...
Can't wait for Grammys--hoping for sophisticated glam rocker. Maybe designer tux with a twist.
@Fan4fun, whats up mate? I just left you a message at the Oops thread.
Great picture, Adam looks amazing (like usually). But what does this mean "little Adam Lambert"? I think I don't understand this frase!
Can anybody explaine it to me?
@Fan4fun Love your comment:)LOL
Galaxie mag, Malaysia!/photo.php?pid=646036&id=118357001524550&fbid=184464141580502
Guys, please subscribe to Adam's Myyoutube channel. THis is very very important, more than important. If he wins this, he gets to be on the front page of youtube. Can you imagine the exposure he would get, like billions of people....Please, please, please subscribe. Here is the link:
Moderator, if you are reading this, please keep reposting this thread over and over and fans please spread the word. He is currently at #11, all the teen craps are way past him, like leading him by 30,000 votes. Please help and lets pull this off. I know we can do it. might be thinking I am Adam but unfortunately I am not *cries*..LOL, but I am a fan and I am a little crazy so watch out!
Adam's fashion statement has always been fascinating maybe because he is one of the chosen few who could easily pull off any kind of look one could imagine. I can't wait to see Adam in billboards modeling apparel or accessories ;-)
Although this isn't one of my favorites, he really looks glamorous and very classy ;-)
Awesome Adam. Love this look.
Dark Side, I agree, can't WAIT to see the GRAMMY look!
Delilah... the whole phrase--> "A little..."
anything... with the emphasis on the 'A'
...A little fun, A little music... meaning it absolutely belongs there...
No red carpet would be complete without "A little Adam Lambert".. =) meaning Adam should absolutely BE there...
another very important poll...
You can vote countless times, just hit refresh and vote. TH is leading now but only by about 6000 votes. Lets do it fans....
I'd post the animal noises I'm finding myself making, but don't know how to spell them. lol
Cambio de ADAM ha llegado: Entonces y Ahora
love AL in black! It really brings out the sexxxi eyes! he has great style and always knows how to dress for an occasion.
Adam Lambert - THE WORLD'S STYLE ICON! :-)
@ZZ I continue to try to subscribe and vote but for some reason I see something is not right! Because even it seems I subscribed, I still can't vote! Please, tell me what I have to do
@delilah5, subscribing equals to voting. Good job. Now all you need to do is get points if you want to get a prize. The more subscribers Adam gets the better cause from what I've heard top 5 get free advertisment on Vevo front page.
He always seems to wear something shiny or decorative in the package area, what's a girl to do?
@anon 9:18pm You know, this is the great song by Queen "You Take My Breath Away"! This is exactly what Adam is doing with all of us, gurls
@anon 6.57
I just voted on that site, but it won't let me vote more than once.
HK fan
I just voted on Fashion For Aids Campaign and I could only vote once. On giving Adam points on his Official Youtube Channel I gave him seven points. Does any know what the max is? Cause I'll go back in there and get the max. Come on everyone VOTE for ADAM ON BOTH SITES. My fingers are bloody stumps but I don't
WOW Love this picture. He should do modeling for GQ.
I try to subscribe "to artists channel" but nothing happens. It´s processing endlessly but no votes are registred. Am I doing something wrong or should this take hours?
@ ZZ
I saw your message the «oops», thanks! Hell's Kitchen is up side down with so much work! I'll finish the year literally cooking for 380 people and will start the new year literally cooking for 450 people! I'm running against the time. Sweet Adam would better get out of the way for a while or I may step on his lovely toes or worse... I can step on his MIC! Ouch!
Icon is alright, calmed down a bit. Both of us are hardly trying to give sweet Adam his deserved time to rest... just waiting for daily good info about him, for example: What is he dressing today? What did he eat for breakfast? And for lunch? Where is he supposed to have dinner? With who? Where? At what time? How many times did he check out the twitter? Who did he talk on the phone with? How many times did he check out his face in the mirror? How many times did he go to the bathroom today? And yesterday? Where... in his new home? Does he have a new home already? Did he buy a house? Or an apartment? Did he rent a place instead? Where? For how much? Who is going to live with him? How many employees? Does he get a cook already? Not yet? Why not? Is he studying the resumees? Did he get mine? Do I have any chances? You know... just info! Glasmshit!!! We miss sweet Adam a lot!
Priceless picture of Adam. Always so stylish and classy! Cannot wait to see the outfit for The Grammys!
Having just one hobby/addiction (plus being so great at your work that you don't need to think about it!) is waay too dangerous, my dear. I'll try to come up with a treatment plan for you, but right now seems to me like mission impossible. Ha ha ha!
I won't give up though...
Hmm... Shall I invite myself to that party? You know, I can be picky with food and drive you crazy! The fact that you could make me happy with just some brie & wine..or chocolate cake & wine..I'd keep for myself! :-)
@eva I have the same problem as you! I tried several times but nothing happens:( As you say it's processing endlessly! I don't know what i'm doing wrong but it just don't seem to work, it isn't counting my votes!
@Hollandfan This is exactly what I meant. After I click at subscribe it start processing and never was stopped, same as a recommended channels. Also, I can't share it with my friends on facebook. Seems like we are doing something wrong.
The Fashion for Aids said I already voted and also no luck on other one, somethings not right. What's cooking in Hell's kitchen, Fan4fun? Hope Adam glams it up for the Grammys. He always looks so elegant with an edge when he goes on the red carpet. He sure is staying under the radar. He said earlier that when GNT was over he wanted to go somewhere warm for a vacation. He would have been spotted at an airport, unless he went somewhere by private plane or by boat. Glad he's having personal time, but it seems so strange with no sightings. Really miss seeing and hearing what he's doing, even tho' it's none of my business! Withdrawal getting worse! Maybe he'll be out and about NYE, if he's still in U.S.Think I was spoiled seeing new videos every day! funbunn40
@delila5 @Hollandfan
I think the MyYouTube is for americans only. They say you can win prizes, that made me think it was only for US fans. If this is the case shouldn´t they have made this clear to everyone from the beginning or have they forgotten that Adam is loved all over the world and when he says :"there´s no time to waste, so hurry the hell up grrrrrr!" we jump!!
I hope someone knows the facts about this.
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