VH1 Top 40 Music VIdeos of 2010
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You,news,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Saturday, December 18, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, December 18, 2010
Adam Lambert has two spots on this chart. WWFM is at #4 and IF I HAD YOU is at #33.

Earlier this week, we gave you an alphabetical list of 35 of our Top 40 Music Videos of the year and asked you to guess what artists where going to be included in our top five music videos of 2010. Well, we’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news. If you’re one of the Little Monsters or a card carrying member of Glam Nation, you’ll be happy to see that Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” and Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” each made the Top Five. However, if you count yourself as a die-hard 30 Seconds To Mars fan, um, well, there’s always next year!
Video credits: MJsbigblog

Earlier this week, we gave you an alphabetical list of 35 of our Top 40 Music Videos of the year and asked you to guess what artists where going to be included in our top five music videos of 2010. Well, we’ve got good news and we’ve got bad news. If you’re one of the Little Monsters or a card carrying member of Glam Nation, you’ll be happy to see that Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” and Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” each made the Top Five. However, if you count yourself as a die-hard 30 Seconds To Mars fan, um, well, there’s always next year!
Video credits: MJsbigblog
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GREAT news! Looks like people are starting to really "get" Adam--- DUH!!! Since the Tour is done I hope we keep getting more and more updates and that his name will continue to be out there. Of course we Glamberts have known all along that Adam is the real deal and we are NOT surprised one bit that Adam is really taking off. Adam's life is never going to be the same, I pray that he stays as real as he is right now... 2011 should be an interesting year for him, rock on AFL with your bad ass self! We luv ya!:-)
So proud of Adam and so proud to be his fan. He must be very happy getting all these recognitions at the end of the year. He should have 3 on the list if US didn't snub FYE.
I am so HAPPY for Adam. I agree with ANON:9:26. He should have had three on the list. FYE is a fantastic video. Having said that, I thought he should have been either #1 or #2. Lady GaGa's Bad Romance was really spectacular, too.
Some of these comments are so nice! It feels so good to have random people from show business having such a high opinion about our Adam:) We've always believed this way but it's heart warming he's getting recognition on national TV:)
Poland Loves Adam
I agree, anon 9:43 and 9:26, FYE was a fantastic video too, but, I'm very happy for Adam that he does have 2 videos on the list! Great recognition for him ....love to hear all the accolades! He's so deserving!
I started to cry when I read Renee's article. As far as it was few minutes ago, I am still crying:) Finally Adam got it. And he will get more recognitions in his brilliant future. Adam deserves it more than anybody else. And we will always supprt him.
Love you, Adam
A shame he didn't release Sleepwalker as there may have been 3 in the top 40, but I will definitely settle for those 2 and continue to wonder why no MTV nominations??? I was wowed to hear them say publicly that Adam got "screwed" on Idol. While Adam and others continue to say it doesn't matter. In the long run it doesn't, but will any of his devoted fans ever think he didn't get screwed?
AWESOME!!!! I missed the countdown show, so I was SOOO happy to see the actual clips here!!!
Loved what they all had to say, serious and funny, and mostly the very last line... Yes, that's what we want from him... more great songs and videos like this!!!
Woohoo!! WWFM placed in FRONT of Gaga AND
Eminem!! And Bruno... like him but I'm sick off hearing already.
@12:24 --Nah, we probably always will question, ESPECIALLY if we reiviw ANY of the 'AI' videos, jeeez, Adam was other worldly.
BUT, he still made out wonderfully well, got the platform he wanted to spring from to GET noticed... so at least it was a rare screwing that COULD be considered a decent and even pleasant one for Adam! ;)
Waaatch out world, GRAMMYs are next!!
I loved watching the 2 clips and hearing all the great things the people said! YES!!
I am so glad he is now known as a great musican star. As soon as they ban auto tuning he will be number 1!
Yea for Adam. I think FYE was really the best of the three, but that's another story.
"He just has that warmth that nobody can resist." How true is that statement!
I agree with what the one dude said. "What Do You Want From Me"? More music life this video. I hope Adam is listening to this and will do just that!
I meant like this not life this OOOOPS!
Finally! We get to hear people other than us say what we have known for a long time. It reminds me of a saying...I think by Hugo..."Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come". Today of all days, as DADT is repealed, it seems like the music world finally honors Adam for the star we know him to be. His time has come!
I'm so glad to feel like I was invited to the party! Bless the Glamily on this site... Bravo Adam!!! Oh, happy day!
Also, did I miss any accounts of the last GlamNation concert from Adam Fix, Adamluv and Glitzy... or are you guys still recovering?
Finally some validation from the outside world! Agree anon 10:20 and Cindy.
Anon 3:38 I love your comment about banning autotuning! So true! Adam would be #1! If the world were given just the vocals of all artists without even knowing who was singing...Adam would win hands down!
If it wasn't for the STUPID AMA's, FYE would be on there too - it is truly the most artistic and I think it will be pulled out of the archives someday and people will say, "How the hell did that get passed up!!" He is gorgeous and sexy and powerful and the scene and dancing is superb. That first scene in the alley where he is in the black leather trench coat, dark glasses, striding ahead, is classic!! Inside, he is wearing little glitter, his body is slinky-in-black and he commands the room. It will ALWAYS be my FAV!! Hard to believe he will come up with anything more expressive of his message!!
Hopefully, in a few years Adam can add FYE to his most famous hits album and it will have a second life. BTW, FYE is also my all time favorite Adam video. Agree with 4:02 comments. Have to say tho,and don't hate on me, WTF was that outfit Tommy was wearing? He looked like the Court Jester.
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