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Adam Lambert Met 'AI' Fans at Grocery Store

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Adam tweeted tonight about meeting 'fans' of his American Idol performances at the grocery store, and some people took it the wrong way!

Then Adam retweeted someone's tweet....(whom thought Adam's tweet was snippy.)


Anonymous said...

AI is where Adam got his start, but it shouldn't define him. I really think people take things a little personal. I guess Adam wants past AI and be recognized for his own music and tours. I guess he knows that no matter what he says, he can't win.

Anonymous said...

That must be annoying its almost degrading to Adam. I am sure they didn't mean it but its still an insult.

Anonymous said...

get the red corked BB!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes, hard to be stuck in the past. Just means that many people who watched AI do not follow people after it nor buy CDs.

Anonymous said...

Well, @Thrillhouse did have a point, but so did Adam. If I ran into him, I might have said "WERE" so great, too. But I also would have said I love the album, videos, congrats on the Grammy, etc. I guess these people are AI fans and not all that current on what artists are up to after (not that I follow anyone else). Oh, who am I kidding? I would probably just stand there and drool! Not really; have met more than my share of artists during the radio days. Still. Poor Adam, he's right; he can't win! Hope the red was good!

Anonymous said...

There is a reason why Adam emphasized the "past tenses" and tweeted about it. Basically Adam was trying to "enlighten" someone from Thrillhouse that "he (Adam) is very much in the present" and going much stronger & will be the next King of Glam/Pop, Glam/Rock & Roll. Look out WORLD‼ :)

Anonymous said...

Alot of people who voted for him, probably don't follow his career now. I know he must find it annoying for being known for just the Mad World performance. I guess alot of people can't get past him not winning, but he was better off not getting the title and all the stigma that goes with it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, while I was typing that, there were no comments on this thread. By the time I posted, there were 5! Are we fast or what?

Anonymous said...

Adam is grateful for the AI experience, but he lives much in the present. I guess he wants to hear Congratulations on the Grammy Nomination and The successful Glam Nation tour. World Chart domination is around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the fence about this one. I think Adam acted very childish. Just saying.

Also, Adam should'nt have brought more attention to that other person's tweet. it's like he's bringing in the attention.

But I <3 u Adam

Anonymous said...

you know, there's millions of people who followed Adam in American Idol but after the show ended, it seems as if they didn't realize Adam was going to release an album and have a music career. I guess people are just too lazy to google or search about it.

But I'm sure the fanbase are still growing.

Anonymous said...

Adam should ignore the naysayers. He should just stay focused on the prize and keep moving forward. AI is the past and he has an outstanding future ahead of him. I would always acknowledge the fans and know that they mean well. It's hard to say what would fly out of my mouth in a grocery store if I had approached him. Fans get caught up in the moment.

Anonymous said...

We don't know exactly what happened in the store and how the conversation went. Sometimes people can be very entitled. I believe there is a reason he tweeted this.

Anonymous said...

I would have told him how sexy he was and probably wouldn't have said a damn thing about AI!He will always be mentioned in the same sentence as American Idol and not winning the title, but he knows this. I guess fans get caught up in the moment and don't think about what is coming out of their mouth.

Anonymous said...

Adam was just trying to *ENLIGHTEN* someone at the Thrillhouse... nothing MORE, nothing LESS‼ It ain't that DEEP... geeeesussss!

Anonymous said...

Adam might have felt insulted in some way. who knows what really happened? it would be awkward meeting anyone famous in a grocery store. he might have been standing in the aisle and fans started running towards him.

LP said...

I am amazed that he could go to the grocery store at all. I had been thinking about that lately, wondering if someone would shop for him.
Maybe he was finding it hard to shop without fans holding him up, while he was choosing what kind of "red" he wanted. Could it possibly be that he just happened to be very tired, or isn't he allowed.

Anonymous said...

he was choosing his red when he was interrupted. I bet that made him a little pissy. I wouldn't want to be distracted while choosing my fruits and vegetables. He needs a little private time, but that is getting harder now. With fame, comes sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the result of Adam being dangerously "overexposed" per RCAEd on AO. Just a bit of sarcasm to end the night with.

Anonymous said...

I would love to drink some red with the Glittery one! pucker up bb!!!

Anonymous said...

he should tell the store to close down and let him shop alone. A worldwide superstar should be able to have the whole damn store to himself.

Anonymous said...

The Glittery Glamtastic one should be able to shop in peace. I bet it can get a little crazy when people are surrounding you in a grocery aisle.

Anonymous said...

@ThrillHouse needs to turn into @CHILLhouse


Anonymous said...

Ok now that was just dumb all a the way around. He should have just said thank you for your support and left it at that. Fans get stupid when they see someone famous. No harm done; Can we please just move on. He's the one that retweeted what Trillhouse said no one else; so he must of thought it was just in jest why would he purposely make himself look bad? HUH? DA? Not everyone on earth knows who he is or where he has been!

Anonymous said...

Adam should just order his grocery and have it delivered to his home... you hear Adam? :) OR better yet I'll do it for you for FREE... just for you bb‼ :)) *N/C*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think Adams tweet was tongue in cheek, I don't believe he said this to the store patrons, just trying to have a fun tweet. I hope he had no problems with the cork. Thanks for your opinion Thrillhouse.

Anonymous said...

People can be so annoying,especially at the grocery store.Sounds like the folks at where ever,didn't really follow Adam's career after AI.If they had they would have known better than to say what they did.Adam simply filled them in with his amazing current successes.

The shoppers thought they were complimenting him,but some how they lost a couple of years........He doesn't need a couple of grocery folks to show him respect and love,he has the whole world loving him and listening to him.Drink up Adam you're the BEST

Anonymous said...

Hope he didn't say this to the fans because sometimes people just get "Star-struck" and say the silliest things when they meet a celebrity. I am sure he was polite and maybe "just saying' " with his tweet that he has moved on from Idol--but remember, Adam, you said yourself--you owe Idol everything so never take it as an insult.

Anonymous said...

Adam you need a hug. Here's a virtual one.

JakeL said...

Funniest thing is read all week. Seriously.


Dinah-mite said...

OMG! Lighten up people! It was just a comment! On one hand there is a hundred cameras in his face, but on the other hand people are still stuck on AI! I think right now AFL is just trying to find some balance in all of this.

Give Adam some breathing room. And yes, I hope he enjoys some fine wine, not that effing Merlot!!! (Anyone watch the movie "Sideways"?) Funny flick.

As Adam says- it ain't that deep!

JakeL said...

Ooopps, meant "I've" instead of "is"


Anonymous said...

Yes, there is life after Idol...and part of that includes a good bottle of red. I hope he had someone special to share it with. :)

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was a little bit down after meeting those fans, afterall he is only human. Shouldn't he allow to show his feeling like everyone else?
He doesn't own AI anything. He generated the highest rating for the show and AI cashed in gold during his AI tours. Adam has said he sometimes get teary after couple red, tonight he probably think almost 100millions votes on his final, WTF wrong with my CD sale. Just saying. Hope he will forget all this tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hope he told them to show the love by donating to his Charity.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think Adam forgets sometimes who he is and where he is. He's hit the big time and I love him to pieces, but I don't think it's wise to ever say negative things about your fans, no matter how uninformed they are. They are after all your bread and butter when it comes to music sales, like it or not. In this case it would have been wiser to say thank you and do you have a favourite from the album? (see that way you are made aware of their knowledge about your music and at the same time you advertise!) Besides, just because they remembered him from the show doesn't necessarily mean they've forgotten his present accomplishments. They were just fans after all, and not at all trained in what to say to celebrities should they happen to run into one. Perhaps they were somewhat star struck. If it was me....well, I'd probably say something stupid to Adam about how I love his new hair cut and then turn red and faint!!
Either way, I love Adam and he obviously felt like sharing this rather comical moment with us "in the know and present" Glambert fans. So thanks for sharing this tidbit of a day in the life of Adam Lambert and I will try to imagine what it would be like to casually run into Adam Lambert at the grocery store, hahahaha....beyond my wildest dreams and waaaaaaaay outside of my reality : )
Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

Adam, whatever happened to your Dusty Madrid getup? It would have come in handy here.

Anonymous said...

snippy?? HUH?? Wow, we are sensitive aren't we. Adam could say anything, and some people would find it bad. Adam has some ego as he should, and sometimes it emerges. Humility is way overrated.

Anonymous said...

maybe he wants to come down from the high of touring all over the world and everyone knowing your name. It might be the grocery store where he finds his solace. I get peace when I'm shopping, so he probably isn't any different. I guess it feels crazy that everyone wants something from you when you was once a struggling singer wanting the big break. I guess the fame game is hard to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy that wine BB...have one for me...

Anonymous said...

Just remember--it comes with the price of fame--you said so yourself. At least it wasn't the annoying paps.

Anonymous said...

Dusty Madrid could have saved his day!

Anonymous said...

oh we lovED you! emphasis on the ED! that is very funny! he is asking "Do you still love me"? if you love me, then buy my album! He is great!

Anonymous said...

you WERE so great! he is asking "Am I STILL great"? The answer is YES!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has a great sense of humor, but I don't think people get it. This was very funny!

Anonymous said...

He should have thrown a tantrum and scared all the fans away and went back to what he was doing!

Anonymous said...

anon 8:53 he would have been called DIIVVVAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

a glass of red on the bed with AL! things could get interesting! woot woot!

Anonymous said...

it gets old to have to reply to people who think that it is all about them. the "fans" invaded his space, talked at him without invitation and then got upset because he didn't reply like they wanted him to. adam actually gets to have a life too,-- that doesn't include everyone on the street who recognizes him and who try to get his attention. and yes, i love adam and everything he does and yes, i would want to talk to him, but i also think that ,other than murmuring "i love you" , i would respect him and let him be.

Anonymous said...

oops, has he had some sort of let down to make him feel really sensitive to comments made to him? usually he lets these kinds of comments slide off of his back, but lately he looks subdued and quiet. what gives?

Anonymous said...

8.46 and 8.51 have got it, that is exactly what he meant, hence the mix of characters. Very clever, I think he was laughing at that not being pissed off. People are too precious.
Jadam. NZ

Anonymous said...

I still can't be sure whatever happened in that store from these 3 tweets. For all I know they could be flurtin with eachother..LOL.There could be a TMZ video outhere of Thrillstore jizzin over Lambert. Calm down people! Big LOL goes to the peoplle claiming that Adam is acting childish.Take your chil pills and learn from the man, have a drink or two and relax. Geez!

Anonymous said...

@Annaberry 8:28pm Didn't these guys say "We LOVED you, we VOTED, you WERE"?
This gave me idea that these people dont' know anything about Adam's acomplishments including CD, awards, recogntions, GNT which he got after AI. They said "YOU WERE"! What was a point to ask them which song they like from FYE? Probably they even didn't hear about album and didn't care what was happen with Adam after AI. For them it was just fun to watch AI and to vote for Adam but after all Adam didn't win. So, it sounds like they want to say ADAM WE ARE SO SORRY FOR YOU:(
Adam always says what he thinks about. Sometimes it cost him the problems but after all he is very nice and honest young man. He deserves respect and love for this.
Love you, Adam.LOL

Anonymous said...

I think he was only slightly annoyed and was just trying to be funny. That's the way I took it. I thought it was hysterical and he tweeted it as I was just getting out of a long meeting which made it even more welcome.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't go up to any celebs in the market then lol. I have NO idea about what any of the American Idol alumni are working on (and frankly, don't care.) The only one who I followed after Idol is Adam.

This story reminds me of a story Barry Manilow once told. Most of Manilow's hits were in the 1970s, but he still had some into the 1980s & 1990s. Anyway, anytime someone would say, we used to love you in the 1970s, he would thank them and give them a copy of his current CD. (He always carries around spares to give to people.) That's a kind thing to do plus it updates people on your current career. Smart dude! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that all that happened is a couple of fans approached him in the shop, said how much they loved him on Idol, voted etc, he would have smiled and said thank you, got on with choosing his wine. Then tongue in cheek sent out this text - thats why there is a smile at the end of it...its really not that big an issue...

HK fan

Dinah-mite said...

@HK Fan Yup, you get it! I'm sure AFL was cool, always is... I luv his humor. I think it would be a gas to hang out and get a taste of his wit. He is a sharp one that boy. (BB that is...)

Anonymous said...

When he sang on that dancing show on T.V. after the AMA performance he dressed up showing the story of Tarquin. If you knew the story you would understand. If not would take it at face value and just see the very smart appearance and tear on his face and the black rose and just think oh that's Adam dressing up weird. He is extremely quick minded. This seems to be another instance.

Anonymous said...

Kinda funny, kinda sad. These guys have missed out on some kinda wonderful!! Even if he was hurt, he never looses that great sense of humor.
Next time carry the Grammy with you up and down the isles and a carton of albums and CDs., wear your Queen T shirt and the boots from Paris. XXOO
Cheers Adam & Glamberts eveywhere!

Anonymous said...

Snippy? I've never heard that word before .... learn something new every day.

Good on Adam for saying as he did. He has to have some normality in his life. Not even safe at the grocery store. Maybe he has to order his groceries online but there's no out-in-the fresh-air enjoyment in that.

Glug! Glug! Glug! Hope that red tasted yummos.

glitzylady said...

Hmmm. Was on my way to a movie when I read this series of tweets and was a little puzzled and slightly alarmed by it. Was wondering what in the heck happened in that store to prompt Adam to tweet that. What?? Just didn't sound like Adam, at least the "public" one..Is this Adam being "human" and not superhuman for once??? (Quite honestly, a bit like Negative Neil..).So...after drinking two glasses of wine (this movie theater is 21 and over, serves beer and wine), symbolically along with and in honor of Adam and his obvious frustration, thinly veiled humor and a bit of ironic sarcasm, I came to the tentative conclusion that yes, he was feeling a little pissy. I think that after his successful world tour, all of the adulation of his many fans (including me..6 GNT's plus 3 other non-GNT concerts) and nearly ALWAYS being around people who know precisely and up to the moment what he has been doing the last (almost) 2 years since Idol Season 8 ended, just a touch of reality, or what passes for real life for him these days, perhaps set in at that moment. Back to grocery shopping amongst the unenlightened. Even in trendy and hip LA. The reality of it is that many people do remember him from AI but are not aware of what's been happening this past year. And perhaps that IS frustrating for him..We all know that the media have been pretty much for the most part ignoring him and his tour, so of course the average person on the street or in the store often has no clue. I had dinner recently with friends who watched and liked Adam on Idol, heard about the AMA's and knew NOTHING about his career since then, and they are fairly "aware" people. I had to go on and on (as I can be inclined to do on occasion..) about what he has been doing since then (and having them looking at me slightly amused and bemused that I had been following him around: an Adam Lambert groupie). They truly had no idea, even though he had two shows here this summer and fall. So I suppose if THEY ran into him in a store and said something, it would have been "We lovED you on Idol.." etc. And quite frankly, even though I have followed his every move since then, as others have said, god knows what might pop out of MY mouth if I happened to run into him at the grocery store (Please Universe... are you listening????)! Although I can guarantee you now it will have NOTHING to do with Idol! Like someone said above, probably a weakly stammered "I love you Adam" and then faint...., and afterward waking up to wonder, so what DID I say??? And too, I think Adam felt he was talking to people on Twitter who would "get" what he meant. And commiserate, which I do. Except that of course the media may decide to take notice of it and make a fuss...or not. Too bad they don't pay the same attention to all of the good things, like the Clean Water Charity , his tour, his album, Donors Choose, etc.. Which is what it all comes back to, in the end. And the point he was trying to make.

Anonymous said...

Late summer early fall is a long ways away for Glamfans hungry for Unfnews. Whether this most excellent adventure at the supermarket really happened or not, whether he is annoyed and/or amused by the whole thing, Adam ultimately is making damn sure that we keep talking about him. People keep tweetting him begging for new tweets. Well, he is giving us what we want: fun bickering/head-scratching material to keep twitter buzzing and reassurance and reaffirmation he is working on #2.

Anonymous said...

I´m sure he wasn´t "snippy" to the fans at the store. This was a twitter snip made afterwards and he certainly had a point.


Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 8.46,8.49 and 8.51 I think that is what he was trying to say!(that there is still live after idol)He was only saying it in his own funny way, and unfortunatly some people took it the wrong way:( As he said you can't win and everybody does take it his own way! You only have to read all these different opinions about what he did mean with that message and you will get my drift!:)


Anonymous said...

We don't know what triggered this tweet. We can analyze and over-analyze all we want, we are not in his head and as someone said earlier, we also don't know in what context this occurred. He does sound annoyed but he also is keeping a sense of humor about it with the :) and the Lol tweet.

It's no big deal, perhaps just a mood he was in, but as Glitzylady says, as everyone is watching his every move, fans and media alike, this can be misconstrued as an ungrateful quip that may come back and bite him once again in his glorious and glamorous butt. Don't know.

But you know what? This is his Twitter feed, and he can say whatever he feels like. Must be annoying to constantly have to weigh what you want to say and worry about the consequences. Aaaargh!

But ultimately, as I said earlier, it does not matter. If there is criticism, it is also keeping him in the news, and it's a good thing. We need our BB to stay right there in people's minds. Just keep working on your music, BB, and AI will forever be what it was meant to be for you: a stepping stone to your success.

On this good note, good night. So late!!!!
Parisiangirl...again ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think, for Adam, being on AI was just another gig. For the fans who saw Adam on AI, it was a life-changing experience! We remember every performance, what he was wearing, how he looked, sang, smiled!!!!!! We had never seen anything like it. We were mesmerized!! Yes, I've seen Adam on tour, bought his CDs, bought three of his t-shirts, donated to his charity, etc. Read everything about him on-line, the grammy nom, his world-wide success, etc. But, seeing him on Idol was a PERSONAL experience for millions, and yest I still look at his AI performances A LOT !!I think maybe the people at the grocery store spoke to Adam about the first thing that came out of their mouths and that's it. We all love you Adam, but AI was like our first love. You never forget your first love! WE ALL LOVE YOU ADAM AND ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU. CHEERS! nancdruuu2

Rebecca said...

wow i missed all the drama

Anonymous said...

Don't want to be upset, just check his twitter page. AI brought him fame but also with sick hatred till today. Hope fans send him more love to compensate all this even he has learned how to ignore them long time ago. Love you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

reply to 3:48
You can't say seriously, that AI was just another gig to Adam. It was definitely a life changing experience for him as well and he owes AI a lot. A lot, lot, lot.
Of course, since that he could move on, create an amazing album, having a world wide tour, etc.
But there's no way AI is only "another gig" for him.

Anonymous said...

Boy whatever Adam tweets is so over interpreted... A tweet is just a tweet

Anonymous said... can hardly blame him after his grinding tour with all of his fantastic NEW music along with a vision for future music...American Idol must seem like ancient history to him and frustrating when he is so far past that now...I'm sure he is grateful but that was two years ago! Also he was probably very gracious to them in person at the time...just venting on twitter..

Anonymous said...

OMG! That very sick person tweeting Adam! A girl asked him what he did when he was bullied and he answered by retweeting one of many very nasty twats:
"hellstoned @adamlambert you make me sick to my stomach you faggot,gayass,bitch."
and then:
Adam: @blackeyeliner27 "Like this? Well... I just gotta ignore it, right? #forcefeildup "

This is what he has to face every single day. Even with forcefield up, even if you know that this is a sick person spewing hate, words can hurt real bad. This hellstoned has 7 followers. Even that is way too much. He/she (probably he) just tweets hate messages. Today it was Adam who got them. And there are more of those sick people out there. It is really scary.
The girl that asked Adam about the bullying was happy of course to get an answer.


Anonymous said...

Adam has said MANY times how he OWES everything to AI. IMO whoever is still talking about AI (2 seasons ago)when they come upon Adam has not kept up with his entire GlamNation tour and cd. He is also away from the public right now for the first time since beginning AI so a part of him probably does have some worry about the absence and how it is effecting his fans; and then he runs into people talking about the early AI experience...I see nothing in his tweet that should be taken negatively. Sort of a wink and a nod saying, hey I did a few things after singing "Mad World". I get it but some people just want to see the negative...come on Adam is about positivity and he loves his fans and the whole dream. Always look at the positive first...ESPECIALLY where Adam is concerned.

Anonymous said...

He has done great things after AI and his true fans know this. I believe any acknowledgment is good acknowledgement. Everyone has their day when they want to be left alone and shut out the world. All this world needs is some LOVE!

Catharine Sloper said...

I guess Adam is reminding us that he has done so much more since AI and there is a whole lot more to come! Nothing much more.

Anonymous said...

Adam get your groceries on line, you are in Hollywood. Then you don't have to put up with all the BS.

Anonymous said...

Of course some people took it the wrong way. There will always be some people that take everything Adam says the wrong way.... FOREVER LoL. This isn't a story. It's never a story anymore. It's redundant.

Anonymous said...

OMG make a fuss over everything and anything!
Whatever Adam says will be twisted and turned regardless by some! He sure has to put up with one hell of a lot gunk! The Glambert is human!

Anonymous said...

I agree with a number of you. It must have just taken him aback for a moment when these "fans" talked about him in the past tense as if his whole professional life ended after Idol. He capitalized all the past tense verbs. I can see how it may have ticked him off for a moment, but I can't believe for a second that he was rude to them. He wrote that tweet after thinking "hey, Idol's over with and I've done so much since then." Those of us who follow him on a daily basis would probably have mentioned something more current to him. The casual fans, as these seemed to be, keep him in the AI concext only. Don't worry; he'll get over it. His sights are so set on his present and future. He is always so kind to fans, no matter who they are. He keeps looking forward, not back, career-wise. And yes, he has ALWAYS thanked Idol for bringing him into the spotlight. Nobody can say he hasn't done that many times. Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

As he said: Can´t win!


Anonymous said...

L.A. is the problem... Too bad, artists have to live there to make it. Those that have made it usually move out of there really fast.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam wrote that message around 4:00 AM (maybe after the red one was emptied :). Could explain. He usually ignores these comments.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Need to send Adam much more love. I am heading to the twitter now.

Anonymous said...

Those who love Adam only cuz of 'Mad World' are not real Adam fans...
I loved david cook's billie jean and I'm def NOT his fan.
When you really love Adam, you love everything he does and not just his Idol performances (which were spectacular of course!!!!).
Adam himself should have been the first to tell the difference.

Fan4fun said...

I worked over the whole past night and part of this morning, just woke up 20-30 minutes ago, didn't eat anything, no coffee yet, so I have no idea what my mood is today... but while reading these comments above (some of them great comments, others not that much) about PAST and PRESENT tenses, I only can think about sweet Adam's FUTURE. But what I see is such a glorious bright, such an intense beautiful light shining all over the planet that I can't read anything from there to tell you here.

(Where did I leave my sun glasses? Icon, have you seen them?)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Dinah-Mite, I loved that movie,too. And I was a fan of THAT red before the movie came out.

I'm sure Adam meant to say "un-corked".

Anonymous said...

He wrote his message at 6:30 P.M. L.A. time not at midnight. I think his Mad World performance was a jaw dropping performance that made Simon Cowell to give him standing ovation. My facebook friends who aren't even AI viewer loved this performance. Adam should do another jaw dropping performance for all ordinary people that don't follow him to love it. We as his avid fans love him no matter what. If Adam gets to perform at The Grammys he should find it as another opportunity to sing another jaw dropping performance. I played Soaked on his Acoustic EP for my ordinary friends and they listened to it in silence and asked me to play it again. He has incredible voice no question about it.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought. If Adam had been seen on more mainstream media TV, etc. in the last year, especially after his tour ended, then these "casual" fans wouldn't be so stuck on his Idol history. They'd have seen him out talking about other things he's been doing, etc. But they haven't seen him. WE HAVE, because we keep up with his every move, but non-fans or potential fans do not. That's why his marketing team, whoever they are, need to step up. Casual fans will not look for him at Ru Paul's Drag Race, but they WILL look for him on the big late-night and daytime shows. I know he's doing The Talk soon, and that's great, but he'll gain no new fans without anybody but us seeing him and following him. Maybe Adam isn't getting this, either. I don't know.

Anonymous said...

I watch OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) today. The show was about Simon Cowell as one of the Master Class Celebrities. Simon said just on thing and I thought about Adam. Simon said that he doesn't like to say "I think i don't like it:( or May br this is not good enough:( instead of this he's saying I DO NOT LIKE IT! or I HATE IT!or I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! Isn't it remind you Adam? He always says what he likes, loves or don't love. Adam doesn't say I think i don't like this show or this song! He says this is whitesh... or this song makes him laugh from the begining till the end! Adam doesn't think that he hurts somebody feelings. And for most of time he is right.Aslo, I thought that Only ADam Lambert can survive AI right now. Because he will say You are amazing! or I didn't like you at all! Unfortunately, ADam to busy for it:( So, if Adam said somebody that he has life and carrier after AI and doesn't need anybodies sorry, he is absolutely right. Go for it, Adam!

The Dark Side said...

Pretty sure Adam not thrilled with being seen in the grocery store by adoring fans, who probably didn't know what to say. The twitter world can be a very wide window. Makes me think all celebrities need to mind their manners at all times, or be trashed across the wwwhighway. Taking the high road always better than retracting foot from mouth.

Anonymous said...

This happened in a grocery store, but I would ignore Adam and rather talk to Tommy, if I saw them on tour, for example.

Anonymous said...

The Examiner wrote about it, and it is not a big deal there. It is such a fuss here about a small matter like this. Chill, people! I think the haters on twitter is way more scary.


Anonymous said...

I'd also like to add, that it's easier for the fans who already have met Adam several times to know how to approach him in the right way.

Anonymous said...

I guess the price you pay for success in the entertainment industry is the lack of privacy. One minute no one knows you and you are out there trying to get your big break to make it in the music industry. Then it happens; in Adam's case it was AI and nothing has been the same since then. Also, with his distinctive looks and style, it will be very difficult to keep a low profile no matter where he goes, even to the grocery store. LA is the land of papparazzi so this makes it even worse. Hopefully as long as Adam has his family, close friends and loyal fans to support him, it will ease the pressure of the "fame game" he now will experience wherever he goes.

kathybags said...

DEAR ADAM, i agree that you were SNIPPY about the grocery people!! A.I,fans were the seeds to your success begining your career.Now the flower has bloomed [YOU]!!have millions of fans who know you every move and song.Perhaps you might not be the center of the grocery people lives.they did not desearve you being SNIPPY.Your comment I CANT WIN! YES YOU CAN !!.GET OF THE CROSS WE NEED THE WOOD.

Fan4fun said...

@ kathybags

Then, you should use the «wood of the cross» to make a fire and burn your narrow minded comment in it. Or yourself.

kathybags said...

@Fan 4 fun no one can burn your WOOD OF THE CROSS ,because you enjoy it to much!!!and will never let it go .