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Adam Lambert Singing 'My Conviction' from the Hair 2003 European Tour

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 8, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 08, 2011

This is Adam Lambert's performance (audio only) of "My Conviction" from the 2003 European Tour of Hair.

Check it out if you haven't! Adam's voice and range is second to none.

Thanks to AMELIE for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I wanna say...
"he never ceases to amaze me"
but I've come to learn that - he will never cease to amaze me
so I guess to say that would sorta be dumb :)


Anonymous said...

and the lyrics... well, I've already been on a soap box today... and they sorta speak for themselves anyway ;)

You know kids, I wish every mother
and father in this theater would go home tonight and make a speech to their
teenagers and say kids, be free, no guilt, be whatever you are,
do whatever you want to do, just so long as you don't hurt anybody.
Right? Right!

I would just like to say that it is my conviction
That longer hair and other flamboyant affectations
Of appearance are nothing more
Than the male's emergence from his drab camoflage
Into the gaudy plumage
Which is the birthright of his sex

There is a peculiar notion that elegant plumage
And fine feathers are not proper for the man
When ac---tually
That is the way things are
In most species


Anonymous said...

OMG! Thanks so much Amelie for posting this! I can't believe it! Adam's voice, range, intonations are just absolutely perfect! I keep saying this over and over but this man is brilliant! It just doesn't matter the genre of music....he kills all of them everytime! Fantastic! Wow, wish there would be video to go along with this....anyone know if there is one?
Thanks so much to you if you could post a link?



Anonymous said...

The lyrics are great. Thanks MGF!

Anonymous said...

@CT - I think it just may be IMPOSSIBLE not to be redundant where AML is concerned, LOL... so many of us do it constantly on this site :), and I may be the worst offender (sorry peeps :)). Anyway, always enjoy your posts.


Anonymous said...

Aren't they 'tho Anon 11:51am... and you're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I would rather be other species than human beings. Wonder if Adam want that too.

The Dark Side said...

WOW Broadway Adam Lambert--the bomb!!!Just proves one thing, there isn't any song he can't sing. Never saw Hair in any form, maybe some hearty soul will find some old footage. LOL

glitzylady said...

And again, Adam can sing anything, in any key, and almost any range! I recently saw "Hair!" the Broadway touring company in Seattle (so good and still so relevant to todays world) and was wondering what Adam's part was in it when he toured with this European production...will have to find some old version of :Hair!" out there to refresh my memory of when this song occurs...think I know, but not 100%...and yes, too bad there is no video of this out there somewhere..I remember reading that Eber was joking that he wished he had a copy! Can you imagine! O_O!

Anonymous said...

@MGF 11:53 Thanks, MGF! I guess you can tell I was blown away by this! I can't really find the right words to express how impressed I am by his vocal ability!

I just love coming to this site 'cause there's always something spectacular...vids, pics, news, posts! It kinda gets in the way of RL! LOL :)


Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more with 12:26! I check this site multiple times daily and nearly always find something new! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Magnificent..OMG..Adam is so amazing..words cannot express how fabulous Adam is ..totally obsessed with him,,in everything he does..this is outstanding...more .more..thanks so much for this ..

Anonymous said...

OMG! Thank you, amelie! Adam has 4 octaves vote. Sorry, but MJ or Elvis they didn't this voice. I think everybody can agree with me:) Adam is #1 in US Rock and Pop music history. May be he is the big star now, but he will be a LEGEND!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Amelie - BTW, I thanked you in that older thread where you first posted the Hair link in the comments section... but just in case you don't go back there - THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!


ps. @CT - yes, "kinda"!! Damn RL, LOL

Anonymous said...

I've been reading so much lately about the LEGATO LINE and how this is something possessed by our Adam. There have been many articles by opera singers who know their stuff and they are simply blown away by his talent. And "My Conviction" is always mentioned.


Anonymous said...

@AG - if you have any good links, I'd like to read them if you have time to post them, but no stress :). OT: nice little snowfall here huh?! Pretty's things up nicely, even if only briefly :). Wonder where our fellow MA resident Cindy is?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Adam has performed in Chess. I have never seen any links on YouTube to prove that. Chess is written by Benny Andersson of Abba and Tim Rice and contains beautiful songs that really would suit Adam. This is Anthem. Could you hear Adam sing this his way?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I love it so much! I was so sad when they took down the other 2 YouTube versions--they were starting to pick up a lot of hits.

@12:13 PM Hair was groundbreaking for theater when it 1st came out in 60's. I recommend a documentary re: development of Hair called Let the Sun Shine In ( carries it). It is anti-war, by and about hippies. People were nude on stage (as was Adam in Germany)and interactive with audience at the end. NYC actors were protested & got death threats. It has fabulous music. It started in NYC, then got a major renovation in Paris, France. (I took a friend who saw both early stage performances in NYC & Paris to Adam's Louisville concert. He thought adam was "fabulous".) Being in this production of Hair must have been very important to Adam--he says he took it to heart and found himself at this time. On the E show, his father said Adam's personality underwent a major shift when he was performing Hair in Europe.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

WOW‼ WOW‼ speechless, sooo in awe of Adam's voice abilities... bar none‼ This Dude can really, really sang... undeniably a league of his own. ♦♣ ♥it/him♣♦‼

Anonymous said...

Is that actually Adam? Sounds too high.

Well, we really need some of that footage from the nude scene on stage in Germany..haha
Wonder if anyone has a pic and realizes how much it would be worth!

I agree with MGF - even the males of our species used to dress up quite a bit. Look at those period pieces in the king's court where the men were wearing colorful short pants with leotards and hats with feathers..

Anonymous said...

Adam is more than just a star, when I first heard him sing "My Conviction" I knew instantly that he is an entire galaxy unto himself and we are lucky he's throwing his rays our way this century.

Anonymous said...


Yes (so sorry I don't know how to link), there is a terrific article in the San Diego News Network called Adam Lambert's Theater Days Are Fondly Remembered. Adam's director at the Moonlight Theater (where he performed as teen) raved about young Adam's performance in very adult Chess. He sang Pity the Child (YouTube this by Adam Pascal). I'd give anything to hear Adam sing this.

He also sang Lily's eyes from Secret Garden and I believe he performed both Peter (as child) and Captain Hook (as teen) in Peter Pan. There was a video with Adam and Leila when she talked about the 1st time people realized he could sing. He was about 9-10 in Fidler on the Roof. I think they said he played the Russian who jumps up on the bar with that note that floats out over everybody during Lachiam (sp?), stopping them all in their tracks. Why isn't there some early footage?!!!!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Amelie mis más sinceras GRACIAS!!!!!!! por la publicación
de este Maravilloso rendimiento de ADAM, en este genero musical, esto deja bien claro la genial voz que posee y su teatralidad, como lo expuso el Cantante de opera al hacer el análisis de su
prodigiosa capacidad vocal.Como me gustaría oír más de HAIR. GRACIAS por todos sus enlaces.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have a confession to make. When I first heard this some time ago, I thought there was some kind of a mistake and it could not possibly be our Adam singing. I am awestruck that Adam has this range! I too wish I could actually see him sing this. It would be totally amazing! Adam is too much to be human! Unbelievable - too great for words. I think I've actually run out of words to describe sweet Adam - WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

could put prince poppycock to shame

Anonymous said...

Well... «the elegant plumage in other male species»? Why the glamhell do you think I call sweet Adam «Sexotic Singing BIRD»? And I loved your poetic comment!!!!

@ Amelie
Thank you so much for your care giving us this amazing and XXXXXL significant piece of art, the amazing voice of sweet Adam.

@ HH and Glamily: I'll translate this one above and 2 more other comments of HH from the last 2 days only tomorrow night (sorry) because it's 1 AM in Azores and I'll pick up «Hell's Kitchen» at 8 AM for a buffet lunch... and also I get to give some attention to Icon right now... the poor little thing is sick to his stomach! I have to play him «Soaked» right away...(meawwww baby cat, mamma is coming!)


Anonymous said...

I have heard this and it's incredible. Hair is one of the best ever, and I will see it any oppotunity. And yes, no photos of the nude scene darn it. Bet someone has one somewhere.

Adamluv said...

Beautiful! Thanks for posting this. Cant believe this was posted today of all days here on 24/7. Just bought tickets TODAY to see Hair at the Pantages in L.A. Jan. 19th! Must mean something? They put a warning about a few minutes of full nudity ( but with 'dim lights'). Had to laugh at that! Have never seen the play so am quite excited about it and will certainly listen for Adams song.

Anonymous said...

Hey MGF, just saw your post request. Been busy taking down the tree and been watching the goings on in AZ off and on since noon.

You can just google "legato line adam lambert" or go to the "On The Meaning Of Adam Lambert" which is Juneau and Xena's "salon" website. These women are quite accomplished and you can receive their emails everyday if you choose. Happy reading!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see/hear Adam in Hair and I thank Adam so much for auditioning for American Idol, otherwise we may never have had the supreme pleasure of hearing him sing, and that would've been an absolute tragedy!

Anonymous said...

I love the lyrics (:
And my god wow -applauds wildly-
His ability can never be doubted

Anonymous said...

Adam played a girl in Hair. There is a picture some where.

Anonymous said...

Best Margaret Mead I've seen and heard!!!!


Anonymous said...

@LS, what do you mean you've "SEEN", could you elaborate??

glitzylady said...

I am guessing that is the same production I saw in Seattle recently (saw the ad on the Pantages when we were at the Music Box). No "dimming of the lights" in Seattle and I have the feeling that not everyone was prepared for the nudity when it happened ...everything became very quiet for just a moment and then tentative applause..I knew it was coming and thought the reaction, or lack of it was pretty funny. Excellent production!

Anonymous said...

This is really Adam singing??? I thought it was a female opera singer. Seriously. My god!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I agree,,Adam is this really you? Out of this world..want to hear it over and over again.

Anonymous said...

@Anon January 8, 2011 10:02 PM

Sorry, I haven't seen any footage of Adam as Margaret Mead. I heard this clip before and did a search on Youtube to see if I could find some video, but only found video of other people (all men, by the way).

The others didn't compare, not even close.


Anonymous said...

OH, O Holy Mother of perfection Musical, this performance is impeccable diction, pitch ......
expressiveness is fabulous. It is a delight to hear !!!!!!
Amelie Thanks again for this gift!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has so many faces and so does his voice.
I am lucky to be in his lifetime.

adamluv said...

@glitzlady, I guess the fans in Seattle are more progressive than the ones in L.A. since no dimming of the lites! LOL! The review in the L.A. Times yesterday was glowing so finally decided to try and get tickets. The review said "the sex scenes no longer startle, the nudity rushes by without a blush, the sacrilege prompts smiles". It must have been a real shocker in 1967!

glitzylady said...

Maybe they just forgot to dim the lights, who knows!! And yes, I would imagine it was quite the shocker in 1967...I remember it was quite the deal then...of course I was quite (ahem..) young then and all..and for some people it would still be shocking and controversial..but what a message it still has. For those of us who grew up during those times it had even more meaning.. I think you will enjoy it very much. And be ready to join them on the stage at the end!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has so much talent it scary. Almost super-human. I wish the wold world would appreciate him as much as we do. Maybe someday.

Anonymous said...

He was.....................NAKED?????


Anonymous said...

wow! just wow!truly astounding!mind boggling but in a good way.

Anonymous said...

We have only hit the tip of the iceberg with Adam. He can act sing,dance and perform like no other. I think we are in for many interesting layers of Adam for years to come. He is by no means one dementional.

Anonymous said...

ADAM WAS NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I THINK THAT THOUGHT WILL GET ME THROUGH WORK TODAY.............NAKED....................THUD...

Anonymous said...

JAK here

There are simply no words to describe his vocal range, tone, strength, clarity and perfection.

After every song I want to stand and cry BRAVO!
I'd mortgage my house to hear him sing opera.