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Adam Lambert's Twitter is 12th Most Recommended account in the US!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, January 3, 2011

Posted at : Monday, January 03, 2011

He's also the 18th most recommended celebrity on Twitter.



Anonymous said...

I'm not in twitter but I"m really happy that a lot of fans are on the go for Adam. Love u and take care of your voice my dear.........

Anonymous said...

this doesn't surprise me. He is one of the most talented vocalists to come on the music scene in years. People are hungry and wanting good music again. Adam can deliver!

Anonymous said...

Most recommended, someone has been recommending him to others. So what do these recommenders want, because this is news?

Anonymous said...

I just got on twitter and don't understand it yet, but I am a good learner.THANKS FOR THIS INTERESTING NEWS 24/7. All news doesn't have to be earth shattering@ anon 2:33pm.

Rebecca said...


Anonymous said...

I don't have a Twitter account myself and don't have plans of getting into it. But being in the list of the most recommended account and celebrity must be a big thing so CONGRATS ADAM! Any news that puts you out there is helpful ;-)


Anonymous said...

I have a twitter account but don't know much about it either. Hate to sound stupid & low tech, but how do you become a follower?


Anonymous said...

Been following Adam on twitter for a long time. Go to and sign up. No cost. Search Adam's name and check "follow". That's all as I recall. I don't have it on my cell, just my computer.