Billboard Recommends Adam Lambert's Hairstyle for Justin Bieber
Filed Under (Others,random ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Lambert: We're not sure about this one ourselves. He'd have to find the right styling pomade and dye-job routine -- not to mention take attitude lessons from Glambert himself -- but maybe Lambert's punky 'do could work. Or maybe not.
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Ugh.....Not hot. Sorry!
Justin should definitely wear his hair like Adam
Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! I am sorry!
Finally caught up with my chores & this greets meh... BAWHAHAH, sorry only Adam can rock this hairstyle‼ :))
Every showbizz outlet in the US know that Adam Lambert is an international force to be reckoned with. I think it would be excellent for Adam to have a low profile until the Grammy Awards. Fans and everyone else will then SO look forward to seeing him again on prime time TV. He's remaining in the media with his incredible Charity: Water drive. Nothing more needed UNTIL the Grammys, IMHO.
Sorry, but it looks like he is wearing a baby bonnet. It's not quite fair, even though he tries to copy a lot of things that Adaom does, this won't be one of them ha ha ha ha he he he
Please, NO! Only Adam Lambert can change his hairstyle every other day and look great every time.
Off topic: This pic of Adam, Neil and Eber has probably already been posted here somewhere by 24/7, but I don't recall seeing it. Great photo of the three Lamberts!
what EWWW NOOO get Him off this site PLZZZZZZ KATIE
Soooo funny! Billboard has a sense of humor! Poor Bieber, he will NEVER be at hot as Adam, even if he gets pubes!
lmao not bad!
No,just no...
Have you donated to Charity:water? Adam's birthday wish.
Ugh. Ick. Just stop with the Fetus/Lambert crap already. Adam is far better than this crap.
I needed a good laugh so thank you. I didn't realize the little punk had eyebrows. And even a rockin hairstyle like Adam's can't improve Bieber's looks.
Please don't bring the bieber kid into this web-site lol. I guess when comparing the two for whatever crazy reason is a good thing for adam (I think)only because we all know how much the bieber kid is grapping his tweenie fan base,news, media, you all know what I'm talking about. If any ones wants to put adam's name in relation to bieber it is all good publicity for adam is a strange kind-of way.
This is wrong on so many levels. LOL
Kentucky Fan
He does need a "Big Boy" haircut. I do not think he should or could pull off a haircut like Adam's - he doesn't have the looks or attitude.
I just learned on Anderson Cooper tonight that Justin Bieber is pretty scary to cats, too LOL! I just YouTubed it to confirm.
Kentucky Fan
P.S. I wish I knew how to link YouTube to here; am jealous of those who can :)
@6:02 PM Even if he gets what?! LOL
Kentucky Fan
OMG - LOL, Anon. 6:02 PM!
To be fair...I'd need to see Beiber with this hairstyle, AND some smudgy black eyeliner...then I might be able to consider it. However, in the meantime, nuh-uh.
- Adam Fix
If you click on source, there are 10 hairstyles they've tried, and he looks best with The Buble,maybe its about time he had a change. Definitely not the Lambert, he's just not mature or dynamic enough to carry that off.
HK fan
well, at least Billboard loves Adam Lambert's they are suggesting that Bieber should take some lessons from him.Remember Bieber throwing away that storytelling book at Jingle Balls ?
Eww, no thank you. :-( Only Adam can wear Adam's hairstyles.
There were a few hairstyles at the Source that looked OK and others looked hellhairywuss!
Thanks for pointing us in the direction of the great photo of Adam with Neil and Eber. :)
He needs to do some, sorry, babyscaping on those eyebrows.
total OMG moment
Aww, Justin is still a baby, cute for the tween set. Adam is a man and can pull off any hair style or look. I can't beat up the Bieber because he's a kid and following his dream too, but Adam's hairstyle on him is pitiful and so wrong. Just a good laugh! funbunn40
Funny Thread! I needed that - been outside spreading salt/sand on my icey driveway...aaaahhh the pleasures of a New England winter... needed a little AML heat this morning, 24/7 always delivers :).
@Kentucky Fan - pretty much agree with you from the other thread what you said about being happy that AML wasn't at the Golden Globes, and that Beiber's appearance didn't really do him any favors with the post-tween crowd in attendance.
Remember hearing Adam say he couldn't see him and Bieber in the same song--goes double for the hair. Looked at all ten and truly the one thing that stands out is what a 'baby face' Justin has, and that is his uniqueness. He is a cute kid who has had the world dropped at his feet. Can't actually begrudge him that.
@ Kentucky;
Pubes, meaning hits puberty and gets some man-hair going!
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