TV Squad's Favorite Moments in 'Idol' History
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, January 18, 2011
TV Squad counted down their favorite IDOL moments in the history of the show and guess what? Adam Lambert's performance of 'Mad World' is their #1.

1. Adam Lambert Lets Us Into His 'Mad World'
There's setting the bar high and then there's just smashing it over your knee and breaking it in half. That's exactly what a glammed-down Adam Lambert, bathed in a haunting, icy blue light, did with his rendition of the Tears for Fears hit 'Mad World.' The performance bought Simon to his feet, which is perhaps harder to do than actually winning 'American Idol.' It also established Adam Lambert as not just a formidable talent, but as an artist capable of making each performance uniquely his own.
Read the rest of the list at TV Squad.

1. Adam Lambert Lets Us Into His 'Mad World'
There's setting the bar high and then there's just smashing it over your knee and breaking it in half. That's exactly what a glammed-down Adam Lambert, bathed in a haunting, icy blue light, did with his rendition of the Tears for Fears hit 'Mad World.' The performance bought Simon to his feet, which is perhaps harder to do than actually winning 'American Idol.' It also established Adam Lambert as not just a formidable talent, but as an artist capable of making each performance uniquely his own.
Read the rest of the list at TV Squad.
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GGD gal
remembering the goosepumps & the tears, when hearing this performance for the 1st time...
Didn't watch Idol before Adam, so have no idea if Simon gave any others a standing Ovation. I was standing and raving after each of his performances, it just wasn't televised.
Is AI actually admitting that Adam was/is truly the #1 American Idol? WOW! It's about freaking time! Yes, the only standing ovation on AI from Simon. Even after Adam's AMA performance, Simon still believed he should've won AI s8.Gawd, I could talk about this forever, but again, no more AI for me!
It was that performance which made me a certified true Adam Lambert fan.
Never was I ever pulled into a performance the way that performace grabbed me. When he slowly stood up and continued singing....goosebumps!
They really only need to rank Adam's Top 10 moments; i.e. sauntering down the stairs in that electric white suit with those electric blue eyes to sing Feelin' Good, getting a standing ovation from Smokey Robinson for singing Tracks of My Tears better than he could, pissing off Gene Simmons for showing him up on stage singing songs that he made famous better than Gene could, taking an old standard by an icon like Johnny Cash and making it sexy and relevant again (can't listen to Johnny's version anymore), blowing the doors off WWL by Led (and later slowing it down to simmer at Fantasy Springs), taking a boogey down disco song standard and turning it into a brilliant love song, singing with icons Queen and nailing it to the bloody wall, various humble giggles when he couldn't believe people actually wanted to touch him, only Idol alumni to be invited back as a mentor, magic between him and Alison. That's 10 but I could go on. That's just great moments on S8. So many since then and soooo many to come. No other Idol contestant can top all that.
P.S. not the first mention of you-know-who
justpeachy: YYYYeeeeesssss!!!!! to all your top ten!
I will never forget the moment when the beautiful, powerful "essence" of Adam Lambert emanated from the television screen straight into the heart and soul of the world during this performance! BREATHTAKING. RARE. MAGIC.
justpeachy - you said it perfectly! nancdruuu2
I voted on the Fuse poll for grammy's best male pop voclaist, mj at 48 almost 49% & Adam at 49% , not big on these polls, but c'mon, this is getting crazy, mj is history, ADAM LAMBERT is NOW!& FOREVER!!!
no matter what Adam is still be the winner and the whole world knows that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amen indeed...........
@ GGD Gal
Yeah!!! to your comment.
(although I prefer TO LIVE totally and only for him!)
Fan4fun (remembering that when he stood up during the song, I couldn't stand up from my sit. Too much emotion and no legs for quite a long minute...)
I love this song... did I say how much I ♥ this song‼ :) Especially this version... its HAUNTING.
@ Justspeachy
... You just brought all the beauty of those moments back to my mind and my heart! Thank you so much!!! And all those other top good moments apart from your «top 10» were too about sweet Adam, indeed! As GGDgal said, he was, is (and will be) «THE ONLY AND THE ONE!!!» (you name the amazing adjectives)
Not much I can add that hasn't already been said. Thanks for bringing back all those memories. Wonder if he'll mentor again this year? Maybe if the ratings start to slip, lol.
aw memories
The interesting part of this article, if you go to the "Source", is that Adam's "Mad World" performance is the ONLY performance out of EVERY other performance EVER on American Idol that is discussed, and they of course listed it as the #1 best moment or thing that has happened on Idol in its entire history, not just the #1 performance, but the #1 event...I must say I concur! And I also agree completely with JustPeachy, all of my top moments involve Adam in some way...And I do have to add his "Beth" performance on the Finale'....(Someone added that in the comments section in the Source article and I totally agree again)...That in many ways is MY personal favorite "Adam moment" on Idol, when he finally was able to be "himself" completely,..with his glitter, rhinestones, his wings, and just looking like the star of the show that he truly was and more being judged or having to tone it down (not that he really did anyway!!!..) My heart could hardly contain all of the pride and pure joy that I felt for him at that moment, and can only imagine how his parents felt seeing him up there. Win or lose, at that moment he was and is the winner and the true star. Period.....
That song for me was the definitive Adam Lambert moment on American Idol. All his other songs were so special, each different in Adam's unique style. I couldn't wait for AI each week just to see Adam perform. He set the bar so high during Season 8 that I don't think any performer in subsequent seasons will ever reach that vocal level of talent. The perfect example is last season which was dull and lackluster. Adam Lambert is a superstar with his spectacular musical artistry and Mad World was just the beginning of his journey to success, fame, and fortune.
Just Peachy. You got it girl!!!
Anyone else really missing Adam? Yea, I know, he needs his rest, and he needs to work on that new album. I just can't wait to see him in concert again. This time I know he'll fill the bigger places. What the heck is there about that man. He just draws people to him.
La voz y presencia de ADAM descendió sobre IDOL. y arropo con su arte y belleza a todos los que lo vieron. Ahora él, es famoso para el mundo entero. Quienes lo acompañaron por lejanas Naciones, sienten un gran orgullo, de ver el triunfo de este Genial artista que parece caído del propio Cielo!!
justpeachy - we have missed you SO much! Please don't be gone for so long! Ok, ok, we know you had to move to HI, etc, etc...but look at these great posts of yours!
Totally agree with all you said...and all the rest you left unsaid (so you didn't have to write a 37 page novel on this site).
When I heard Adam's "Mad World", and the way he gently twisted some of the notes into one-off, minor keys, it just lodged in my brain and I couldn't shake it for...well, for about a year! I had to hear his version of that song every day. I agree with whoever broke it down to the moment when he stood up and just belted it...but in a controlled way...god damn, I just fell in LOVE with him in that moment.
Damn you Adam Lambert. Again.
- Adam Fix
I'm so glad we are all still here, glamily family. Not much new news on adam,but you know what we make our own news and keep it all going somehow, don't we? Doesn't matter what it is, old news, new news, we are all still here!!
HH's (above) 8:50PM
«The voice and presence of ADAM have been dropped upon Idol and entranced with their art and beauty everybody who saw him. Now he is famous around the whole world; who followed him through the far nations feel hugelly proud of seeing the triumph of this genious-artist who seems to have been fallen from the very Heaven. HH»
by Fan4fun
@justpeachy - so great.
And I loved glitzylady's poignant comments about "Beth" too! And on a more shallow note regarding "Beth" - the eyebrow lift that was just barely caught on camera - JFC... as long as I live I will never forget that image :)!
And also regarding the finale, when Kris and Adam were standing on the platform just behind the judges, facing the audience, and they started "We are the Champions" w/ Queen, and Kris delivered the opening lines - but then Adam comes in with "And bad mistakes,
I've made a few, I've had my share of sand kicked in my face - But I've come through..." and the crowd goes wild... gaah, another amazing AI moment for me personally. Link below, Adam comes in at :23secs:
I love, as obviously most fans are, that AML is outside the AI box now, but, especially after thinking about Carly Smithson's article, when I got back to AI8 footage now, with more informed eyes, I can see better just how much Adam did put of himself into his season's performances, and it's so admirable to me.
@MGF5:27 AM
Yes, who could forget the "eyebrow lift"!! Loved it! Pure Adam...
Yes, that "We are the champions" moment is unforgettable. Kris seemed relieved to hand over the singing to Adam, and HOW he did it. I remember watching this with my boyfriend, and we just looked at eachother with jaws dropped. I get chills down my spine just thinking about it. That whole finale was Adam Lambert show, no doubt.
No doubt indeed Eva, absolutely no doubt!
Absolutely agree just peachy, glitzylady, Adam fix, MGF!
@just peachy, did you find Glitz and Sparkles yet? It just occured to me that glitzylady might have mentioned having direct contact info for her.....if I'm remembering right.
LOVE this post!!!
Agree with all of you! Beth also blew me away and I sooo wish he would record and better yet video a cover of it. funbunn40
Another song that blew me away was ONE from Bono and U2 as Simon's choice for Adam to per- form. The passion in Adam's voice, the camera angles, the lighting all brought the true meaning of the words of this song to the forefront. I knew that he was something special right from the audition and his vocal talent on ONE just stirred my soul.
Adam has indeed given the most compelling performances in AI as afar as i can recall. For me, other than Adam it was only song stylist Melinda Doolittle who has deeply connected with her magnificent interpretations. Just like Adam she brought me to tears when she sang HOME & MY FUNNY VALENTINE. When she was eliminated, i told myself that i will never understand the Americans with their taste in music and decided never to watch AI ever.
But then again, resistance is futile when it comes to AML. In the finale, Adam practically owned the stage and it was HIS SHOW! Whoever chose those songs for Adam is a genius since they showcased everything that was in Adam's arsenal and that night, he obviously emerged as the global star as Simon has described him. Adam may have lost the title which was a blessing in disguise, but he has won the respect & the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world who were mesmerized by his most stunning performances specially when he gave his own spin to those legendary songs.
@justpeachy - thank you so much for taking us down memory lane. That was great :-)
OMG @MGF for almost a year i couldn't go to bed without watching those videos with KISS & QUEEN. Actually i will never get tired watching all his AIS8 performances and i couldn't even choose a favorite because each one is truly special.
Thanks to all the wonderful posts, love them ;-)
MGF - the eyebrow lift - indeed! It is high on my list of delectable Adam moments that absolutely drove me out of my mind (fast forward to where you find me today...driven out of my mind). AND - the "intense stare" that he fixed at the camera at the end of "Mad World" during the finale...jeezus! Someone brought this up recently, and I thank them for reminding me of it. I don't know HOW many times I watched him performing that version of "Mad World", over and over, on YouTube. I was like a junkie needin' a fix!
- Adam Fix
One more comment...I have a confession to make...I still have the season 8 finale on my DVR, and periodically watch those most amazing moments..Adam singing Beth with Kiss, and We Are the Champions with Queen...goosebumps every time! I think I will have to keep that DVR box forever, because I just can't bring myself to erase that last show. (Much to the chagrin and amusement of my family...). Wish I had Mad World too...Although I have to also admit I have the "other" version, as well as a few other episodes...What can I say??? Hopeless! (Guess I'm in the right place here with the rest of you!)
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