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Fan Video: "Adommy - Hold It Against Me"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanks to AdommyLambliffLove!


Anonymous said...

well this maybe fanservice, but I must say if it is, Tommy should be nominated for an Oscar. Best performance ever of a straight male pretending to be in love with a gay guy. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love what they get up to and wish is would have a happy ending. However, according to my very straight son and other guys I have questioned they all say there is no way a "straight" guy would be making out every night with a gay guy no matter how well they get along together. Any comments?

Anonymous said...

What if Tommy had said no..

LP said...

I don't like the song, it was cribbed from one that came out in 1979. I am also sick and tired of the adommy thing, and it is worse when it is all grouped on one video. There have been so many of these, and Adam did so much more at his concerts, that showed what a great voice he has. This would turn me off if that was all I expected to see in one of his shows. Some of the fan videos have been great, and clever, this one not so much. jmho

Anonymous said...

I agree with your son and have been thinking the same thing since the "fanservice" began. I know Adam is a good actor, but I think Tommy must be bi if he's not gay. I don't care one way or the other but come on people. Time to get real. It's no crime to admit the truth. I guess it could be a career decision to continue the myth.
We love them both whatever. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@anon at 9:35, Tommy wants to be rock and roll, and a lot of rock and roll stage antics are not at all what anyone would do in regular life.

I mean, who eats the heads off bats or any of that stuff in regular life? Almost all rockers do extreme stuff onstage that is not like their normal self at all.

Since this is Britney's song, she has also said she is nothing at all like her onstage persona. And her friends all agree.

I read an interview where Tommy said that he told Adam that Adam could do anything he wanted to do with him on stage.

So I really think it's an act - although it sounds like Adam is intoxicating to be around, just like Michael Jacson was. And it'd be easy to kiss someone that intoxicating.


Anonymous said...

Sweetie: Yes some of the old rockers did do crazy things however when it comes to kissing a gay guy I guarantee it wouldn't happen. Just saying. Men are funny that way especially "straight" guys. But what ever the future holds, I do think Tommy will be a part of it because of the great chemistry they have. In an interview Monte was saying in the future they might get another bass player so Tommy could play guitar with Monte. Sounds great to me.

Anonymous said...

Great rock 'n roll is all about taking risks, throwing in some shock value, pushing the envelop, and producing great music at the same time. The Adommy thing is edgy and sexy and fun. That's what it's all about. Tommy knows this, and that's why he's willing to do what it takes to thrill the audience. The music itself and the stage antics are just one big entertainment package. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love Britney Spears. I hope they will do a song together, that would be such a huge hit <333

Anonymous said...

Why they have to post these adommy thing, it so old.We dont see Adam much anymore, so please dont disappoint us who only love nobody but Adam. Thank You...

Adamluv said...

Love the video! Thanks so much for posting it even tho there are always complainers. Never tire of seeing Adam on stage nor the interaction between Adam and Tommy! Always fun to watch! And just because the straight men you know say they wouldnt kiss a gay guy doesnt mean that all straight men feel that way. I cant be the only one that is so fricken tired of this whole speculation about Tommys sexual orientation. It has been discussed to death! Let it go! WHO CARES!!!!! IT DOESNT MATTER!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Time to start a new chapter for everybody!!! Even when Tommy come back in the future, it is better in a different way. Yeah, I have moved on.

The Dark Side said...

Took me a minute to realize this was Britney's new song--well I like it. Also am all good with Adam being Adam, and on this tour it was his interaction with Tommy. Will it happen again on his next tour? Who knows. What I do know as I will be there screaming for whatever Adam has to offer. The age old rocker anthem has been--do it and do it bigger and better. Adam actually has a way to go to trump some of these rock stars.

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv, 1:52 PM - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, totally agree with your post! So much fun watching their beautiful faces, happy smiles and whatever antics they came up with!

@The Dark Side, 2:32 PM - also THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your post! I hope Adam continues being Adam, in his own unique way. Eagerly waiting what will be his next surprise!!!

GGD Gal, embracing it all

Rebecca said...

cool fan video

Anonymous said...

♫ If I said my heart was beating loud ♫ If we could escape the crowd somehow ♫
♫ If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against meh ♫ cuz you feel like paradise ♫
I ♥ this song... great fan montage... thanks :)

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv

I am 200% with you and you know that. Don't you?

Anonymous said...

I read the comments before watching this video, and expected it to be 3:45 of Adam and Tommy making out, but was pleasantly surprised that most of it was, really, their interactions on-stage! That great chemistry they had during the tour. And this time, I really tried (I really did - although not too succesfully) to rip my eyes away from Adam and look at Tommy, and he is a little hottie himself! I don't think he's gay...just open minded.

Just MHO, but I cannot stand Britney's "little girl" voice. Ack - makes me want to rip my own eyeballs out. JMHO.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where this was @ 3:15 where Adam walks through the audience?!! Lucky audience! So completely jealous!


Anonymous said...

Adam has said in the past that Tommy is a sensitive person and straight, which I believe. I think Adam has been a great friend to Tommy, given him a gigantic opportunity, musically and experience wise. Adam is worldly, has traveled, is savvy with media and very comfortable in his own skin. I think Tommy is basically shy and unsophisticated and Adam has taken him under his wing and given him confidence. I also think there is hero worship on Tommy's part and real love and affection. I don't mean that in a bi- or gay sense at all. Adam is a powerful,loving force. I think he makes Tommy feel safe and comfortable on stage and off. The kissing and shenanigans are for the fans and rock and roll. Who wouldn't want to kiss Adam, male or female? He's not threatening, just fun and playful. I don't think Adam would put any of his glamily in a position that would make them uncomfortable. I see a lot of trust and genuine affection among all of them. Love all of them,and hope they will all be together for the next tour! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Tommy is not unsophisticated and he has great sense of humour.

Anonymous said...

I'm so over this kissing too. Adam is dumb if he continues to kiss Tommy or someone else on stage in the future.

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy fanvids personally, JMO. Some are better than others, but all are done with fondness and get the creators's creative juices flowing, a good thing IMHO. Some are sheer brilliance in their editing... I've worked (in the work force in the past, on the administrative side) with a good editor or two or three in my day, and to me, my pov, some of these fanvids - the editing, pace, timing, relationship to the music/moves, etc. - very well done. I appreciate all the hard work. I don't piss on the feelings of some who have less than positive thoughts, on various levels, about these fanvids... but I personally enjoy them and certainly appreciate and validate the effort, time and work that goes into their production. Just my personal POV.

Fan4fun said...

@ daydreamin

Remember the freak round&spinning stage (guess in Massachussets)??? The «walking through the audience» happened there, I'm pretty sure.

Anonymous said...

Yes Fan4fun & daydreamin - it was in my great state of Massachusetts... can't quite tell if it's the South Shore Music Circus Show or the Cape Cod Melody Tent show... but he made that entrance in both. I wasn't on the aisle where he walked down at Music Circus show, but I had a great view of it, and it was awesome. And quite frankly, it was probably a good thing that I wasn't on the aisle where he walked in cuz things coulda gotten ugly and Ida gotten myself hauled off by security ;), LOL.

Anonymous said...

Haha, MGF. If security hauled you off, Adam would have been right there telling them to "get out!" i also agree that a lot of time, effort and creativity go into these fan videos. There's something for everyone, with a variety and a lot of time and energy spent on creating them.@ Fan4fun, Cindy,MGF left comment on Chris Colfer thread. funbunn40