Frank Sinatra's daughter Nancy: "Adam Lambert is Very Talented"
Filed Under (praises,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, January 8, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, January 08, 2011

Frank Sinatra's daughter Nancy Sinatra tweeted a lot of nice things about Adam today.
"Adam's best to date is his acoustic album but he must make the image fit the music now." She also said "Adam will never have to be in a box. He is far too talented and brilliant. You are all preaching to the choir with me."
She also talked about the American Idol results. "When @adamlambert wasnt the winner" ~ I voted for him many times and I was FURIOUS when he lost."
She also compares Adam to Elton John. "There are similarities with Adam and Elton, I agree. I respect both of them tremendously."
As a fan, she is also concerned about his career. "@runawaysu I'm glad you feel that way about Adam. I am concerned for his future and he needs to focus." She continued, "Adam needs 2 get lucky with a couple of smash hits that stand the test of time."
"I have always said that I love Adam and want him to succeed forever"
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Wow - intreguing comments! Very interesting. Had no idea Nancy Sinatra was a big fan - that's very cool.
- Adam Fix
Another fan is Jane Fonda..He has so many fans that know talent when they see it..
Yes, interesting comments from Nancy Sinatra. And she sounds just like many of us here! We're all in this together, no matter who we are!
Hubby and i are among millions of ardent Sinatra fans and we were able to watch his last concert in Manila 1994. To learn that his daughter Nancy supports Adam and believes in him is such a big thing for me and i'm flabbergasted. @glitzylady i'm so glad to know that Jane Fonda is also a fan. Adam must feel very honored to have Nancy S. and Jane F. as fans since they have the moral authority to be a better judge of talent having been exposed to icons themselves.
Thanks for sharing this 24/7 ;-)
Another "Right" mind to tell Adam what to do when come to music.
Make the image fit the music......hmmmmmmmm...he has so many images and he sings all kind of music.......and I love it all..I think this (and of course his voice)is what I find so entertaining....after all he is here "For Your Entertainment"
I agree with her assessment.
ADAM is in a realm reserved for Superstars....and they are few...(MJ was/is one)
nuff said!
how cool
BluGlam694 Agree with you wholeheartedly, why oh why do so many people want to put Adam in a box????
He can do it all and he is without a doubt the best entertainer/performer/singer out there.
Adam is theatrical! & I LOVE IT!!!!!!
adam lambert is elvis presley today and michael kackson today; in other words adam lambert kaka elvis aka michael jackson he cna sing anything what an rtist.very famous iconic singers applaud him too; janes fonda and nancy senatra omg; they know about the music and the voice of adam lambbert.
Hope he can have a couple of great hits now. He has already sang enough about heartbreak. Maybe he can get a couple of smash hits from new love,sunny days and anything positive.Looking for a new love or I found a new love would be more like a positive Adam. Hope that doom and gloom is gone and he can close that chapter. IMO Fever would have been a big big hit if only one little letter had been different(S). Maybe he will have a album cover that looks more like him. I can handle all that but for him to sell millions of records like Kesha, Beiber, Rihanna he has to target a bigger audience.
Adam Has many famous supporters. alot of famous women admire his body of work!;-) Susan Lucci is also a big fan. I think there are many artists you can compare him to, but his has to make his own legacy. I see Elvis, Freddie Mercury, and Liberace in Adam. I can see him wearing flamboyant get ups like Liberace did in the day, with an Elvis swagger and A Freddie Mercury vocal style!
He has to write his own legacy, so he won't be compared to anyone. He has the vocal styling like alot of greats! I hope he has a long and successful career.
"These boots are made for walking and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you!". Couldnt resist writing the lyrics to a Nancy Sinatra song that I love! Yay about her, Jane and Susan L. loving on our boy! Intelligent, smart women with impeccable taste just like us!!!!!!
Great to see other famous people voicing their admiration. I also think Adam needs the right song, something upbeat with a catchy tune in the style of today's top 40 if he is to reach a wide audience. The skills and personality are there, now we need the writers to work their magic. (Fever was the only song my 20ish kids liked - the other melodies didn't catch their interest). Adam can make any song his own in concert but they need to consider wide radio play as well.
Only if the radio play him in US. He is doing excellent radio play in some countries.
I believe that Adam already has a few songs that will stand the test of time--of course only time will tell...but WWFY, FYE,IIHY are songs that should be popular for a very long time. Also agree this new album needs to be good.
10:34, Yes, I think it's the body work why so many ladies adore Adam. Acoustic album?
Happy for the excellent commentary by Nancy Sinatra recognizing, like many other artists, the talent, high quality interpretive ADAM coupled his charismatic appeal to safely take you to the top, where it will be like now a superstar and from there, will shine forever with light.
@Adamluv - thanks for saying it perfectly ;-)
@Anon at 12:25PM - ditto
I have Nancy Sinatra's album. You Only Live Twice is the best Bond tune ever.
Love that Nancy Sinatra loves Adam. Several months ago, Grace Slick (of '60s group Jefferson Airplane, for those of you young 'uns who don't know) also highly praised Adam.
I did have a huge problem with one of our Glamily who thought Nancy was lambasting (Lambert-asting?) Adam and she then gave Nancy the worst insult that she didn't deserve (that her career was strictly the result of being Daddy's girl). That is completely and wholly unfair -- whatever way you can get into showbiz is completely separate as compared to whether or not you have talent and can last -- and she had and still has talent. And if we're trying to 'woo' some of the people who are still on the fence about Adam, you don't do that by criticizing another artist, and especially in that harmful of a way. I'm THIS close to commenting back on Twitter about this...
@anon 3:30pm
That is so sad that the other Adam "fan" felt the need to insult Nancy Sinatra..just so immature, senseless, and mean, and the downside of the internet and twitter..and occasionally, fan-site blogs..the anonymity of it sometimes. I suppose it comes from some need to "one-up" or tear down others, to show supposed superiority as a fan. Enough of that and Ms. Sinatra might refrain from singing Adam's praises or joining in a discussion about him, one which helps to give validation of his talent from respected and accomplished artists, which can carry a lot of weight in music industry circles, and can certainly be picked up by media outlets and quoted as a positive thing. Adam needs more public support from those who know music. Then her seasoned experience, realistic advice, and her genuine admiration for Adam could be lost if she is treated negatively by his fans. We really want and need Adam's talent to be discussed and heralded by those in the music industry as well, because we as fans can only do so much! And I think it would be a positive thing to tweet Ms. Sinatra (Mrs. Lambert! so ironic!) and tell her how you (we.. I...)appreciate her comments about Adam. I would guess she would think that was really nice, and might help to neutralize the comment by the other "fan". Just a thought..I may just do that myself!
@glitzylady - thank you for your lovely post and please do something to correct/soften the negative impact of what the overzealous fan has said to her. Good luck and thanks again glitzylady ;-)
Thanks..I did tweet her and thank her..She will probably not even notice as I am sure she gets many messages everyday (she follows and has a huge following herself...) but its the thought that counts, right?? : )
Exactly @glitzylady it is really the thought that matters. For whatever it's worth at least you tried and if by any chance she goes over your message, then that would be awesome :-) Just hope that more peeps here would do the same. Kind regards glitzylady and thanks for your many wonderful posts.
@ Glitzylady
Bravo! Well said, well done!
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