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An Important Message From Suz526

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 9, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, January 09, 2011

"Recently, I’ve become aware that people are making and selling unauthorized DVDs of Adam’s 2010 GNT concerts. Some of the DVDs contained footage that I took as well as footage from other videographers. I want to state explicitly that this was done without my knowledge or consent. I do not own the copyright to any of Adam’s performances, I do not have the authority to give permission, and I do not endorse or support any concert DVDs, unless they come from Adam’s team. Remember how upset we were when the “Take One” album came out? We were concerned that Adam would not receive proper compensation for his effort. To me this is no different. Even if the seller claims that he/she is only covering the cost, it still involves exchanging money for a product – a DVD of Adam’s performance. Sony/RCA has been very generous in allowing us to post concert vids n YouTube. I am saddened to see a few folks potentially harm what has been a good relationship for so many of us with YouTube/Sony/RCA by taking advantage of our "tour withdrawal pains." I hope that if you see an offer for an unauthorized tour DVD that you will give it a pass."

SOURCE: Suz526's Twitter

Suz526 also uploaded some amazing HD versions of some old Glam Nation performances on her channel. Watch "FEVER" HD below:


Anonymous said...

Adam's fans should not buy these DVDs. It is so disrespectful to everybody involved, especially to Adam.


Anonymous said...

I would never buy anything that wasn't authorized by Adam's team. This is not fair to Adam and it is too bad these people cannot be prosecuted. I don't blame suz526 for being sad that her work and others are being sold without consent.

Anonymous said...

what is the "Take One" album ?

Anonymous said...

Then what is the Tour cd and the glambox???? i dnt have them but was that authorized by Adams Team?? Katie

Rebecca said...

wow some people will do anything to make a dollar it is very sad

Anonymous said...

I will NOT support this. PLEASE pass the word. RT on twitter if you can.
IF ,AKA :Israeli fan

Anonymous said...

Adam is a world star that's why they want a piece of him eh.

Don't let them win in a bad way.......

Anonymous said...

Take One was an album put out by people Adam had done some studio work for, asked to sing in a style NOT his own. He had been paid by them to make demos. They put it out just before his album and tried to make it look like his. He couldn't stop it, but was unhappy about it. It sold like 45.000 copies, no money to him. And no artistic input on his part. They were about to put out a 2nd one, at the time of the acoustic album, but there were many negative comments on amazon, it disappeared, and I haven't seen it since.

Anonymous said...

Adam will win the Grammy!!!Believe & have faith!!!

laurieb said...

I will not be buying a dvd not endorsed by Adam or his management.

Dinah-mite said...

WOW, how low will some people go? Suz and other people's vid have been just like gold to us... For some lowlifes to do this is so shameful. I know that so many people have watched these wonderful vids and have been damned grateful to do so! Please everyone spread the word. It would be so AWFUL if all these vids disappear! I consider it a privilege to view all of Glam Nation shows and I will be HAPPY to pay for an official DVD. Some people have NO conscience...

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, but I'm actually not surprised that this is happening. There will always be "pirates" of someone else's work. If nobody supports these pirating/thieving then they will NOT do it, obviously they have buyers that's why they're doing it‼ For those of you who buys stolen goods, YOU are "supporting" their acts which "would make a thief as well"! :(( *SCUMS OF THE EARTH*

Anonymous said...

Maybe if RCA and Adam's managment would put their act together and produced promised concert DVD that everybody is waiting for, it wouldn't happen.I don't know what takes them so long. I would buy one in a heartbeat.
As being supporter of Suz526 it saddens me that she may not be allowed in the future to provide us with her fantastic videos.

glitzylady said...

Suz's biggest fear is that Adam's record company and management will ban videos being filmed at his concerts and also being posted on You Tube, because of copyright infringement and then no more videos of his concerts and appearances for us to enjoy. People have repeatedly asked her to put out vids for sale but she cannot do that because of copyrights.. Her work is done because she believes in Adam so much, and that would end if Sony decided that they won't allow that sort of thing. Its not about the money for her..but the joy of doing what she does (and who wouldn't want to see Adam live in concert numerous times!), and posting vids for current and potential fans to enjoy. I'm sure Adam has gained many, many fans because of her work, and there are so many who will never get the opportunity to see him live, but love the vids and wait patiently for them to come out. But music is a business and RCA would want to get the profits of Adams work (of course), which would also trickle down to Adam, which is only fair. So this could all end if it gets out of hand. And its so unfair to Suz, who does all of the work (and it IS work..) and then have someone else rip off all of her vids for profit. She loses, Adam loses, and we lose. And yes, hopefully that official DVD will come out soon, because I want one!! I've taken some vids of my own at his concerts but I have a lot of trouble remembering to actually aim the camera at Adam sometimes because I get distracted : ) I am always thrilled to be able to see her vids when I get see what I missed and to relive that lose that would be a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know about the legitimacy of the things being offered for sale on They are selling DVDs of all of Adam's AI appearances. But it is not on Adam's sites, or any of the official AI sites. People are buying it, and that's something I would like to have, but I NEVER want to buy stolen material and support thievery.

glitzylady said...

@anon 10:45 a.m.
I would guess that anything that is not authorized directly by 19 Entertainment, Sony, RCA, or Fox TV would be bootleg and therefore theft...I am personally not aware of any officially sanctioned DVD's of ANY American Idol performances anywhere (but I sure could be wrong..). Obviously anyone with some skills could record performances and put them on a DVD themselves and offer them for sale until they get caught. If they ever did put out an official DVD of Adam's American Idol performances (and I wish they would!), believe me I would be one of the first in line, because I could then delete the ones I still have on my DVR (true confession time here!!! So embarrassed! LOL!!)! My family would thank them as well!

Anonymous said...

Agree with 9:43 AM - RCA should have promoted this DVD for the Christmas season. I hope there are huge store displays when it comes out. Sometimes I think he needs new management.
Maybe after the Grammy win, there will be another rush of publicity.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Sony/RCA was waiting until after the LA shows to compile the CD/DVD. I cannot wait either.

regarding Suz: I couldn't have said it better than what was posted above. Adam and the Glamily were well aware of Suz, heck, Adam even posed with Rolando and Vic/Vito several times. Monte had lunch with Suz, Tommy played right to her several times. If the outcome of all this is lawsuits,, copyright infringement and restriction at concerts, it will affect fandom and sharing in Adam around the world.

We heard it and saw it all tour long. Especially in Asia, Europe and Australia. Some shows were virtual sing alongs. There were blue glowsticks everywhere. How else did fans know th ewords to songs that weren't released in their countries? How else did they know about the glowsticks? Or, It Gets Better? From vids. From Suz and TALC and TUKE and others. That's who.

But, to make a profit off of Suz is just whoring and stealing. It's wrong. Plain wrong. Poor Suz, she did this for love.

Anonymous said...

I have only bought official music. I wouldn't dream of paying money to support stolen goods. If Suz's vids disappear, I will be just heartbroken. Especially Cologne and LA encores.

Anonymous said...

Would RCA/Sony really ban concert videos? That is the only promotion Adam got. The fans promoted him, the managment didn´t.


Anonymous said...

Not a bad point Eva

Anonymous said...

This is horrible. I sincerely hope that Suz has no problems from any of this, since it was out of her control. And yes, Sony COULD ban all youtube vids of Adam in concert, for the reasons Glitzy already stated. As far as I know, they have the power to pull what is already up. Am I right, techs? (you know who you are...the ones that take the rest of us step-by-step through stuff!) I hope there is a way to track these bootleggers down and stop this practice before they ruin it for the rest of us.