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Music Store Marked Adam Lambert a Grammy Nominated Artist!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, January 8, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 08, 2011



Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for him. Hope next month they'll post Grammy Award Winner.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...




(and makes me happy)


Anonymous said...

love the Led Zeppelin/Used scenario right next door. funny.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So happy for him.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see the price has gone up!

glitzylady said...

The only thing that is a little frustrating is the Take One CD directly behind it, but still, Yay! for Adam! Might help the "unenlightened" (poor things..) out there to give him another look..or a first his FYE CD...will undoubtedly help sales as well. On to Platinum!!

Anonymous said...

How awesome is THAT???

Anonymous said...

We knew it would happen, didn't we?!?! Oh, OT, but Happy Birthday to one of Adam's biggest idols: David Bowie. Mr Bowie, how about a mutual b-day present for you and Adam: a collaboration on his new album?

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes please, validation and recognition are in order... tyvm‼ :) So glad that the marketing people are doing this for Adam. *WTG ADAM*

Anonymous said...

Now I want a big display at the front of the store, complete with life size cardboard figure!

Anonymous said...

Can I have the cutout when thry are done.....

the Dark Side said...

Way to go Adam!!! Thought this month would be boring and little Adam news. Was I ever wrong!

Anonymous said...

Take One CD...did Adam make anything off this and if not what did the company that put it out make...bastards

algalhi said...

Wow, that's a BIG sign! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Album sticker says "Most anticipated album of the year"! YEAH! Maybe RCA/Sony getting their marketing act together with the Grammy promo. More sales!!! Wonder where and what store this pic was taken.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

And, hey! Look WHO is at his left side?! Ok, ok, ist's USED... well then, I'm used too, came from that time and still great and unforgetable!!! Ha!


Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 2:59PM

You mean the «australian» FLAT ADAM? Do you think «he» is available for rent? Lol


Anonymous said...

I think Take One sold 40,000 copies and Adam didn't see a cent of it. He was supposed to sing the songs like the artist to whom it was being marketed and he was really disappointed that people he knew exploited him for their own gain. Happy to see Adam being highlighted in the music store! I didn't think there were any left! funbunn40

Dinah-mite said...

Happy Birthday David Bowie! The man was GLAM decades ago, lest we forget. He is a genius and I LUV him. If ever he and Adam get together, the world may explode!!

Anonymous said...

And can't let today go by without wishing Happy Birthday to Elvis. The King would have been 76 today!!!! Celebrating by eating a banana and peanut butter sandwich fried in butter. Then I'll call 911.

Anonymous said...


Adamluv said...

Love the heading!!!! @anon; Thanks for the Elvis info. A big Happy Birthday to the King!

Anonymous said...

Do they only have one copy of FYE?
ps. Adam and Elvis both January birthdays hmmm

Anonymous said...

@ 4:37 thanks for that link, I loved that article. I have to confess I bought the take one album, way back, not good, didn't even sound like adam. Oh well, that's history now and our BB is NOW making music history.

Anonymous said...

I predict that Adam Lambert will be the biggest star to ever come from American Idol! He is alot better than Daughtry, Carrie Underwood, Kris Allen, Kelly Clarkson, David Cook, David Archeleta, Lee Dwyze, and the list can go on! The best singers from AI would have to be Adam, Allison Iraheta, Jennifer Hudson, Bo Bice, Crystal Bowersox, and Tamyra Grey. I don't hear much about Clay Aiken?

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam could perform "Soaked" on the Grammy awards. I think it would bring the crowd to their feet. Everyone there would walk away with a new respect for the Glam one!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A big Swedish online record shop is selling Take Two album here in Europe. No details of the cd and it was only available on demand. Weird.

Anonymous said...

I'm not buying the Take Two album and I don't have the Take One either although it has been available for purchase.

Anonymous said...

Also love the fact that the cd costs $19.95!

Anonymous said...

This kicks ass!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I think I'd faint with happiness if I walked in to a music store and saw that sign!!! Then, again, I'd faint if I actually saw a hard copy of FYE CD in any music store, discount store etc. Never saw one copy yet. I ordered all my copies from Amazon. Finally, someone is recognizing the talent!! Way to go Adam!

Happy Birthday to the one and only King, Elvis Presley!!!


Anonymous said...

Now that puts a very big smile on my face! Hoping that the rest of the other music stores will do the same ;-)


AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY TO @venzi and another ANON poster whose favorite color is black teehee ;-) Have fun guys!


Anonymous said...

Reported as Sydney Australia where Adam is totally and utterly adored! There is so much love in Oz for Adam...and he returned that at Glam Nation till it overflowed! Glitter pours!

Anonymous said...

OMG Sydney! I'm breathless!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that post Anon Jan 9 5:18am.
So the store was in it wrong that I'm a little tiny bit disappointed that it wasn't in U.S.? Oh Well, good on 'ya Aussies!

Anonymous said...

This SHOULD help his sales. I hope people will pick a copy. Will be interesting to see the numbert untill the Grammy.
BTW, I just gave my Yoga instructor, who is also my Massage therapist a copy of FYE. I listen to it while getting a massage and he like it a lot and ask me to make him a copy. I said that I will NOT burn the disc but will get him one as a gift. He LOVES it. He ran a half Marathon and told me that he listen to Adam"s music and it makes it so much fun and easy.
So, We can still gift it. We know the music but some ppeople know and like Adam but, SURPRISINGLY, don't have his music.
I know my post is long, but yesterday while at the Mall ,with my 13 years old, we got into Hot Topics. I bought Adam's shirt and this boy, maybe 15, said, is this Adam Lambert on the shirt? I showed him the shirt and he said: I love Adam Lambert. He was with afriend who said that his mother is GAGA over Adam.(I was laughing inside, that's what my doughter would say about me) We talked and we found out that we went to the same concert. My doughter recognized him. It was fun. I told him about the acustic Cd. He had no idea about it and said I will get it of off the computer.
There are a lot of young kids who don't buy music today . They know how to downlaod for FREE. I guss I would too it I am a brok teenager. Time have changed. Not fair toward the artist, but Adam has amazing fans.

Israeli Fan
BTW. I have been coming here everyday, buy not living a comment. Still LOve this post.
I go on Twitter a lot.

Anonymous said...

On twitter, someone said it was in Virginia. In the South? I was surprised. But I hope it's TRUE!

Adamluv said...

Israeli fan, welcome back! I dont think you've posted in a long time!! And like a lot of us here, I love hearing personal stories like what you just wrote! Makes me happy to hear good stuff about Adam. I've also learned that all Hot Topic stores dont carry Adam shirts. I'm lucky that I live near 2, that do!

coloforadam said...

Wow!! you didn't even had to search for the CD which I always have to do - I find them and pull them out but it takes some looking. Do not read page 34 of the most recent tRolling Stone if you don't want to be completely sickened. Article by Rob S. - he wrote an amazing, positive article, May 28, 2009 and now just seems to sneering about the very things that he found refreshing about Adam in 2009. What the hell happened????

Anonymous said...

@ Israeli Fan???!!!
What a good surprise to see your post... I missed you, baby? How can you come here every day and not to say a Hello to us? :(
Happy New Year to you! Please come back... to stay!
