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To Shave or Not To Shave?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 8, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, January 08, 2011

New tweets of Adam talking about shaving or not. He ended up shaving.


JakeL said...

LOL. I'm sort of glad he shaved, wasn't really into it. I think it would look good if he just went back to his natural colour.


Anonymous said...

ha! I voted to shave :)

Anonymous said...

Ha!Ha!Ha!Ha! Can't believe this would becomes big part of Adam or hid Glamily?

LP said...

HA HA He doesn't like face hair on the pretty boys, so may be he met someone who is of the same opinion. glad he shaved any way

Anonymous said...

im so glad he shaved i love adam but i dont like the facial hair:)

Anonymous said...

it'll be back:( i hope not

Anonymous said...

hahah! Adam made Twitter explodes again‼ :) Yeah, I agree with Adam, facial hair can be so tedious to maintain and he can always grow it back. :)

Anonymous said...

Do you suppose he shaved because so many were comparing him to J. Depp me included)? He has always said he wants his own look, not "copy" someone else.

Urethra_Franklin said...

Im most intrigued that Jake Shears voted Dont Shave. Oy Vey. Glad its gone.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I leave this site for 1 hr and this is what I missed??? I loved the facial hair! Oh well, I love any look Adam chooses for himself. I guess he needed to clean up the look a bit for upcoming interviews (The Talk Show on CBS on Feb 9th and maybe others) and of course the GRAMMYS!


Anonymous said...

don't shave dahling!!!

Dinah-mite said...

Ok, gotta say I really LUV Adam's smooth face! So glad he made the right decision heh,heh... So now I pose this question to you "How far is that wild child gonna go"???
Just when we think we have Adam all figured out,whoops---there he goes again!! I swear he is like the groundhog in Caddy Shack! Don't try to out guess that pretty boy, you will lose!! :-)LUV IT!!

Anonymous said...

Yes. I vote SHAVE too! But he already did lol.

glitzylady said...

Essell, she who does all of the great Adam wallpapers etc...just designed this "before and after" picture and posted it on her twitter acct.!!

Anonymous said...

I have a comment that has nothing to do with this...

Is there any POSSIBLE way to put an arhives on here. I know what I'm looking for a lot but I have to go from page to page to page to find it.

Also, can you put more posts in the middle section?

I don't mean to be a pain but this would be a lot easier to navigate and I love it here.

Rebecca said...

who else could ask such a simple question and make the twitter feed explode

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:13 there is an archive. just click the label/topic on the right and scroll thru till you find it.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:13 and theres also a blog archive by date on the right

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:13 and theres also a blog search feature on the right.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs a mountain man beard and long hair! I wonder what people would think of that?

Adamluv said...

Shaved? Good!

Anonymous said...

Is it 100% certain he's talking about the beard...what if its his head!!!

HK fan

glitzylady said...

@ HK fan
EEEEK! Don't even go there!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady (& HK fan) - funny.

Honestly, I don't even frickin' care about hair, not one little bit... just as long as I get to enjoy that man's existence without harming him, I'm good.

Hey glitzylady - Saw w/ my hubby your Seahawks upset the Saints, cool. Hubby was psyched (there's a Matt Hasselbeck connection :)). Of course, I took the opportunity to tell the kiddos that the Seagals have been doing a routine to two of AML's songs this season, lol, they were physched as well :).


glitzylady said...

Yes, that was a great game (I sort of watched it but kept up with the days events in the world of Adam, including the "Shave-Not to Shave" mini twitter party thing...) I tweeted someone that it sounded like an orgy coming from the family room toward the end: I kept hearing "YES, YES, YES!!!"...very exciting and everyone in this part of world is very happy, and a little surprised since the Saints were the previous world champions!!! Go Seahawks!!! And yes, Matt Hasselbeck did a good job today! And Go Sea Gals as well! And if they actually made it to the Super Bowl, wouldn't it be FABULOUS if they did Adam's songs in their routines, and even BETTER, if Adam sang them in person! Hmmm...I like that idea! Might as well dream big!!!

Truly, I think Adam looks fine in all of his looks, but I would hope he would never shave his head : ( ...I'm a fan of hair!! But, you never know!

glitzylady said...

Yikes, I just read my comment, and I want to be clear that the "Yes, Yes, Yes"'s were in relation to the Seahawks game, not the Shave or Not To Shave twitter party!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Whut - the Seahawks ended up winning today??? Do miracles never cease!

Glad Adam shaved. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam shaved? where is the picture, I want to see it to be sure! Adam, love, you can do whatever you want to do. However, your best look is at GNT at Malasia when you sung the "Soaked"!
Sorry, I forgot this commercial photo in Dubai:)

Anonymous said...

it will be back lol Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam my sweetie, it's your face you should shave, not your hair on head. So you did it right this time! :)

Anonymous said...

It it amazing and humorous how we can not wait for Adam to speak on Twitter. I wonder how many hits he got after his challenge of Shave or not to Shave? I guess he just seeing if we are still out there! I hope he got his answer and was pleased. I hear he will be on the show the Talk. I cannot wait to see those women drool over him. I am guilty as charged! The crime is waiting on the next words uttered by our Adam! I scare myself.

Anonymous said...

I like the way Adam changes up his appearance so often. He looks way cool with or without the facial hair. He's a total hottie either way!!!

The Dark Side said...

To hair or not to hair? That is the question. Only Adam can create such a buzz over facial hair. So why the buzz kill? We were having so much fun with it. What's next on your agenda--whatever we are waiting!!!! PS. can no longer use the word 'epic' as it one of those words that got deep sixed for the year.

Anonymous said...

So many fans prefer a clean-shaven Adam? Now Adam is a stunning man no matter what, but that facial hair adds a little something something for me. That's MY personal preference and I can't wait for him to grow it back sometime in the future. Gah, I miss the look already!
