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New Citizen Vein Footage Released!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A question is answered by Monte, followed by a few clips of The Citizen Vein.

Video credit: roobrooy

Thanks to b.jewel.d!


Adamluv said...

My computer now wont let me view videos! UGH! so FRUSTRATING!!! Totally off topic alert!!!!!!!Last nite saw Alison Porter and the Canyons (Adams good friend that opened for him the last 2 shows in LA) at Molly Malones in LA. That's where I saw Monte and Tommy play a couple weeks ago. Alison and the band are FANTASTIC!!!! I liked them the first time hearing them at the Music Box and I even like them more now! Disappointed that they have no CD but was told they're working on it. Very rock 'n roll! After the show while talking to them out front was asked where we'd heard of them? Of course gave the credit to Adam by saying his last 2 shows. Seemed like very fun, nice young musicians! Guess who was there? . . . . . . No, not Mr. You-Know-Who, but rather SUZ 526! She stood right behind our table on a bench and was filming the entire show. Had hoped to see the videos up on 24/7 so these comments wouldnt be OT!

The Dark Side said...

Love to see the Canyons videos also. Think Adam should do a song on his next album with Alisan. BTW, Monte and all that hair! I'm still with Paula wanting to know why Adam wasn't discovered years ago? BTW again, watched Live to Dance last night and it was fun. Paula her same encouraging self.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that post Adamluv! Good luck w/ computer troubles - ugh!

This clip was a blast, thanks. One of the things I did do in my holiday absence from 24/7 was immerse myself in some old AML stuff, including Citizen Vein YT's and such - great musicians!! And one of the most amazing front men/singers on the planet, even then, just traditionally undiscovered at the time. As many have said here before, I don't even think we've scratched the surface of AML's talent and what he has to offer! Dayum, is there anything more splendid than beholding someone doing exactly what they were created to do... a beautiful thing indeed.


Adamluv said...

Continued OT from above - Had a chance to really talk with Suz before and after the show. (Had lunch at LA Live -Club Nokia area-the day of Adams last show with many of the posters from mjs, Suz being one of them). She is a very "classy lady" and we can be very proud of having an Adam fan of her calliber. Dont think she'd mind me saying that her favorite venue in Europe was Amsterdam! Last nite was so much fun that will be going again next week to see the same show but taking more peeps along!

Anonymous said...

God is he a splendid man! SOoooo cute just standing there towering over the other guys!

AND I did watch Paula's show last night. I never watch those dancing shows but must say that the judges are good and Paula was shining! She is in her element and is SUCH a great person. Truly, like Adam, is beyond the ego stuff and lives in her heart. I think it's on again tonight so let's show support for her new show as she supported Adam from the very moment she saw him. "You're a genius". Smart smart lady!

Anonymous said...

Gosh Adamluv - how'd you get so cool?

Adamluv said...

@MGF - just a curse, just a curse! What can I say? LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Fiercians, including Suz526, should use all their power that Aftermath would be released as a single. It has huge hit potential. I hear Aftermath every day on the radio and it is very mainstream and people outside the fandom like it too. I'm talking about the album version of Aftermath of course.

Anonymous said...

wow, Monte and Adam both have so much hair, think I prefer Monte without his...

HK fan

Anonymous said...


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Thanks guys! Lets make this shit happen!


Anonymous said...

@Adamluv Thanks so much for reminding me that the Canyons will appear every Tues. in January at Molly Malones! I forgot! I'll be there next Tues. for sure! They are fantastic and I just loved their performance at the Music Box Theater!

Also, I watched Paula Abdul's Live to Dance show last night and really enjoyed it! I miss her delightful, charming personality. We could always count on her to show her love and support of Adam on AI. It was so exciting to see her passion for Adam!!!


Adamluv said...

CT, we need to plan to meet up! Maybe 1 of us could carry a 24/7 sign like Adam Fix did in Seattle! LOL!

Anonymous said...

It seems these guys are great musicians - I think they might have had a hit song if the right catchy song had come along, none of these really grabbed me.
Just Adam's looks...

Anonymous said...

It's funny to see Adam standing there and not talking . He looked like he wanted to. Adam's a talker and I love it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:29 - OMG, I was thinking the exact same thing! HA - so funny to see him standing there and not being the one interviewed (his natural element)!

Yes, HK Fan - prefer Monte with less hair too, but god damn if Adam doesn't look hot with his funky shag haircut! Actually, I'm trying to grow my very, very short hair out to a bit of a short-shag, so this was inspiring.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm sooo glad Adam decided to be on AI cuz look what we all could have MISSED‼ Holy smokin' hot, sexy, gorgeous, charming & enormously talented Rock Superstar‼ I can't even imagine this thought... I'm sure I'm not alone on this one‼ :) And Adam has such great taste on anything‼ *iwannabitehim*

Anonymous said...

24/7 thank you so much for this video, nice to have a glimpse of how they used to be ;-)

@Adamluv - thanks for sharing, that's pretty exciting. I'm glad you're having a great time ;-)


glitzylady said...

I'm so jealous that you live so close to all the "action" down there in LA! I had a great time at Molly Malone's for Monte's show (didn't get a chance to say hi to you there...tho.. : ( ..Would really like to get back down sometime to see Alison Porter and The Canyons again, they were so good at Adam's two shows...And Suz does get around, doesn't she?? I'm sure she is going through the same withdrawal issues that the rest of us are! Its so nice that she can fill in the time until the next tour (or Adam opportunity) showcasing some new artists..I think she has found her new calling! What a great lady! (I'm still coming down from the high of those LA shows...Phew!) I'm sure we'll cross paths again!

Anonymous said...

Wow, @ Adamluv,
I getta move out to Los Glamgeles as soon as possible and start introducing Icon to «not rich but famous» people!


Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

You don't tell me about being «close to all the ACTION», fellow! The most exciting action about sweet Adam I lived here recently was someone's cellphone ringing WWFM, from the inside of some car on some street where I was quickly walking by...


Anonymous said...

When I see Citizen Vein vids,along with all the other vids of Adam singing his brains reminds me of how hard and continually he has worked on his craft/career. I also recognize Monte's hard work as well!

And recently,there are commercials featuring Justin Bieber for the Grammy's and Justin Bieber on the cover of Feb. Vanity Fair magazine (an adult mag btw) and in the interview, Justin calls himself a "musician".

Something is very strange in the music biz today, when seriously talented people are overlooked while Justin Bieber rates this much attention. It's just wrong.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon. 5:59AM

I feel your pain, fellow! This «something very strange in music biz today» is called MARKETING MACHINE and it lies more than lawyers!!! Unfortunatelly it's away much more powerful than the very Sure Fire Winners.


Anonymous said...

Well, I hate to pick on Beiber... but I just gotta add/share that the hubby and I took the kiddos to the movies over their holiday break - and we saw the movie trailer/preview for the Beiber "documentary" - and even my little one groaned and said "oohh puuuleeeeze" :)... The boy's got talent IMHO, I don't take that away from him... but he's a money making tool for business men, and I hope, sincerely, because he does seem like a nice enough kid and did work hard pre-fame and put himself out there and does have talent IMHO, that he is able to transition his career in the coming years. Anyway, blah blah blah, but just had to share the "Oohh puhleeeze" comment from my child, who technicially is IN Bieber's target audience, was so funny!

Anonymous said...

I live in Canada and my teens are in High School and he said no one seems to like JB in his School. I also have friends daughter in elementary school and they are all crazy about him and admit that he does not need to sing good. The worst we had JB at the top of the best 10 moments a couple weeks ago on TV which he beat the winter Olympic hockey gold metal moments. Sigh! Sometimes the world is getting silly with the little teens market and left out the rest of the generation. BUT STRANGE and thank God, I do not hear a lot of JB on radio.

Anonymous said...

I find this odd but (after all AL photos and posters) this one makes me think of moving to LA:
Is it time for my pills nurse? Nurse!!


Anonymous said...

@Glb 12:40 PM - thanks for poster/pic & info; Monte looking very ROCK! Just wish that someday I could listen to him LIVE...really shredding it!

Anonymous said...

@GLb - thanks for sharing that. I really enjoyed seeing that. The photo is beautiful as a photo, a compelling aesthetic... and the reason for the photo/Ad is equally as compelling :). This dude is so talented... he's another one who makes me appreciate the sheer beauty of somebody getting to do exactly what they were created to do... especially as a vocation and not just an avocation.

Anonymous said...

@ GLb
I left you one more message on the thread «Glam Nation Game» re to your... metamorphosis, did you see it?(lol)

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun 6:04 PM
Thanks...Too late I'm afraid...:-)) Anyway, I've always been too wild to sit in anybody's lap. Beware of petting or hugging the 'felis silvestris' kind of cats! Just kidding...
Actually, I don't scratch, I kick. Therefore.. I might be less of a Felis and more of an Equine...Hopefully, not an as(s)inus! :-) Maybe a yearling...stuck in a time bubble... Better yet, a shape-shifter! Yep, I can definitely dig that. LOL. In any case, don't be afraid, just.. BEWARE! :-)

Anonymous said...

Anon.3:50 PM & MGF 4:22 PM