New (Old) Pictures
Filed Under (American Idol,pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, January 05, 2011
These pictures were taken during the American Idol Tour. Adam posing with his Zodiac friends backstage.


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There's that cute guy again in the first picture with the black hat. Who is he??? Nice pict of Adam and Neil.
Adam looks great here! I also want to know about the hat guy and the guy in the white shirt. Who are they? GOOD LOOKING GROUP OF PEEPS!
Wow, I really love Adam's picture with Neil, while Neil is wearing a tag around his neck with Adam's picture of the Glamnation tour.
Neil smiles? Amazing! Didn't hurt a bit did it Neil. I think Neil has gotten his teeth whitened since that image. Great stuff. The Cherry's are a gorgeous couple. What a great group of supportive friends!!
Adam looks handsome here. I love adam with no makeup.more naturall and awesome.Love adam...
Adam has gotten better look with age! Wasn't these pics taken during the American Idol live tour? His friends are so supportive of him and his success. A beautiful thing!
Ladies and Gents:
Please ignore the below message if you have already subscribed to Adam's myyoutube page. I'll be posting this in every new thread until the contest is over. Since this is very important for Adam, this will be my priority campaign when I visit this site. Again please ignore if you have already subscribed. If you haven't done it yet, please please do subscribe.
ps. Anyone can subscribe from anywhere, North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, NZ, South America ...all the fans can subscribe.
Please make sure to vote for Adam only and get points. This is a win win for both the fans and Adam.
I know we can do it. Besides don't you think this would be a wonderful Birthday gift for SWeet Adam??? I think it would be perfect.
Thank you so much!
Ladies please subscribe to Adam's Myyoutube page
This is very important. Winner gets free advertisement on youtube front page which is massive. Please subscribe Adam is still at 43k. Please please help.
How to subscribe...
1. Download Google chrome. How? Go to this link below:
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What will happen if you don't download google chrome?---when you try to subscribe, it will take forever and fail you.
2. Once you download google chrome, go to and find Adam's name. Once you click on it, to the right you'll see a button that says "subscribe", hit subscribe and it will auomatically ask you to sign in. Do sign in and hit allo access. Once you do that you'll get 1 point. If you want more point, go to artists recommendations and select more under adam's myyoutube, that way Adam will gain more points. Please do make sure all points go to Adam.
3. Vote more under Adam's recommended artists and connect to your facebook and twitter to get more points.
Again, this is very huge people. Please do subscribe. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll be glad to help.
Thanks guys! Lets make this shit happen!
Such a Happy group....hard workers and friends watching out for each other. That what I"m talking about"
Wow! these are gorgeous pics of Adam & his friends‼ I can only recognize the Cherry's, I think that's Allisan & of course Neil. That last pic of Adam's is sooo gorgeous‼ ;) You too Neil... just keep smiling‼ :)
Is the guy in the hat also in the recent New year's Eve pic?
Anyone ever notice that Adam has a fairly big head? haha. Goes with his big talent and other big stuff...
to ZZ
Like most of us here, I read all the posts and topics. I think we have all seen the post about the you tube more than once by now. I realize we feel it is important, but we have all read it!
Pic #4....did they photoshop his head on this pic? Looks huge compare with pic#1.
BTW...Scarlett and Lee Cherry expecting baby around Adam's birthday.....
I am subscribed and i hit all artist recommended and did twitter and fb and asked friends to join..but i still only have 5 pts.. obviously i am doing something wrong. I think maybe i dont know how to navigate the site.. should i be doing something else? Help me please
Beautiful image of the brothers Lambert, is very sweet see them united and happy.
Gorgeous as ever. Love the pic with Neil ;-) And he is always surrounded with beautiful peeps \o/
The redhead is Carmit Bachar (a good friend of his and one of the original Pussycat Dolls and has a connection to Elvis and Ricky Martin) from Adam's days singing at The Zodiak Show. She was also in the E!Online tv show. Here's more of her:
NEW Citizen Vein footage!:
If I were Neil, I'd love to have sweet Adam as my brother. If I were sweet Adam, I'd love to have Neil as my brother. No need for me to see this picture of them both together to be so sure of this... it's written in the stars.
I think Scarlett is having a boy.
@January 5, 2011 7:30 PM
scroll by, maybe some people don't go to all threads. Don't see the down side. I just scroll by, no nitpicking.
Always love seeing the Lambert boys together. I would guess the GNT really bonded them and gave each a new respect for each others talents and work ethics. Adam has such a great group of friends which is a credit to him as a friend. Great pics! funbunn40
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