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Random Video: Adam Lambert Performing 'If I Can´t Have You'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 14, 2011

Posted at : Friday, January 14, 2011


Anonymous said...

Just like Paula, I melted into a pool of Abdul when I saw and heard Adam sing this song. He's so totally amazing. There are no words. EPIC!!

Anonymous said...

Adam & his ballads gives me goose bumps/chills... cuz he really connects & feels it. I love this side of him sooo much. I love Adam's version of this song as well. Good Gawd... I love this man so much‼... it's scaring me... in a good way. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love this performance. I feel that it is very underrated.

Anonymous said...

Is this version available on Itunes? I can't seem to find it... anyone?

LIVA said...

I doubt you can get any American Idol season 8 stuff on Itunes. THey pull them down after like 50 days.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this video brought back a lot of great memories of that night. Love the lyrics of this song. Adam was amazing on Idol and changed so much for betterer. Love his new rocker look with the long hair. Fans listen to lyrics of this song. Take it as a respond to your comments on previous threads.

Anonymous said...

I was mesmerized by this performance. Another example of his perfection in both talent and looks!


Anonymous said...

24/7 PLEASE, PLEASE post this video for all to is amazing! Has stuff not seen previously!

Thanks! Daydreamin

Dinah-mite said...

OK, so I would like to thank whoever is putting these AI performances on this site. Last night I watched ALL of Adam's AI performances on DVD...
People, it had me in TEARS it was SO astounding. I would suggest that his fans look at what attracted them to him in the first place--his TALENT!!! Maybe a refresher course could sort of bring everyone back to reality.

Lately the threads on this site have been, well lets say less than ah---mature. I love and respect Adam for his MONSTER talent and that will not change even though his appearance may... How about just loving Adam just as he is at any given moment and not dissecting his looks?

Yup, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but lets just TRY and keep our eye on the prize. And that is Adam, with all his humanness that goes along with it...

Lets face it his inner beauty is ALWAYS intact even if at the moment he is not looking exactly as you THINK he should.

GIVE A BOY A BREAK!!! Watch and LISTEN to his vids, he is in a class all his own.
Let's just love Adam right where he is right at this very moment. We all know he always has another surprise up his sleeve!!! Remember what he said "2011 is gonna rock'!
Of that I have no doubt.

Peace out! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Liva 12:03 for your reply. :)

Anonymous said...

I listen all songs started from top 7 live every day at work. You can find them on youtube as Adam Lambert If I can't Have You Live at AI. And you can find any songs live from season 8. Enjoy! My favorite is "Crying" and "One" and.....Anyway I love all of this songs!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm being obsessive but, one of my favorite Adam Lambert quotes: "I want to see if I can connect emotionally" (with the audience). Or something like that. I can't listen to the video because I'm at my stupid job. Yes Adam, you certainly can connect with us emotionally. Boy he talks perty. (sigh!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you 24 / 7 for the videos and all IDOL and live again, as spectacular moments!!!!

Anonymous said...

For Adam's management - we would love to buy a DVD of all of Adam's performances on IDOL !!!

Anonymous said...

Adam leaves me SPEECHLESS...

Anonymous said...

Thanks daydreaming that was Adam's interviews........

Anonymous said...

There are no words to describe this performance. ADAM has the unique ability to emotionally express all the sensibility and drama that requires this song, connecting
brilliantly with the audience. ADAM THANKS for such a memorable and moving performance !!!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Agree with all the above. One of my all-time favorites during the Idol S8. Paula wasn't the only one feeling the love. Hope he puts something on the new album with this sort of impact--you know that he feels emotionally.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Those days... I just found myself in tears again. What did u do to me???

Anonymous said... said it! PLEASE make a DVD of all Adam's AI performances. Also include all the comments by the judges. I'd love to buy!

Anonymous said...

@2:31 you don't want Simon's commen to "Ring of Fire" to be included lol

Anonymous said...

2:17 You are ritht on, my feelings exactly. Whatever he did, he did to alot of us. He owns our hearts.

Anonymous said...

I have several comments to make, goes

1. Poor pinheaded Ryan Seacrest was so smitten by Adam during the season that in this intro he stumbled all over Adam's name.
2. Paula wasn't the only one melted that night.
3. Simon always had to be what he thought was funny in putting Paula down and by pointing out to those who caught his double entendre that he was certain Adam "would sing Donna Summer" other than a male disco singer.
4. Other than his standing ovation for Adam's Mad World, Simon's critique of If I Can't Have you was spot on.
5. American Idol owns all the rights to the performances. It won't do any good to ask Adam's management to put out a video DVD with all his performances on it or to put them down for not doing so. You have to go to American Idol for those requests. Since it would make a lot of money for AI and for Adam if they did you would think that they would have done it way before now.
6. Adam is and always will be the best performer American Idol has ever had. Thank heavens the judges and producers had the guts to allow him to show us his stuff.
7. I thought it very cheezy of Randy to offer his hand to be kissed by Adam after Adam had kissed Paula's during his audition.
8. There were so many homophobic gestures and references made by Simon after Adam performed it made me angry.

I could go on and on about AI8 referring to Adam's sexual preference, but it makes no difference because look where he is today. On top of the world.

Adamluv said...

Those were the days! The anticipation every Tues. nite as to what would Adam sing? It was beyond fun! Nailed this song as usual.

Anonymous said...

Dinah-mite at 12:32 -- Thanks so much for your smart comments!


Anonymous said...

Have any of you heard any of Adam's studio recordings like this one:

Talk about melting!!

Rebecca said...

memories how beautiful

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying Ryan S. is gay, I don't think he is actually, but Ryan was definitely smitten with Lambert on some level, always thought so!

Anonymous said...

I know it's irrelevant now, it's old news, it doesn't matter, but damn he should have won that competition. It just isn't right. No hate responding people, or long debate, just one person's opinion, but sometimes I almost hate to go through all the AI8 performances, even 'though I love them so much, and stunning and entertaining as they are, because it actually feels like an injustice was done in the end with Adam's losing, it's almost painful in a way. Too deep I Know :), and it does not matter any more, one microscopic bit, never did, but just commenting from the gut right now.

Anonymous said...

I think Ryan never liked Adam. I think he even hate Adam Don't know but I was s sure about it since the time he started to call him Lamberts. However, after I heard Ryan's comment about Adam's toungue on AI when Adam came back as a mentor I am absolutely positive that Ryan hates Adam. DOn't know why:(
But I am disagree with comment about Simon that he didn't like AMA performance. Simon didn't like Adam's comment about Susan Boyle. Simon is her producer and biggest fan. I think this is the reason why Simon is not Adam's fan anymore:(

Anonymous said...

Hands down one of his finest performances! The look, the emotion, the incredible vocal talent...what an incredible talent and genuine person. Even after all this time it still baffles our minds that he didn't win but nevertheless his achievements have surpassed being the "winner" on AI. In San Diego we're still talking about it!

San Diego Tribune commenting today on upcoming Idol said, "Contestants being encouraged to put down the instruments and amp up the showmanship. Maybe they should hire Adam Lambert as a consultant." Also they wrote, "American Idol timeline; May 20,2009: San Diego's Adam Lambert does not win the eighth season of "American Idol" much to the shock of everyone, including Kris Allen. In December of 2010, Lambert is nominated for a Grammy."

Anonymous said...

I did not have a tv at the time of AI S8, so had to get my Adam Fix online - which rarely included the judge's comments/feedback. Wow, I was almost blinking back tears when they all responded to this performance by Adam!

And - typical Adam - I loved that he made sure to thank, and give someone else credit, at the end. Classy, Adam - as usual.

- Adam Fix

Bing said...

Listening to Adam's rendition of this song brought me to tears again. It is so nice to reminisce and witness once more how this fabulous performer effectively connected with the audience/viewers of AIS8 and how he easily became an instant favorite back then.

Thanks 24/7 for the wonderful memories ;-)

Anonymous said...

I never tire of watching these performances. He was and always will be the best performer AI ever had and I don't think the show will ever be the same for me. I watch and listen to Adam over and over again. I also love how Adam always gives credit where credit is due. It shows he is comfortable with his talent and also a very loyal friend. Thanks for the memories. KLM

Anonymous said...

@6:59 PM 1-14-11 My favorite studio version of an Adam Idol performance is Feeling Good (wish I knew how to link it to here) which is easily YouTubed. Pure voice with WOW factor. Adam takes you into stratosphere on this one. I get chills every time I hear it. First time I heard it, my mouth fell open (like with Brigadoon). I could not believe my ears. It is perfect.

If I Can't Have You is one of my favorite Idol performances for Adam. (Watch his beautiful face while he sings.) This one brings tears and chills for me, too. I agree with Paula's comments: It's like he ripped his heart out on that stage. She could feel his pain (Notice Paula got chills and had tears in her eyes.). Me, too. I suspect he was singing about somebody who'd hurt him very badly, and I don't think it was Drake (who was sitting in the audience that night). Similar to Can't Let You Go.

I think Paula got Adam from the time she heard his audition. Simon's remarks re: this performance were callous and crude. He is a jerk with little, if any, empathy for other people. Of course Cowell doesn't quite get the concept of pain. His body language and remarks on this performance actually made me angry because of the disrespect he showed to Paula and especially to Adam. While he often complimented Adam, he also said especially cruel things to him (i.e. the Cow remark on Feeling Good).

I am convinced that Idol is broken because there will never be another Adam. All other contestants before and after him pale in comparison. That he did not win convinced most everyone that the voting mechanism on AI is faulty or rigged. Thus AI outcomes can no longer be trusted. I also think Paula's leaving was a big factor.

What is it with Ryan Seacrest around Adam?! He certainly does seem to get discombobulated around our boy LOL. I think he's adamized, too--but has to back away from Adam to maintain his manly pride. Maybe he is gay or wishing he were.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

@Kentucky Fan - First, I love the word "discombobulated", use it all the time, lol. And yes, Ryan did always seem to get discombobulated around AML, I've always thought that myself. That doesn't speak to his sexual orientation, at all, I'm just stating what was always pretty obvious, at least to me, but just MHO. (and I think Idol's kinda broken too).

@Adam Fix January 15 1:51AM - OMFG, the comments are some of the best stuff about AML's journey! When you have time (I know, when's that gonna be?? lol) you gotta go back and YT and try to find the performances with the judge's comments. It can be hard to find them w/ the judge'scomments on YT I know - I bet that awesome "Master List" link that Amelie recently posted would have the AI8 performances WITH the comments, if you can find that post (I think it was Amelie, pretty sure). And yes Adam Fix - like KLM said in his/her Jan 15 8:50AM post (nice to see you commenting again KLM) Adam gave shoutouts and thank-yous to AI8 behind the scenes people all the time (in front of the camera folks too like Ricky Minor and Michael Orland), and I'd venture to guess that this is among the many reasons why so many peeps fell in love with him. I know AML is so far past AI8, I get it!!, but if time ever allows you, try and find some of the performances with the Judge's comments AND AUDIENCE REACTIONS that occur within the first minute or so after Adam's performances and before and while the Judges are speaking.


Anonymous said...

Simon was right when he said that We found the World wide Star with You.................

Love u Adam

Anonymous said...

Agree with all of the above comments. This performance blows me away and love seeing the judges comments and audience reactions as well as Adam's reactions to them. American Idol would make a fortune if they would ever release all of Adam's performances and experiences with judges on a dvd.They have no idea hoe much fans would support and purchase it. I had it all on my dvr which recently crashed and had to be replaced. Even if that had not happened I would be willing to pay big bucks for all of Adam's journey with nothing cut out or edited! Hope Adam will again cover and video this song, as well as A Change is Gonna Come,One and finale version of Mad World. Really wish he would again do them all exactly as he did on Idol. Every note and arrangement perfect as is.

HK fan said...

If you go on MJS bigblog, under Adam Lambert, they have almost all the AI performances with judges comments, and the group performances, and the car commercials (I actually hadn't seen any of these before I found that site as they don't show them in Asia). I still go on there every now and then and watch the Idol stuff.