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Wicked: Dancing Through Life Comparison

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, January 27, 2011

Here is a old pre-idol video of Adam performing in "WICKED". Some of you may have seen this.


Anonymous said...

What's Adam doing near the back?!
No wonder he felt bored or unfulfilled!

Anonymous said...

Adam was definitely the best singer and dancer - also had the most stage presence (not to mention the most handsome). It's no wonder he felt the need to move on & get more going in his career. So glad he made the decision to audition for AI!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:32 AM -- Watch it further. Adam starts singing in the key role at 1:35!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@0:06 Terrance Spencer is at back side too.

Adam is the most charming student prince of all. I really don't understand why Adam had to remain understudy, do you?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Looking at this footage seems like it's been a long time ago & it wasn't. Adam's strong stage presence & his voice just stands out. I can really see what he's been talking about wanting to be more. Before he was an just an employee & now "Adam Lambert" is the "business" and the employer... SWEET smell of success. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've seen this before and I think Adam's voice is far better than the others plus his dancing is much better! You can see he's got much more flexibility than the others HeHe!


Anonymous said...

Watched all 5 of them. I'm trying my best to remove my bias from this comment. The others seem older so that might be why they got more recognition. That being said, I think their singing ability was very generic, like they were trying to sing every Broadway song ever sung. Adam had a little more lilt in his voice. A couple of the guys even seemed like they were copying his hairstyle. They lacked the swagger that Adam has even back then. You can't teach that. That is Adam's alone. He held notes longer and if you listen closely, you can hear an audible gasp from the audience in one part when he was swinging from the statue.

The biased part of me says, "Why the Hell did they keep him an understudy?" I guess it's true everything happens for a reason. If this position in life then didn't make him hungry for more, then we might not have him where he is now.


Anonymous said...

omg, the cutest thing ever!

Anonymous said...

I actually went to see Wicked last June curious to see the role of Fiyero that Adam played. have to admit imagining Adam in that role throughout the performance. So glad he took the risk and auditioned for Idol! Adam was the best looking and suited the part in this video. One other was good also, but Adam was the best and too good to remain in the chorus. Love seeing him early in his career. Wish videos of all thaetrical performances were available! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen this!! This is new to me!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, I thought I saw all of adam's videos, missed this one, so thanks for posting. Adam was clearly the best and our boy can really dance, can't he. When I see something like this, I think oh we have to get him in movies or acting or something. Such a performer and well the VOICE speaks for itself.


Rebecca said...

thank you this was new to me i also spotted Terrance looking handsome as ever

Anonymous said...

Brooke Wendle, Adam's choreographer is also dancing and being lifted be Terrence on right side of screen. She's wearing a denim skirt and vest. As Peachy said, "No one has a swagger like Adam!" His smile lights up the stage. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

Apparently I saw Adam in Wicked in Seattle several years ago and had no clue..not sure if he was in the chorus or was Fiero...can't find my program. Grrr! Think I have probably mentioned that before here. Anyway, what I really wanted to say is that his friend Alison Porter (who I believe was also in Wicked but I may very well be wrong) said in an interview that it was commonly believed amongst the cast and crew that the reason he was not promoted to the lead role was because of his great versatility in being able to sub for many of the other roles as needed, in addition to his position as understudy for the Fiero role, hence his being always relegated to the Chorus in most cases. And of course his frustration with this was one of the reasons he finally decided to try out for American Idol, with the urging and encouragement from his friends in Wicked! So in a way, we can be thankful that he was never promoted to lead..Because maybe he would still be there (but probably not..), and we wouldn't have ever met him. And I would have never known that I saw him in 2006 or 2007 in Wicked in the touring company. As @justpeachy said "Everything happens for a reason" and it this case it worked out very nicely for everyone, him and us!! Of course "Burning Man" played a part too...The Universe works in mysterious ways!

The Dark Side said...

Wow, musical chairs Fieros. Must say loved Adam's segment, but there were a lot of nice looking talented young men playing this role. Most humbly thankful for Idol.

Anonymous said...

What is it about Adam... once seen and heard, he just stays in your head and your heart.

Anonymous said...

I bet they fired the producer's ass by now, for making Adam the under-study. WTF were they thinking????


Fan4fun said...

All I see (and what a beautiful view!!!) is my sweet Adam so gorgeous, so loose, free and elastic, the voice of an angel, then moves of a dancing god! Oh Lord! How could I make to live without HIM for more than a half century? Duuuhhhh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I swear, you must have a magical string that attaches you to Adam, lol!!

Interesting comparisons on this clip. I watched a couple of times, and there was one young man who had slightly better dance moves (now, do NOT hate on me, you all know I am no troll) but none had his vocal skills. He seemed to project more clearly and cleanly than the rest. Now I have to go back and watch again to look for Brooke and Terrance.

I, too, thank the Universe that he listened to his psychic message and auditioned for AI.

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun Darling, what do you mean "more than a half century"? You posts are fantastic, funny, and only young person can write them. When I just joined to out legally addictive blog, I always enjoy your posts. Also, I thought, how old this girl is? Probably, something between 16 and 18 years old:):):) So, like they always say, your age doesn't depend from you birthday certificate, it depends from how young is your heart:)
Love Adam in any videos.
@V You are absolutely right. There was one boy on the stage who moved better than others, but he looks like profecional dancer. But Adam's moves and, certainly, his vocals are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Still have the Playbill from "Wicked" when Adam, Terrance and Brooke were in the cast. Interesting to go back and read their bios and see head shots of them pre GNT fame! Little did I know that somewhere in that chorus was a future super star!!

BTW on Ellen today Anthony Hopkins mentioned that he was a big AI fan. Ellen said she knew he was a big Adam Lambert fan and he agreed and also mentioned Crystal Bowersox. Even an iconic film star like Anthony Hopkins knows talent when he sees it and was in the audience when Adam performed on AI.

Anonymous said...

Not as much GB! Sorry my eyes just seem to go there haha

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady, I had also heard and posted awhile back that Adam wasn't offered the lead because he knew every part perfectly and that's why he was kept an understudy. That info came from one of his co-cast members. Sure glad that Adam was proactive and had the guts to leave Wicked and try out for Idol.I still love his audition and performance videos with all of the judges comments. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OMG - hilarious! So funny to see Adam doing those dance moves!

Yes - am so glad he moved on and became a mascara-melting, hotter than hot, rock/glam god!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I've seen Wicked a number of times - it's very addictive - and I love this song!

Adam should've been given the role of Fiyero - it fits him like the pants he's wearing!! And how I would love to see him in this role. Maybe in the movie version of Wicked?? I can but dream!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wicked is an AWESOME musical ..... love love love it ..... and Adam would've been perfect as Fiyero.

Check him out singing As Long As You're Mine on YouTube with the lass who plays Elphaba ..... just gorgeous! :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam has too much stage presence for Broadway. My hunch is that is why he was understudy. He out shines everyone else, he's too big. In Broadway everything needs to mesh together as one coherent piece, and Adam's projection just blows everything out of the water.

Anonymous said...

Agree with all of you, and particularly love anon at 6:46's insightful comment. (Please give yourself a tag!)

The 4th guy was the only one who even held a candle to Adam, but ohhhhh, did Adam SHINE! Did we swoon at any of the other guys' performances? Ha!

And yes, I've heard those reasons Adam wasn't given the lead + I heard either Adam or one of his theater friends say that good understudies are hard to find and keep. So Adam was like an insurance policy for them. If he'd been the lead, they couldn't have found as reliable and good an understudy - and wouldn't have had that great insurance policy.

I just adore watching him in this. I'll have to watch his part again and again probably.

Thanks to you all that pointed out Terrance and Brooke!


coloforadam said...

I'm glad they stupidly passed Adam by for the lead!! If they hadn't, he might still be there and ....... I don't even want to think what my life, and the lives of millions of others, would be without Adam, the Rock Star, EXACTLY as he is today!! I keep remembering a remark by Scarlett in RS article, "Sometimes if you're too fabulous, people react in a weird way and I think that was part of Adam's path."

Thank you silly Wicked producers!! We love every part of that fabulousness and you can't have him back!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Adam in the role of Fiyero. When I first learned of Adam from AI and started YouTubing his past performances, the video of him performing Dancing Through Life really got my attention for several reasons:

When he sings, his extraordinarily beautiful clear tenor voice sounds like sunshine. You can hear him smiling in his voice. The inflections he uses in his singing are spot on.

His dancing is also extraordinary. When he leaps up onto that statue in one single bound--as high up as it is--(and without jarring his voice) I find that astonishing! He must be incredibly physically coordinated. I'm convinced those legs have some kind of magical springs in them!

With an understanding that he is dancing with scarecrow moves (a foreshadowing of what's to come), I'm blown away by his graceful lines (arms, hands, legs, entire body) and his pirouette leap with spot turn! Adam also seems to have an incredible flexibility and gorgeous arch to his back. I'm convinced--with serious training--he could have been a ballet dancer.

I love that he can sing and dance at same time, effortlessly (without getting out of breath like a couple guys in comparison). He seems to be incredibly aware--of where he is in space, what he's doing with his face & body to match lyrics of song, and in engaging with other actors.

Per Adam, he only got to go on as Fiyero a handful of times. I suspect, that if Adam had been given that role, he would have OWNED it within a week.

6:46 AM I think you are absolutely right. When Adam's on stage (like Paula said), your eyes & ears fixate on him. The rest is a blur. Same with the Ten Commandments. That was also my experience at the 4 GNT concerts I went to.

I wish Elton John (or Webber) would write a Broadway show just for Adam. That boy seems to live for the stage (why I thought he might be a little down lately--no opportunities any time soon--especially during the last year of his 20's)

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

Anon... Jan 27@ 3:00're exactly right. "He stays in your head and heart". And when Adam is performing, speaking, or just standing there, everything else is a blur.

I had never seen these videos before either so thanks 24/7!
