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53 Social Media Summit - Adam Lambert - Do The Fans Have Say

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011

A clip from the Grammy panel.


Anonymous said...

Don't you just want to reach out and put that strand of hair back in place?? :)Smart,confident, and good looking...the total package!

Anonymous said...

He's brillant! Look forward to hearing his new music! I can't wait to see what he comes up with!

Anonymous said...

I like the strand hanging down and it makes me want to pull one down from the other side. So cute!

Spending so much time trying to find this whole session in one place but it seems to be all separate videos and they are interesting. And of course I think our boy is outstanding.

Anonymous said...

That strand of hair is so sexy, I can't stand it.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who doesn't know what the Grammy panel is? Could someone please tell me?

Anonymous said...

Adam sounds like a politician. lol

glitzylady said...

Interview with Adam after the Social Network Panel..among other things he mentions his Paris vacay with a special friend...."very romantic.."

glitzylady said...

Oh, I didn't mean to sound like that was all that was said (above) obviously, although that was interesting, a little "mention"'s a great interview and he speaks of many things, including the new DVD coming out and so much more! Just such an articulate man! Still hoping for that Grammy, but either way, he is definitely going places! So excited for him!

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun te deje un mensaje en el hilo,
ADAM LAMBERT on the Ellen Show (High Quality versión)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, anon8:07, he DOES seem to deliver some lines like a politician. That's because he's said those things 100,000 times.
But I like how he trickles in little bits of new info to make us and the media run with it. Now he was in Paris with a special someone. We kinda knew it but I don't think he's ever confirmed it. So now the Net is going to buzz with speculation, was it Sauli, could be Sauli, had to be Sauli, we saw his face in the background on a pic. OOh Adam is going to love this! He mischievously throws balls in the air then he sits back and laughs watching them fall down erratically all over the place. He's having a great ol' time, and so are we. Thanks for the entertainment, Adam! See ya tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, glitzlady for the link to that interview - the romantic Paris part comes at about 3:30 if anyone is eager to hear. He looked pretty happy and my guess it was Sauli, yay.
Surprised the interviewers didn't take it a step further with a question. I really liked these interviewers and the questions. Poor Adam had to keep on talking after 2 hours of talking haha.
I feel like Adam is finally coming into his own, everything is falling into place and so happy for him!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8.18pm

Thanks for the youtube link but it won't let me watch it. :(

Great to see a little of the Grammy panel here.

Anonymous said...

Great news!! Suz526 uploaded videos from the Grammy Social Media Summit on her youtube page!!