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"Glam Nation Live (CD/DVD)" is #1 at Movers & Shakers

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

Yay, Adam! You're right where you belong, at the TOP!

judys dancin said...

This is fantastic news! I have the feeling Adam is on his way to being a superstar right here in the U.S.A.! He already is a worldwide star, now he's gonna shine here finally, as it should be!! I am praying tonite for a Grammy to be on his fireplace mantel...if he has a fireplace mantel that is!

Anonymous said...

I bought the deluxe dvd from AO.The map made me do it,I love maps.

Anonymous said...

I did, too. Wanted the Tshirt!

Anonymous said...

Adam may be a new to the top (compare with Gaga and others) but for for LONG RUN Adam has much strong future to dominate TOP in showbiz no one can deny his amazing vocal talent and true quality as an artist. Adam rules!

Anonymous said...

How fitting... Adam likes the top ;)

Anonymous said...

@6:23 LOL, I remember that...

Anonymous said...

Awesome. World Superstar is right!

The Dark Side said...

Adam is filling our hearts this week. We have missed his lovely voice, his confidence, his smile, his ability to make us smile and laugh. So thankful for the Grammys that he is out and about again, and making news. He is always our Number one.