ABC Cuts Kiss Between Two Men During Telecast
Filed Under (Others ) by Admin on Monday, February 28, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 28, 2011
From AfterElton:
Last night during the Oscars on ABC, actors Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin came out on stage to present the Oscars The two men walk out onto stage where they engaged in an apparently impromptu dance, though viewers only saw a flash of that before the camera jumped to an extended shot of Penelope Cruz. Thanks to reader Jose Manuel, we now also know that in addition to dancing, the two men exchanged a kiss which you can see here. Frankly, it's hard not to wonder if it might not have something to do with the Adam Lambert imbroglio from the American Music Awards.

Read more over at AfterElton.
Last night during the Oscars on ABC, actors Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin came out on stage to present the Oscars The two men walk out onto stage where they engaged in an apparently impromptu dance, though viewers only saw a flash of that before the camera jumped to an extended shot of Penelope Cruz. Thanks to reader Jose Manuel, we now also know that in addition to dancing, the two men exchanged a kiss which you can see here. Frankly, it's hard not to wonder if it might not have something to do with the Adam Lambert imbroglio from the American Music Awards.

Read more over at AfterElton.
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Oh, that's it. I need to move to Europe. I am so tired of homophobic America...and I live here. Neither the dance nor the kiss is wrong in any regard.
Why is it on the show that a straight man can dress in drag, but if a gay man did it would be cut. Why is it two women can kiss, but two men can't?
I am packing my bags. Now, where did I put my passport?????
abc & a lot of people JUST DON'T GET IT!!!
it is interesting that many female actresses have kissed on award show stages in the past year or so with no cut-a-ways. What networks were those on I wonder, can't remember at the moment. Sandra Bullock...Meryl Streep...
I'd rather see 2 guys kiss than all the violence glorified in the movies up for awards!
Please give ABC exects a break, they didn't want any hassels the next day to keep them from taking The Little Mermaid to her waxing appointment.
Blimey, what a lot of fuss over nothing, doesn't ABC realise that guys kissing guys (in greeting, goodbye, well done etc) is fairly common over a lot of Europe, and Javier Bardem is anon 4.36 said women are always kissing at award shows, people really need to start calling ABC out on their double standards. not sure what this item has to do with Adam though, apart from its the same network...poor Adam seems to get blamed for everything!
I don't think anyone is blaming Adam. It's just the same network doing the same thing. Getting their undies all tied up in knots over nonsense.
Think of the message this sends to all those who were comforted by the IT GETS BETTER videos.
What's the difference in Bullock and Streep kissing and Brolin and Bardem? They were being silly, isn't that allowed?
Somethings really wrong here. I'm very tempted to make a political accusation, but I'll bite my tongue. I don't suppose an avalanche of letters to the network would do a damn bit of good,
NEIL......sic 'em!!!!!!!!!!.....JAK
This is so unnecessary. The US media seems to have certain power to ban the image they don't want American to see. I wonder what else they have in control in your daily life. Radio and TV are vital resources when come to politics. If I am American, I will start to question..or even wonder how much freedom are there.
Without Adam I don´t think we would have this discussion right now.
No wonder so many boys/men are so screwed up and can't show emotions.My father came from Russia and he and all is male relatives kissed hugged and danced together.. Puritanical America ,get a grip,you're destroying the natural ability for people to show love & affection for each other. WTF The only way this country shows feelings is through violence.
Notice how are kids can watch people on TV rape,plunder and kill each other,but a simple kiss between two males is FORBIDDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that is funny that Javier and Josh kissed. they have beautiful women and secure in their straightdom. ABC is discriminating. Didn't Sandra Bullock kiss Meryl Streep at an award ceremony on air? I think we should kiss whomever we want where we want on any part of the body we want!
I wanna kiss Mariska Hargitay on the mouth and I'm a female. Affection is Affection. They should've done a big tongue dive!
I applaud Brolin and Bardem's effort even if ABC has still not evolved yet. Changes for the better are happening...ABC will just be behind the times, and when it suits their purpose and their pocketbook, they will join in.
I thought America is a democratic country???????????? With freedom of speech????????Freedom of emotions???????????? Being silly is part of freedom right????????????
We change your country name to ANTIHOMERICA right?!!!! That's right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Toronto fan base, Canada
ANTIHOMERICA INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bRAVO
These men did something important for us to see and understand. Shame on ABC!
The voice of the people will ALWAYS prevail, it might take a long time but it will eventually rise above the any oppression. We have to stay strong and focused and acts like this by straight men will help. I also loved how one of the Oscar recipients thanked his Boyfriend instead of his "Partner".
Ann Sweeney as a female executive should be embarrassed as she once herself belonged to a group that was discrimated against. She might look like a million bucks but she is not worth it.
Lizard Eyes
OT - As embarrassing as this was, there are occasional sparks of light that give me some hope about the future. Pres. Obama's new social secretary is a male (first time) and also just happens to be gay. His administration announced last week that it will no longer defend DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which said that a marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Also last week the recently elected Democratic governor of Hawaii signed same-sex civil unions into law. It's the 7th state to do so. Just 7 months ago, the former Republican governor vetoed a similiar bill. Just want Adams fabulous fans in other countries to know it isnt always just doom and gloom regarding gay issues here in the U.S. even tho it offen appears that way even to me!
Nah, it ain't happening as long as right wing politics dominate the American scene. The same people objecting to ABC's censorship will still vote for Tea Party, so it's a lose-lose situation. In case anyone hasn't noticed, Democratic politics are now to the Right of Ronald Reagan. Just saying...
I hope all you people forwarded these comments to ABC, because posting them on a blog for Adam Lambert ain't gonna help. All of your comments were intelligent and inspiring, but perhaps we need to be better organized to re-direct our thoughts to these networks to make an impact. Only 1500 people complained about Adam after the AMA's people and all hell broke loose. Lets see if it can work the other way.... Maybe we can make a difference.
Elizabeth from Canada
Thank you Adam Luv, great post.
Elizabeth from Canada
Good point Elizabeth. Anyone know exactly the way to contact ABC. I'll be happy to comment, but I always feel e-mails just get deleted.
I just showed this to my husband to get his input. I tend to get a little crazy : ) (yep..) about these sorts of things, especially since Adam's poor treatment by ABC after the AMA's. We agreed that writing (calmly and reasonably..) to the network is definitely warranted in this case if the spirit moves. They will always hear from the people who object to men dancing together and kissing but not so often from those who are upset about this type of censorship and unfair treatment. In this case, silence can mean approval of the Status Quo. I still remember the Sandra Bullock-Merle Streep kiss on the Golden Globes 2010 show, and as far as I can recall, no one said anything about it..But two men: I guess its a different story. Discrimination, and ridiculous. And agree with Adamluv, we are making some real strides, but this type of thing just sets us back...
This is the contact site for ABC...Its a place to start anyway...
ABC has to get over its issues with two men kissing. We all saw the Sandra Bullock-Meryl Streep kiss in 2010 and no one made a big deal out of it. It is true as someone mentioned, we see so much violence in tv programming about rape, bullying, abuse and in such graphic detail, yet when two men embrace, kiss and show affection, oh, it has to be deleted. It is ridiculous to even suggest that it had something to do with Adam and the AMA show.
Not to stick up for ABC but brothers and sisters is on thier network and the 2 guys are married on the show and kiss constantly. I was always surprized ABC allowed that given they live in the previous century. Maybe it's just live shows they get all wigged out about?
they only kissed for attention
Heh, this is hilarious.
Slightly OT, but Finland might get a gay president next year. If that happens, I can´t WAIT to see how he and his partner are received on foreign visits haha!
No i dont think there are any gay candidates for finnish president, who are you talking about? sauli? lol
I restrained myself and sent a "nice" note to ABC(thanks for the link, Glitzy). Probably went straight into their "spam" file as I chose "complaint" as the type of comment I was making, but it made me feel a little betterer, anyway.
- Adam Fix
Did I see Russell Brandt (Katy's hubby) kiss a guy last night? Or did I imagine that? Oh, maybe this was an interview they did with him on CNN--not sure. He is hilarious.
@9:40: Pekka Haavisto.
@Adam Fix
You're welcome...yes, they might have a "special" file for "discrimination against men kissing" complaints, as in "round", but you never know...Let's hope the comments fall on open and listening ears...and minds...
It is very interesting to me that "Brothers and Sisters" on ABC features a gay couple who occasionally kiss, but maybe that's "okay" because its on after 10:00 pm..(at least in my time others it's on at 9:00pm..) who knows...Very hard to figure....These were just two straight guys being goofy..and possibly making a statement..And yes, I was happy to hear the man thank his would not have heard that until recently...Progress....
And let's not forget Modern Family which is also on ABC - they have Mitchell and Cam in a loving committed relationship. Best show on TV - IMHO!
@Adam luv
Good grief!! How could I forget Modern Family!!?? I show on TV...So very strange about their odd editing out of kissing on Oscar night....Maybe its the "concept" that we know what we are watching with Modern Family and Brothers and Sisters but might not be ready for anything "gay" on the Academy Awards, and those who might be offended (and any small children watching) must be protected...Really?? Very confusing......
adam lambert glam nation tour live DVD/album is now available for pre-order in itunes! (AGirlLikeMe)
hey guy give up on them and see this amazing photo of ADAM LAMBERT. i sure U ALL like this:
http:// (AGirlLikeMe)
adam luv-I too was going to mention Modern Family! I agree with you and Glitzylady that it's def the best on tv! Love, love that show! Looks like we have more in common than just Adam!
"Slightly OT, but Finland might get a gay president next year. If that happens, I can´t WAIT to see how he and his partner are received on foreign visits haha!"
I've always been a big fan of Pekka Haavisto. Loved him since I was a teenager. He is up against a lot though. Being gay is one thing, but being green (Green party) might be even a bigger hurdle. However I'm so excited for his campaign and I've already started convincing people on his merits. He already has my vote.
And for ABC: WHY????
that's the way thigs go sometimes
@Anon Feb 28 6:28PM - thanks for your comment. That bit of news about the current Administration and DOMA was a bright spot indeed! I'm a little bit more optimistic than the Anony who posted immediately following you, lol, and am very pleased w/ Obama's little announcement about DOMA ('though, when reading the Anony's statement, under yours, again a second time, more closely, I can't deny that there is a point there...but baby steps I guess, baby steps are still forward steps). I'd venture to guess, as many a political pundit (or as Palin would say "pundiNt" ;)) has already said, that Obama doesn't "struggle" w/ his feelings on DOMA at all, but hey, the guy needs to concern himself with reelection and I don't blame him for being political about it at all, not one bit, it's just the nature of that beast, to be naive about that fact isn't useful IMO. On the whole, his announcement about DOMA was, as you said, a spark of light, IMHO.
Oh ADAM LUV - that was you at 6:28pm 2/28 - I didn't realize... but should have known somehow, lol.
MGF :)
Maybe Adam was a "slippery slope" for ABC. If they left the Oscar kiss in, then they were just upset with a GAY guy kissing another guy. That would be a bigger fire storm than it is now. On the other hand, I know that Disneyland has gay days and is very gay friendly with their employees (cast members). I get mixed signals from that group. Adamluv - I agree. Progress is being made and, in the scheme of things, it seems to be picking up steam. Adam is part of that, one more cog in the wheel. (I think I'm mixing metaphors, LOL)
Wait a minute, question, were the white suits coincidence?...part of a schtick?... someone please explain, I didnt' watch. Thanks in advance.
Abc where did u learn the alphabet from?!
Did u onli learn the first 3 letters?
cause u're missing the other beautiful 23 letters aka ur missing more than half a heart
What is wrong with you?!
@Ebbtide, Hey gurl! Did you also know that if any person goes to Disneyland on "gay day" they can get their money back if offended by "the day"? Now that offends me! @MGF - maybe I spoke too soon about DOMA since the House Republicans are reviewing ways to provide SUPPORT for the law. No more words necessary . . . @10;32, GREAT COMMENT!
Wow, this makes me ashamed to be American. And didn't Bullock lip-lock Scarlett Johannsen last year at the Oscars? They showed that and people cheered! I also love Modern Family. Have Cam and Mitchell kissed on that show?
It's the same thing in the movies. Sex and violence misconstrued. If they show a man cutting a woman's breast with a knife - rated PG. If a man kisses a woman's breast - rated R. I don't get it either.
I'm sorry to be pessimistic, but I do not believe ABC (which has become extremely far right of center)will ever have Adam on TV or anything to remind us of Adam. This may explain why only 1400 complainers re: Adam's AMA performance out of 14.5 million viewers carried enough weight to get Adam censored &/or blacklisted. I'm disgusted by what ABC did and continues to do to Adam. (I loved that performance; Adam did NOTHING wrong.)
Writing letters to the FCC or ACLU or to Senator Al Franken (@alfranken on Twitter) might do more good. I truly believe Adam's civil rights are being violated by major media corporations, to include the major TV networks and radio channels. i.e. Adam can't have Fever on the radio because he uses one self-appropriate male pronoun "he" instead of she?! I also believe our rights as viewers and listeners are being violated.
Sadly, our media are mostly owned by a very small number of corporations (real people, mostly heterosexual white males--just throwing this in) who want to make big bucks in this right wing climate. Only a handful of corporations control what we hear and see on OUR PUBLIC airways. To me, this is a serious threat to our democracy. Those who control what we see and hear have way too much power--especially in this increasingly repressive right wing atmosphere.
Al Franken is very concerned about this in Washington. He used to be a comedian & writer for Saturday Night Live. He might be a good person to contact. Al Franken also appears to be against controls that corporate media or the government want to put on the Internet, an extremely serious issue.
Kentucky Fan
@ Kentucky Fan, thanks for your well thought out comments. And @ V, yes, they have kissed but only once I believe. That has been a point of contention about the show since the straight couples kiss all the time.
8:30 PM There is an AfterElton article today about this same Oscars kiss & they do connect the dots back to Adam's AMA performance. Interesting. I wish AfterElton would take a stance, or even Elton John!. Somebody in the gay community should step up to the plate and support Adam. Adam's doing an awful lot all by his lonesome. I think GLAAD has sold out to the very media they are supposed to be watch-dogging.
An interesting thing to do: check out the number of YouTube viewings of Adam's AMA performance--the likes vs dislikes, & the comments. Overwhelmingly pro-Adam last I looked.
Complaints to the FCC were ORGANIZED by an anti-gay group similar to Focus on the Family. These complaints are bogus and full of hate. (Didn't RollingStone publish some of the letters?)Adam's performance was way past the 10 PM cut off time for family friendly. On any Sat PM, there will be a lot more racey goings-on during Saturday Night Live.
Kentucky Fan
Way OT ... Hey everyone! How about going to these two poll sites & VOTING for ADAM .... let's SHOW some support ... especially at the first one .... ADAM is THIRD with only 4% of the VOTE??? .. UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Correction on second one:
This is a Fleckingrecord poll ... THANX again!!
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