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Adam Lambert at The Music Box in Los Angeles - Opening Performance

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, February 28, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 28, 2011

Check out this newly edited video of Adam performing an intro of 'Glam Nation Tour' at Music Box in Los Angeles (December 2010)

For Your Entertainment!
Down The Rabbit Hole
Ring Of Fire

Thanks to migueliitaa!


Anonymous said...

I think Adam Lambert had us all under his spell from this opening performance of the GNT. And the rest, as they say, is history. He let us take him in and yes, he did own our hearts. Adam is here for our entertainment and he has become the consummate performer both musically and visually. He is in a league of his own and I can't wait for his DVD to be released in the later part of March to see the entire GNT concert.

Anonymous said...

All her videos are wonderful. Great sound and excellent video quality. She must have been very near to take those angles.

Anonymous said...

One of the best opening number videos of all, and he has HAIR! I'm kind of disappointed that the cd-dvd was filmed when one side of his glorious mop of hair was shaved. But I'll get over it if March 22 hurries and gets here!

Has enough time passed that I can admit I hated the hat and purple coat without being stoned as a heretic? Please forgive me. I would have preferred he wear his ragged black coat from first Leno appearance and iheartradio performances..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Loved watching his FYE performance. Sexy as hell!

Anonymous said...

Jak, I too wasn't very fond of the purple hat and coat till I saw him in concert. It was very much a part of the 'story' beginning with voodoo. After that I loved it.


Anonymous said...

When Adam first comes out on stage for Voodoo you are awestruck by his bigger than life presence. I will never forget how visually and vocally stunning he was. He looked like a star!

Unfortunately I was only able to see him once, but that time is etched in my mind forever. I can't help but remember his love for dress up especially as a child and I applaud the amazing show he gave us in the GNT including the amazing costumes and even the dancers that we have grown to love and admire. (I think Brooke purposely choreographed that part in For Your Entertainment when Adam runs his hands over her chest area...I don't blame you at all Brooke!)


Anonymous said...

This opening medley was more colorful than most of them..great!!! Adam,the band,etc were all @ their best!Don't forget to vote for Adam for Idol of the month..It's started over today..use the same url,& it will automatically take you to the right place( this time,to the left of some Beiber question)Just now,Adam was ahead & Alison I. was second..that could change so easily.I think Adam had 13-14 votes.Vote every 20 mins like before.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Rebecca said...

wow what a ride it was can't wait to do it again

Anonymous said...

That opening gives me chills and I saw it live a few times last summer but it still has an affect on me! The funny thing is when he comes out singing Voodoo..he does put a spell on the audience. I was rendered speechless seeing him up close and could not believe how good looking he is in person. That voice at first..doesn't seem real and your brain has to catch-up and take it all in, that he is really singing live.

I'm hoping the DVD of GNT will be viewed by someone powerful in movie-land and he will be offered a part in a movie..because he is was born to entertain!

Anonymous said...

OT......Mike Catherwood is on "Dancing with the Stars.....we all remember him......from TV and the things he said about Adam and jail.....hope he is the first to go....wish we could vote people off....

Anonymous said...

Adam's GNT video now up for pre ordering with great banner of Adam,on iTunes.. Woowhoo just ordered

Anonymous said...

OMG Anon 5:45am, too...weird. I know DWTS has it's share of B-listers (a term which I hate btw, but it is sort of true) but is Catherwood considered even a B-lister????? Not trying to be mean-spirited, I am genuinely asking? Well, maybe he'll be paired w/ some hip young pro that will choreograph a routine for them to one of Adam's songs... wouldn't that be a howl.

Anonymous said...

good lord I'm wet. jump all over me for saying it if you want, but dayum. although I think Adam himself would be quite fine with that public delcaration. lol

Anonymous said...

ROF was always one of my fav songs Adam covered on (AI). I absolutely love his voice singing that one, the other, ACIGC. & I love DTRH!! I love them all, I just love his voice!
I love Adam's theatrics!, This concert, Glam Nation Tour, was the perfect first concert show for Adam, for us. FYE is the perfect first album, no matter what one liked, loved, or disliked, it was all so perfect.
Sometimes I wonder if Adam is just too much for me, but he is not, he's exactly what I love as a person. I wish I could've gone to more than one show, it's almost like you have to, for an Adam Lambert concert. Maybe this year, just maybe. K

Anonymous said...

Well said K/7:29AM, and for the most part, me too & ditto

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

daydreamin...exactly with the purple coat...didn't care for it till I seen show live and it was great.....matched the theme, the song...Had to be there!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOWWEEEEEEE...F--king HOT...where's Fever...
this is real niceeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

I need more Adam...when's the next Tour...


Anonymous said...

Sign me up!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK @10:14. Ditto. I'm with you all the way. Maybe it's our age. But, I'll still always love the guy.

Anonymous said...

As Adam is performing on stage for his fans, I was just thinking about that little boy inside, doing the same thing, remember the vid Leila had of Adam performing as a kid, & she said she would use it against him or blackmail him with? I am so glad Adam is living his dream, he more than deserves to have his dreams come true! That voice alone should be all that it takes, to have all of his dreams come true! & that includes meeting or collaborating with David Bowie. & find true love!!!! K

adam luv said...

Anon posters, thanks for the heads up about that douchebag who said on radio that Adam would enjoy being sent to jail! A sad commentary that some men still believe rape is an "asked for" enjoyable experience. HOPE he is the first to be voted off.

Anonymous said...

I am not a fan of the coat and top hat either, even when seeing him live. I prefer his leather, more masculine look every time.

The Dark Side said...

Never got to see him perform FYE in concert, so very happy to save this video. Got use to the hat and coat real quick. This is Adam at his OTT best.

Anonymous said...

Other than the jaw dropping wonder of seeing him perform each week on Idol, favorite of his performances was iheartradio, so cute and chatty and funny and impromptu dancing...I prefer that to choreography.

I know the GNT was his dream to "put on a show" and I did stay up each night of the tour waiting for vids to start showing about l or 2:00 a.m. here where I live. I still have the purple dark circles I acquired during that tour from getting about 3-4 hours sleep a night.

But I still prefer him alone with just band and no dancers and no scripted "moves" have seen Citizen Vein vids....that's Rock.

It's my age showing....Rock was "born" when I was about 18. They were good years.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, you are awesome.

- Adam Fix