Adam Lambert at the Grammy Panel!
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011
Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011
The official Grammy twitter tweeted a picture of Adam at the Discussion Panel today!
"Adam Lambert says he lurks on his fans on @Twitter."

"Adam Lambert says he lurks on his fans on @Twitter."

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My goodness, 24/7 you are good! All I do is go get a glass a water and there are always more new pictures
You saw it !!!!!!
ADAM LAMBERT brilliant performance!! AMAZING
Only caught the last couple of minutes of this live cast, so hopefully it will be replayed in it's entirety. I believe You Tube has it also. So much easier if 24/7 puts it up for all the techie misfits, which I am one.
Wow, this was an extremely informative program. I learned so much about social media, now maybe I can keep up with the youngens'.
Adam was well-spoken as usual, and did a great job. Never heard of the "Chamillionaire" guy but thought that he was very smart with his thoughts and ideas as well.
Lurk away BB !!!!
like the background photos
The Summit was amazing. I liked the way Adam is socially aware enough to answer questions the networking guys weren't sure how to answer about their own products! It may be hard to put the whole thing on this site with 1 1/2 hrs of video.
It was obvious that the Grammy people were aware that 99% of the audience (live and virtual) were there because of Adam. Very savvy of them to place him right next to the host for maximum exposure.
Kind of disappointed in some fans who felt the need to attack Chamillionaire on Twitter. Don't they care that they hurt Adam when they act that way?
I'm going to go to the site to confirm, but I think it may be possible to watch Adam's catagory winner be announced live on the Grammy site before the actual televised event. How cool would it be to see him win?!?!?
I only caught the last 15 mins. and am hoping they replay this somehow. I don't see it on the schedule. If anyone knows, please comment on this.
When I'm at «Hell's Kitchen» I work my ass off to feed many people (277 last night!). But when I get home (oh, home sweet home!) no matter at what time, it's time for my sweet Adam and my turn to be as lazy as I can and let «MOM Paradise 24/7» feed me! Yummyyummy! Always delicious, even when at times I choke with a few bones here and there... HA!
PS: We Glamberts are having a plentiful fiest this week, (aren't we Icon?)
I was SO frustrated. It wouldn't feed on my computer. But I could read the comments and the Glamberts were hysterical as always! If there were screens all over the room with the twitter feeds, I can't imagine that people weren't laughing. I personally was in tears reading the comments!
Please, someone, post a link when it's up. I so wanted to listen to this discussion and hear what Adam had to say.
V whatever you find out re: Adam's catogory winner, please post. Thanks ::)
I didn't see negative comments about Cham on the twitter feed at I saw many Glamberts write that they liked him, thought he was intelligent, were now going to follow him too and even welcomed him in to the Glamily. But I suspect there were those who just had to same something negative. Always. Sad.
Really, really interesting. I don't have Twitter and I regret it. Wanted to congratulate @Grammy live on an excellent discussion. It was informative and a lot of fun. John Norris was an excellent moderator, each panelist was given a chance to talk and became more personable to us as time passed by, though we were initially there only for Adam. (Those tweets under the screen were hilarious, I was trying to read them at the same time)
Chamillionaire was a revelation for me. I didn't think it was possible to outalk Adam but he did, and was very likeable and made a lot of sense in the process. Didn't mince his words regarding the big labels and how they try to cash in on everything attached to their artists merchandising etc.
We learned a lot and I bet you Adam did too. Now I just hope hackers are not going to try to figure out what his personal Facebook address is.
And last but not least, once again, being able to watch Adam participating in that panel made me feel really good to be part of his fanbase. I really like the fact that he knows we actively, though unobtrusively, are participating and supporting him with everyting he does, whether we are close or from afar.
Well-done, Grammy Live! I thoroughly enjoyed these past 2 hours. See you again on Sunday night!
Waiting for the link .........
You saw it !!!!!!
ADAM moving performance!! Beautiful ..
Vids are up on Grammy's YT page.
I just watched the whole 2 hour live stream. Very interesting, actually learned alot. It did keep freezing every minute or so, especially when it came to adam's answers. Did this happen to anyone else? I was very impressed with chamillonaire, actually all of them. It was clear that they knew the most viewing audience was there for adam via live stream twitter ect. They also were all very aware of the passionate fan base Adam has, I loved it. I thought adam was alittle nervous at first but then lossened up and once again was articulate, smart and gorgeous as usual. Man, I love that guy and I think other people are seeing what we are all seeing slowly but surly. His massive fan base is getting adam notice by the media.
Excellent show. Adam held his own--so to speak. Really informative. Learned a lot from social media executives.
@ V and @ pg
Thanks a lot for sharing!
I loved the fact that the host mentioned that there was a LARGE group of fans outside just for Adam. Yay! Gee, he's talented, gorgeous and SMART. Being chosen for this panel was certainly a nod of respect. I'm feel so good to be part of his world.
I was playing around on the Grammy live site today, and it does state that the "Pre-telecast" with presentation of awards prior to the actual Grammy Awards Show WOULD BE SHOWN on the Grammy live website. Coverage starting at noon.
Adam's gonna have a looonngg day.
The above panel was interesting. Adam was his usual self, just like he was chatting with friends about Twitter, etc.
Chamilionaire was great. Interviewer at the end even suggested a collaboration which they joked about--not sure their fans would be pissed!? MTV host/moderator was very supportive of Adam.
What's the link, people??!!! I've tried Grammys 2011 live, panel discussion, etc. and haven't found it. Help!!
Try from here
Damn my computer! I lost this comment twice..
For YT vids you can start from here
Ok. I'll try to post the link once more (like for the 5th time!) and then give up and go to sleep
GLB.Thanks for the link !!!!!!!!!
I just loved watching Grammy Nominee Adam Lambert in his Whole Lotta Love leather spiked jacket from the Idol tour, and his silver boots, be so articulate, charming and wonderful once again.
For those wanting to watch the Live stream Grammy website coverage of Adam's portion of the Grammy Awards..
Pre-telecast show 1:00 PM Pacific Time...Sunday Feb. 13th..fingers crossed!!! www.grammy.come GRAMMY on Grammy Live and it takes you to whatever is being live streamed at any given time...
As GLb said go to There is a schedule of events in a small window. The pre-telecast award show which includes Adam's category ( and nearly all the rest of the 98 categories...) begins at 1:00 pm Pacific Time, with the Red Carpet starting at 12:30pm...It has been said that Adam will be sent back out to the Red Carpet again before the "broadcast" show as well. I posted this info somewhere else here a few days ago but don't remember which thread! Things move fast here and who knows where it is now!
Note: Even though watching the show on the computer screen seems a little crazy, the live stream picture from is excellent.
Adam was wonderful on the panel. I got to watch the whole live stream....great camera work. Lots of panning on Adam, Rockstar GlamGod Gorgeous Man! What an outfit! Jacket, shoes lovely. At first he was a little quiet but polite waiting for his turn to be asked questions to comment on and then after a while he loosened up and when asked his opinions, was spot on with his answers. He definitely held his own and participated all the time. It was great he was seated next to the moderator 'cause we got more shots of him all the time. I was reading all the tweets at the same time! The questions from the "live human beings" at the end were all good,intelligent questions. On the whole it was a very informative session. It was an honor for Adam to be on the panel.
Wow! So much good information! Many thanks to you all! What a day!
@ HH
Dejé otra mensage para ti en el hilo «Adam Lambert on the Ellen Show (High Quality Version)»
Adam was so cute on this program,he reminded me of a big school boy.He was laughing alot at Cham's answers that were funny. I think they hit it off good. It didn't sound like anyone was being rude to Cham, he just said the messages were intense. I hope they had a good time at the after party,food and a live band.Loved how the two entertainers dressed.
@ib and @CT - agree with what you both wrote. Watched the entire live stream and thought I was only going to be interested in what Adam had to say but ENJOYED THE ENTIRE DISCUSSION! Learned so very much! Loved how the 'Foursquares"grey V neck founder and the 'Pandora" blue shirt guy mentioned Adams name several times while speaking. And Chamillionaire gave some really insightful responses. I also liked his song "Ridin' Dirty" but never knew if the lyrics meant he was carrying guns or drugs in his car. Anyone know which? Very impressed with Adam, as usual.
There was no better person to have on this panel than Adam Lambert. He is intelligent, articulate, and extremely savy about the use of social media in today's society. He held his own as a member of the panel and seemed to be very comfortable in this type of venue. The man is just amazing and just gets better everytime he makes an appearance on another tv show as he has done this past week.
It really was fun and informative to watch this program. It makes you realize how things have changed over the last few years with social networking, and its huge effect on the music industry. Honestly, I've been on Twitter for a few months and I have come to realize what a fun source of information it is. If you follow the right sites and people, the info is instant. I was also pleasantly surprised to see the first person from the audience who asked a question (about gender balance in social networking..) was a friend of mine. I knew she was there but who knew she'd be on the show! Small world in this fandom! Oh, and of course, Adam was surprise there. And he does "lurk" and read some of the tweets directed to him, so you never know, he might read your tweet!
Will post this here too...I left the Live Stream before this came on (thought it was over...), so was glad it was finally posted....
Interview with Adam after the Social Media Panel
@glitzylady Thank you, dear! This interview is fantastic. To be honest I liked more than any other interviews which Adam had last few days. This one is the best!
Hopefully I will have chance to watch the Summit.
Here's a bunch of the clips on YouTube....
- Adam Fix
The Summit was very informative and interesting. Watched the whole thing and really enjoyed it. Loved to hear that Adam likes to lurk on Twitter and his Fan Sites. I always word my posts as if Adam were reading them - and I hope he does.
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