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Adam Lambert on The Ellen Show (High Quality Version)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011

This interview/performance was posted this morning but here is a better quality version!


Anonymous said...

Día de Gloria !!!
Todavía saboreo este día, no quiero que se evapore. Su presencia, su mirada, su sonrisa dulce , el sonido acaríciante y vibrante de su voz y su verbo elocuente y conciliador .ADAM se hizo de nuevo presente y su rendimiento extraordinario, nos demostró que su Arte y Estilo único es merecedor de los más grandes honores y premios. ADAM llega, como nadie lo hace y entrega su caudal de emociones a sus seguidores, que las reciben y los transportan a un estado de total felicidad !!!!!.
Gracias a Ellen que lo valora y lo ama.

Anonymous said...

GRACIAS Monte por su excepcional música, brillando con luz propia en cada acompañamiento.

Anonymous said...

I love this performance so much. It's so meaningful. <3333

Anonymous said...

You guys also watch Adam's interview and his performance on TheEllenShow website and youtube pages to show support and make Adam's videos on her site the most popular videos.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Adam looks sooo beautiful, he glows when he is sooo happy‼... good, good, great! :)
♫♪ what ~♪ do ~♪ you want from me ♫♪

Anonymous said...

Absolutely loved Adam on the Ellen Show. He is so personable and charming and quite funny talking about the phone call telling him about the Grammy nomination. His acoustic performance of WWFM was so beautiful and pure. He changed it up a bit with the music and lyrics. In talking about AI with Ellen, I think that Adam set the bar so high during Season 8 that no one will ever reach the same degree of vocal ability as he did throughout all the performances he did week after week. It will be disappointing not to see him on stage for the Grammys this Sunday, but hopefully Adam will take home the award along with someone special too.

Anonymous said...

what can I say? I LOVED IT.

Anonymous said...

Love his voice! I never get tired of listening!

Anonymous said...

This is AMAZING! Adam never sings WWFM same way! He looks suberb on the Ellen show. Adam has fantastic sience of humour! And his smile kills me<3
Anyway, after watching all of these shows, pictures,and reading your comments girls, I GOT FEVER!!!!!!! Seriously:) My manager sent me home today at 3:00pm:)

Anonymous said...

I must have been hiding under a bushell to have missed this video. Love it. Leaving link if anyone interested. :)It is none other than a very special video of Adam and Tommy getting it on to the tune of "Number One"

Anonymous said...

Oh please, not more Adam and Tommy kissing. Can we please MOVE ON!! I enjoyed it in the show, but we have an exciting new week of new things now ..

Anonymous said...

To me listening to Adam sing is like going on a journey. He takes you away from everyday hum drum. Adam is so comforting to listen to, and look at. Life can be tough, that is why we all need our daily Adam Fix, he makes our hearts and souls sing. I love him and am so proud of him. He is special.

Anonymous said...

I've commented on many threads lately already, but I've neglected to say kudos to Monte regarding his appearance accompanying AML... Monte is magnificent.


Anonymous said...

I just watched The Ellen Show on my DVR and towards the end of her show she mentioned that on Friday (or tomorrow for some) she is going to pull out items that celeb. left behind under the cushion of her guest seat. One of the items belongs to Adam. So we all have to set our DVR or watch The Ellen Show tomorrow again to see what item Adam left behind. LOL!

Anonymous said...

everytime i watch this video i think that any1else can't perform this song better than adam.oh he made me U'R beautiful and there's nothin' wrong with U.I LOVE U ADAM.

Anonymous said...

Perfection! Oh, if only I could make up a playlist of songs for Adam and Monte to do.

Tracks of My Tears, Come Home, I Can't Make You Love Me, Dust in the Wind, I Just Love You. Want.Feeling Good, One, If I Can't Have You,Broken Open, Soaked,Come to Me from Brigadoon,Can't Let You Go, Mad World and A Change is Gonna Come.

There that would do for a start.

Anonymous said...

Please vote for Adam on this Grammy Poll. You can only vote once. Tell other fans to do this.

Anonymous said...

Ellen is a nice, but I didn't like Adams performance at all. What was he trying to do, put people to sleep? I think the Grammy is gone to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert @11:04 pm. I just wish Ellen had thrown glitter balls for Adam's charities, similar to how she threw footballs with Clay Matthews for his charity.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:19, Adam is off the track.

Anonymous said...

How is it that Adam is able to completely FOCUS on whom ever is interviewing him. He is such a rock star but is able to ground himself and focus on the other person, ALWAYS!!! WHO IS THIS GUY?
Amazing! Check out his eyes and how he is able with all of that audience adoration, to penetrate the eyes of whom ever is talking to him.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks at you with undivided attention, like you're the only one in the universe.Total eye contact, just hypnotising. His voice sounded so well rested and pure and Monte was magnificent as always. He instinctively seems to always know where Adam's going. They seem joined at the hip and hope they will always be together. I love the acoustic version. Adam and Monte were perfection. No need for anything else but Adam's voice and Monte's guitar. Adam blows me away every time.Love that man more and more, if that's possible. Never tire of hearing him speak, looking at that expressive, exquisite face or hearing his angelic, pure voice. Wish all of the grammy voters could see this video. There would be no contest. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I love his voice so much!! So do Ellen. Two of my favourite person there. What a Friday morning! Good luck to our precious Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless after watching that.....but if I wasn't I would say exactly what you just said!

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Adam is the perfect man. Everything is perfect: Voice, body and character.

Anonymous said...

Adam can pull off so much emotion and he is beautiful. I am speechless too.

Anonymous said...

Troll 11:04pm .... take a hike on your trike. Ditto other trolls.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we're doing a good job lately ignoring those trolls. One can tell when a poster is a troll, and not someone just expressing their opinion! Yes, we're doing a good job ignoring that silliness lately. No attention given, no power given. No credence given, no pleasure garnered by troll.

Also, at Anon 3:21am above, fucking hot indeed.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 You said it perfectly.

I can't get enough of Adam, if there isn't anything new I re-watch his pre-idol days at the Upright Cabaret of the Zodiac Show or His idol performances or old interviews, I need help he is such an addiction, but I'm loving it. Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was suppose to say or the Zodiac Show not of

Anonymous said...

Beautiful performance by a beautiful man inside and out. Monte is amazing on the guitar.Wish Ellen could have talked to him more about his tour, new album, and his charity water. But just so glad to see Adam on TV again, hot hot hot!!!!

HH / Fan4fun said...

Glamily, as promised in the other Ellen's tread, here you go (HH repeated here her comments):


HH's 6:45PM
«Day of Glory!!! I'm still tasting this day, don't want it to vanish away. His presence, his look [eyes], his sweet smile, the affectionate and vibrant sound of his voice and his eloquent and conciliatory word. ADAM, again, is present and his extraordinary rendering showed to us that his artistry and unique style are deserving of the greatest praises and awards.
ADAM comes like no other does and delivers his torrential emotions to his followers whom welcome and entrance them to a level of total happiness!!! Thank you to Ellen who values and loves him. HH»

HH's 6:47PM
«Thank you Monte for your exceptional music, shining with own light [brilliance] in every single accompaniment. HH»

by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Fantastic performance. He is nothing but brilliant. But Ellen, please! I love you, but even if your mind and thougts are with American Idol, Adam has moved on. I´m sure he would have prefered speaking about his world tour than the AI judges. I don´t know how many times he had to have an opinion about those folks on the judging panel, as if he is linked to that show for ever. Do they ask Kris Allen the same silly questions when they interview him? After all, he won that title and his opinions would be more valuable.


Fan4fun and Icon said...

@ delilah5

Are you feeling better, honey? FEVER... only that one sweet Adam gives to us is allowed on 24/7 «Paradise» land. To heal other kind of fever, remember and remember good: sweet Adam each 3 hours a day, and NO ALCOHOL at all!

Anonymous said...

THANKS my creative Fan4fun for his excellent translation. Very grateful.

Please vote for Adam is at a disadvantage
The GRAMMY. only vote once.

Anonymous said...

Rushing out the door - but just had to quickly post about "Ellen" today, friday 9am EST... she just had a contest to send people who dressed up as their favorite artist and sang a quick artist related ditty to the Grammy's... a guy who did Adam Lambert just won... he did sort of a silly tongue-in-cheek thing... anyway, I'm typing fast, late again (damn you Adam Lambert, my lateness always can be traced back to AML in one way or another, lol) so I hope that made sense... just another example of AML being in the media and public consciousness this week.... lawdy wouldn't it be magnificent if AML was in the public consciousness NEXT WEEK for a Grammy win Sunday night!! Late late late


Anonymous said...

Gracias FGM Por tu comentario,todo lo relacionado con ADAM es importante ...y deseando más y más información

Anonymous said...

FGM Thanks for your comment, everything about ADAM's important ... and wanting more and more information!!!

Anonymous said...

@Fan4fun & Icon:) Thank you for care, friends. Feel slightly better. Back at work:(
What's going on with these trolls who suddenly apperead in 24/7 paradise? Probably these are Justin Bieber and his big brother Usher fans! By the way, Ellen made Justin to sing on Wednesday! It was hilarious. Kid can't sing at all! I had chance to listen small part of this show:) They removed it from internet, even from Perez Hilton blog! Perez wrote few comments about this performance:)

Anonymous said...

sorry: FGM

Anonymous said...

Just watch Ellen show about that Adam Lambert dress up singing contest in Canada. It is so funny and I really love Ellen supporting Adam from beginning up to now and giving him lots of exposure through TV.

Anonymous said...

So good to see him so happy and the voice OMG love it!

Peace and love from Norway

Anonymous said...

Hei Eva! Husker jeg rett at du ikke så Adam da han var i Sverige? Jeg så han i Oslo,det var en helt utrolig stemning under hele konserten.Ønsker deg en fin helg:)

Peace and love from Norway

Fan4fun said...


I really don't understand why HH and her «nutter translation method» call you «FGM» instead of the right reverse MGF. Wasn't it enough Glambrit Isle of Wight/UK (were is she?????) has called you twice Glam Mass Fan and yesterday I called you «MGS» in my hurry to go to work? hahaha! If somebody by mistake calls you «MGM» you may start do make movies (the star would be always AFL)?... But before this happens, lets try some meaning for the «new tag FGM» HH has been calling you. Do you want to start a contest among the 24/7 «Paradise» regulars? lol

@ HH querida:
Nuestra amiga és MGF (MassGlamFan), not FGM.
(Hahahaha! Tu eres tán querida!!!)

Anonymous said...

Gracias querida, Fan4fun por entender mis problemas de traducción, español - inglés
Al traducir un cambio en las letras, quise corregir y paso igual.
Soy muy afortunada en contar contigo,siempre agradecida, dile a Icono que me
tenga paciencia. Saludos.

Fan4fun said...

HH's 10:58 AM said:

«Thank you dear Fan4fun for understand my problems with translation (Spanish-English). When I tryed to translate one letters change [mistake] it stayed the same. I'm very lucky for counting on you, always grateful, and tell Icon I ask him to be patient. Regards. HH»

@ HH
Querida, I really hope you (or Glamily) don't think I'm trying to embarrass you. You are doing great, with or without a method. I guess everybody here loves your comments and appreciates your efforts... what a way to show your love to sweet Adam!!! Wow, I'm so proud of you, you are such a good Glambert!
But I can't help not to play with your «language problems»... Sorry, I got this good mood running into my veins with my hot mixed blood. To play with words and situations... it's all I do! And sometimes I feel a fool. Well, I see it as simple as this: once sweet Adam doesn't want me to be his WIFE and probably never hires me as his Chef-Cook, I'll give him the chance to hire me as his FOOL. You know... every KING needs a fool in his COURT, isn't it? Hahaha!

PS: You have no idea how much patient my poor Icon is. Time to feed him now... he's here at my feet, patiently waiting for his dinner.

Anonymous said...

It's all good peeps, no worries :). Funny Fan4fun.

FGM works - Frickin' Gorgeous Mamma

MGS is fine too - Massive Glamgod Supporter

It's all good, lol


Fan4fun said...

@ MGF (or FGM or MGS)

Glamshit! The contest hasn't even started yet and we've got already the WINNER!

Where the hell is our audience to lough their ass off with us? LOL

Anonymous said...

stellar rendition!!!awestruck by his look and his impeccable performance!!second to none!

Anonymous said...

Mi creativa Fan4fun, en ningún momento me he sentido avergonzada, sino muy afortunada de contar contigo, una persona altamente Humana , solidaria,y con un alto grado de humor característica de una mujer positiva e inteligente, que transmites con mucha creatividad y gracia sus emociones, en los comentarios que haces de tu dulce ADAM. yo me recreo en tus historias de la vida real , donde Icono ya es un personaje muy querido.Ahora conozco que Azore es un grupo de nueve islas portuguesas con paisajes espectaculares, naturaleza virgen y un rico legado cultural. Es maravilloso que a través del amor a ADAM, nos unimos a otras personas y recorremos un mundo virtual. ! Fantástico !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hej Norway!
Jag såg honom inte!!! Jag är en idiot. Jag hoppas han kommer till Globen nästa gång. Ha de!:)
PS: Såg att pappa Eber fått paket från Norge och han tackade på norsk! :)

coloforadam said...

If you had even the tiniest question left in your mind about why you love that guy SO much, watching that just blew them all away. Beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful. He becomes better and better every day :)
And his voice.... It's awesome!

The millions of kisses from Ukraine!