Adam Lambert Posing With Sarah M at Belve Red event
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011
Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011
It was awesome hanging with Joe Jonas, Usher, Adam Lambert and Paris Hilton at Avalon. Went to music box event first the over

Belve Red event
Adam Lambert and me. He was standing with Paris Hilton, after Paris said hi to me he came up and put his arm around me and we took this picture, then he grabbed my hand and formally kissed my hand. Hes so nice and so funny. Usher and his group were sitting by us and I went in and said hi and thanked him for all he’s done for Justin Bieber. My friends and I will be forever greatful. Plus im a HUGE fan of his. Was hanging with these people for about 45 minutes. Adam, Paris, Usher and Joe were awesome.
Thanks to adamholic!
It was awesome hanging with Joe Jonas, Usher, Adam Lambert and Paris Hilton at Avalon. Went to music box event first the over

Belve Red event
Adam Lambert and me. He was standing with Paris Hilton, after Paris said hi to me he came up and put his arm around me and we took this picture, then he grabbed my hand and formally kissed my hand. Hes so nice and so funny. Usher and his group were sitting by us and I went in and said hi and thanked him for all he’s done for Justin Bieber. My friends and I will be forever greatful. Plus im a HUGE fan of his. Was hanging with these people for about 45 minutes. Adam, Paris, Usher and Joe were awesome.
Thanks to adamholic!
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Who is Sarah M? Yes, thank you Usher for promoting the Beaver, Jeez.
Sick of JB. We have whole JB entertainment week in Canada before Grammy. Hope to see more Adam. I don`t know who is this girl, but I know whoever get picture with Adam will always seek this kind of attention from the media. She may be the one come up to Adam.
Adam looks a little red eyed there. I can never understand why people want to boast out with their pictures seeking 'media' attention. I know Adam but I sure as hell wouldn't post my pictures.
Thanking Usher for all he has done for JB? Please, so sick of all the exposure and hoopla for someone who can not sing. Adam is the one who needs to be promoted more because he has the real talent. My stomach gets in knots when I think of Beiber performing at the grammys and not Adam. Yes, who is this girl anyway?
Does anyone know who SarahMonline is? She hangs out with celebrities? I don't know why anyone would talk about JB on this site. Adam is the talent and I hope the Universe is working on his winning a Grammy.
Missed his interview on Access Hollywood earlier because they interrupted with a news bulletin.
Hope it shows up later.
a little red-eyed. He most have been consuming alcohol! Fun times!
Adam looks great.
Don't be mean, you sound jealous.
She's a fan just like the rest of us.
Lucky girl. Thanks SarahM for the fun pic!
Love the Adam pic and comments. If Adam came over to me and hugged me and kissed my hand, I might lose control. Seriously, I don't know what I would do. I would probably say over and over how much I love him and then someone would call security! nancdruuu2
Okay, ladies. Come down. This girl is very young. She still has Bieber "Fever". However, she loves Adam and was happy to have picture with. It will take two-three months and she relise that Justin B doesn't have any voice and brain abilities:)
@ Anonymous 8:40AM
We loved your «beaver», was so funny! lol
Awww! someone is... TIPSY‼ :) and yet still such a gentleman... kisses the hand of a Sarah M. *jeeluz*
Adam looks awful here. Really not the best photo. Lets hope this one stays hidden.
alway the gentlemen and always so sweet no matter what. happy she got to meet him
Don't know who Sarah is, but thanks for the picture and story. While Adam does look a little red eyed, could also be the camera lights. Know Adam likes a good time, but fortunately we have never seen him out of control.
Blood shot eyes means lots of tongue diving! hahehahehahehah
I can't believe she is just a fan like the rest of us. I'm sure someone - maybe even Sarah will tell us her connection!!??
I think it was the AI8 show, when Adam & Alison finished their Slow Ride, Adam stopped , looked at her, & then kissed her hand. I thought that was so special between two friends. A good memory for me.
As to the Bieber thing, I take solace in reminding myself that JB's fanbase and Adam's fanbase are very different. Adam is for grownups. I don't know of anyone over the age of 16 who would be caught dead being a JB fan. (Okay, there might be a few.) I don't hate him at all. I just have no interest in him. Adam is such a complete artist and person in every way. There's no beating him.
I guess Adam had too much vodka. This event was to promote vodka red, which is using the money to help aids in Africa. Usher is promoting the event. If there is a charity event going you will usually find Adam there.
Can't ADAM have a good time without everybody commenting on his eyes being red from drinking? I have red eyes all the time & it aint from drinking. My husband has to use eye drops too. WTH ...
i think he looks high lol
Vodka= RED EYES!
Red eyes .... Adam might have an eye infection or he might've gone to bed without removing his eye makeup. To tell you the truth, I didn't even notice his red eyes the 1st time I looked at the photo. WTH .... they're his eyes and their gorgeous!
Red eyes can mean a couple of things that have nothing to do with drinking.
Drinking is a legal activity for adults - he likes it - he was asked to come and drink - he has a ride home - I love the way he gets silly and huggy and red eyed and if you listened to his interviews, he knows his limits and can still have fun!! He doesn't need permission or warnings or to be defended.
Ok peeps...yes Adam WAS was the launch party for Belvedere RED....Belvedere is a brand of higher end VODKA... He is a huggy and lovey person to start throw a lil alcohol in the mix and we get VERY huggy,lovey,silly Adam!! Who gives a flying monkey if his gorgeous eyes are lil bloodshot?? He's still as presh as ever!!! GET OVER IT <3
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