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Adam Lambert on The Ellen Show!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011


Anonymous said...

How is this already posted? Isn't the show broadcasted later on today? Unbelievable: Adam's fans are always ahead of everything. Thank you so very much!

(Notice the little variation, "what DO you want from me, what DO you want from me")

Anonymous said...

Adam put eye make-up on for Ellen. I liked him better without, the way he was earlier at The Talk.

Fan4fun said...

For all those who have this video blocked like me, in Azores, MGS gave us the clue to see on youtube (I could see it!):

Leaving now to «Hell's Kitchen». See you later.

Anonymous said...

Oh God, I missed it. I hope they repeat it this afternoon at 4. I love the way he changes the melody every time. He's a genius.

Anonymous said...

You mean MGF Fan4fun :), but yes, that is the right link from YT that should work.

Anonymous said...

This was the most beautiful I have ever heard him sing because he gave us a lil' acapella!! BRAVO! BRAVO!
& we just love his voice alone.
Monte plays so beautiful, he can strum those strings like no other.
Gawd, please let Monte, Tommy, Cam, & Issac stay together with Adam, we lost LP, & that broke my heart.Each of these musicians are so special & they belong together!
Thank you Ellen for having Adam & Monte on your show. She is so lucky she gets to kiss those "lip freckles"!!!
Now back to the vid.

Anonymous said...

This has not aired yet!!! How did this get online?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I love how women keep hugging him, every time, several times. Celebrities, journalists, fans. Hugs, hugs, hugs. Mmm mmm... That's all we can get from this sexy hunk of a man...Sigh. Well, I want to enter a contest in which I don't win an autograph, a pic or 5 minutes on Twitter; I want my own hugs for 5 minutes, and my very own fireman's carry. Where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

LOVED that he sang it acapella! It so shows off his incredible, crystal clear voice. Anyone who hears that simply cannot deny he deserves that Grammy!!

Anonymous said...

To anon at 9:16: I saw the show at 10 a.m this morning in the Detroit area. Think it depends on where you live as to the time it airs. I don't recall ever hearing him sing that song more beautifully! And of course, he looked absolutely gorgeous--love the "new" look with less makeup and hair brushed back.

Anonymous said...

He sang that song so beautifully on Ellen and he looked amazing. I wish he would have been asked to sing at the Grammys and he could have done it just like this. There is no one else that can sing like Adam and I hope so much that he gets the Grammy.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic in every way!
I was hoping Ellen would mention Adam's birthday charity or his sold out tour - they didn't need to spend time talking about the Idol judges. But clearly Ellen loves him, our shining star.

Anonymous said...

It's true guys. I love Ellen but please please be prepared, she should have spent that brief time asking him about his TOUR, gosh dang it! Or his next album. What a misstep on her part IMHO. I love her, I do, but I find her to be a terrible interviewer, well, as far as getting good, new, usefull info out of her guests. I find that A LOT with her actually, but I just usually don't care as much as I did today with Adam, lol!

Anonymous said...

@9:16am, it aired at 9am EST in the Boston area.

Anonymous said...

Adam has showed the world what a real singer he is. He makes it so beautiful, every note is so emotional and personal. Have to give big HUG to Ellen putting him on before the Grammy. Grammy people, most of your performers need to be kicked off the stage, just saying.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful and emotional, even more so than usually (a lot said I know :-) but was he singing playback ? :-O or was that just unsyncronised tape ?
Since his voice and lip movement are not in sync

Anonymous said...

Playback. *gringes* Or at least that was my initial reaction when seeing this video. Oh well, I love him anyway, and it sounded incredibly good, as always, so it's all good...

Anonymous said...

Literally melted my heart.
I don´t know if I´ve ever heard anything that beautiful before, honestly.

Tin foil hat warrant :-D :

Did he give the camera a meaningful look at 3:03 ( at " here we are" ) , then at 3:55 and then
super-meaningful at 4:08 ( when he sings " just don´t give up " ).
If someone asked me I´d say he sang this song for someone ( I´m not mentioning any names, could be almost anyone ), because it obviously came deep from hes heart. Luckily no one is asking me :-D
People might get crazy with my speculations ha


But truly,
that was without a doubt best liveperformance I´ve ever seen... Undescribable

Anonymous said...

^ correction, best pre-recorded liveperformance I´ve ever seen/heard :-D

Anonymous said...

He's so beautiful! How can we not just absolutely love him! An amazing performance by both Adam and Monte. Mesmerizing!

Anonymous said...

Noticed that too anon 10:08, he better not have lipsynched that! I don't think he did tho, it's youtube.
OMG! I got a sign today, a good one that Adam is going to win his grammy! Well, one of Adam's favorite movies is playing right now on E ch., Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, with Leo Decaprio, Adam likes Leo. I just freaked out & thought OMG, this is a movie Adam likes.
Unusual for me to forget, but I forgot the title of Adam's fav movie, can someone help me here please? the rockstar movie.Damn! Please forgive me Adam, & fellow Glamberts! You know they should have a trivial boardgame for Adam Lambert. & I'd probably lose, lol!
Ellen will be on in a hour here in OK, so gotta run! (still thinking about that fav movie of Adam's).

Anonymous said...

I love it how he runs to Ellen to hug her <3

Anonymous said...

I think Ellens shows are recorded at least two weeks in advance, like all the other shows. Its live, but recorded to be shown later.I think thats how they all work. Yes he did look like he was singing to someone, were you listening Sauli? (oops, did I say that)

Anonymous said...

I meant it probably wasn´t live in front of the studio audience......... I think he was lipsyncing

Anonymous said...

Off Topic-- they have a poll on official grammy site asking to vote for who you think grammys will pick for best male vocalist. 38% to MJ 36% to bruno mars and only 18% to adam. Pissed on that one and the fact thay just added bob dylan and more performers. If they are still adding every day why can't they fit adam in?? Don't mean to kill the wonderful buzz on this thread however. Loved Adam on Ellen. Just breathtaking.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful! Adam sang like an angel, straight from his heart. It almost moved me to tears. He should be performing this accoustically on the Grammy's. He would blow away everyone there! And I would love to be on the receiving end of one of his warm hugs! YUM!!

Anonymous said...

This video was made by mjsbigblog and it is so out of sync just like her other videos of Adam. Watch the real performance on t.v. It's real. Ellen always says that her recorded part of the program is done in front of live studio audience. So yes there were audiences watching Adam and they even tweeted about it. Adam on purpose changed the lyrics and melody so people won't say that he is lip syncing still some think that he did. No matter what he does there are always people interpreting Adam's work according to what they feel fit.

Anonymous said...

Adam wore his "performance make-up" for Ellen. He always looks fierce no matter what! This performance should prove Adam deserves to win a Grammy. He is so talented, so gorgeous, so humble, how could he not win! I think he should have been nominated for more grammys, but GOOD GOD PLEASE LET HIM WIN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Also, at the Grove yesterday, Adam told us at the end of his Extra recording that he has to go to Ellen for interview and live performance. That's why he couldn't hang around any longer to meet with his fans. So this performance was recorded at Ellen yesterday in front of live studio audience. Not two weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Ellen show was recorded the other day...the live cam was tweeted what yesterday or the day before but it's not two weeks ago

Anonymous said...

To anon 10:35--Adam's favorite movie is Velvet Goldmine staring Ewan McGregor and Jonathan Rhys Meyer---The song "20th Century Boy", which he sang as an encore on tour, came from that movie.

Anonymous said...

Lip synch??? Adam would never do that. Loved the way he changed it up with the music and lyrics. His acoustic versions are so special. There are very few, if any musical performers, who can sing so beautifully without all that techncial auto-tuning, backup singers, etc. done in the studio and then trying to perform the song live on stage. Adam Lambert is one talented, charismatic, personable and very gorgeous man. This has been a good week with his numerous tv appearances and the upcoming Grammy media panel for him. Too bad he is not actually performing on the show, but hopefully he will take home the award and also someone special that night. Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

@11:30 I thought I knew everything about Adam, you glamberts continously amaze me with how much more you know than I do. And I didn't think I missed a thing lol.

Anonymous said...

Not lip synched it was the video out of synche as was mentioned above. A beautiful performance one of the best I have seen them do, and beleive me I have seen many. We wnt get this episode odf Ellen for about to weeks so thanks so much,
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

a great singer! I never get tired of listening to him sing! Ellen adores him and the feeling seems mutual.

Anonymous said...

I just jumped down in this comments section from the top, and I think others have already addressed the lipsync issue, but NO, it's just a You Tube thing!!! No playback/backing-track either in my humble opinion. And not recorded weeks ago, remember, he just soundchecked yesterday!

Anonymous said...

An addition to this discussion - a tweet I saw on MJ'sBB earlier today:

02/10/2011 at 10:11 am
A tweet from the Tv stage manager on Ellen Show

ProfessorOM Just watched Adam Lambert DECIMATE 85% of the singers that ever stepd on this stage..acapella. Ridiculous. Who won Idol his year? …I’ll w8
about 1 hour ago via ÃœberTwitter

I posted it on the other thread, but thought it was sort of relevant here :).


Anonymous said...

and also, regarding Velvet Goldmine... I came across this the other day on YT, I'd never seen it before, might be kinda interesting to some of you peeps??:


Anonymous said...

20th Century Boy is from T-Rex. It was just used in the Velvet Goldmine movie.

Anonymous said...

Hum, I think some of you are reading too much into that "special look to someone" he gives during the song. Wasn't it simply...for Ellen's benefit? He is looking to his left, where she sits. They are friends, and he is just being his usual uber-charming devastating flirtatious self. He knows he can do that with her. She won't take it seriously, nor will she try to convert him after the show, ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

OK, confession time. That "special look" was for ME!!! With all due respect to Adam's delicate sensibilities, I now need to force myself on this boy because I am SO IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!

Apologies to my wonderful husband of 20 years (we got married when I was 9) who knows I have totally lost it over this man, and alternately laughs at me, says "I get it", or rolls his eyes.

- Adam Fix (love struck)

Anonymous said...

Not playback. You will see Ellen Page and tuning
between words and music is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Sorry! ... I mean page, not Page.

Anonymous said...

oh Adam Fix, you kill me ('ya know - not the Death by Adam sort of Thud/Dies kill me... lol... but the other kind of kill me... and frankly, I needed it right now ;))


ps. 20thCB by TRex - check it out, insight into BB IMHO

Anonymous said...

In reference to the film Velvet Goldmine, a favorite of Tommys and's a very sexy film about early androgynist boy on boy love rock stars.

If you watch it you will see a lot of costumes and drama that Adam was perhaps influenced by and incorporated into his Zodiac club performances.

I'll admit when I saw it years ago it made me feel a bit "squirmy".....Not to be watched with children in the room.

Definitely from the English SEX, DRUGS and ROCK and ROLL era.


Anonymous said...

The serenading Adam! But who's on the balcony? I mean... the balcony he sings under, because I know we are all hanging over all the other edges around... staring into that bright-eyed abyss... I Know I slipped and broke.. my heart one year ago! Since then, I’ve grown some claws (remember?) and learned how to.. just clench hard on.. well, you ..Berts, of course. So, hang on... or else I’ll fall along with you. Again!
:-) GLb

Anonymous said...

Día de Gloria !!!
Todavía saboreo este día, no quiero que se evapore. Su presencia, su mirada, su sonrisa dulce , el sonido acaríciante y vibrante de su voz y su verbo elocuente y conciliador .ADAM se hizo de nuevo presente y su rendimiento extraordinario, nos demostró que su Arte y Estilo único es merecedor de los más grandes honores y premios. ADAM llega como nadie lo hace y entrega su caudal de emociones a sus seguidores, que las reciben y los transportan a un estado de total felicidad !!!!!.
Gracias a Ellen que lo valora y lo ama.

Anonymous said...

GRACIAS Monte por tu excepcional música, brillando con luz propia en cada acompañamiento.

Anonymous said...

Go see glamfan2011 vídeo. Words and music is perfect.

Anonymous said...

He was doing promo for the Acoustic EP..

Anonymous said...

So very happy to find this here..I missed it. He sounds so clear, pure and

The Grammy show made a huge mistake not letting him sing.

I love Bob Dylan but really? I saw him 2 yrs ago and couldn't understand a word he sang..if you call that singing! Great man, song writer,etc. but his voice is worse than ever now.

Anonymous said...

@Adam Fix you are hilarious. Marry me!


Anonymous said...

The link didn´t open. It was something wrong with the url.

Anonymous said...

If anyone who votes in the Grammy's saw this performance, there would be no question who would win - a flawless, moving performance! Let's hope they were watching..

Anonymous said...

I hear that Velvet Goldmine is about the life of a Bisexual glam rocker. isn't the movie about David Bowie? I haven't seen it, but will check it out sometime. Adam looks great in all the new interviews!

Anonymous said...

@ pg:

You are great! What would Ellen "convert" Adam to? Lesbianism? I think he has too many moving parts!

My poor DRV is having a breakdown. Now I need to set for Access Hollywood, too.

Seriously though, this can be nothing but good getting all of the exposure Adam has been getting this week. Does anyone know when the decision on who wins what category actually takes place? I hope this helps Adam win, as opposed to some drugged-up criminal or post-humous artist. (or someone who can't really sing, just talk to lyrics). Wow, the cranky just came out, better go watch more Adam and get my head right!


adamluv said...

Just saw the show and think they just squeezed Adam in and shortened other segments! Too fast but at least something. Thought his voice was spectacular! Liked the eyeliner since he was performing unlike the Talk when he was just talking. But of the 2, think his handsomeness comes out more sans eyeliner and that opinion really surprises me since I like my guys with eye makeup!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Once again he leaves me breathless & mute...Every effing time he brings something new to the song (and so does Monte!) and sings it with such emotion. All the rest just fades away. Never, never before...

Have AGAIN so much catching up to do! Thank you lovely Glamberts and fellow Adam fans all over this glittery globe, enjoy reading your posts - learn something new every day!

GGD Gal, jealous of Ellen getting 3 hugs!

Anonymous said...

OH MAN I'm in LOVE... sigghhh..... alll over aagain.

THIS is absolute perfection. THIS is the look I love... mesmerizing, just gorgeous.

It took playing it a few times to even realize how beautiful he SOUNDS (DUH--- I've always raved-- you HAVE to hear him LIVE to believe how beautiful his voice is...) but I'm realizing even me KNOWING what I know... When I'm watching this beautiful man, I'm so mesmerized by how beautiful he LOOKS that I don't really HEAR how beautiful he SOUNDS...
Just hand him the GRAMMY.... now!

@Adam Fix... lol... ;) lucky to have that hubby who understands... enjoy! (oh and keep making fun comments!

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@ Adam Fix

We are rolling on the floor.. Hahahaha!

Anonymous said...

@AdamFix...I second that, you are extremely lucky. After I discovered Adam I couldn't keep my mouth shut and my husband went from eye-rolling to teeth grinding and when it got to the stage that smoke was coming out his ears...a sure sign that he was going to erupt I suggested a truce.

Now I am allowed to tell him ONE thing about Adam a long as it's brief.

Finding this site has helped to save my marriage!


Anonymous said...

@adam fix I need to take lessons from you. My husband is disgusted with me about my love from adam. Oh How I wish he would see what we all see, but he doesn't, it's tough. I now get my adam fix when he's away(he works at home so that sucks) but I jump everytime he not here. Oh my lord, it's becoming so challenging just to get my adam time. but yes, I say at least one thing a day and usually get no response and just pretend I can say something eles because he didn't hear me the first time lol

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:18

Yes, the two male leads in Velvet Goldmine were bisexual. At the time the film came out rumors flew that it was David Bowie and Mick Jagger the film was depicting. Who knows?

It was an age of sexperimenting, devastating alcohol and drug use.

I do not speak of this from personal knowledge at the time I was a prim Sunday School teacher.


Fan4fun said...

@ HH (and Glamily)

I'll translate your comment tomorrow (today), Feb.11) for sure, I promise, in a newer thread because it's now 3:20AM in Azores.
Beautiful «poem», HH... You are so good mixing words and feelings! Your posts are always full of love! Gracias querida, for loving sweet Adam so deeply!

Anonymous said...

btw, A Cappella means singing without accompaniment, just the voice. As Monte was accompanying him on guitar, this was not technically a cappella, more accoustic or unplugged.
I learned all this from JAK in Sunday school...

Anonymous said...

Let's stop talking about Idol, Ellen. Idol found their international star 2 years ago and there won't be another. Let's hear about Adam's sold out tour!! Or how you are going to give to his water charity which has now surpassed its goal. Let's keep the focus on Adam who is your guest.
At least it was obvious that she adores him! And she did talk a lot about the Grammy nomination.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:43 pm

You must have been 6 yrs. old at the time, I'm glad someone was listening in my class!


Anonymous said...

@JAK/7:53PM & Anon/Feb 8:00PM - regarding your husband problems... why don't you try, um, how shall I say this, instead of TELLing them one thing a day about Adam, try SHOWing them one thing a day, or night, that Adam inspires... they just might see the light, eventually, at least in part... and then after they see... they might be able to hear


Anonymous said...

You guys are all awesome. **group hug!**

Yes - if it weren't for this site, I would have bottled up Glambert-glitter-filled-tension building inside of me, and lord knows how ugly that could get, when spewed around a neighborhood and all over innocent, unsuspecting folks! If I couldn't come to this site and share with all of you how obsessed I am with this man (preaching to the choir, I know) I would just expolde!! You gotta have an ADAM OUTLET!

Thank you all for being here for me...and alternately, I am here for you. Most husbands don't get it. I talk to mine a bit about Adam, but keep it to a minimum, honestly. When I get on my laptop to Adam-surf, he just goes and crawls in bed, sad and lonely (kidding - more like, exhausted at the end of a hard day). That's what our life has become. When I open my laptop, do not talk to me - this is me and Adam time, damnit! Interrupt me, and you will suffer the wrath.

However, the upside is - I will confess - Adam has certainly improved our sex life!!! Damn. Thank you, Adam. My husband thanks you, too.

...more information than you needed to know...sorry, late-night blithering.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ MGF ...I bow to the wise and all knowing SAGE...**wonderful advice.
(We breed 'em good up here in the cold snow-mountains of MA!) =) Please remove your shoes and sit on the rug for a small bowl of tea... (lol,) but I DO believe you've GOT something there.

@ Adam fix, I agree, we all neeed our fix and our outlet... so glad we're all here. Do keep that humor coming!

For the record, my husband shrugs and says 'Oh--Adam"...
He was weirded out by him at first, and when Adam was on Oprah, my hubby made the Seinfeld surprised-scared sound... "!AHH!" (from the 2-faced episode or whatever)
I blasted him RIGHT then, "You leave him alone! He's WONDERFUL!..."
He just stopped for a sec at my vehemence, looked and said... 'he is?' ---> "He's AWESOME... 1/2 the world should take lessons from him... the world would be a better place if there were more like him, and ALL the singers WISH they were HALF as good! He can SANG!! Better than all of them.
My hubby shook his head and quietly went to the dining room table... (but listened) I was oblivious...

At the show's end while the credits were rolling he bounced up and said... "wow, he's pretty intelligent... ya know... and he CAN sing... wow..." ( me ... wowser!!)

After that to cap it off (thank GOD for youtube!) I showed him the Idol Finale... with QUEEN.... (Hub respects Freddie's voice.) Kris sounded good, but Adam... W O W! That voice just SOARED!
My husband's eyes just opened... W I D E...

He's not a fan, but I've since then actually heard my hubby DEFEND Adam-- or support his intelligence, voice and talent.
When he heard Adam was touring in this area, he actually DID look for tickets. HE wouldn't have gone, but totally supported ME going with a friend. He gets that I'm NUTS about Adam & he sees why... he just leaves me alone to enjoy it... I'm pretty happy. (I just have to remember to get everything done around the house first so I can indulge here!
(OH, and that last thing Adam Fix shared.... um... that works too! ;) =D =D =D

Anonymous said...

Such an informative, funny and feelgood thread, especially towards the end...LOL, LOL.

Adam Fix, Adamluv, Cindy, Eva, Fan4fun, Glb, HH, JAK, MGF, pg, V - you make me feel almost as good as Adam singing on Ellen!


Anonymous said...

Ooops, singing on Ellen show, I meant to say...jeesh!

GGD Gal, ready for bed

glitzylady said...

Re: husbands, boyfriends, etc. and the "Adam" dilemma:

I am in the very convenient and fortunate situation that it was really my husband's fault that I even saw Adam on Idol, top 13, in the first place, so I can just throw that little tidbit out there. We watched Idol because his office had a "Fantasy Idol" competition so I was "forced" to watch Idol at the beginning of Season 7 (David Cook) so as to be part of the gang, and interestingly enough we won, and then of course was "forced" to watch again, for Season 8. Of course, the second I saw Adam come charging onto the stage in Black or White, I could hardly wait until the next Idol performance..I still get all tingly when I hear that darn Idol theme..Conditioned response. Well,that time we didn't "win" (ha!) and the rest is history, you can see. My husband even said "We MUST VOTE FOR ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when he was in the bottom 3. I couldn't believe it!! So you see, I just remind him that it is all his fault! How many others can use THAT one!?!? As some of you know, he is also a big fan (thank goodness!), has been to 4 concerts, and likes Adam very, very much! He's even been in the front row for one, and LIKED it! He smiles that big goofy smile along with the rest of us. I am VERY fortunate indeed, and I know it, and am VERY thankful..The only thing hubby does get a little cross with me about is when I spend "too much time" on the computer. Can't really argue with that tho. Because I do! But there is so much to keep up with, especially right now...So I do think that for anyone whose spouse, BF, GF, BFF,whatever, thinks they don't like him (silly them...), just somehow arrange to show them some of Adam's best interviews. Oprah, this most recent Ellen interview, the E! Hollywood Story...They might not become instant fans, but at least that might help them to see what we see, not just Adam the entertainer, but Adam the man himself. And then, throw in some of his acoustic performances, both Tour and otherwise, perhaps his Ten Commandments performance, some of his Idol performances. I have never seen anyone who is exposed to those interviews and "selected" performances (gotta start them out easy...some of his performances are not for the faint of heart or uninitiated at first look..slow and easy..) who is not impressed with his personality and his voice. Of course I realize you have to get them to watch...that would be up to each person how to accomplish that. My adult son was NOT an Idol fan ("bah humbug!"), but once he saw Adam on some DVR'd Idol episodes, he was instantly amazed and impressed and is a big fan as well (2 concerts under HIS belt..). You just have to bribe them with something, if nothing else (use your imagination in some cases..) and say "So if you will just watch this, this is what I'll do for you...", be it a free meal or whatever works. I do try NOT to overdo it with the "Adam talk" tho, as my family does find me amusing sometimes, but they do "get" the "WHY" part of it, thank goodness.

glitzylady said...

OOPS! What I meant to say when referring to the interviews (above /\ ) , was "The Talk" interview, not Ellen, although that was fine too, just very short..The performance was fabulous tho...too much going on this week to keep things straight! (Sorry...)