Skinpress Demo Rss New Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011

Adam Lambert received his first Grammy Award nomination for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for his hit single “Whataya Want From Me.” We wanted to find out if he has pre-Grammy jitters, a glamorous outfit, and who he’ll take with him. “I’m riding solo,” Adam revealed. “It’s one of those things where it’s both fun and work. I feel like it would be rude to bring someone and then have to work. This way I can focus and interact. I think I know what I’m wearing, but I can always change my mind last minute. I’m a fashion schizophrenic!”

Today, Adam alerted his fans that he’ll be releasing a live CD/DVD from his Glam Nation Tour on March 22nd. What was the reason for the decision? The fans! “My fans are so amazing,” Adam said. “I saw so many familiar faces at multiple shows. When I would talk to people at my meet and greets, they would say that they loved everything about the tour—the costumes, musicians, and dancers. We decided it would be a great idea to capture it all for anyone who didn’t get a chance to come see the tour or for people who want a memento. I started reviewing the footage and provided a little input. It’s looking great.”

Idol Community member IowaGyrl wondered what Adam’s favorite tour memory was. He explained, “There wasn’t one stand-out moment; it was a big 6 month experience, so it’s tough to choose one memory. I loved being able to go to so many places internationally like Paris, Italy, Australia, Finland, Sweden, and Norway.”

Community member AlienLioness wanted to know about Adam’s next album and what he meant by it having “a darker edge.” Adam told us, “By ‘darker edge’ it may just be one song. I’m focusing on the vocals and making the album sincere, genuine, and personal. It’s an experiment; we record a bunch and then take it to the drawing board.” What are Adam’s inspirations when writing songs? “I’ve had a rollercoaster year and I draw on those experiences. I have an amazing fan base that keeps up with both my professional and personal life. With the next album I will open a door so that they can understand my feelings.”

Adam collaborated with some big names on For Your Entertainment including Pink, Max Martin, Kara DioGuardi, Lady Gaga, and Rivers Cuomo, among others. Who would he like to collaborate with on his future music? And Rhelburn wondered if he plans on including his band mates from the Glam Nation Tour. Well, he wouldn’t reveal that, but he did say, “I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I don’t really know yet, but we’re beginning to plan and I’d love to collaborate with my Glam Nation musicians.”

Lately, some of the biggest hits in the music industry have been duets. Who would Adam like to sing with? “Performing with David Bowie would be a dream come true for me. He’s such an innovator and he’s not afraid to express himself and be different.”

To all of the Season 10 contestants who hope to walk in Adam’s boots, he says, “The key is to find some way to stand out, but it has to be authentic. Be original, and the element of surprise is one of the best ways to keep people interested.”

Adam ended with a message for all of the Glamberts: “I am so happy to be home after an amazing six month tour. It was great to see so many of the fans.”

Source: AmericanIdol


Anonymous said...

I love to hear about Adam's feelings toward his fans. We're so passionate! & I am his most passionate! Although I never got to meet him in person, I did have front row by Monte, in Dallas! I am just so happy to have been a part of Adam's GNT!!! Thank you Adam!
When Adam wins his first grammy this Sunday, this world will be like one big party!!

Anonymous said...

It's funny how he mentioned Paris (not France), and then five countries, but no other cities :D There must have been something special in Paris ;) wish I could visit there someday...

Anonymous said...

anon 9:01am I am his most passionate fan and don't you forget

Anonymous said...

9:11 AM
I also wonder why he mentioned Finland ?
Finland and Paris ( yep Paris not France ) hmm.....

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:55
Yes ;D

Anonymous said...

He has many more memories in great cities ahead of him. He will continue to blossom both personally and professionally. Things always change and that is a good thing! He has so many great friends that has had his back way before the Idol fame and they are the ones he should cling to. People will come and go, but the true friends will always stick around.

Anonymous said...

Paris, Finland whatevah, he's not taking fugly boy to the grammys and never mentions him so it must not be anything serious. I'm sure the day Adam finds his true love he won't be able to stop talking about the guy and how happy he is. Cue delusional Sauliberts in 3...2...1...

Anonymous said...

anon 9:43 LOL!! ok, I'll be less selfish for Adam!

Anonymous said...

^ there isn´t probably love in your life so you don´t want him to have that either ?

Anonymous said...

'Focusing on the vocals - sincere, genuine and personal'. I like the sound of that!! Some people thought the FYE album didn't allow his voice to shine. So, it seems the next one will be 'focusing on the vocals'. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

^agreed, that sounded very promising to me

Anonymous said...

I liked FYE, so I probably won't like the new album then.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't sound very promising if Adam is listening and taking advice from his meet and greet fans. Robbie Williams had a vision. He never let his fans down.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's next album is going to be awesome, even better than FYE. I really love FYE but this one won't be rushed and Adam will write more and have alot more input. Adam is a creative genius,with vocals to match and he won't let us down.

The Dark Side said...

I am so waiting for his next album. Hope he takes his time and it is everything he wants it to be. His fans will embrace this new effort just as we embrace him.

Anonymous said...

Paris is's like a great lady with a few years on her but still breathtakingly lovely and sparkling in the night.

And quite unforgetable.

(insert a longing sigh here)


Anonymous said...

@ anon 10:37
The only thing "fugly" here is your comment

laurieb said...

I think we are in for many different albums from Adam, as we all know he can sing anything. he will always surprise us and entertain us. I for one am looking forward to ALL the music Adam chooses to share with us. Hang on, the ride has only just begun!

Anonymous said...

The only negative comment I have about FYE is that it was over produced. Adam doesn't need any of that, not with his voice. I guess that's why I love the accustic versions of his songs so much...they accompany his vocals not over power them.

Anonymous said...

Adam contributed to putting out an album, FYE, of music WHICH HE HIMSELF LIKED!! Sheesh, how many times does he have to say that himself?!!!! He listens to electro dance pop etc etc and tracks like the uptempo tracks which he put on his album. He wants to dabble in that pop world, he wants to dabble in that part of the music scene by his own choice!

Anonymous said...

I think no matter what Adam does fans will support Adam. I think we saw enough of his performance in person or from his tour to know what he sounds like with out alot of "over production" Most CD's are over the top sometimes. He had alot of cooks in the kitchen pulling him in from all sides. Now I think he has a better grip on what he wants now. I cannot wait to see that.I am not worried one bit.

Anonymous said...

I prefer less production on Adam's songs. The voice is enough. However what I or we prefer has no bearing on what we're going to get.

That's Adam's decision so we'll just have to wait and see what we get next cd. I'll learn to love it I'm sure.

I hope there will be a good variety like there is in FYE......something for every taste. He's an intelligent young man that's why he mixed it up on Idol.

The songs he recommends occasionally are rarely to my liking, there is a wide gap in his taste and mine. Not surprising since there's a very very very w i d e gap in our ages!


Anonymous said...

Adam's musical genius is limitless. He will be relentless in achieving "greatness" in his next album. He is a quick study and his "bag of tricks" will propel the music industry into a whole new era!

Adam's commitment of vocaling expressing his deep personal feelings will result in a masterpiece of music!

Adam touches your soul. His passion is contagious. You laugh, cry, scream, reflect, rejoice all these emotions from just from ONE of his songs!!

The world is Adam's!!!


Anonymous said...

The truth is the hard core Glamberts don't like FYE. Now Adam needs to get rid of those Glamberts, as simple as that. They are only a minority and they are in the way of his success.

Anonymous said...

Who exactly are the hardcore glamberts? Thought we all are passionate about Adam and love him to pieces. I just don't see the need to try to segregate fans that bottom line love Adam, buy his products ,go to concerts. Everyone all ages have different opinions.It doesn't make anyone right or wrong. I'm sure Adam doe3sn't even know this site exists or if he does, ever visit it or the many other sites or read all tweets from over 8000,000 followers. No need to keep sniping , just be glad that Adam has fans from all walks of life, genders, races,etc. How about spreading the love as Adam does? We all want Adam to succeed and be happy. The rest really isn't that important. Adam always does what he feels the need to do andisn't about to lose his identity or have a nervous breakdown for not putting glitter on his eyes going to the grocery store. He likes to chill too and glams up when the occasion calls for it or he's in that zone. He looks pretty happy to me lately!

Anonymous said...

11:55, I'm not a hardcore Glambert, but I assume you are and you don't like FYE. GNT was about theatricality, so Adam did have makeup on and I think it looked fabulous. No one said Adam should wear makeup off stage.

Anonymous said...

12:55, I'm a passionate glambert and have 2 glamboxes, acoustic EPs and love FYE,Purple Haze, WLL and TCB!I've been to 6 GNTs and 2 others. Guess that makes me hardcore. Love the theatricality, glam and glitter during the GNT. Just don't think Adam is being pressured to not wear any makeup because he's had the natural look lately. I'm just tired of the sniping and name calling and insults to any fan for any reason and singling out any age group because of a preference of any kind. I've seen some terrible bashing on this site that sometimes gets mean and I wish some people would just try not to be so judgemental of others and focus on how talented Adam is and how happy we are for his success.

Anonymous said...

I disagreed with 11:17's statement and thought it was divisive, making mean spirited assumptions and I was just was trying to make some peace, not provoke more baseless assumptions.

Anonymous said...

MY MY this is a fiesty bunch. It's a good thing we don't talk politics!

Though I'd love to talk politics with Neil Lambert...he's such a delightful smart-ass, just my type.