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Sneak Peek of Adam Lambert on Perez Hilton TV!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011

Perez says it's coming soon!

Source: Perez Hilton


Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that this might be actually really funny!

Anne Gmason said...

Okay, Perez can NEVER make another negative comment about one of Adam's outfits. Homeboy is in his pajamas, or some sort of salmon track suit. Ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the interview it's gonna be AMAZING!!! BTW what the fuck is Perez wearing anyway?!!

Anon 11:39 you're right Perez can NEVER EVER say ANYTHING bad about Adam's outfits again after this.

Anonymous said...

Adam is like oh my what the hell are you wearing Perez!

I think what ever Perez's video is going to be he will reveal his outfit under that pink overall. If you notice he is wearing a black t-shirt under that overall. I'm sure it'll be funny!

Anonymous said...

That´s a OnePiece :-D and it srsly fits no one :-)
Perez has naturally picked up the loudest print they have :-)
Knock him dead BB <3

Anonymous said...

what the hell is perez wearing? and furthermore Adam's completely in ALL black with that black hair he looks awesome. I hope he wears all black to grammys or I really like that aqua hat look with an aqua tie back somewhere on one of his tours overseas. I loved that look and he would really stand out with that. Just sayin. (oh not that he doesn't)

Anonymous said...

Adam looks amazing! He is so beautiful - more beautiful than any man or woman! I love this look and Adam in all black is beyond gorgeous! faint, thud!

Anonymous said...

FOXYBOY as Kesha puts it. ADAM really knows what looks good and I love when he wears all black.

Anonymous said...

ADAM has great style and the black looks sexy on him!

Anonymous said...

You probably didn't watch last Drag Queen show:) They intrduced designer who was wearing this hooded sweatshirt:) And the guy who took interview said that this designer it very talented and this sweatshirt is absoultely amazing!!!!So, I think Perez just had some fun and got this outfit from this desinger!!! It is hilarious!
Adam looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

that pink is blinding me! there is black underneath. Adam is looking really sexy!

Anonymous said...

I know Adam needs press right now to stay in the spotlight and esp b4 Grammy's, but why this jerk. He is just a rumour mill and has targeted Adam in the past, lately, in fact. Adam, just cause he's gay doesn't make him your friend. I hope you will put him in his place where you're private life is concerned.


Anonymous said...

Don't think Adam is enjoying his new house much. No time! The man is always out doing something!

The Dark Side said...

Wow a one piece striped pink whatever pajama thing. Wonder if it has a back trap door. LOL Always happy to see Adam wherever he shows up.

adamluv said...

The comments directed towards Perez on his site usually are so ugly and hateful that I imagene the haters will be salivating commenting on Adam as well. Two for the price of one.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Perez is in a Snuggie

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, tell me something I said that isn't true. Adam is a wonderful human being. I think we all agree on that. Perez, eh, not so much.


Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten the days when Perez made fun of Adam's clothes, skin and everything. Only kissing Adam's butt now cuz he's so famous. He's two-faced.

adamluv said...

@justpeachy, agree!

Anonymous said...

wish i could see p's feet. bet he's wearing big fuzzy slippers to match his nighty. lol

Anonymous said...

I think my crotch is on fire!!!

Anonymous said...

This should be very interesting. I hate to use my imignation to much. I know Adam would have to be cool with it for it to happen. Really?

Carlos said...

Love the New Perez. Can't wait to see this interview

Chef Fan4fun said...

Give Perez Hilton some cloves, some honey and a (big) oven and he will be just like my VIRGINIA's HAM!

Anonymous said...

BWAH HA HA!! ROFLMFAO at these comments!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain to me how Perez Hilton came to be a celebrity ?

And Kim Kardashian.....and Paris Hilton .....and .....everyone else on so called Reality Shows?

Do any of them have a talent of some kind? I mean other than sex tapes?


Anonymous said...

In a word JAK


Anonymous said...

Perez can always dump Adam and write about other celebs. Is that what you want? Do you want Sauli to dump Adam too?

Anonymous said...

In a word YES I do wish Perez would quit writing about Adam. Perez has a certain sleazy ICK quality....stay away from Adam.

As far as Sauli goes I don't see the connection, he seems like a nice young man with a pleasant personality who could be selling secrets to the press and isn't.

Whatever the nature of his friendship with Adam is I'll just go by the absolute sweet joy on Adam's face in the photos of Adam looking at Sauli. You know that "it's Christmas morning and I just found my present" look!


Anonymous said...

Looks like beauty and the beast! Still reckon that leopard doesn't change his spots! He use to diss Adam all the time even though he is so besoted with him. Your loss Perez because you won't get Adam!

The Dark Side said...

Think reality stars a huge part of today's culture, and it is not going away soon. Will someone please explain to me the difference from a leaked sex tape and porn? It all the same thing, except the real porn stars ie, Charlie and other celebs dally with aren't streamed on the net, as they might get arrested. Guess it's not ok to get paid for it, but ok to makes millions off of it.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately a great portion of today's culture is crap!

Anonymous said...

In the far away long ago.....

STARS had talent
SONGS had tunes you could hum
WARS had beginnings, middles and ends
POLITICIANS helped the people not themselves
FOOD was real and actually had taste
DOORS weren't locked
WINDOWS were open to the breeze
EVERY neighborhood had a vacant lot to play ball
HONESTY was expected

I've lived too long.


Anonymous said...

@JAK, 3:02 PM -
There are so many wonderful, GLAMTASTIC ladies posting on this site and you are most definitely one of them! Enjoy reading your posts so much and the one at 3:02 should be read out loud to "the young & restless" worldwide!!!
I salute you and wish you a VERY LONG LIFE!

GGD Gal, sending love & respect