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Adam Lambert will be on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this Thursday!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, February 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 07, 2011

Adam is scheduled to be on ELLEN this Thursday February 10, 2011!

From Ellen's site:

One of Ellen's favorite musicians is now a Grammy nominee! The amazing ADAM LAMBERT is stopping by to perform his newly nominated song, "Whataya Want from Me."

Source: ELLEN

Adam has been on ELLEN twice.

His first appearance was way back on December 1st, 2009

Then he returned to the show on May 19, 2010.


adamluv said...

Just heard about this from a friend and voila - it's posted here! Thrilled beyond belief!!!!! Ellen is such a fan. Two days in a row seeing Adam on a big screen T.V. vs. a computer screen. Life is good! Hope it's the acoustic version, just Adam and Monte. AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He's actually been on three times, he performed Strut also, I believe on Ellen's birthday show. I am so thrilled he'll be on, I had a feeling this would happen, ellen loves him.

adamluv said...

@anon 11;31, you're right about 3 times. Disappointed he wasnt on this year for her birthday but this makes it OK.

Carlos said...

WWFM again? That's gonna be weird. I hope he wins the Grammy! So excited to see him on Ellen.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

LOved the look and clothes the 1st time he was on, but adored the 2nd look for IIHY.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Here's the "Strut" performance on Ellen:


Anonymous said...

Adam is FEATURED on the website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH????


Anonymous said...

Would someone pls be so adorable and put on youtube right after ? :-) <3

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is great news indeed! I love Adam and I looove Ellen so this should be great! Only...I'm staring at the Finnish TV guide, and the Ellen Degeneres show is currently on a break "pending further notice". Gah! Please, please tell me that somebody will post that interview here as soon as it airs?


Fan4fun said...

Hey fellows, forgive me this but.. what is the TV channel for Ellen again? Such a long time without watching TV, I forgot it!

Anonymous said...

I really wish they would let him debut one of his other songs off the cd that everyone hasn't already heard a hundred times....It's a shame Fever was never a single because of the "he" pronoun. I bet it would have been a big hit.

Anonymous said...

It's about time...with a Grammy nom and record breaking charity his PR people should be promoting him more....I hope he talks about my charity water...we need some celebs to donate.
He has to sing's the Grammy nom...
Can't wait.......

Anonymous said...

I hope it's NOT the acoustic version of WWFM, although I understand that not many young people watch Ellen.

Anonymous said...

I will simply glue to the TV this week for Adanm only. I hope he sings on Eleen show.

Anonymous said...

I hope his "appearance" on Ellen isn't on a repeat segment.Ellen has shown some "new stuff" this week,& also some repeat segments( maybe looking back on 1300 shows),I believe.I sure want to see him sing WWFM acousticly!That would be great..Ellen Show isn't on Adam's Official site,( under events right now,but "The Talk"is.).Guess we'll find out soon..they usually list even repeats on AO,but so far,nothing..Please vote for Adam on the faxo tweeter poll for A.Idol of the month.URL is under IIHY & WWFM on VH-1 in the comment sections.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Just to remind you the acoustic WWFM didn't bring him the chart success or the Grammy nomination.

Anonymous said...

I thought he looked super hot in the brown leather outfit on Ellen. It must have been a show prop because I have never seen him wear that gorgeous combo again.

Anonymous said...

I just woke up and grabbed the computor that sleeps at the foot of my bed to check the NEWS, Adam News that is. How addicted am I? It's 24/7 before much needed bathroom trip, teeth brushing or cup of tea.

I'm always expecting some wonderful news of Adam has popped up overnight and THERE IT WAS!

I love when he is on Ellen's show. She so genuinley likes him and he gives her one of his bear hugs.

It's starting out to be a happy day...YEA!


Anonymous said...

JAK again....that genuinley is definitely I approach senility spelling and grammer (grammar?) rules are leaking out of my brain cells....but I still have my own teeth, don't need glasses and am the family Jeopardy champion so getting old isn't all bad!


Anonymous said...

Could it be that Ellen will only show the previous performance of WWFM on her show? If you check her website, the 10th seems to be pretty jammed as far as guests are concerned. I hope it's live and she talks with him, even if briefly. Whatever format, it will be so great to see Adam on TV.

Anonymous said...

Great excitement is fantastic news.
What a beautiful view back to these great friends together. Thank you, Ellen for giving us the privilege of seeing ADAN .!!!!

Anonymous said...

An interesting article by Kerry Kolsch about why AI should embrace Adam Lambert.


Anonymous said...

Correction: ADAM

Anonymous said...

Now,Adam IS scheduled for the Ellen Show on Thurs.on Adam's Official site.I think Ellen is syndicated;We get it on ABC,& Adam's site says everybody needs to check their local listings for time & channel.I'm so glad he will be on Ellen & it's new( or looks that way)Please vote for Adam on the faxo tweeter poll for American Idol of the month. url is: htpp://

Anonymous said...

Eva, what a passionate and well-informed article you posted... Thank you. The writer has done in depth research about the subject... Interesting to note that the fanbase for most of the idols save David Archuleta are middle-age women. Huh!

As for the Ellen show, I hope we see Adam in a brand-new interview with her, but I find it strange that this is advertized only a couple of days prior to the broadcast. We've known about THE TALK for several weeks. Yet, it is true too that we also only found out this week that Adam will be part of the Grammy Summit panel broadcast on Friday, so who's to say. Really looking forward to seeing a lot of him this week, other than through the cameras of the paperazzi.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,the url should have been

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so excited to see Adam on the big screen TV 3 times this week and then, of course, The Grammys on Sunday! Life is good! I'm really interested to see what Adam has to say on the Social Medial Panel. This must be a real "first" for him and what an honor! Now he is featured on the Grammy Home Page! Way to go Adam!!!

Rebecca said...

yay my two favorite people together again

Anonymous said...


@Eva and @daydreamin, Thank you!

SUCH good news about the Grammy Summit!

The Kerry Kolsch article is amazing!
(though I wish she would proof-read and check her grammar and spelling better, especially since she's an attorney)

Happy, HAPPY week for us Glamberts!


Anonymous said...

oops....I started at the top thread today in my excitement over Adam being on Ellen. So I just now found the original thread for the Grammy Summit.

Still....thanks daydreamin!


Anonymous said...

Thank you 24 / 7 news for the fabulous day
today. An incredible week!!
Thanks to the fans for their blogs !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam's appearance on the ELLEN show is a new one. They seem to be friends and she can give him the opportunity to catch everyone up on what's been happening lately with him and his career(this is for those who don't follow him on any sites,twitter,etc.) I think we all realize what an intelligent and articulate person Adam Lambert is. This is very refreshing after having seen other pop/rock musicians being interviewed and unable to string two or three sentences together and make any sense at all. He is a welcome addition to the Social Media Panel and will bring a fresh, new perspective to the discussion. WWFM was my favorite song from 2010 and I enjoy any opportunity to see Adam perform it on tv. Two appearances on tv this week, almost too much to handle!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what channel and what time "The Talk" is on Eastern Standard Time? Boston specifically.

I guess I better check my local listings, I've never seen the show before, EVER, have no clue when it's on. But as for Ellen, now I know when that's on for sure! Damn I hope it's a new one.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about Boston but here in South Florida, it is on CBS (channel 4) at 2pm.

adamluv said...

@Anon 11;25, the Talk is on CBS, I think at 2;00 EST. Here in L.A. it comes on at 1;00. @Fan4fun, Ellen is on NBC here in L.A. Nothing of Adam on ABC!

Anonymous said...

just a reminder, here is the link for the ellen show for the international fans who may not otherwise be able to see his performance. not sayin it will be streamed live, but hopefully they will post his performance afterward.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a brand new visit to Ellen according to their site.

Anonymous said...

The Talk comes on everyday @ 2PM EST on CBS ... right after the soap Bold & the Beautiful ... Great show. As for Ellen ... if you go to ..

There is a write up about ADAM and it sounds like he will be there on the show ... not a repeat ... mentions the GRAMMYs too
Hope this helps ...


Anonymous said...

He is just such a gorgeous bright light along with a ravingly beautiful man creature and over the top god given talent!
Would you not give your eye teeth to dance with Adam. I would faint!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Dark Side said...

Happy days, happy week!!! Loved these videos and cannot wait until Wednesday and Thursday. Adam also doing an interview with Extra, but not sure when that will be on. Know the Emmy may be a long shot, but the NY Post thinks he should win and so do I.

Anonymous said...

this is great news :) but I do wish he would sing something other than WWFM...although it is the Grammy nominated song I think it would be really cool if he would sing the "revamped" version of Aftermath especially because its for a relevant cause. I think Ellen would appreciate that and it would also be a great opportunity to talk about the charity work he and the fans have been doing. He should DEFINITELY mention that and the acoustic CD...oh and he should also try to sneak in promo for the upcoming tour DVD :)
I mean he can/will say what he wants but since he won't be making that many tv apperances (for now at least) I think he should mention these things...
but who knows, maybe he is planning on promoting those two things (Aftermath single + DVD) in the future, separate from this?
Or maybe if he wins the Grammy other shows will invite him on to talk about that :)))
That would be the ideal situation lol what do u guys/gals think??

Anonymous said...

I think Anon @ 2:23 you should take a deep breath and just enjoy whatever we get.

I for one am grateful to be home for most of this week to catch all these shows because the roof on my building at work has COLLAPSED, but thankfully nobody was hurt. I'm trying to work from home but I have to keep checking on our boy.

Anyone here from MA would know what I am talking about. But looking forward to some daytime tv.

Anonymous said...

JAK I LOVE your posts! Keep on keepin on!

Sweetie, you are always welcome! Love your posts as well!

Eva- THANK YOU for such a great article!!! I am going to post the best part of it here for those of you who want to see it here. It is THAT good! :

"What is interesting is that Adam Lambert has more fan site traffic than many of the biggest names in the music business. The only one that comes close to his number is Usher, who is a long established star. Adam Lambert is poised to be the biggest star American Idol has ever produced. With the exception of Underwood Clarkson, Daughtry and possibly Cook and just maybe Hudson the rest of the top selling alumni appear to be in decline. Keep in mind that this is a very different music industry and all album sales are in decline. Not one of the Idols has ever had their debut album or singles reach Platinum or Gold status in eleven different countries like Lambert did.

It is time for American Idol to start bragging about their superstar. American idol should tell their PR spinners that we know Lambert did not lose by landslide. If the PR team wants to continue that farce they should be fired. America can't be fooled. We know Adam Lambert is our American Idol and soon to be World Idol. Embracing Adam Lambert will bring back credibility to American Idol. It is about time to end the spin."

Eva has the link above to the rest of the article by Kerry Kolsch, Yahoo! Contributor Network!! Kerry must be an Adam fan too!


Anonymous said...

If he wins, he may be doing quite a few appearances on talk shows. I get the feeling that Ellen booked him kind of last minute to show support for him nomination. So, tell many of you did I see in these clips? Back then, I didn't know about this site, but have since come to look forward to hearing from you. Come on, 'fess up....@Glitzy (aka "Witchy Woman", lol)? @Adamluv? @Adamfix?

Anonymous said...

Geez, I was just re-proofing my post and thought "Of COURSE it was a last minute booking, Captain Obvious!" Otherwise we would have known long ago. I guess what I meant to say is thank you to Ellen for showing her support for Adam. Sorry for being obtuse before.

Fan4fun said...

@ Adamluv

Thanks for your info but unfortunatelly I don't have NBC, I have CNBC that airs Jay Leno one or two days later but not Ellen. I can see Ellen 3 or 4 days later (after given subtitles in portuguese) by SICM, a portuguese TV channel.

See 24/7 «Paradise» Admin.??? I am in your hands!

adamluv said...

@V - sorry to say but I was never at Ellens show nor Lenos to see Adam. Hoping maybe, this year?

Anonymous said...

Please, continue to vote for Adam on Fuse
Adam can get Winner Record of the Year in Fuse's Grammys Polldown. Even if artist didn't get Grammys he still can be inlcuded in Top 20 Countdown.
I already posted this comment 3 times:)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I missed this post yesterday! I'll be going to Ellen on Thursday, Feb 17 so dang it...miss him by one week!! Was so hoping that he'd be on after Grammys to celebrate his win. Even emailed Ellen how much I'd love to meet him. Shoot...but so excited that we get to see him all over the place this week!!!

Anonymous said...

V - "Captain Obvious"?? HA HA HA!! Your posts are hilarious. :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:15, so glad you are ok! We on the West Coast have been hearing about these collapses! What a crazy winter this has been.

Anon 9:43 what a drag!
