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Adam Lambert's Radio Sophie 103 Interview 2/11/11

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, February 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

Nice interview. Adam sounded like he just woke up and yes, it is grammy weekend with alot of things for him to do. It's really been a busy last few days for him.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I love knowing that I don't have to search all over the internet,I can just go to your blog and you will have the latest Adam info for us.

Anonymous said...

Very good interview. It's so great to be seeing and hearing Adam so much this week. Missed him so much I was going back to old videos, so thanks for posting this.

Fan4fun said...

Oh, dear Lord! Listen to his sweet voice early in the morning, even by phone... what a blessing!
Good luck, Diamond Boy, you soooo deserve this award!

Anonymous said...

Hope ADAM gets this - - -

Please please please do NOT get into all that

electronic sound that everyone is doing - they all

sound the same. We love your actual voice !!!

Anonymous said...

GREAT interview! They allowed ADAM to speak without interrupting him!

I'm so happy for this gorgeous man. Whether he wins the Grammy or not, he has by far the BEST vocals. Wishing you loads of good luck, Adam and I hope you have a wonderfully exciting night. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Radio Sophie in SD! Great interview and loved the 'Grammy Award winning Adam Lambert'!
Well presented, intelligent, refreshing and gracious amongst a whole lotta repetitive interviews Adam has been subjected too!

Anonymous said...

We want ADAM to win sooooooooooooooooo much!
Candles and glitter stashed and ready, because whatever happens....ADAM is nominated alongside
MJ, and ADAM will grace the GRAMMYS with his Superstar presence, which will outshine every single person there! ADAM is a pure genius, an
international Superstar!

Anonymous said...

I had the priviledge of working for MJ at one time and I never thought I would ever see another performer who could take my heart, and then along came Adam Lambert!
Adam has the same aura that surrounds him as a person and an entertainer. It's breathtaking and beautiful! It is the pure quality and power of a world Superstar!

Anonymous said...

Note to Anon. 8:51 p.m.

I agree wholeheartedly. "Down with soundbooth shenanigans"!

How many entertainers (other than Adam) could perform if the electric grid went down?