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Adam Lambert's Water Charity Reaches Goal of $290,000!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, February 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is amazing!


Anonymous said...

Wow! So glad I donated to such a good cause.

Anonymous said...

Me to. Well done Glam Fans, we all did our little bit and look at the results, proud to be an Adam Lambert Fan.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! I wonder if Adam knows yet that we surpassed the goal?

on behalf of everyone who contributed, thanks!

Fan4fun said...

International treasure with a soul as clean as his voice.
So precious... like good water!

Thank you, sweet Adam.

Anonymous said...

Who knows if he knows. Please fans let's not chew Adam up and spit him out if he doesn't say anything right away PLEASE! Give him a chance to find out.He has a busy, positive week going.

Anonymous said...

We did good and it feels great to give to such a great charity. Let the love and water flow!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! What a great cause and what great results! Feels so good to have been a small part of all this! Congrats to all the fans and Congrats to Adam for lending his support to such a worthy cause. It's so exciting to be an Adam fan!

Anonymous said...

I don't mind saying we are are astounding fans for having done this. Add it to all the DonorsChoose contributions, all the small groups, not getting publicity and individuals that give in his name outside the organized sites, the list goes on and on. We are talking REAL MONEY here. I salute Adam's fans.

Anonymous said...

We made the goal and even surpassed it (:!
Adam must be proud of all the amazing donors xo!

laurieb said...

Adam fans rock! What a wonderful community of people to be a part of. I knew I waited to become part of something and someone big for a reason. I am very proud to be part of this Glamily. Adam has brought me much enjoyment in lifetime of boring. I cant wait for the next phase of this journey.

Anonymous said...

This is a truly an amazing show of heartfelt ♥♥♥ & generosity‼ So happy for those who will be getting clean H2O pretty soooooooon‼ :)
Thanks to ADAM for bringing the focus on this one simple need & yet it's a matter of life & death situation.

Anonymous said...

Yes, one person can make a difference. All Adam had to do was ask his fans to make a donation in his name to Charity water for his birthday and their generosity is a testament to their devotion to him. What we here take for granted is a life saving need in underdeveloped countries. I think Adam Lambert could ask his fans for just about anything and they would come through for the cause. Now let's have some attention to this in the media to salute Adam and his fans.

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice for Ellen to mention this and Adam's big heart and great following of fans instead of saying this year's Idol looks good and talking about S Tyler and Jaylo during Adam's time.

Anonymous said...

Totally, 8:19. Hmph. WHERE IS THE MEDIA COVERAGE of this amazing feat?? Helllloooooo?????

I am just so blown away by this's so great! United, we are powerful! Each person did their part - no matter how big or small it all added up to spectacular results! I am just so excited by this news!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted this amazing news to Oprah, Perez, USA Today, NPR...anybody who would listen! I know my tweets will get lost in the din, but if enough of us shout it out, we will eventually be heard!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam for giving so much to this wonderful charity and with Donors Choose it is a double blessing. You have done so much to promote donations, your fans and friends gave you the gift you really wanted, helping others. Bless you for helping so many people and your selflessness.

glitzylady said...

Just finally got home from a really busy day and evening so just now am getting the chance to comment...I did keep track (on Twitter) of the total today as it neared and surpassed the goal. As everyone has said, it is so nice to be a part of Adam's fandom. We are certainly becoming well known as a group of very devoted and generous fans. I would guess Adam is rather stunned, and very pleased, himself. I know that his dad Eber was aware of this happening and said nice things about Adam's fans.

And related to this news, my husband and I (of course...) watched "The Talk" interview together from the DVR last night..On our way home tonight from seeing the musical "Rock of Ages"(fabulous..) , the Broadway touring company currently in Seattle, and starring Constantine Maroulis , who was on Idol Season 4, and another very talented guy who didn't win but has done well...(getting to the point here...), the conversation eventually turned to Adam...naturally. And my husband said, quite out of the blue, that one of the reasons he respects Adam so much is because he is so generous in promoting this very worthy cause..And Donors Choose as well. Not to mention his talent, and that he is really a very nice guy. And he said all that with no prompting from me either. He also said that he hopes people will get the chance to see him for who he truly is. Well amen to that! So glad I am married to such a smart man! And YAY!!! to Adam and his amazing week of great publicity..Not to mention I am REALLY glad to see him again...Think I'm gonna go watch the Ellen performance one more time....

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady, Give your hubby a big hug from us! He has excellent taste and is a very insightful, savvy guy! Eber is very impressed with Adam's fans and has recognized their generousity and devotion to Adam. I 'm sure Adam is amazed and grateful as well. I'm so proud of what all of us have accomplished and the life changing benefits to so many suffering people whose lives will be forever changed by strangers that have compassion and a sense of responsibility to fellow human beings. I think of them every time I turn on a faucet and am mindful not to waste this precious resource. Great job Glamberts! The world is a little better, because we care. Maybe we can reach an even 300,000! I think Adam and fans have set a charity water record! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It felt so good to be a part of this amazing charity drive by the Glamily. Adam's Dad tweeted that it went over the top and RIGHT we can pat each other on the back and give Adam kudos for inspiring SO MUCH GENEROSITY and love. HOPE it does get recognized by media.

Anonymous said...

wow...who knew my little $29 could go so far?

Thanks to Adam this will change lives around the world. We forget that all we have to do is turn on the faucet to get water...and so many around the world have to dig a well to support 100's of people in a village which is not easy or cheap.

I participated in a water charity before to pay for a new water well in Madagascar and it cost $10k to build the well for them OR they would have NO water period.

At the time, my own town had water problems and we had to ration the was SO difficult but we at least had hope that it would be fixed...most people around the world don't have anyone but now Adam is riding to the rescue!

Bing said...

Adam is so blessed to have the most amazing fans in the world. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this worthy cause! So proud of you guys.

@glitzylady -you are so lucky to have a husband like him. Yes to the big hug from all of us :)

@Cindy, @Fan4fun, funbunn40 and Adam Fix - i left a post for you at the Adam Lambert on CBS's (complete video) thanks for the shout outs!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all that's been said here, but let's get some PRESS on this amazing achievement!!! Adam's been on TV and had radio interviews like crazy this week and no one has really mentioned it. Bummer. This is a BIG deal and the press needs to put out this positive news about him and his fans!!

Anonymous said...

It's only true charity if you give with an open heart and an open hand, not expecting thanks or praise.