And...More Pictures!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, February 09, 2011
With his hair slicked back while clad in a dark-toned vest/t-shirt/trouser combo, the "Pick U Up" singer made the TV appearance after visiting CBS's "Talk Today" earlier in the morning.

Source: celebrity-gossip (More Pics at source)
More pictures from Amaryllispics's photo album

Source: celebrity-gossip (More Pics at source)
More pictures from Amaryllispics's photo album

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OMG! too much eye candy today‼ Adam‼ you're killin' me... I'm suppose to be on MAJOR rehab... LOL
How is it possible that Adam looks more gorgeous every day.. Beautiful man,Beautiful voice,Beautiful,sunny disposition.. He just gets betterer and betterer.........
he is killin' the ladies softly.
the first pic with the chick is pretty hot.
all ladies love a sexy ass bad boy clad in leather and shades with a killer voice!
Adam has to procreate. All that beauty can't go to waste. I'll be the surrogate..
Man its either a feast or a famine with this guy and I am happy with the feast. so so gorgeous, love this look.
It's a feast! eat up!:-)~
there's nothing better than a bad boy that likes to break all the rulz and is so unapologetic for it! lovin his style!
he is either the feast or the dessert, but I haven't decided yet!
he's like a piece of devils food cake with a cherry on top! yummmiii!!!!!!!
I saw the girl in the last pic at THE TALK show, she sang the first vid song, Am I right?...............indigo.
the one with the Union Jack top on was also at The Talk, she asked a question about his best childhood memory.
HK fan
Adam is soooooooooo gorgeous it is unbelievable and people are drawn to him like a magnet! He melts everyone around him! I was a stone's throw away from him (a long stone's throw tho) but still I saw the Rockstar GlamGod live. I saw him walk, talk, smile, wave and just be a
Adam is sooooooooo gorgeous it is unbelievable and he draws people to him like a magnet! I was a stone's throw away from him (well, a long stone's throw tho) but still I saw him walk, talk, smile, wave and just be Adam. How lucky was that? He has such a strong presence about him it is undeniable.
OOPS! Don't know what happened to the last post? It partially duplicated....sorry folks.
First of all - the man is just undeniably gorgeous and has the most amazing sunny disposition. We all know ppl are drawn to him, in a BIG way, for his personality, looks, talent, smarts, charm, humbleness...his whole vibe.
Second - OMG he looks like Elvis in the leather, slicked-back pompodour and shades!
Third - and most importantly (not!) - hey, I have those same shoes that the interview chick is wearing, but in black! However, I do not have that dress, or the body to go with it. Is she the Australian?
Food analogy...hmmm...that is a hard one. What about a glass of red wine? Smooth, intriguing, complex, has "legs" (ha, ha), an amazing aroma and makes you feel all warm, dopey and giddy!?
- Adam Fix
I love him so much!
What a smile!! What a man!! Mikä hymy, mikä mies! Kiss kiss, pusi pusi!!
I noticed the shoes @Adam Fix. Nice! Wonder if Adam commented them. He always find something to compliment, clothes, hair, make up. That is also a reason, I think, women adore him. He SEES women (and men of course)and he always has something nice to say about the smallest detail. I hope he feels comfortable in this "natural look" and that it isn´t something that has been forced on him by managment to fit the pre Grammy occasions. Although, I don´t think you can "force" Adam to do anything. He has his own opinions, surely.
Pease vote! Now Adam is #9.
Thank you.
Adam is doing great with his career and I would like people to concentrate on his voice..if he has to change it up a bit be it...we can get our Glam God in concert...I would love to see Adam and his family not worry about money..I think he has earned this....BTW..he ROCKS the black clothing and leather..
Oh my god, I thought about that too. I hope not anyone will force Adam to wear a look for the Grammys he doesn't want to. It would not help him to get the grammy at all.
Lucky girl (Union Jack shirt)...she got her share of Adam she is still smiling...I would be :)
I want Adam to be Adam, not Elvis.
If you look back thru the last 2 years (and Adam has stated this) off stage he prefers sweats, jeans and tee shirts...this is nothing new....he usually dresses for the occassion...have you seen his interviews before he performs his GNT on the road...basically jeans and tee shirts... it's not that deep!!!
I think Adam wears this look to slave all the women, see how we drool all over him in leather and boot. Smart choice. Damn, he is a super Rock F
hi glamily...
just thought i'd stop by, hope all of you are fine and well...
lots of happiness in adam land at the moment..i loved all of little baby riffs pictures, so unbelievably cute..adam in a vision of hotness here....ahhhh he's so gorgeous
AND A GN DVD!!!!! how fantastic, i've got mine on order...well i needed something to cheer me up....
life is desperately sad at the moment, watching dad fade day by day is the toughest thing i've ever been through, so cruel...
but spirits up as it's my sons 13th birthday today and we all like to make a fuss for birthdays so it will be special....
i will pop by from time to time but find words really hard at the moment...
love to you all....
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :) xx
He always wore guyliner on interviews on TV but on the Talk he was au naturelle like on early AI shows. Thats different and perhaps something he does for the occation. He looks great either way.
I like this look, but I'm worried that the older fans try to influence him too much on his career and don't approve the style he might prefer.
If Adam doesn't win the Grammy, it's time to look in the mirror. He has made a lot of concessions to the older fans, maybe too much. WWFM was a worlwide hit single, you know.
If someone tries to make Adam look in a special way, he might very well do the opposite. He is a "don´t-tell me-what-to-do" guy. I like that. I am the same.
hey im in south africa an i just love adamlambert i want him to come to south africa really badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im like inlove with the guy i dont care if he is gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
adam lambert please come to south africa like really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Chezza/4:22 - hang in there, sending positive energy your way.
Adam should be more like Ozzy Osbourne. He goes anywhere where there's a lot of fans and makes money.
I don't know if this has already been posted so forgive me for my redundancy if so - but AML and the news of his GNT DVD release was on "E" last night. I saw it this morning around 7:30ish EST during what must be a rebroadcast of the previous night's "E" (which I believe they also do at noon EST). I had no clue "E" rebroadcast in the early mornings, I was just flipping channels away from some depressing news and bam - AML! It was a short blurb but very positive (great pix shown) and they actually mentioned the SUCCESS of the GNT tour among some othernice comments! I think it was "E"'s Jason Kennedy doing the quick little blurb. "E" is traditionally a little stingy with their AML coverage (or it's snarky) so I'm psyched. (I think "E" is trying to reign in some of their snark nowadays????) In any event, "E" has a wide 20's/30's something audience I think, ??, and I'm happy for AML for the mention about the DVD release on that format.
Chezza, sending a hug your way. What you're going through is so difficult.
OMG! He was so fantastic on Ellen! He sung perfectly, of course but I wish they could have had a longer conversation. So glad everyone got to hear this version of WWFM.
Now he needs to sing something else from his CD maybe on one of the late night shows.
@ Chezza-Sherbert
And WE love you too, keep it in mind! Be strong, be brave, I've been praying for your dad in my church. We just lost a member and good friend of ours in England, the same way, and I know it's horrible, so sad. May God bless your dad and all your family.
Happy Birthday to your baby boy! 13 is a beautiful age and he must enjoy it and look «fantastic», like his mom.
ps. Okay, Imma let my LESSER angels rule for just a minute and say, regarding AML's performance - take that asswipes who negate Adam's incredible vocal prowess!!! Especially those (those FEW left) who say he just screeches etc etc. Okay, Imma let my BETTER angles take the reigns again now ;)
oh, and just one more thing - here's an interesting tweet that was mentioned on MJ'sBB
02/10/2011 at 10:11 am
A tweet from the Tv stage manager on Ellen Show
ProfessorOM Just watched Adam Lambert DECIMATE 85% of the singers that ever stepd on this stage..acapella. Ridiculous. Who won Idol his year? …I’ll w8
about 1 hour ago via ÜberTwitter
Thank you! That was just too beautiful. This has been two amazing days after a month of Lambert Withdrawal.
Adam looked so good on Ellen. He looks so much better since he washed the make up off. Eyeliner is fine, but not the make up cake on look. He gets better all the time.
Why is this titled, the pick u up singer? Did he sing pick u up on any of the shows?
Adam sing it beautiful, every note sound so emotional and so personal. I hope the world will see this acapella version.
@ Chezza-Sherbert
Sending kind thoughts to you and your dad. You are so wonderful. And very happy birthday to your son!
Thank you so much, neigbour! How did you guess that «Hell's Kitchen» is calling for me and I couldn't wait?
Beautiful, sweet Adam! So relaxed and comfortable... amazing performance!!!
But, glamshit! I don't get it... OK, time was short to interview him but WTF Ellen had to ask him about American Idol season 10? Let Idol go, it's HISTORY! So much happened in sweet Adam's life AFTER AIseason 8! Why didn't she ask him about the HUGE SUCCESS (national and international) of the Glam Nation Tour and let many people in America know that sweet Adam is a #1 WORLDWIDE IDOL already???
@MGF Thank you for the Ellen link! Wow! Once again I'm floored by the perfection of Adam Lambert! What a Golden Voice!!! He had one busy day yesterday with all the interviews and tapings! How lucky for all of us! I'm still missing those GNT performances/vids so much! I've ordered my CD/DVD and can't wait!
Oh, my God, this blog turned into a sort of a virtual Burning Man party... with an ongoing theme (‘One Love’) and a central figure! Ok, here I am, my loves, erecting my little tent ;-). Who’s that glowing man over there? Where is my dreadlock wig? Turn up that Marley song and pass the pot please. No here, but everyone is high on something. They are all feeling IT..So hungry..Never satisfied.. Cake And...What?! Who said that? So much love, and sparkling, and kissing... I think I'm gonna cry :,-( .....
...Officer, I don’t really know these people. I was just passing by. I don’t know whose bra is this. But you are.. O, my dear Buffalo Soldier... Look at that man! Isn’t he the one to die for? Woy, yoy, yoy, yoy, yoy-yoy yoy... :-))
@ Anonymous February 10, 2011 7:39 AM
Trying very hard to keep this thread positive, but just can not help myself but to say that IMO Adam's makeup is an integral part of who he seems to be. From what I can see, view, read, he does NOT only wear it for "performance" or public appearances like so many seem to want to believe. He has said himself that it makes him feel comfortable. I don't mean to jump on you, you expressed your opinion in your post, which is exactly what this fansite is for, I am just also expressing mine. I see many comments on here all the time that praise Adam for his choices when he goes more natural, but I would make a guess that he'd wear more makeup on some of these appearances if he thought it would be "acceptable" by the masses, just a thought on my part, I don't know of course (I obviously don't know him). He is other-wordly handsome and good looking when he wears no, or very little, makeup, I do totally agree, but there's just something that bothers me about the cut and dried way you worded your post; but I should not be policing your wording choices I guess, how annoying of me, but then I just have to add that I believe we fans must also remember that the out of the box WeHo club kid Adam is very much a part of him IMHO. Just another person's pov. Btw, I'd bet a million bucks that he had on more than just a little stage/tv makeup on Ellen today, and during his The Grove interview yesterday, and at least the typical amount of TV related makeup yesterday for The Talk appearance, if not more, of his own choosing, beyond what the show's makeup people and producers would suggest for their male guests. I enjoy most of Adam's personal choices for his looks, I have a preference, sure, but I would not say he definitely, positively, absolutely looks better this way vs. that way vs. the other way, etc. But that's just me. I guess I need to leave everybody else alone to express their own opinions too, it's only fair. I just had to get that off my chest, sorry, because to me it feels like it plays into this recurring theme of Adam needing to be what others want for him to be to win their commitment; I guess it aint that deep :).
FGM Thanks for the link, I was one that could not wait and I can only say for now, Perfect !!!!!! and see and see again the link.
anon 8:58, I was just thinking the same way as you. I even thought about saying something about it but I chose not to. We need to focus on his beautiful voice, his beautiful heart & his beautiful imagination!!!
& let's not forget, that amazing cd/dvd of the GNT LIVE!!! It is going to sell out soon, hopefully not before it hits the stores. I CAN'T WAIT! I CAN'T WAIT! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!
@ Fan4fun, I agree wth you, why didn't Ellen ask about the GNT?
& what the hell is AI doing trying to bring some James Durbin, "the next Adam Lambert"? wtf! I didn't hear him & I don't want to. Are they really losing ratings? GOOD! We have Adam Lambert & that's all we need, LOVE!
in the second picture the lady in the back ground looks like Kathy Griffen. @ anon 8:58am loved your comment esp. the last sentence.
I think he looks classy w/o the face paint. His new boyfriend does't wear it in the pictures we saw. I like the look and the way he is dressing.
THOSE LIPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
starting in the first photo, I dare not even move past that one! DAMN!!! sexy man!!!
And I would not worry about Adam, he will dress as he pleases and will wear makeup when he pleases. The Grammys winners have already been decided, votes are in and besides, it is musicians and singers who vote for the Grammys. Not the public or the press or people in management. I is former rock stars and musicians who get to vote.
@indigo, yes you are right. The girl you saw is Jazzy who sang the IIHY lyrics in the contest on the Talk. She's only 17 years old. Met her at the Music Box and then again at Adams birthday party in Hollywood.
chezza-sherbert - oh gosh, I am so sorry!!!! Celebrate life, kiss your son (even though he's 13) and appreciate what you do have. Sending positive vibes your way.
- Adam Fix
Thanks for taking time out to give us an update. I've been in your shoes with both my parents in the last 6 years so can understand what you're going through. Stay strong, and drop by here whenever you can, a bit of Adam can only do you good..
HK fan
OT...@ Chezza/ Sherbert, So glad you checked in with us and so sorry about your Dad and what you all are going thru'.My daughter just lost her father-in-law last week from cancer and my Dad,years ago. I prayed for their comfort, peace and dignity that was so important for them. I am sending those same prayers for your Dad and strenth and comfort to you and your family. I also nursed my husband for 14 yrs with a brain tumor and I know how difficult and stressful this can be. I always was grateful for the quality time and memories that will keep him with you forever. Sending you love and hugs and healing light to surround you and yours. Please keep us posted. funbunn40
Lane seems to be following.
Adam looks superb and outshines everyone he ever comes into contact with. Beautiful man!
Adam is awesome with makeup and without. He knows how to deal with the occasion because he is such an intelligent guy who is full of class.
Superstar at The Grove!
Adam IS Adam and not Elvis. Elvis was and still is an amazing icon to so many but Adam can outshine even the brilliance of 'The King' himself! Adam has talent that soars beyond anyone!
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