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Ohio Fans Celebrates Adam Lambert's 29th Birthday

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, February 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 06, 2011


Anonymous said...

Ohio you peeps are cray cray fun, good for you and good for finding each other, party-on.


Anonymous said...

You rock Ohio Glamberts! What a fun time you all had! Wish I was there! Got a little nervous with that knife so close to the glambulge! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Rebecca said...

aw sweet

Anonymous said...

I think one of the best things about Adam is that in addition to his incredible voice and handsome face he has been able to awaken the sense of fun in all his admirers....or what my family calls a SENSE OF SILLY. It runs thru my family and has caused joy in our hearts.

Face it embrace it Adam is Joy.


Anonymous said...

Such great fun!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What fun you OHIOGlamberts are!
Oh, because of Adam, I saw my BAFF M!! If you see this, I saw you & you look wonderful! I cried & laughed , longing to be part of such a terrific group of people!!! Kimber

Anonymous said...

Saw in an older thread - Sauli is moving to LA in April. Woohoo! The two of them have such cute smiles, hope they continue to go out. I know it's NONE of my business..

Anonymous said...

ADAM beautiful celebration of some of these fun loving and OhioGlamberts.

Anonymous said...

We raised $1145 for charity that night. Cray Cray...yes, but everyone was so generous.

Anonymous said...

Liked like fun and congrats on raising that much money for charity. My mouth was watering just looking at that huge cake.

adamluv said...

Ohio Glamberts - you guys rock! The cake was beautiful and your singing of IIHY was fun to watch, especially the choreography Adam did on tour. Much bigger and better than our Hollywood get together.